Trump says US will take Gaza & turn it into the rivera of the ME

Author: Yassine


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Trump says US will take Gaza & turn it into the rivera of the ME, put the Palestinians in beautiful places...etc.

- All that is sensational nonsense. He is not going to take Canada, nor Panama, nor Gaza. Never going to happen; ESPECIALLY Gaza. If Israel was winning, it would've never agreed to a ceasefire. They were pushing the ceasefire deal proposed in April hoping the Gazans would surrender come winter. That didn't happen. The fighting just got more intense. What does he actually mean? Maybe it’s just one of his bluffs & fantasies. Maybe it’s a negotiation tactic to pressure Arab countries & the resistance to concede more. Maybe it’s a result of his entourage, since virtually all his family members & all his colleagues are either Jews or married to Jews. & Israel want Gaza! Maybe it’s the imminent implementation of the Zionist project of taking Jerusalem, destroying the Aqsa mosque & building the Temple as prophesied! Or maybe it’s a real imperial urgency the American ruling dynasty sees as the only way to get rid of a serious threat to Israel & their hegemony. 

- The whole discussion rests entirely on power dynamics. There will be no talk about Israel existence itself if this was transposed into China for instance, for respective power dynamics makes it unattainable. The current power dynamics dictate that the colonial pocket of Israel is a political reality, for it was successfully inserted in the region by relevant Colonial powers after the fall of the Ottoman Empire & the subsequent occupation of the region, directly or indirectly, manifesting in the current regimes surrounding Israel (Jordan, Egypt, Gulf states…). 

- What are the facts? Israel deployed 529k personnel to invade Gaza, mobilizing thousands of tanks & armored vehicles & aircrafts, dropping +100k tons of explosives on the strip (which is 200x the intensity of the Vietnam War bombing), with constant supply of armament from the US & Europe worth +$20B (the Iran attack defense alone cost $1B), spending +$70B on this war – to fight a 15k-35k resistance force for 15 months to a standstill! The result? More Hamas fighters now than were before Oct 7 – 20% less tunnels -allegedly- & almost 6k Israeli soldiers dead & 15k wounded (it's likely much higher than that in reality, including the mercenaries & unregistered fighters) – & a prisoner exchange Hamas was seeking since Oct 7.

- Taking Gaza necessarily requires military action, i.e. boots on the ground, since Palestinians are clearly not going anywhere. US direct involvement will do very little to tip the scale of the conflict. The only thing it may cause is more civilian deaths, more -or smaller- rubble, & more Hamas recruits. Although we haven't seen attempts by Gazans to cross the borders south towards Egypt despite all the heavy bombing & fatal lifestyle they suffered, some might be willing to leave if offered a better life with housing & amenities elsewhere. But 'some' is not what Trump & Netanyahu want; they want ALL Palestinians to leave. Even if half leaves & half stays, nothing really fundamentally changes. Even if we assume Palestinians in Gaza are eager to leave, no country would be as motivated to welcome them ALL; for the simple fact that no country wants a potential army of hundreds of thousands on their soil.

- This isn't even guerrilla warfare. It's something entirely new. Gazans under siege for decades came to two realizations early: that the supremacy of US/Israel military is air power, & that the political solution (to achieve a Palestinian state) is a lie –Israel intends to keep them under siege until it can expel them. Acquiring advanced air defense systems being unattainable, they opted to dig tunnels as deep as 200ft underground capable of surviving a nuclear strike; 500 miles of them. Some of these are large enough to fit vehicles & large spaces. They also had to make their own weapons under siege. They built factories underground & used remaining explosives & materials from the occasional Israeli bombings to make RPGs, rockets with ranges up to 150 miles, rifles, drones, ammunitions...etc.

- Whatever side of the isle you're on, these people are very serious about resisting the US/Israeli occupation & gaining their freedom. You don't spend decades digging tunnels deep underground just to be told "leave". Now, Hamas & the other resistance factions have access to +10k tons of unexploded bombs, hundreds of captured tanks & drones, & a very large pool of potential recruits. There are 2 million people living in Gaza, 70% are under 18, & almost all of them lost everything they had –house, relatives, comfort, amenities, health...etc. These people have nothing more to lose. It is not farfetched to believe that the resistance factions might 10x their forces after this. Which means 10x the fighting force, 10x the weapons & 10x the tunnels. The resistance is growing stronger not weaker. 

- Arabia, Egypt & Jordan –the object of intended displacement– are not heedless to the fact that US/Israel seek to expand their territory –as always intended– while pushing the conflict occupation vs resistance further away from their borders. Moving the Palestinians, even those willing, to "nicer" places does not magically abrogate their fight to take back their land after 100 years of resistance. In fact, albeit unrealistic, this turn of events might pose an even greater danger to the Israeli colonial project. 2 million Palestinians who just lost their land on top of suffering & losing everything else, who successfully fought Israel with the full backing of the West, might just be as successful in taking over the country they were moved into, say Egypt or Jordan. Unlike in Israel, a resistance force launching a coup against the Egyptian regime, for instance, will not face much resistance from the people, if not the opposite.

- The deep distress among Israelis regarding this situation is understandable, their state may actually be in danger. This might lead to the infamous Samson option. But if the Israelis use nuclear, it is certain that all regional powers will rush to acquire their own as fast as possible. Namely, Turkey, Saudi, & Iran, potentially Egypt, Iraq & Syria as well. The former already have nuclear capabilities for energy use (Saudi in the near future). That outcome alone might actually be more distressing not just to Israel but to the entire West than just having Palestinians in Gaza. Not the least, Israelis themselves, especially those with dual citizenship, will pack their bags & go back to their countries once they learn their neighbors have nuclear weapons. Israel is already experiencing persistent negative migration since Oct 7.

