TheRealNihilist's avatar


A member since


Total topics: 79

Lemming ur here wtf 😢

Missed you FRIEND hope ur doing amazing. How is life?

Do forgive me if I forgot the forum etiquette 
23 7
Reasoning behind it:

Your behavior has crossed the line too many times. Fighting Words are banned within the CoC, and you seem incapable of starting topics as more than that. Accusing people of having boils on their asses for which they refuse medical treatment (, declaring you did not intend any honest discussion while spewing insults (, and various other infractions.

Given the previous hard warning, we take your continued behavior to be a request for help with your impulse control. You may no longer start threads (you may appeal this after one month).
-Ragnar, DM

First thing is that he got banned for creating threads when the "reports that have been handled" green tick box were from replies he made not the thread itself. To this day there has yet to a "Reports have been handled" for either of the threads mentioned by Ragnar but guess ban him from creating threads? Just ban him from using the forums.

Other thing I guess this is also a sign of literal hypocrites. The same people against hate speech, toughen up and all that other stuff are the same people literally reporting Salixes. This is an attack on their character but I didn't think very highly of them anyway so yeah.

If it wasn't clear I think the moderators are stupid but that wouldn't be a shocker. Banning threads when you can ban the users, banning a person from creating topics even though what was being reported on was his replies? 

I would've liked to said other stuff but I just realized I probably could get banned just for hurting their feelings as well. If I get banned at least I know someone is calling out this stupidity because I don't think someone has and given there has been 16 days past I think there has been enough time for someone to talk about it even on this dead site. 

36 8
41 8
42 9
11 6
Watch this before watching the next. You would be surprised that Bernie isn't actually as consistent as lefties say he is:

Then this one:

This is from a guy who is a protectionist that was against immigration and now for it?  
Bernie is just like any candidate. When a position becomes untenable because of the Overton Window they decide to change. Politics is game of how can you win. Sure people can have personal beliefs but they are not going to say it if it does not benefit them. 

Lefties as in socialists, commies or anarchists.

Liberals who make the majority of the left are the reason why Bernie is pretty much doing worse than Biden in any poll. 

52 5
I find it very ironic a popular person against globalism makes a ton of money off of capitalism. It just so happens the United States is open to external country markets and Tucker just can't help himself but reap the benefits of it. Maybe you should really take a long hard look at the people you idolize and realize they don't really care about you, only care if you keep watching thus making sure they are still making money.

Do find actually find me a proponent of protectionism that isn't a hack by being a hypocrite. No names don't count, don't expect me to care about an irrelevant 10k andy. Try and find a popular virtuous person who puts his ideas in front of the money they definitely need.

4 4
A standard that can self-verify itself is impossible. 

Meaning all we can do is use a standard to compare other standards in the hope we find answers that would suffice us. 

We can't appeal to an objective standard so we use the best things we got.

120 8
X true is true because my book says so.

The only way you can change their mind is have them specifically tell you what their book says and listen to a contradictory position they hold to it while also putting a lot more effort in describing to them how they are wrong without offending them and them actually taking your critique seriously. Reason doesn't work when someone thinks God is real. 

I have found the defeater of this entire forum. It is all a waste of time unless we are friends and know what each other do outside DA so that we can use that as arguments in a way that doesn't offend the other person and they actually consider it. 

139 7

(0.47) "if we take some horrifying depressing scenario like Joe Biden"

Is Michael supposed to be a Democrat as in someone who opposes the Republican party? This seems to me like he forgot to mention Trump. If Joe Biden is horrifying depressing then Trump must be the devil. 

(1.02) "Pete Buttigieg represents generations defining reassertion of failed hegemony and failed ideas" 

This will be more important later on since he gives examples. 

(1.26) "Pete Buttigieg's record on race is not the product of somebody who didn't use woke terminology or needs to be educated on certain policy sets. This is somebody who actually has been involved in issues with regards to race policing, gentrification and here has an attitude on education that shows that he clearly sincerely and horrifyingly wrongly diagnosed things"

If it wasn't clear this is an Ad hominem. This is not an attempt at genuine discussion instead this is loaded in before people have seen the clip. It is another thing saying this after the video but it is another thing saying it before. This is bad because viewers don't actually know what he says so you are pretty much printing this in before it is started, meaning you are starting people off with a negative idea of him instead of allowing them to see it first. 
(1.59) Video starts "the kids need to see evidence that education is gonna work for them"

Does anyone find this problematic?

