Total debates: 44
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Andrew Yang for 2020
Show that Creation is a Better Explanation for the Beginning of the Universe than Natural Processes
this debate isn't about your right to bear arms there is no such right but that isn't the debate here the debate here is does society benefit from individual citizens having easy access to semi automatic rifles that can accept high capacity magazines
It is possible for the Christian God to exist.
Is religion harmful? Rules of the debate are: 1. Don't use logical fallacies. 2. No swearing or name calling. 3. Give evidence, and not feelings. 4. Stay on topic. 5. Give counter arguments. 6. Don't be stupid. 7. Don't be fool. Good luck.
When people say something is fascist or socialist usually they are merely expressing displeasure with out any real meaning, people have misused these two words so badly they have no real meaning anymore
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Imagine that you go to vote and some, jerk stops you and says, hey you aren't voting right go home, like a bogus literacy test, what sort of f*&cking retard violates basic human rights by telling people how they can vote?
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Reasons why Creation could not have happened.
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Is it better to save the "best" for last?
Making it again
Modified Speedrace debate. Should've accepted it then but well I didn't.
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Why do you believe the voting age should be lowered?
The OST of video games.
Wylted needs to be put in place. I give him an argument. He hears what he hears then runs with it (see discord). The least I can do is show people the very same thing because I don't think someone who goes out of their way to misrepresent me clearly is open minded to actually look at what they say and realize. It does not debunk my argument.
Each round you post a rap in response to the opponents rap, as if the raps you are posting are your response in a rap battle.
I support the death penalty for murder and treason. My opponent must be against the death penalty for both of these crimes.
Basically pick music and music videos
I will be rebutting claims whereas as my opponent will be giving arguments for the existence of God.
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A border wall should be built on the Mexican/US border, to prevent illegal immigration and smuggling.
Should Will have thrown an egg at Senator Fraser Anning?