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Who Can Explain This Verse To Me?
"If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"

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For Stephen - Prophecy is Reasonable and Logical to Believe
I am well aware of what you said in te OP (seeing as I responded to it).  You are attempting to have Stephen prove you wrong rather than prove yourself right.  It is a lazy and dishonest strategy to make your view seem valid. I'm pretty sure I've already called this what it is: an attempt to shift the burden.

It is indeed. This is a simple but devious ploy to distract from the questions I have posed to this - Religion - forum. My questions it seems , are making some of the resident christians here a little edgy in my opinion. They are finding them uncomfortable and are struggling to explain them away without  blaming these anomalous, vague, enigmatic, and ambiguous verses  on translation or misunderstanding and of course the introduction of an omnipotent all hearing, all seeing and all knowing miracle working,  so called God.
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
I'm not the one using vulgarities and capital letters and exclamation marks.

I have not used one single "vulgarity" , but you keep calling me silly childish names. How old are you exactly . 6?

 I use bold at times for emphasis. a point that you continually avoid. and that goes clean over your not a crime and I haven't broken any rules, get over it.
And exclamation marks are for the correct use of the English language when pressing home what should be be an obvious a point,but totally wasted on you. It is not a crime and I haven't broken any rules, get over it.

 If is all you are going to do is disagree with my opinion, you have made your point. You disagree, so what , I don't care, whoopi do, never mind, there there. Mind how you go. Grow up.
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
The angel said he didPinocchio. That was the indication.
 We disagree. So what. I have put my case. You do not have to take my word for it. Grow up you silly little man.
 Yet you accept the part of the bible's account that he asked a question, but not the part where the angel says he doubted. 
It was a question that I  see no doubt in it . Simple , get over it.
Who was he punished by?

The story makes it appear that god or this angle punished him by striking  him dumb . Get over it. It was his punishment for the perceived “so called "doubting”.Get over yourself.

You called it a punishment. We asked you, "so what?" You couldn't answer. 
See above. I have answered that question a few times now. And you simply cannot cope with my response and neither have you bothered to answer or respond. Get over it.
So what?
Here is it is for at least the billionth time.
If Zacharias, AND Sarah, And Thomas AND John the Baptist AND Jesus AND Simon Peter all doubted,why , were they not punished  or penalised by being struck"dumb"?   This is why the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever UNLESS it is as I say, that Zacharias was ORDERED to stay silent and why his wife - who was supposed to have been barren - was told to hide herself away.
So your judgement disagrees with God. So what?
It shows your so called god to be a vengeful hypocrite. It seems to be bothering you than it does me. I posed a question. You responded. Your response was absolute nonsense. You don’t agree. I can get over it.
Sometimes they were.[punished]
Show me where and when a single one of those I have mentioned ever gets punished for "doubting". Or are you just lying ... again.
I am not annoyed at all.
Good , Then get over yourself you self righteous  buffoon.
Why should we takeyour story on face value?
I haven’t asked you orany “WE” to believe what I wrote or believe or even to listen to my personalopinions. You have yours and I have mine. Take it or leave it. It is thatsimple. Get over it and yourself.
I would be a completeidiot to give your version any respect.
Then don’t. I am notforcing to am I.
You, Mr. Nobody, comeson to say, he did not doubt, and should not have been punished.
That is correct. I ama mister nobody as you are you. And correct again, I say he shouldn’t have beenpunished in the light of those other biblical revelations that shows otherbiblical characters “doubting” without punishment. I think that is a fair statement.You are not forced to accept it. Get over it.
And we should go,"Oh yes! God was mistaken, and you are right Stephen. God is wrong."
Stop being so silly. Howchildish. I have made it clear I am not trying to force anyone to agree withme.  I DON’T CARE IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME.  I am simply showing these biblical anomalies,that you don’t like.
If that is what youexpect,
IT IS NOT. I HAVE SAIDI DON’T CARE what you believe. I AM HIGHLIGHTING THINGS THAT YOU DON’T LIKE. AndI am not sorry about it.

Are you sure you are not annoyed. You seem like you are very annoyed, to me, ethang5.

Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
Because perhaps you are unable to read between the lines.

Yes. reading between the lines. Don't kid yourself. Your guesses are as good as mine.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.Matthew 10:34   (KJV)

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36(KJV)

(1)So who is Jesus the Prince of Peace ordering to sell their clothes to buy weapons?  (2)Why does he want them to buy weapons? (3)Why was the multitude feedings  mostly men? (4) Why was Judas tolerated, when he was a known thief?
Let’s take these simple questions one by one.

(1) Christians Will notice the verse above is part of the dialogue to his disciples at the end Last Supper and just before his arrest. And there is again, mention of weapons:
 “And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords.And he said unto them, It is enough”.
Peter at the arrest confronts one of the arresting party and lops off his ear , with a sword he carries.
Judas’ other name – Iscariot- is said by many biblical writers,scholars and authors and commentators, to mean dagger or more precise – latin sicarius, assassin/dagger man after the Sicarii curved blade that he carried  and he was a zealot. The Sicarii were a specialist group of assassins among the Zealot Jewish rebels intent on driving the Romans out of Judea
And of course the answer here is, Jesus was instructing his followers to arm themselves.
The answer to question (2) is , in the immediate situation, Jesus believes he may be able to fight his way out of it and evade arrest as he had done before.

The answer to question (3) may well lay in the fact that he was building an army about 80 miles away from Jerusalem  in the wilderness and out of sight of the Romans. Jesus had sat them down in Rank and file as if a military formation.
“he [Jesus] commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and fifties”. Mark 6:39-40.
  This is obviously a military formation with company, rank and file that was divided up by maybe code named commanders,(“sons of thunder”)? It is also clearly stated that of those present that many if not all were men (5,000 & 4,000) and some women and children.
Question (4)
“This he said, not that he [Judas] cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it.” John 12: 6 KJV
he was tolerated because he was rich and could fund the so called “Poor” i.e. the zealot cause.
 So we have quite a violent lot among Jesus’close circle, do we not?
And, Like I Have said, these gospel writers seem to want us to just believe that these zealots just up and left everything behind...miraculously.  Strange stuff when you consider just a few days later he tells them to expect to be hated, and not to love even their own children more than him and told them they may not even be worthy anyway.

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
 Reading between the lines of course.

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
the word in the greek is the wordhapto.  It actually has the meaning to anoint.At times it is also translated cling, grasp,touch, or  light.
I don’t accept that. BUT if you say it means all those things then the word Jesus chose to use was “touch”.