(2.06) "yeah because you're motivated because you you believe that at the end of your educational process there is a reward, there's a stable life, there's a job and there a lot of kids especially lower income minority neighborhoods who literally haven't seen it work. There isn't somebody they know personally testifies to the value of education"

Please find me what he said that was bad. 

(2.33) "I mean it's amazing people that some people could be following me be this delusional"

Pretty much attacks his own supporters who found that not a bad statement to make.

(2.39) "He is speaking about people... I mean I don't know the broader context of this question is so I won't make it you know let's say people from any community that are experiencing poverty and a lack of social mobility right"

Pretty much made an opinion without knowing the broader context of the clip. As a journalist you don't think it is your job to find out relevant information? I guess they really dislike Pete so much that they are willing to do anything to berate him without knowing the context of the clip. Ellipses were added for the stutters. 

(3.05) "I just heard a clip of Sam Harris saying something like this"

Anecdote and making it seem like phony intellectual Sam Harris is comparable to Pete. Phony because of his philosophy which can be seen with his book called the moral landscape. Great video here

(3:14) "so the point is that the reason that people are having trouble at school and having trouble at school and having trouble moving up a ladder is because the entire economic and political is stacked against them on a material level not because they don't have positive role models"

So my question would be why can't it be both? This also hints that he think racial problems don't exist, only economic problems do so we can assume that he wants socialism and denies racial injustice versus wealth injustice.

(3:33) "you don't go to a very wide variety of circumstances and background and you don't actually meet incredible well-read highly educated people"

So basically he is saying Pete hasn't met anyone educated. This is a straw man. Pete didn't say he hasn't met educated people, he is saying minorities don't have role models that have succeeded through education. I am saying educated people because anyone goes through variety of circumstance and has a background.

(3:43) "that we're confusing testing and accreditation with intellectual acumen.. they absolutely they might have overlap in some cases but they are absolutely not the same thing"

Basically an attack on the institutions we use to define who is qualified in saying what. If you don't think so how do we define who is an intellectual on a topic? My standard would be their accreditation and if yours isn't then your basically just like Michael Brooks as in science is a liar sometimes but for any institution we hold to define who is qualified or not. The link shows what phony intellectuals would do in order to suit their agenda. Michael wants socialism therefore screw truth only if it conforms to my worldview and I will debate or wiggle around to find anything to make sure people agree with me not what is.

(3.56) "education does not solve poverty, poverty is a resource and distributional problem"

??????? So basically when we see earnings of people with higher forms of education, they are all lies. Link
Sure education intrinsically does not solve poverty but you can say intrinsically this medication that 99% of the time works inherently doesn't completely help. This is a bad take from someone who people look up and just shoving this out without prefacing it. 

(4.04) "this is a scam that conservatives and neo-liberals have been running for decades which is that we can de-industrialize, totally hack the safety net, we can have no public provisions for housing and healthcare that are real substantive and sustainable, we can red-line people, we can racially discriminate against them, we can box in resource (?) then... we need to terrorize the teachers and teachers unions but we just need somebody to see somebody from their neighborhood get educated and do well. I'll tell you this I know for a fact that you can hear countess stories of people from different backgrounds saying I actually do know X Y or Z person who did do quote unquote all of the right things you're supposed to do. They did get degrees, they did do this and now they're basically swimming in debt"

The hate-boner is real. If it wasn't clear he was a socialist, I don't know what else I would need to tell you. Nice also at the end giving us an anecdote in the face of something we have evidence for.

(5.00) "that's by far the larger number"

Confirming his anecdote to be larger than actual data on this topic. Guess truth only matters if it conforms to his worldview.

