LOL! Whatever happened to this Forum. I used to say this & get chewed on.
There were plenty of debates regarding age of consent here. People eventually learned not to get too upset about it.
– The real pedophiles aka 'pederasts' have alway existed at the bottom of sexual filth of societies & they are the ones behind feminists promoting marrying young fertile girls as "pedophilia" to gatekeep men from ditching them in favor of younger girls.
I figured that is very possible. Not many men want to be with a fat feminist woman. But then again, society also abolished polygamy marriages, which is what caused many people to not have any relationship at all.
I guarantee you, if you drop the legal age of consent tomorrow down to 12, half the relationships in the country will breakup & 5000 years of history will set in right back up.
10 to 13 is usually the age when women can give birth.
About 150 years ago, age of consent was mostly 7 to 12 in different areas of the world.
However, some countries started increasing age of consent until they ended up at 16 to 18.
The funny thing is that now those same countries struggle with very low birth rate problems. Divine nature always punishes the violation of her commands. The basic math will tell them that highest birth rate is achieved only when woman starts giving birth as early as possible.