That is quite clear. You conflating with other words doesn’t make you right and you are simply -  and I believe - intentionally confusing the issue.  Are you suggesting that the gospel writer here didn’t understand which word and which context he should use?
In the various versions of the NT, it variously translated as cling, hold, or even touch. In the version you're using, it is translated as touch.
Yes and all mean to have contact by touch.Stop pretending not to recognise this fact
you by your further insistence that it contradicts the later passage relating to Thomas.
It does but that is not my only problem with this verse. It shows bias, something I believe the gospel writers didn’t care about or probably didn’t have a word for one sided instances such as this. .
 I personally think that it is not unreasonable to think that the author of the gospel is not so dumb that he misses this alleged contradiction.
So he knew exactly which word to use then, didn’t he? And in which context it was to be used, didn’t he? Do you now see how your excuses and explanations are falling apart every time you try anew approach to this thorny problem?
I have explained above. It wouldn’t have been a contradiction if the gospel writers of the time put women below men as they clearly did in those times and do at times it show in the bible.
“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.  And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church”. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. KJV
Indeed the Gnostic gospels have The Magdalene Scared to death of Peter. Pete makes it quite plane that he is misogynistic.
Simon Peter said to them [the disciples]: “ let Mary leave us, for woman are not worthy of life”.
He also speaks slights behind Jesus’back because Jesus touched Mary in his (Peters) presence..  There are many examples of these instances.
  Nor is there any reason to suspect that Jesus was so mixed up that he sends contradictory messages within such a short period of time.  
 Exactly!  So here again the more you attempt to explain away this problem, here again you have shown it not to work.  
Are you saying Jesus knew and understood PERFECTLY what he was saying and which word to use and where and which context to use the word “TOUCH”.
You are denying this in one breath and in the next you are saying the Gospel writer AND Jesus knew exactly what they were conveying and talking about.
And , as I have already pointed out via the gospel of John that there is absolutely no reason to believe she had "touched" the risen Christ AT ALL at that stage. It appears he stopped her before she could LOOK FOR YOURSELF!!!!

John 20:16  Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

John 20:17  Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
And yet you said he did not doubt. You said there was no indication in the passage that he doubted. You were wrong.
Yes I did, And there isn't.  He simply asked a question, you and the angle say he doubted. and for this perceived doubt on the angels part, he was punished by being struck dumb.
Yo called it a punishment. We asked you, "so what?" You couldn't answer. 
It was a PUNISHMENT. An  unjust punishment even if he had doubted . I did answer your "so what" on many occasions, you just ignored my response.  SO HERE IT IS AGAIN.

If Zacharias, AND Sarah, And Thomas AND John the Baptist AND Jesus AND Simon Peter all doubted, why , were they not punished  or penalised by being struck "dumb"?   This is why the story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever UNLESS it is as I say, that Zacharias was ORDERED to stay silent and why his wife - who was supposed to have been barren - was told to hide herself away.

I am failing to see why you are so annoyed about this. It is glaring and bias. hypocrisy at it worst, if the story is to be taken at face value and as you believe it.

Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
 perhaps you areunable to read between the lines.
To “read between thelines” as you put it would be simply guessing, and surmising.
Which at the end of theday is all we have left to do. and as you have done above. Which leaves things open to misrepresentation,misunderstand and mistranslation and downright lying, doesn’t it, consideringthat the scriptures are full of enigmas, anomalies, vague half stories andoutright impossibilities.  I simply believethere is something else going on under the surface of these scriptures thatthese gospellers are at pains to hide. They are not telling the whole gospeltruth .imo

Posted in:
The Most Important Question Christians Should Ask
Devils/demons don't just pop in and out of people,
They seem to have done in the case ofJudas. Twice by all accounts look>
First time:
Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover,was approaching, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people. Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.Luke 22: 1-4
Second time: At the supper.

And After the sop Satan Entered into him [Judas]. Then said Jesus unto him [Judas],That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:27
 So it looks like this particular demon was in and out of Judas at will.
they have to be given access.
Not where Judas was concerned by allaccount.
they can be forced out temporarily but Judas basically made a deal with the devil as they say.
The devil, by all counts, was still one of god's creations too, after all.? 
Yep, but IMO he wasn't created the"devil".....
But still one of this so called god's creations all the same. And it still doesn’t explain why no one, not a single person in the whole of the bible ever prays for Judas or the devil.

Posted in:
The Most Important Question Christians Should Ask
 whenPGA 2.0, for example,showed him point blank that he was wrong when he claimedthat John's father did not doubt,

He didn't show me any such thing. he simply kept repeating that being struck dumb wasn't Zacharias'  punishment for "doubting" when it clearly points out that it is.. And I have asked you if Zacharias being "struckdumb" wasn't a punishment, then what was it?  You & PGA have both failed to answer that simple question.

Note the word "because"
And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words. Luke1:5-25. KJV.
This angel even spells it out why Zacharias is being punished .
He simply stopped talking to him. 
Not true. You do like telling lies don't you.  I have carried on theconversation and others with him. Besides, even If i had decided not to correspond to anyone including PGA, that is my prerogative as it is yours or anyone else's. It is not a condition of the forum that I am obligated to respond to anyone. Indeed, there is a ignore function on the site I am sure, for the very purpose of not responding. 
And Inotice too that you have totally ignored this glaring anomaly and decided to attack the poster - me - instead. 
 I Am not antichrist. I believe he existed. I believe that  he at least believed he was rightful heir to the throne and the title of high priest, and the evidence points towards this being the case. I cannot see why you are getting your knickers in a twist about it. 

Can You enlighten us all here as to why not a single one of those present, who were in the position and endowed with god given powers to cast out devils and demons didn’t even attempt to cast out the one that had possessed Judas? 
AND. Can you also not explain why not a single one of these twelve didn’t even enquire where Judas was off to and why he was leavening such an important celebration in the middle of the night?  Or why a single one of them didn’t even try to stop him? .
And after the sop Satan Entered into him [Judas]. Then said Jesus unto him [Judas], That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:27
I know these questions are annoying to you simply because you have absolutely no answer for them. But I do. And you  have probably never even considered these anomalous verses until they are pointed out to you, this is maybe because you have been told which pages to turn to in the bible since childhood and have been steered away from such hypocritical enigmatic and anomalous verses as the ones I am pointing out to you, by your preacher /teacher. I don't  doubt that you feel embarrassed by them but you have to get over it. These questions are there .... to be asked... as much as you want to avoid them.
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
PGA 2.0 - Post #72

Gabriel makes known to Zacharias that to doubt what he says as a certainty is to doubt God, therefore, to confirm the message is from God Gabriel gives Zacharias a sign to confirm to him: "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to shall be silent...because you did not BELIEVE my words..
No matter how obtuse you pretend to be, scriptures show you to be ignorant. We all see it.
Which was his  punishment for NOT BELIEVING was to be struck "dumb". Yew "WE" do all see it.

And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, Luke 1:20 

Posted in:
The Most Important Question Christians Should Ask
InLuke’s gospel we can read about the “joy” of the disciples because Jesus hadendowed them with great powers by all accounts:
One dayJesus called together his twelve disciples[a] and gave them power and authority to cast out alldemons and to heal all diseases. Luke 9.
In factthere are 18 verses where authority to cast out and of casting out devils arementioned. I won’t list them all unless asked to do so. But we can safely saythat beyond doubt that the disciples were granted and di use this power ofcasting out devils/demons.
And the seventy [disciples]returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto usthrough thy name. Luke 10:17.
We than get to thebetrayal and  The Last Supper where weread;

The deal to betray Jesus.
“Then Satanentered Judas, surnamed Iscariot how he might betray Him” Luke 22:3.
The Last Supper
“And afterthe sop (dipped bread)Satan entered into him”.John 13:27.
And the story goes Judaspopped out to betray his lord giving away the location where he can be foundand arrested ect ect.
I think the questionby know should be s glaring. But for those who do not want to face this, yetanother, anomaly as glaring as it is, one has to ask;

Why didn’t they castout the devil that had entered Judas? And strangely, nowhere in the bible doesanyone pray for Judas or the devil come to that. The devil, by all counts, wasstill one of god's creations too, after all.?
The reader shouldkeep in mind here that the deal to betray Jesus was struck before the lastsupper.