(5.05) "what kind of disgusting system do we have to be in that when you finally do meet I mean if you go to a private college or an Ivy league Campus or even some good state university campuses, you will meet people who are like upper-middle class usually white not always but always up or middle-class if not rich and they're normal people. They're not dumb, they're not brilliant and they're there and there's a lot of them there and they look and live in certain neighborhoods and they got paid, they got trained and certain ways to take certain tests you know recommendations (?) and then you will met somebody from you know like Appalachia or an inner city or somewhere like that is not racially geographically represented and you'll meet them and you're like oh that person is a fucking genius usually and lucked out because they had one guidance counselor like literally had absolutely astoundingly above-average talent and then had several lucky breaks so basically all this is doing is I mean it sounds like boring stupid pablum but really what it is is systemic and aggressive victim blaming and there's nothing in this guy's record that I have seen that would attest otherwise to any policy views."

I can't believe I wrote this much and I can't believe I did this entire thing. Anecdote yet again.  

(6.38) "that's a 25 second clip so maybe the rest of the debate will come out and say, we need to get jobs, we need to get healthcare, we need to deal with policing, we need to deal with racism"

It is a 25 second clip what do you expect, him to lay out every single policy proposal?

(6.49) "this is very much something that you need to sort of add in today's world because there's a million different clips floating around of people"

What? You played into this culture yet here you are complaining about it. You could've refrained from the retweet and this video and waited until you had the full context but you choose to do this. 

(7.53) "there's more lines of evidence that Pete Buttigieg racist than black people don't support him because they're homophobic."

Well given this link. Black people are 79% Christian as in a Religion who states it is morally wrong to be gay. It might not be fear of gay people but I think my claim is easier to make than Pete is a racist because of this one clip vs one quote from the bible

4 2
48 4
Just post them so that I can finally get rid of all of them.

Here is mine: Pogo - Living Island
Show business
3 3
I have never seen bsh1 do a thing like what Speedrace did. I have done what I did on forums plenty of times but now Speedrace is on charge I am supposed to shut up when other people can't be bothered to counter my arguments instead resort to gaslighting me? bsh1 (correct me if I am wrong Virtuoso) locked a thread against the CoC. Where in the CoC does it state Speedrace is allowed to do this? 

"While we respect freedom of speech, this thread has an unhealthy number of personal attacks and even threats."

I did not threaten anyone. Maybe instead of actually preventing me to argue back against opinions people have why not ban or give a warning to the people who are giving threats? I personally attacked people's arguments. I didn't in no way attack a person for simply who they are. 

"As a reminder, the topic is Bsh1's resignation. If anyone feels they did not get to share their thoughts on that specific topic, we of the mod team would be happy to unlock it for continued topical discourse. Just try to chill out."

Mine wasn't about the bsh1 resignation but neither was the first ever thread on the topic. It was AvoidDeath's turn to issue his personal grievances against bsh1. Please don't use that trash argument when the person who even created the thread didn't abide by it. I know for a fact bsh1 disagreed with me on going out of the topic from a thread which is why he didn't lock threads that weren't about the topic at hand but here we see Speedrace  with no prior warning changing a rule.
120 19
I just saw someone's head get blown off. I don't know if I can post the link so I will just explain it:

A man was blowing up a thing (It is a thing you put water on top of it. Pretty much a shit swimming pool). As he is blowing the inflatable thing a child came running in and jump on a side that was already filled up with air and while the man was still blowing in it caused some sort of weird thing. which you don't see, that instead of the air going below his body it went up to his head because the man was blowing upwards and the external force was pushing inside of him which only left one direction for the air to go up into. 

Now you might be thinking well there is no way that can be true and I would say how would you know since you haven't seen a person's head get blown up in real life? I guess I am more inclined to believe this is true because I think given the bad camera quality the way people can CGI a fake effect on would be difficult to do. The obvious problem with my position would be what if the person simply used a shite camera with pretty much 2019 CGI techniques? To that the video is really unpopular so for it to be I think spending more money than gaining from it would be a more complicated answer than mine. A person was filming, no one really searches this up which is why I can still find it. I think mine is the simple answer. I don't feel too bad. I don't know if it is because of me playing a ton of video games that depict real-life or I have less of a tendency to get shocked over these things.

