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Posted in:
Does Humanity Need A God Story?
I wonder can you define what constitutes a christian?

I am not sure anything actually "constitutes" a Christian. But what defines a Christian to my knowledge is pretty straightforward. They follow the teaching of Christ. 

 You certainly have a lot of opinions and much to say about the subject of religion but are not very well read on it or much of anything else are you?
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I'm looking for you to supply the existence of enough water to cover Mt Everest, since that is the claim in your book of lies.

 Why? I haven't made a single claim only one about Mars. You have made ALL the claims and supported none of them. Asking you to support your claims is not waffleing, and it is not my book.

Stop trying to diverting and trying to create strawman and get down to supporting your claims with some good solid, well researched, supporting evidence for all your claims, there's a good lad.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I prefer reality and have no need of fairy tales to make my life meaningful.
But you did start here by saying;

Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies.

See that  ^ ? Most of. 
So putting aside the parts you deem "fairy tales", what parts do you believe? 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
It's not debatable at all.
But it is. Do you know which came first? The flood or Everest?
It's a fact as I proved.
You have "proved" anything. You have just wrote words of opinion. What proof, Where is your proof?

Still, you are entitled to believe anything some bronze age savage imagined,

I am. But the you don't even know when the original text of the bible were written, do you? What is your evidence for a "bronze age" bible?

unfortunately that just makes you the fool.

 No, but it does show you to be just spouting things that you cannot back up when asked some simple questions about your - opinions that have no substance.

Don't stop believing in the three little pigs.

You should take a lesson from the three little pigs. It is a moralistic story about hard work and dedication. While the other two pigs were spending their time playing the fool and poncing around and building their houses (arguments in your case) of straw etc, the third took the time to find the best material and dedicated time and effort to the construction a good solid home Or Argument in my case.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
The flood
There are several physical problems that prove that story a lie, not least of which is the amount of water on the planet ...

It is now believed that Mars was once a watery planet. Why not the earth?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
Reality. No flood higher than Mt Everest. Really simple, even for a godist.

That is debatable though isn't it? And this doesn't make you an authority does it. It is a reasonable question, I will agree. But do you know which was first, the alleged flood or the formation of Everest?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
--> @Stephen  Reply.   And doing this makes you understand the answer better even though it is exactly the same response. I see. Well this is what causes circular arguments. One person will insist on restructuring or just plain asking the same soddin question over and over again, and the other will just get entirely peed off and wonder is the questioner thick,( I don't think you are: at the moment anyway) or just being plain awkward for the hell of it and a bit of attention.

ethang5  You will get to know him. He will just keep asking questions till you figure out his ...........problem.

I don't mind answering his questions. He just asks the same ones as if he is waiting and or expecting a different answer.  
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
O.K. So  what valid reason do you have for saying;

Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings. ?

What makes you a better authority on such matters? 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What is?
The bible. You concentration span is very limited isn,t it.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I rely on reality.
I believe it is a book of  war and politics. What about you?

Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
Is a super power a country that invades another country without reason and ten years later is still fighting there?

Not necessarily. Any country with nuclear arms is a superpower. 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings.

O.K. So  what valid reason do you have for saying;
Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings. ?
And what valid reason and authority do you have for saying;
Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies. ?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I'm not sure why you chose to change my period to a question mark

because they are questions. Rhetorical maybe but questions all the same.
Start again. You ask

   "What do you believe in and why"?

Ancient aliens/gods. Why? because I like to and want to. 
So you would like to believe in ancient aliens/gods.

I have said "I like to", not I WOULD like to.
Do you have any objective reason to believe that
or do you just like the idea whether it is true or not? 
Already stated, that  because "I like to".
That said if I am having trouble understanding someone's position I have no problem restructuring my question and asking again .
And doing this makes you understand the answer better even though it is exactly the same response. I see. Well this is what causes circular arguments. One person will insist on restructuring or just plain asking the same soddin question over and over again, and the other will just get entirely peed off and wonder is the questioner thick,( I don't think you are: at the moment anyway) or just being plain awkward for the hell of it and a bit of attention.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
So you would like to believe in ancient aliens/gods?
I do. I have already said I do. 
Do you have any objective reason to believe that?
do you just like the idea whether it is true or not?
I have already said so. Do you always repeat your questions in a restructured manner?
Are these physical beings we are discussing?
Just to further my earlier response; yes, I don't know of any other type . 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What do you mean by left the planet?

I am sure I cannot put that any plainer than I have. Left means as in left and gone, not here, left.
Are these physical beings we are discussing?
I believe so yes.

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What do you believe in and why?

Ancient aliens/gods.
Why? because I like to and want to. 

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I agree withyou, poly, on polytheism. I believe that there was once many gods. I also believethey left our planet thousands of years ago.
Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
I am sure it will be better than an Islamic State such as Iran