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
You are getting sick of medisagreeing with you.
No .  you can disagree with me all day long. I am getting sick of repeating myself and showing you what the verse clearly states and of you continuing this circular disagreement, by telling me it was not a punishment.
 But you are clearly wrong.
According to you.
You selectively read Zechariah's account and interpret it to mean no unfaithfulness and then suggest that the angel who was there at the time was wrong when he said that Zechariah Disbelieved him. 
Stop it!  I have shown the story IN FULL.  The verse makes it clear. It was a punishment. I have not deviated from that verse. I believe that, it is written, it shows that this faithful servant of god ,  Zacharias, is being punished. What do you read it as if not a punishment? This is what I am getting sick of. You denying it was a punishment , the angel states “because you have doubted” .
Cant you see the difficulty of yourpoint?
 I can. It is a undeserved punishment IF that story is true.
My other views on the touching andclinging too are solid and based in good grounded rhetoric.
  There is absolutely no reason to believe Mary  had even touched Jesus or as you translate “clung to him” BEFORE he told her not to touch him.  
 - your view has been soundly refuted asignorant and self serving. 
Only in YOUR blinkered opinion.   You have simply tried to explain away these anomalous verses with YOUR interpretation and or a  omnipotent being you call god. 
I have stated already I believe this story is a cover story for something more sinister. I believe  Zaharias was told to keep his mouth shut and that his wife ordered  to hide herself away until the appropriate time. 

Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
Granted the text is rather quick and to the point, but why should we assume that Jesus never talked with them and that they followed Him like zombies put under a spell lol?
I don’t think that at all.  I believe he knew them previously and they knew of him.  But our gospel writer seems to want us to believe that they somehow miraculously followed him “rightaway”and without question because they recognised him for whom they believed he was.This is rubbish.
 The Gospeller here is trying to make us, the reader believe that this was miraculous event. It was nothing of the sort. And That is my whole point.
Perhaps...... Perhaps.
You have a lot of perhaps’ in your post, my friend. Perhaps you don’t understand what I have written.
What was the role of the apostles? well on one level the same role we all need to play in our own lives, which is to put therole of the "spiritual" in perspective, learn greater priorities. On Another level they were used to help spread the Gospel.
 I think the role of these apostles was a political/military role because some, if not all, were Zealots and armed to the teeth, on a close reading of these scriptures.
For example, most people think Jesus Commanded everyone to sell all they have and give it to the poor.
He did. And You need to understand who and what “the poor “actually were in 1st century Palestine. 

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
We are not told of any punishment for Thomas,
That is correct, because there wasn't any - unless you believe he was "struck dumb" for " doubting" -.And neither was there any punishment towards, Abraham and Sarah, or Jesus who doubted his father  and in the case of Abraham and Sarah they laughed, doubted and then she lied about it, and still no punishment. 

so what,
in the light of all of these other cases of biblical characters " doubting", do you not see the unfairness of Zacheras' punishment? Do you not see the bias?  Do you not see the over reaction to what was a simple enquiry? Do you not see that compared to these other occasions of people doubting, how ridiculous the whole story is?

therefore it is reasonable to believe God was gracious to him,
Yes, That is all you are left with isn't it. You cannot explain away this disgraceful behaviour by god towards his faithful servant Zacharias who was "righteous before his God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord" and was  "blameless"  in the eyes of his god..

The story is a pack of lies and is beyond doubt, a cover story for something more sinister . Zacharias was told to keep his mouth shut " struck dumb" and his wife was ordered to hide herself away.

And if you knew your scripture better, you would understand that the Old Testament story of  Abraham's first born by his Egyptian  Servant would 'fit' the story of the Baptist more closely.
Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
So Mark doesn't mean mark wrote em 
It does mean the verse can be found in what is called - Mark's gospel. And the authorship of this gospel named after someone called Mark is also accredited to someone named - Mark.  
I do hope that clears up any confusion .
Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
Getting strangers to drop everything and follow him in  trancelike wonder doesn't really stand out to me. 
Indeed, me neither. And whatever possible use could these simple fishermen be to this alleged Priest / King Messiah? 

There has to be something to this episode otherwise, why even bother to include it?  The only thing I can think of is that of these chosen circle of twelve some were rich while the others, if not all, were Zealots and what they all seem to have in common is they hailed out of Galilee, the bandit country wilderness of Palestine, where John baptised and Lazarus was raised.  It was ruled and overseen by puppet King Herod Antipas who all of Jewery hated and of course Jesus himself was said to be a Galilean.  So we have one big happy family of  rich Galilean zealots who all seem to have a common enemy: Rome and Herod.

This has to be more nearer the truth of this recruiting exercise, that just "straightaway" following a stranger.
Posted in:
What Exactly Was the Role of the Apostles?
Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon andAndrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And Jesus saidunto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.  And straightway they forsook their nets, and followedhim. And when he had gone a little farther thence, he sawJames the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the shipmending their nets. And straightway he called them: and they left theirfather Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him”. Mark1:16-20.

Are they being serious!?

Are these gospel writers really  expecting us to believe that these people who didn't even know Jesus, would just "straightaway" forsake their nets
just drop everything leaving  their homes, jobs andfamilies and lucrative businesses on the word and whim of a stranger  and  follow a stranger around the countryside, deserts and wilderness preaching about  something they didn't understand or had ever heard of, without a word of inquiry?

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
Please, disgusted, is too much to ask you to take your argument with ethang5 somewhere else. Please!

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
Stephen, this is not circular.

It is if you  you keep insisting one thing and I can categorically show you the scripture states another -  touch. 

"Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God"

It is quite clear.

Yes it is, isn't it. The scripture is very clear, Jesus tell Mary  "Touch me not". 

Jesus did not forbid Mary from touching him.
The scripture says different. See above.

He forbid Mary from clinging to him and not letting him go.
No it doesn't say that. YOU are saying that. It is there to read besides as I keep saying (1) clinging is still touching. (2)  you are trying to weave into this story your own interpretation that Jesus told Mary to "let him go".. There is absolutely NO INDICATION that Mary had even touched him at all at this point, the verse before this simply states 

"Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

The immediate following verse goes on to say:

"Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God"

But here you are, trying to tell anyone interested that Mary was indeed, "clinging " to Jesus. It seems he stopped her before she could reach out and "touch " him. But you are refusing to see this. This is making the argument circular.

These are quite different things. Your literalistic sticking to your own version is what is circular, nothing else.