I thought it was fake too but I have no real life referance point so I am going to accept this as reality until proven otherwise. If we have an expert in CGI then I would happily give this video to but even at that point I might not want to link it because I would have to breach the privacy of a person to get their qualifications or trust someone won't get negatively harmed by it. 

I should really stop searching up f*cked up shite but I can't help myself. I always do it when it is late even before Spooktober. 

What do you people think? 
20 9
4 4
2 2
Just want to hear who picks what.
16 12
Were fucked.

I only hope I have enough money to move somewhere so that I am barely impacted by it until my death. 

So how's your day? 
55 7

I really wanted to accept it.


8 5
I want to be God (of this site) and my first proposal is to nuke the Religion forum.

33 7
Feel free to post who it is. The beach standard who higher or bsh1 is going to take you down. 

44 12
Can I create 18+ topic?

Mainly done to know what people watch as in pr0n. This can be amended to no links to pr0n only beach level or higher clothing.

If that isn't allowed am I allowed to make a hottest guy/girl thread?

My purpose is that I want to see if I am missing anything and more jerk off material is well more jerk off material. 
7 4
My thread was locked:

Given there is no rule to lock me from creating a forum topic linking another forum topic then this is how I am skirting away from the dumbass lock system. 
30 9
In this debate:

billbatard vote bombed in my favor whereas Ragnar vote bombed in WaterPhoenix's favor. Ragnar stated his reason that there was 3 hours left and decided to change his vote because he thought moderators won't be fast enough to remove it.

Quote: "CVB bill.
I would not do this, but 6 hours left, so no guarantee any moderator will be on."

The only vote was RationalMadman which didn't even cover every single Round.

Meaning this entire debate was voted on things which would normally get removed.

See this comment to see why RM's vote would be rejected:

Highlight: "The voter does not appear to sufficiently survey the main arguments or counter arguments of the debate and weigh them to make a decision. While the voter references some arguments - it is unclear why one set of arguments were not sufficient to over turn the other (only statements that they were)."

I don't think I need to show evidence that CVB or what billbatard did is not allowed so I will leave it at that.

My suggestion is that the moderators are able to take down votes when the debate is finished or simply extend the deadline given this extreme circumstance. I have already stated this but nothing has happened. Guess this must be the definition of insanity expecting a different response for the same question. 

9 7
Poll (Say Yes or No)
Discussion (Why)
Moderator opinions (Mods say something)

My main argument is that it doesn't actually improve the site. It just allow people to simply say whatever they like to conflate their ego. It creates clutter and nothing is gained apart from knowing how shallow people are. I advise the rules to be enforced universally not disregard when it comes to moderators. 
70 15
Do you think it is a problem but the majority doesn't care?

Do you think it is too late to stop drastic change? 

37 11
Given that Ragnar and Ramshutu are consistent voters. I would like to see some form of reward for voting in debates. I don't know what and would think it would help you know reduce the burden on the both of them and give new voices to the voting period instead of the same people (No problemo with Ragnar or Ramshutu voting and I think it is best they are voting the most but it would look better for the site if more people decided to vote). Basically an every week voting contest or whatever. Something to make people want to vote.

Any thoughts on how to do this?

Thanks in advance

64 10
I just did and found an animated TV show I watched. For some reason I am feeling nostalgic to the show and to a part that I found worth remembering. 

It is kind of depressing given the way that story I remembered ended and how it started and it kind of confirms my mindset now. I don't know if it is a cause of who I am but just me confirming my biases then I would be asking why is my mind prioritizing what is bad for me?

Basically do you ponder about the past and give whatever detail you see fit to answer it. You can state your position on what I said in the second paragraph as well. I think it can be confirmation bias but it is a bad feeling or you think it is likely. I am not asking for you to know just simply guess. 

Thanks in advance. 
14 6
What do you think should be discussed that isn't being discussed currently on this site or wherever?

Thanks in advance. 
7 7
Specifically does it mean what we perceive the most optimal of doing things?

Perceive is the key word I would like readers to comment in regards too. 
6 4
4 4
Due to expected Market Crash and his opinions on the mass shootings. Guess you shouldn't mess with gamers.