I am indeed sticking to the literal version as told by the verse. You are also "sticking to your version" of YOUR interpretation.

There is no contradiction here. 

There is clearly a contradiction. This risen god  disallows one person to touch him on the one hand , but allows, indeed encourages, another person to do the complete opposite.
Posted in:
Why Jews reject Jesus
  • The Messiah will be purely human - not God;
It was. A freedom fighter or terrorist depending on who side you happen to be on in 1st century Palestine.
  • Jesus did not fulfill the Messianic requirements;
He didn't on the face of it, but when the surface of the New Testament is scratched, It reveals something quite  opposite. 
  • Jesus did not fulfill any of the Messianic prophecies;
Tricky that one. there was the donkey and the scourging .
  • Jesus led people away from the Torah instead of towards it; and
 I am not sure Jesus did this , I believe this was  down to Paul.
  • The concept of the Trinity is completely foreign to Judaism.
And so it should be. It is an historical fact that the idea of the trinity. indeed, Jesus' divinity was decided by vote at the council of Nicea, some three hundred years after Jesus himself had lived.

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
Yes, he doubted the Resurrection. Show me He doubted that Jesus was the Messiah. Thomas had seen Jesus crucified and put to death.
 At least you can admit Thomas doubted, simply because there is no getting away with it. You also need to recognise that Thomas wasn't punished as is my claim. and neither were a few others who had doubted.

Nowhere is there a single piece of evidence that Thomas was present at the crucifixion.. There is nothing at all to suggest this. The scriptures clearly tell us it was by and large a women only affair.
If you insist this was the case, I Want to see a specific verse that states clearly the Thomas the doubter Didymus, was present at the crucifixion. They all had gone into hiding once Jesus was arrested from what I can gather.

And please stop saying I have said something that I haven't said and then asking me to prove something only  you say I have said.  I don't believe I have mentioned Thomas and messiah in the same sentence.  And  I certainly haven't said Thomas doubted Jesus was the messiah either.
How could he believe that a man who had been put to such an excruciating death would be alive and walking around after just three days?  I know this is why he “doubted” and this is why the story is legendary as the story of Doubting Thomas. He wanted proof that He had risen from the dead by Jesus appearing to him. 
Yes, he doubted , but wasn’t punished for it either, was he? and neither were a few other doubters, were they? Including Jesus, who had to be the biggest doubter of all.  And this is my claim and my point of raising the issue of the unfairness shown towards Zacharias but not all these other "doubters".
Show me where the text states that Thomas doubted Jesus was the Messiah. Where is it stated?
 Read what I wrote slowly and stop putting words into my mouth.
Here is what I wrote>>
He had no faith that the lord his god Jesus had risen or it appears, in the resurrection.
In other words my friend, that is to say,  to doubt someone has risen from the dead, would by default be to doubt someone had been resurrected. or had resurrected. 

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
See, you'd be better off reading these scriptures without the goal of trying to disprove them or tearing them apart.

My you are well off course with that my friend, aren't you. My "goal as you put it was to have them explained.  How have I tried to disprove anything, how have i tried tear them apart.

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
the words in greek is the word for cling not merely touch. Not that it matters.  She was touching him and she did not wish to let go.
This is becoming circular without any need. We have finally got to the conclusion, that whatever she was doing she was most definitely touching. As the verse itself  states: and as another verse stated:  one was encouraged to do the opposite and  to touch, no matter how YOU decide to interpret these god inspired scriptures.

"Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17 

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?

As I look at the passage - it does not have to be seen as a punishment -

Then what was it?  Is it as I believe that zacharias was told to keep his mouth shut, to keep it all a secret?  Because this is what I believe.

but even if it was - the angel clearly says that Zechariah did not believe his words.

There is no indication that Zacharias doubted anything. I have done this to death now. Your excuses for this punishment are getting tedious as are those excuses for the "touching" and "not being allowed to touch" of a risen Jesus. This punishment is no way justifide in the light of those others who doubted WITHOUT any punishment and that includes even the doubting Jesus.

 I believe I have made my point. You don't agree. I am happy with that. I don't have to be happy with your dire laboured reasons and excuses in trying to explain away these enigmatic dubious verses.
Posted in:
John the Baptist Has a Few Problems
As I said I think he probably knew Jesus - but not as the messiah until his baptism. 
But then he recognised him for THE messiah and john perfectly understood what a messiah was and what was expected of a messiah.
 I reject your view about it being a powerplay. But what is your evidence for such a statement.
To be explained later
He certainly was fulfilling the prophecies of the OT.
I agree. I believe they were both enacting these prophecies as they had been brought up and trained to do.
He certainly wanted to see God's Kingdom come in.
Yes where the all of Judea was for Jews And free of outside influences. They were god’s chosen according to them and the OT
He did not think that he himself was the messiah.
Yes I know. he was vying for position of High Priest. But Jesus was born into the duel role via Mary and Joseph if the scriptures are to be believed.
He was waiting for the one who would baptise with the Holy Spirit and who was greater than him.
Yes a messiah.
That John's confidence was shaken when he was put in prison is not unreasonable. You seem to think he must have been superman or something.
No. I actually think John was in protective custody. He wasn’t super human although the scripture will have us believe he was somehow “special” seeing doves, and lambs and filled with holy spirit. Strange though, John is also have said to " have a demon". 
 I don't know why you think he must divest himself of his disciples.
 I didn’t suggest that but the scripture does. I Believe Jesus and John were, to my mind, rivals. I believe Jesus was or believed himself to be High Priest and king because of his pedigree.
We don't know how long they had been with him. We don't know what their relationship was with him. 
EXACTLY, WE DON’T KNOW!!! Thank you. this is why I have said all along that these gospels are vague and anomalous, enigmatic, dubious and packed with half told stories.

This is why people like you can take literary license to   add, extract, interpret and misinterpret, expunge and sometimes deliberately lie at will
Just because the messiah had arrived was not a signal that he to stop doing his ministry of preparing people for the coming messiah. 
That makes absolutely no sense. If he had arrived then he wouldn’t still be coming, would he.
John was in the old covenant - hencewith an understanding prior to the coming of the messiah.
 We live in the time since then with the benefit of the Messiah's wisdom and Spirit. 
This to me is saying, John then,although filled with something many others were not – the holy spirit - , and was great in the eyes of god , didn’t actually understand the OT scripture,  or what a messiah was and was expected of such a man, although he was a highly trained educated priest and probably of  the line of Arronite Priests.
 You are correct on one thing here, that it appears to me that John the Baptist was absolutely shocked at what Jesus Actually turned out to be as were many others at the time, and this is why he doubted.
I never said John was a high priest.I said he was a levite and the son of Zechariah who was at one time high priest.
Indeed ergo of the line of Arron and levites who were all priests.
Actually I am not sure he was high priest although he certainly was appointed to enter the holy of holies in that particular year.
 I submit that John wanted the role of high priest when the job of freeing Palestine of the Romans was done i.e.after the rebellion /war.. because he believed himself to have a rightful claim.. this is where the rivalry I spoke of comes in. 
 and John certainly acted as such. He was baptised and preaching about the coming of the lord.
Jewish children were not illiterate.
 those of the lower classes, the masses, were most certainly illiterate. 

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
Both Mary and the disciples wereallowed to touch Jesus.
That is not true. Read for yourself:
"Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God"
So now you slide to Jesus not allowing Mary to detain Him as He did the disciples, as if detention is some moral rightMary had.
Sorry but it was you alone who bought the word “detain" into the mix when all scriptures consistently refer to touching in one form or another,  no matter which bible you choose. Even the member who you praise so highly for his “best  post ever” uses the word “ hold”, which means to have contact with and touch.  
Even Castin, who is not even a Christian, was able to understand the passage and find a resolution.
No. He said that  he “ found the whole thing dubious”.  which means hesitating or doubting. I think that you didn’t understand Castin’s take at all on this thorny subject. Go see it is at post 56.  
 But you, our supposed biblical scholar, was mired in stupidity.
I never claimed that, but it has become clear to me that I do know scripture just a little bit better than you ethang5
Please, tell us you're pretending.
About what exactly?  I am with Castin on this; the whole affair is“dubious “in the least and bias.

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
I assume you realise that Luke andJohn were written by different people. And to different audiences. 
I do. 
you seem to have difficulty withJohn's rendition of the events surrounding Mary and then Thomas.
No. I don’t think I am. It is simple.
Firstly Jesus says don't touch -actually he says "don't hold onto me" for "I have not returnedto my father" .
I have covered the point of touch,cling, hold and even detain. To do any of these is to - touch. "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17 
and then in v 27 he says to Thomas"put your finger here". I think you are suggesting that Jesus isinconsistent about whether he can be touched or not and that he is beinginconsistent and John in fact is contradicting himself. 
No. It still all amounts to the actof – touching. "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17 
 note however, Jesus never said toMary don't touch - he says don't hold onto me.
 Jesus!!!! To hold IS to touch. "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17

 This was not a simple touching - it was a fullon significant hug of some description. In the second place - despite Jesus'suggestion to Thomas, there is no evidence that Thomas ever actually touchedJesus.
But he was invited to touch, whereas anotherwasn’t. "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17 
Jesus' words were more of arhetorical sense once Thomas had actually seen him in the flesh.
I see, that good ole’ trusty  “interpretation” excuse again. Tell me, why would this "god" invite someone to touch him if he didn't meant it? And what would have happened had this poor uneducated DOUBTING disciple, who had incidentally, actually witnessed the raising of a very dead Lazarus,  decided to actually put his fingers into the wounds of this god?
  the words do not describe a simple touch but aclinging a holding a not wanting to let him go sense.
Which is touching.
“Jesus saithunto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to mybrethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God”.
 He tells her to stop- in other words therewill be other opportunities for her to see him before he goes to his father.
  There is no evidence for your surmises. But you are entitled to them. Pleaseafford me the same courtesy when the occasion arises.
 perhaps she was clinging to him in a sensethat her clinging might prevent him from going.
Perhaps. But still touching.
. Jesus simply tells her to getserious. she cannot stop what is happening. 
 He also tells her not to touch him too.

"Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God". JOHN 20:17

Get over it , this is a biblical contradiction that cannot be squared by you telling me that to hold, grab, touch,cling or detain do not mean TOUCH! To do all those things one has to TOUCH. 
Posted in:
John the Baptist Has a Few Problems
 Remember they were in a land captured by Romans and probably needed consent to go from one place to another. 
I admire and accept your ‘guess work’ I hope you afford me the same privilege in times to come.
John wasat the river for more than one day. the gospels clearly give the idea that all of the Jerusalem and Judea went out to him to be baptised. This would have taken more than one day to do - especially given that many people would have had jobs and the Pharisees and the soldiers are not going to appear after one day. 
Yes Indeed and many would have witnessed John at work on the day of Jesus baptism.
I think John probably did know Jesus - but that does not mean he knew Jesus was the messiah.
You know full well he knew Jesus. The evidence is overwhelming. And the scripture categorically states that John recognised Jesus to be “the lamb of god the one to come and the “saviour” -  (that is the messiah- of mankind). The Reality of course is that according to scripture he recognised him as the saviour of the Jews from the RomanYoke. Stop taking me for some dunce and I will afford you the same courtesy.
This may never have occurred to him until this moment when he came to be baptised.
 The Scripture say he recognised him. 
 And at Jesus's baptism this was evident in the way he spoke to Jesus and by the confirmation of God the Father and the Spirit of God at that time.
 Evident To you maybe. I believe it was a confrontation and not as christians have been led to believe , that  John being submissive to Jesus. I believe there was a power struggle at play. 
Later on when John was in prison - John sent his disciples to ask the question about whether Jesus really was the messiah or not.
Yes I Know. BECAUSE HE DOUBTED! And I notice too they were disciples of John, i.e.JOHN'S disciples and not Jesus'. Why would John continue to have disciples when he had proclaimed Jesus the messiah and the “one to follow”?
I am not sure that at this time John was so confident about Jesus. 
He Obviously wasn’t confident at all. Otherwise he wouldn’t have sent his disciples to ask Jesus. In other words, he had doubt!
Jesus didnot seem to the messiah he was imagining.
I agree.Because what was expected of a Messiah and the one the Jews was expecting was someone who would rid the country of Romans and all things Roman and free people from the Roman Yoke. In essence, a freedom fighter!
The Pharisees, and Israel and by extension John probably believed the messiah was going to come and rescue Israel from the Romans. 
Yes I Have already said that.      
It is oneas you proclaimed when you baptised me - as the lamb of God, dying for the sins of his people to bring reconciliation between God and man and his kingdom was going to be a spiritual one. 
No,you're adding your own words to the text of the scripture . There is no mention or evidence that John had baptised this man Jesus proclaiming that “he would die to save the world from sin”.
The Scripture clearly and simply states :
“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
No, not asingle mention of death or anyone dying to achieve his mission.That typically, is your own extrapolation. In other words YOU have added that to the scripture.
I am of the view that John had along with everyone else of his generation completely missed how God's messiah was going to set  up his kingdom.
But of course you know better than those who were actually present 2000 years ago. You Are entitled to surmise and guess. Please afford me the same privilege.  
So I don't think that John had any more problems than most people did at the time including Jesus' own disciples.
John Should have known better. He was, as you say, a High Priest. He was educated a lot more than the illiterate population of the time. He had been away studying from birth for 30 + years. in other words , John the Baptist knew EXACTLY what was expected of a Messiah.
 We Want a god who will turn up like superman and save us - rather than a saviour who wants to deal with our hearts. We want a god after our hearts - not one who's going to fix our heart and transform it. 
 What You want and what happens in reality are miles apart I am sorry to inform you.