Watch David where I found this out: 

Basically to summarize. Don't mess with gamers or they mess with you. 

Discuss or whatever.

15 10
Bad-faith actor?
Ignorant Trump supporter?

If you fail to pick one I'll pick for you. 

5 3
Do you think knowledge equals happiness if so can you demonstrate it?
(Please be short and simple)

Do you think happiness can be attained doing something over and over again or does it require the person to vary things up in order to maintain happiness?
(Explain as well)

Thanks in advance. 
11 6
Simple but would like something concrete so that I can discuss it with you. 
160 14
Finished my Soul Level 1 playthrough. This is when you use the pyromancer and don't level up the character a single time and beat the game. 

Had problems with:
I was trying to go for the pyromancy achievement as in get all pyromancy and was forced to go through BlightTown to get enemy within. That resulted in a lot of deaths committed by the red dogs. I tried to outrun them but couldn't and was forced either deal with them or not have enough time to deal with the 1 time enemy and get the spell.
Ornstein and Smough were a problem. Mainly due to me forcing the openings instead of waiting for both of them to attack so that I can attack them. 
Gwyn was awful. For some reason even though in my last playthrough I didn't miss a single parry I somehow couldn't parry Gwyn a single time which resulted in me blocking or rolling out of the attacks. Eventually I did defeat him.

What I didn't kill:
Hydra in the Ash Lake

Currently in my third playthrough in about a month I am trying out a faith build. I am currently at Ornstein and Smough but didn't realize Ornstein had high lighting resistance which meant I needed more damage from my Sunlight Straight Sword. I am currently farming to get enough souls to boost my dexterity so that my casting speed and damage is increased. Last I checked I was doing about I think 111 or 118 in damage.
1 1

Having a pro-life position yet be for the death penalty.
Saying everyone should have equal rights yet not have the same position when it comes to fetuses.
Irrationality defending your side instead of bringing out rational critiques.
1st one was for right wingers.
2nd one was for left wingers.
3rd one is for both sides.

I don't think I am saying too controversial if you aren't the people who personally do this and would like to defend yourself.

There are more but getting the most general points can have the most people understand the context. 

I think everyone has been a slave to this but different people have this problem at varying degrees.

76 11
We rely on axioms to do anything.

We presuppose we are rational.
We presuppose our senses are not deceiving us.
We presuppose we can view the external world.

Under these presuppositions we can lets say speculate on the world but that doesn't mean we know things. It just means under specific axioms we can speculate on the external world. If we did know something we wouldn't be using axioms instead we use it because it is the only way to observe what is around but that doesn't mean we know. 

This is mainly used for people to counter what I said or give examples of when we have known something. 

Hopefully you understand what I am trying to say.

102 10

You are above me and I would like to challenge you.

Have topics in mind and I'll pick which one I would like to take part in. You get to pick various topics you are comfortable talking about then I'll pick from the ones you are comfortable with to make a debate about it.

26 3
Come on bsh1. You are slacking. Even Ramshutu is not following the rules. I think he deserves to be punished for not following his Gods. 
15 6
I recently went on SupaDudz profile and realized he gave me a friend request. Me not knowing this meant I couldn't accept. I even checked my friends section on the notification bar and SupaDudz wasn't even there.

Am I missing on how to check who has given me friend requests or something?

The way I checked was: Blue Bell Icon ----> Friends
13 5
If I have seen it as in when that was added. Can it be minimized or brought down to the very end of the forum section? Preferably the second option.

I think it is a good idea because I wouldn't have to move my mouse for a longer distance to go what I want and the red exclamation is kinda annoying. Mainly because it catches my eyes and when I see it I am programmed to do something about it. I have various phone apps that use the red color but instead of the exclamation mark I have a number signifying how much I am missing. 

Just gripes. I think it would be coolio to do. 
8 4
Wasn't there for all it but I was there for some of it. 

10 7
I keep messing up.
I try to do things at the best of my ability but what I am left with is my failing. This might be me over-emphasizing problems or maybe are actual problems which I am not doing a good job overcoming. This is very general so I will apply it to a context not the same but close enough.

I go to work. I have taken 2 days off from 4 due to illness. My employer I think thinks I am lying and has reminded me this looks bad on me and how much they needed me as well. Of course I have an illness used the medication and still I have the illness. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to vent my frustrations out at him but it does seem apparent that my doctor is a f*cking dick. For one I am sure the f*cking medication doesn't work because of a more important problem he hasn't addressed. I have brought it up before and pretty much told me to wait and I waited. Every single Summer the problem exacerbates because of the more important issues comes in the way of the medication. He knows this but still hasn't done anything. Guess how many Summers including this one I had to deal with this sh*t? 5-7. That is not even including how difficult it is for me to sleep and he knows because he made me aware of the problem. He knew I had difficulty sleeping and still he hasn't done anything about it. This is implied because it doesn't take 7 f*ckin years to book me in for an operation and find the necessary staff to make it happen yet here I am the problem is still not fixed and other problem just pile due to the foundational problem.

I think this also impacted me mentally given the time frame 12-19 or 13-19 or 14-19. Time frame matters because this is almost the full window of puberty. I don't know how much of an impact this problem had given the transition period I was in because I was a teenager relying on my doctor to know what was good for me. Mentally in another way due to my sleep. It takes me at least 2 hours to sleep. I start at 12 and eventually go to sleep at 2. This would mean if I start school at 8 would mean I had only 6 hours of sleep before school. Playing video games can also be the problem but if I was able to sleep at 12 then I would have had 2 hours extra to sleep per day. Since I don't think I need to tell people how important sleep is I'll leave it at that. 

Any tips?  
43 11
Basically your stances on it. 

Here is the definition:
Antinatalism, or anti-natalism, is a philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth. Antinatalists argue that people should abstain from procreation because it is morally bad (some also recognize the procreation of other sentient beings as morally bad).
38 11
Any other positive adjective you would like to attach to God as well.  

Positive adjective examples:


Who disagrees?
210 11
I am going to compare the polls before the 2016 to what it was after the 2016 election. If you didn't know already if you clicked on "Electoral Map Based on Polls" from the first link or this link here you would get the polling before the election. When you click here "State Winners Mapor from the link at the top you see who won. 


WA poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
OR poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue. 
CA poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
ID poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
NV poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
ID poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
UT poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
AZ poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
MT poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
WY poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
CO poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
NM poll had it light blue. Election finished it was blue.
ND poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
SD poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
NE poll had it red and pink. Election finished it was red.
KS poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
OK poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
TX poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
MN poll had it light blue. Election finished it was blue.
IA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
MO poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
AR poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
LA poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
WI poll had it light blue. Election finished it was red.
IL poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
MS poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
OH poll had it brown. Election finished it was red. 
KY poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
TN poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
AL poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
FL poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
GA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red. 
SC poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
NC poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
VA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
PA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
NY poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
VT poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
NH poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
ME poll had it brown and blue. Election finished it was blue and red.
AK poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
HI poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
WV poll had it red. Election finished it was red. 

After the Election
13/44 were blue
30/44 were red
1/44 were red and blue

Before the Election polls
6/44 were blue
5/44 were light blue
12/44 were brown
5/44 were pink
1/44 were red and pink
1/44 were blue and brown
14/44 were red

So basically the only place where you might have a case of polling not being accurate was in WI were the polls states it leaned democrat but went to the Republicans. Nowhere else do poll-deniers have a case specifically before the 2016 election.

Brown is a tossup. Meaning it can go either way. I think that is more commonly associated as a swing state but in this context it would be called a swing vote.

Two colors I think meant half were one color and the rest were another color. 

As I have clearly shown the polls are correct. They were wrong about 1 state if we say leaning democrat means they will vote for democrat but every single other state they said it was a swing state or were completely right if we go by the assumption that leaning republican or leaning democrat means they will vote for them.

This is mainly educational for the uneducated. I was once uneducated about the polls but now I am not. Thank me later.

If you want to add nonsensical arguments or actual critiques. Go ahead. I can't stop you. 

12 5