Posted in:
John the Baptist Has a Few Problems
John may or may not have known Jesus.
Oh please.According to scripture John knew of Jesus alright, it is said that he that he even recognize Jesus” in the womb” did he not?
John 1-34
Sure their parents knew each other -but they were a significant distance from each other.
Stop being devious. The centre of operations surrounding both Jesus AND John the Baptists was Bethany/ Bethabara by the Jordan. It was also the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary.
“These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing”.John 1:28.
 Six days before the Passover Feast, Jesus went to Bethany,where Lazarus lived. John 12.
You are also avoiding the fact that John; it is said, jumped in the womb of Elizabeth at the glad tiding the mother of Jesus shared with her.
And there is the undeniable biblical account of John Recognising Jesus for who he was: “the lamb of god, the one he had “been speaking about”. And had all his beliefs confirmed by a descending “dove from heaven”.  Although for some strange an unfathomable reason he denies even knowing Jesus. He also, as mentioned, has doubts and second thoughts as to whether he had anointed the right man after all this crying and wailing in the wilderness about the one to come”         

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
He was struck dumb for not believing the angel.
Yes and a harsh punishment seeing that,Abraham and Sarah and John the Baptist and Doubting Thomas AND JESUS all doubted and lost faith and were not punished.
 He was an old man and his wife was barren. Helike Abraham and Sarah many years prior did not have faith at the time that God Would keep his promise. 
Yes we have already covered this story and its comparisons, here in this thread.
Of course Zechariah like most of us would have been skeptical if someone promised us the same even if we did believe in God. 
Why would he be “sceptical” “they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless”.Zacharias without doubt had recognized this being for what he was -  a messenger from god HIS GOD – so much so, that “he fell in fear”. This is besides the fact that this devout priest who had served his god faithfully all his life and would have known about and perfectly understood the story of the barren couple Abraham & Sarah.  
John the Baptist is an interesting story - but quite profound once you look into it further.
I have studied the story of the Baptist very closely, I can assure you of that.
 Not only was he a prophet,he was a Levite priest. 
 Yes I know. He was also many other things too.
How do we know this?
Because Along with many extra-biblical writings I have actually read Luke 1 Luke1:5-25.KJV.
Because his father was a high priest.
Yes we can read that for ourselves in Luke and a few other places. and I have done so. Are you just page filling here, if not get to your point. 
It may help you to have read the complete thread - it only four pages.
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
 Later he doubted and Jesus said that John was the least in the kingdom because of that doubt, yet by God's grace John was still saved.

I am not sure you actually understand this insult towards John, PGA2.0. Do you think you can explain it? 
Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
Interesting piece Castin. 

I can't help finding the whole thing rather dubious, interesting or not. Even if I'd read "go up to my Father" instead of "ascend", I still wouldn't have gotten "go up to the temple" out of that. Not that I'm any scholar on the subject. It's just you'd think it would've been spelled out more clearly if Jesus was doing such an important ritual at the temple. 

I agree.     Of course it is at least dubious and very questionable. I also find it  strange and puzzling that this interpretation of the matter of "ascended"  hasn't been pointed out by the faithful hear at all, has it?

I believe mopacs interpretation of  "to cling" which he may well have desperately scrambled here to find doesn't answer the question at all does it. But what he seems to have left out was the part where it continues in Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers>>

Her [Mary's] act supposed a condition which had not yet been accomplished. He had not returned to earth to abide permanently with His disciples in the presence of the Paraclete (comp. John 14:18), for He had not yet ascended to the Father. 
So. It seems that the phrase "go up to my father" does, depending on the writer, mean leaving the earth, because, as can be read from Ellicott's biblical christian interpretation above, to return somewhere, one has to have left it in the first place.

Now I don't doubt that we will have different interpretations from the devout here  of what the 'biblical' interpretations are for "earth" returned" " not" and perhaps even the word "had" and what they may all actually mean ' biblically'. 
Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.

It is definitely a translation issue. First point.
May well be, but you  translating the word -  touch - as "to cling" makes no difference, does it. To cling to someone is still to touch them. Do you not realise how hopelessly pathetic your responses have been?

I will say one single thing in your favour Mopec. You have at least admitted that there is a problem with these scriptures by introducing the fact that there big awkward problem of translation and or  mistranslation. It allows people like you to make words fit where they do not even belong.  It  has encouraged me to start another thread on how unreliable these gospels really are. Something I have suggested all along.
Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
No we don't. Mopac isright. Jesus was saying, "do not detain me". 
No. at post 7 what Mopac saidwas >>
> @Mopac
Theword that gets translated in John 20:17 to "touch" is in the originalgreek "ἅπτομαι" which is closer to a clinging to rather than a simplepoking.......
So in other words, it is a problemthat arises because of translation
Nope there is no mention of “detaining” stop falsifyingthese facts.
 So touch is to lay hands or at least fingers on someone.  To cling to someone is also to touch someone. 

And to "detain" someone, one has to touch them.

The point of BIBLICAL fact here is, that one persons gets favour over another. One person is ALLOWED to "touch" "cling" or even to "detain"  but another person is refused.  

AND YOU OR Mopac cannot explain this biblical biasness  away .
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
He wanted to see the evidence himselfto believe it.
Perfect!  “ to believe it”<<<< YOU SAY!  And,  To NOT believe is, at the very least is to DOUBT  
 Show me somewhere where he denies having faithin Jesus.
He had no faith that the lord his god Jesus had risen or it appears, in the resurrection. Yet hadn't this very same man who wanted to "die also"  witness the raising of Lazarus by Jesus himself?. Your trying to hard to escape this glaring biblical fact.
25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I WILL NOT BELIEVE.. Not believing is to have doubt. No matter how you interpret  -not believing.

Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe. 
 He did not have faith that Jesus rose from the dead.
To not have faith is to DOUBT. Please stop belaboring the issue. The world knows this particular verse  as the story of DOUBTING Thomas, for Christ’s sake!
 There is a difference/distinction.
Oh stop it!
  Look here webster's hebrew definitions>>>


Jump to: ISBE • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (a.) Not believing; not giving credit.
2. (a.) Not believing on God or religion; specifically, not believing in the Christian religion.
3. (a.) Not observant of promises or covenants.
4. (a.) Not true to allegiance, duty, or vows; perfidious; treacherous; disloyal; not of true fidelity; inconstant, as a husband or a wife.
5. (a.) Serving to disappoint or deceive; delusive; unsatisfying.

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
Jesus was gracious toThomas like He is graceful  to all those who come to faith in Him.
But Thomas didn’t have faith until Thomas laid down his challenge for the risen Christ, did he. He More or less said ‘ I will believe ONLY when I see it’. Stop trying to weasel your way around this fact!
The punishment Zacharias received was a CONFIRMATION that what the angel told him was true.
This is quite silly,tell me, wouldn’t just the appearance of an “angel” be enough to have convinced Zacharias that everything he said was true. You are also ignoring that both this old barren couple had served god faithfully all their lives and were sinless.
 He doubted the words given the angel were from God thus calling into question that God is true to what He says
So why would the priest who had served god faithfully all his days doubt an “angel” of god? You Know this simply doesn’t make any sense are are scraping the barrel my friend.
He was filled with theSpirit for a purpose, to announce the coming of the Lord. Later he doubted and Jesus said that John was the least in the kingdom because of that doubt, yet by God's grace John was still saved.
 More nonsense.
Jesus calling someone names isn’t really a punishment on the lines of being struck dumb, now is it?In fact there is nowhere in the scripture that says Jesus called John “the least in the kingdom” because of his doubt. And you know there isn’t.
John the Baptist IDENTIFIED this man Jesus. AND John states that all his understanding and beliefs of this were confirmed by a descending dove from heaven. How could this man, filled with the Holy Spirit and who was “great in the eyes of god” even believe he could have made a mistake? Identifying and baptising this man Jesus  was Johns sole purpose for existing!

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
is it not possible that that reason no longer applied hours later when He met the disciples?

Are you asking me or telling me?
The  contradiction is that this so called "god" encouraged one person to touch him and disallowed another to touch him.

The scripture mentions nothing about it being ok to do so later in the day. The risen man was still  earthbound, he tells us he is not a spirit and he has obviously not descended at that time, as I am reasonably confident it would have been mentioned if he had "ascended to his father". 

If you believe it was somehow all to do with "time or timing" please provide us with the evidence. Until then,  this still stands as yet another somewhat bias,anomalous contradiction, by these gospel writers.

It is interesting that both yourself and Mopac have different reasons for this anomalous contradiction.
Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
It certainly does answer your question. Did you ignore my answer?
Not at all.  You say it may be down to translation. Ok. You then say it was to mean

 in the original greek "ἅπτομαι" which is closer to a clinging to rather than a simple poking.

OK. So Jesus according to you, said to Mary do not "cling" for I have not ascended. But this then does not alter the fact that "this god" then in the same text encourages another person to "Cling",  "touch", "put his fingers inside his wounds" or even  "poke him". You see what you have done is attempted to change the whole verse of "doubting Thomas" and that of the Magdalene. It doesn't work.

 It hasn't explained away why this "god" would deny one person to touch/cling to him and encourage another to do the opposite. 
here read it for yourself.. again. You cannot change these words to suit yourself when stuck into a corner.
Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing John 20:27
See that??? "reach out "THY HAND"      and and "THRUST IT"  into "MY" side.. <<<<<<That is touching where I come from. And DO NOT TOUCH ME  means   DO NOT REACH OUT YOUR HAND AND PLACE IT ON MY BODY WHICH INCLUDES MY SIDE. 

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
The word that gets translated in John 20:17 to "touch" is in the original greek "ἅπτομαι" which is closer to a clinging to rather than a simple poking.......
So in other words, it is a problem that arises because of translation
I see. So do we have a mistranslation and are you now saying that words in the New Testament have been mistranslated. Or are you just bending a few facts in a terrible attempt to play down this anomaly?

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
John 21:24-28 is a different situation, different circumstances, yet Thomas believed once He saw Jesus alive again after death. His doubt was returned to trust by Jesus. 
So at least here you are not disputing that they both doubted without punishment yet Zacharias was punished for what the "angel" said was "doubting".

And it doesn't matter if Thomas decided to believe AFTER the fact, the point I am making and as you well know is that Thomas wasn't punished either. this is a somewhat lopsided view for anyone scrutinising the scriptures.

Why had the doubting of these two -  John the Baptist - who was filled with the holy spirit"  no less and "great in the eyes of "god " no less and the suicidal  "doubting Thomas" received any kind of warning and or punishment for doubting and neither had Abraham & sarah. Your excuses/reasons are absolutely nonsense.

There was simply no need to punish Zacharias in the light of these other biblical revelations of people "doubting". The whole story concerning the Baptist  is false. IN MY OPINION
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
Scripture is its own interpreter. God answers the questions of Scripture with other Scripture. His word bears witness to itself. 
Yes, so you keep saying and those verses do not explain at all why these "trusting" disciples wanted to "DIE".

And you forgot that one of the "trusting" disciples who YOU say "trusted Jesus with their lives" was none other that the not so trusting "doubting Thomas".   he wasn't punished for "doubting" was he?  I notice you glided over that little problem. 

 Please learn to use the quoting icon. it is getting rather tedious and time consuming having to separate what you are saying from other text
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
PGA2.0. Please use the quoting icon. your posts are getting more confusing and take far too much time to reply. 
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
You made a claim and I challenged it. Thus, you need to respond instead of putting up many other smokescreens to deflect from that argument.  
You do what JW's do. You change the subject by issuing forth other Scripture that has nothing to do with the original subject matter. That diverges from the topic
 concerning post 13. I have nothing to respond to. You gave an explanation, which I do not agree with. I have said I don't agree. I believe your answer to why Zacharias  is nonsense. 

I am not avoiding or evading a single thing. I simply do not believe OR accept your answer. Zacharias wasn't warned about doubting in that verse as you claim. that is simply a lie, isn't it.  He was just issued a punishment for asking a simple question that any mortal being would have asked.

 Sarah and Abraham were not punished for "doubting" were they?  "Doubting Thomas" wasn't punished for doubting  the lord had risen, either was he?
And John the Baptist wasn't punished for doubting that Jesus was "the one to come". And after all his crying and wailing in the wilderness and identifying this "lamb of god" and the descending dove confirming Jesus as the  saviour of mankind, either was he. Do you not see how silly your claim looks in the light of these other scripture observation? 
 Tell me this. Why would a god fritter away a "miracle" on "turning water into wine", when he could have cured all leprosy instead of just a few lepers? 
Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
You are taking this all far too personal.

You can't ultimately make senseof anything unless you first presuppose such a Being. 
And youwill never explain away these enigmatic, confusing, vague and anomalous verseswithout bringing such a being into play. This being is your answer toeverything. It is not mine.
Your beliefs are your own privatebusiness. I CAN'T change those beliefs. They are ingrained in your nature.
They are.I have said I believe many, if not all the characters in the NT existed. I havesaid I believe Jesus was or at least thought himself to be, rightful king ofthe Jews. 
It is when you state things that areuntrue on a public forum that I object.
That youbelieve are untrue, is what you mean.  This is simply your opinion. 
I do not care that you hold thosebeliefs/claims.
I thinkyou do, you just don't want me to give my opinion on the New Testament. Youtoo, like those gospellers seem to want to hush up and hide the fact that thereis something else clearly going on under the surface of the scriptures.Something I believe is more sinister. I also believe if it was up to you Iwouldn't be posting here. Yet I have abused no one or broken any rules. This isthe problem with religious fanatics; they don't like anyone having a differentpoint of view to themselves. 
You are free to believe/claimwhatever you like.
Yes Iknow I am, and as much as you object, you are entitled to those objections.. Ihaven't ridiculed or mocked your religion and I haven't abused or mockedanyone. It is simply the case that I read these scriptures with an open mindand from a somewhat historical angle. You just take them as "gospeltruth" truth via faith,   I do not.
It is your loss if you haven'tinvestigated your worldview enough to know what holds it together and howrational and logical it is or is not.
I don'tbelieve I have "lost" anything. 
I care about truth and I see youmisrepresenting it.
No, youonly believe I am misrepresenting these scriptures.  You see me asupsetting standard beliefs, just for questioning the scriptures. You areobviously upset about my questioning simply because you know they are difficultto explain away and controversial without a supernatural being to relyon.  They shouldn't be to you. Try simply answering my questions withoutrelying on a supernatural omnipotent being.
You are free to claim whateveryou want. When you have nothing but assertions and private belief to back upyour claims I choose to expose those beliefs on the grounds of lack ofreasonable evidence.
I haven’t even started to give myevidence. I have been far too busy debunking your responses and explanations forwhich you have no comeback. That alone speaks volumes to me or anyone readinghere.
Your beliefs do not affect me inwhat I believe.
I didn’t expect them to affect you or anyone else.  And ithas never been my aim to convince anyone of anything. I have made that veryclear and plain on more than one occasion now. What I have wrote are MY questionsand my theories and my opinions. How many times do I have to make that clear toyou?
What matters is not your claimbut whether it is true or not. Anyone can claim anything. 
 They can, and I stick to my claim: One only has to scratch the surface of these vague andanomalous, sometimes enigmatic half told stories and one finds a much fullerand sometimes intriguing story altogether that leaves myself and many others  questioningthe validity of the "god " inspired gospels.
I don't care that you can claimsomething. I care when your ideas bring others into a false view of reality.
Well this is clearly you, acting as father or mother wanting to nanny everyone in the world who thinks different. Do you believe that those who post here are children without a mind of their own, their own opinions and views or ideas? Again you’re speaking of yourpersonal opinion and belief. You are entitled to YOUR VERSION of the truth. Ijust happen to believe that there is a much bigger story under the surface ofthe scriptures.

You are taking this far too personal. Try approaching my questions with your own mind. Just for once.

Posted in:
John the Baptist Has a Few Problems
We read of John and what he is and will grow up to be.
"But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God." Luke 1:  13-15
So here we have a man who is great in the eyes of god and who, it also says, was filled with the “holy spirit”..
John is beloved by many to have been the forerunner to the Christ Jesus.
Some 30+ years pass and John finally makes his appearance as a fully grown adult and introduced as someone crying in alone the wilderness,telling anyone who will listen to repent because one greater than he is to come.
John story continues : >
"The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said, “A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.” I Myself did not know him
, but the reason I came baptising with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.’"

Then John gave this testimony:‘I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I Myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me,“The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.”
 I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen one. John 1:29-34.
 I will scratch at these verses later but for now it suffices to say that John had recognised Jesus ( his cousin) immediately,  as the “lamb of god”, “the one he meant”,and “the one that was to come”, and “the one prophesied about”.. And to add to this, all of John’s beliefs are definitely confirmed, John says, by a spirit dove coming down from heaven and perched itself on the lamb. John is without doubtfully convinced that all the requirements of the coming of this lord have been fulfilled.  And after a few words John proceeds to baptise his cousin Jesus (who he says he didn’t know).
We then leap to Johns arrest and imprisonment, where John who converses quite a lot with his captor Herod, something quite strange happens. John, who himself is filled with “Holy Spirit” and of who it is said was “great in the sight of the Lord” either has a complete and serious memory lapse or a great shadow of doubt descends on him.
Because,for all of the his drum banging about “the one to come”, “the lamb” and seeing “doves from heaven” these feelings of doubt concern him enough to, well, let’s read it:
 And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus,saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? Luke 7: 19
 Can it be even possible that, for a man such as this man who is filled with Holy Spirit” and of who it is said was “great in the sight of god”, could had made such a dire mistake and gross error?! This Was a man who it appears was immaculately conceived for the very purpose of going before and forewarning about, identifying and baptising Jesus the Christ,the saviour of the world.
And one has to notice he is not punished for doubting.

Posted in:
The problem with the "risen" Jesus.
The word that gets translated in John 20:17 to "touch" is in the original greek "ἅπτομαι" which is closer to a clinging to rather than a simple poking.
 So. It makes no difference. He had told Mary not to touch him. But then encourages a disciple to "touch" or stick his fingers in his wounds.

This is consistent with what Jesus says earlier that is is necessary that he goes away(the Son of man Jesus) so that his disciples would be granted The Holy Spirit, or Spirit of Truth 
So, what has that got to do with this glaring contradiction for the risen jesus himself?

The idea here is that they are not supposed to be clinging to this human from.
So, he refuses one to touch him but then - in the same gospel - he  encourages another to "reach out and touch my wound".. 

Indeed, Christians are not supposed to worship a man as God. Otherwise, why is it written in Romans..
Your are not addressing the contradiction from Jesus himself.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man"?

This has nothing to do with if or not these people were wise or foolish. The query here is why did this risen so called "god" refuse the affection one person to touch him yet encouraged another to do the opposite?

Answer the question if you can, if not, spare me your babble, Mopac

So in other words, it is a problem that arises because of translation.

And still doesn't explain why he encouraged one disciple to touch him and refuses another.

Did Jesus prohibit Mary from touching him? YES
Did Mary touch the so called risen "god". NO
Did Jesus encourage a disciple to touch his wounds? YES

Question: Why did Jesus encourage one to touch him yet disencourage another?

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
Rightly understandingthe author's meaning is call exegesis. 
Really, and who are you and what authority do you have to claim that you perfectly understand the “authors meaning”. You appear to simply going on faith and taking these gospels as written and on face value. I don’t. And I have every right to question them.
what you consideranomalies and enigmatic verses have REASONABLE explanations.
Not to me and you have provided none either. To claim a supernatural omnipotent being is not “reasonable”it is at least silly and worst outrageous.
I address yourquestions and your thread because I care about truth,
It is a crying shame these gospel writers didn’t care as much as you do.
Still waiting for ananswer to post #13.
There isn’t a question at thirteen. That is why there is no answer!
Iasked you a question concerning this verse  "Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him." John 11:16
In the verse above tell me, why would theseother followers want to "die" along with Lazarus?
Youresponded with this>>
PGA2.0“Because they trusted Him to death and many had wanted Jesus dead. They risked their lives as His followers. Here,in these passages, He conveys an important message to them about resurrection and trusting in Him”.

Apart from the well known fact that many wanting Jesus dead, the rest of you laboured response is something you have simply invented. (1)  The gospel writer here goes nowhere near to explaining this enigmatic statement. What you have wrote to explain away this ENIGMATIC and puzzling verse is your OWN OPINION and nothing more. (2) What you state concerning the amount of "trust" Thomas had is ridiculous considering Thomas Didymus was later to “doubt” Jesus had “risen.” Yes this same "trusting" and faithful disciple done a complete 180 yet wanted himself and others to "die also" . And may I add it is obvious Thomas wasn't granted his request because he didn't "with him" either, did he. 
And oddly enough, Thomas doesn’t get punished either for "doubting" this raised  “god”, does he?


24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.
25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
Who cares what you CLAIM. 
You do. You have spent enough time trying to explain away some of these anomalies and enigmatic verses with the excuse that a supernatural being is the answer to everything. 

I simply don't accept that. 

Posted in:
Why was the NT Zacharias "struck dumb"?
And I don't care what you "accept".
You could have fooled me. But that is your right and prerogative, ethang5