- All that been said, here are some possible outcomes:

• Trump/Israel wishful secret plan: use all available means short of genocide to expel the vast majority of Palestinians from Gaza & nuke the remaining ones who refuse to yield. Means like: incentives such as community housing, work, school… elsewhere, contracting siege to force them out, encroaching settlements replacing Palestinians homes, military confiscation, monetary brides or green cards, kidnapping, bombing, constant harrasment…etc. The value here is that it’s easier to deal with a couple hundred thousands than with 2 million, & that it’s possible to deal with the backlash of one but not the other. All in all, this is a delusional plan. All this has already been long implemented in the West Bank & it yielded abysmal results with Palestinians unwilling to leave. It will surely yield null results among Gazans.

• Long term annihilation by subversion. It is shocking to me how UNRWA is portrayed in the US (& the West) as some great humanitarian organization, when its reputation induces repulsion in the Arab world. That until it came out recently that USAID was funding it to promote Feminism & Wokeness & inoculate (sterilize) Palestinians in Gaza. To eventually drive Gazans to depravity & eventually extinction, or at least surrender. The probability of this outcome is virtually null. Not for other than the fact that both the Palestinian resistance & Israel itself are against it, since they figure out that Wokness would just make Palestinians even greater victims than they already are.

• Two state solution: recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital & the Palestinians right of return. This might actually be the most realistic positive outcome for Israel. Having a stable home, hope, prospects, freedom will make the Palestinians less prone to more conflict, & might even weaken their resolve to take back their land. Then, they would have much to lose than just keep peace, even just temporary, even with the Israelis who took their homes killed their families or expelled their ancestors. The undesirable consequence of this outcome might be the fact that Israel as a state will seek to integrate itself in the region like the Crusader pockets done in the past, & thus ceases to exist as a colonial project serving Western hegemony as a destabilizing agent in the region. 

• One state solution: merging occupation territories & Palestenian territories into one nation under the state. The only conceivable form of this solution is something like Bosnia, a confederation, or a one-country two-state solution. This is only possible with a fully integrated Israel in the region completely abandoning its Zionist project. Otherwise only achieved by Israel being conquered. In effect, leaning from past developments & following the current trajectory Palestinian resistance is poised to possess in the not-far future hundreds of thousands of fighters with respectively equivalent arsenal of antitank RPGs & rifles & so forth. Plus, much more advanced drone & rocket capabilities, possibly even air-defense systems..Also, likely thousands of miles of underground tunnels spanning all occupied territories, including Eilat (nuclear depot) & Tel Aviv. An Oct 7 scenario, where instead of capturing the Gaza belt region for a few days, capturing the entirety of Israel forever.

C/C whatever the short-term outcome of this situation is, it is impossible for Israel to survive in the long term. If this was in Albania, the outcome might be dubious. Palestine happens to be the abode of the Holy Land for Muslims & a province of the Arab nation. You would have to get rid of all Arabs & then all Muslims to eliminate any claim or cause to that land. An impossible feat in itself. Whatever the case, Israel is surrounded by half a billion people forever hostile to its colonial presence in the region, who are historically, religiously & politically attached to the land. The Crusaders occupied –back & forth– Jerusalem for 170 years! But were eventually expelled. The moment the power scale equalizes or shifts in favor of Muslims/Arabs, the existence of the polity that is Israel will become transient. My take, Jews who wish to stay in the Holy Land should learn from History, abandon their Zionist project & actually integrate with the locals & become one with them. But I know this is too much to ask. They might be right, maybe God will allow them to build the temple…
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
For sure, Trump is full of Bullshit.

The sad fact is that no one wants the Palestinians, not even their Arab brothers.

I guess they see them as just as big a problem as the Israelis do.

Empathetic rhetoric is just hollow words.

The solution as ever is just to keep supplying them with weaponry and spread anti-Jewish propaganda.

Reality is, that originally everyone was essentially the same.

But just look at what several thousand years of social and ideological factionalism as come to.

A civilised and intellectual species hey Yas...Don't make me laugh.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
That was a good read. Right now Israel has high birth rates, but they are declining over time. The plan of Israel was always to claim more and more territory. They bombed over 60% of Palestine in less than a year to make its population move out.
WyIted's avatar
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If Israel was winning, it would've never agreed to a ceasefire.
This is the mind of inhuman terrorists but humans feel empathy. They literally could nuke Gaza and nothing would be done in response. 

They don't glass Gaza because they are humans with empathy. The same reason civilized nations would never fly planes into civilian buildings, kidnap and rape little boys who are civilians and throw faggots off of a roof. 

We disagree with their lifestyle as well, we don't murder them because we are humans with empathy not soulless monster
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
They don't glass Gaza because they are humans with empathy
Really? And the mass bombing of civilians is what exactly?
WyIted's avatar
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Hamas uses civilians as shields, you don't exactly let them get away with being terrorists just because they are hiding in civilian areas. If you reward that behavior than in the long term more civilians are at risk. However most those people support Hamas and their pedophilia and terrorism so it's not really a big loss. Only the children are innocent though with the use of child soldiers I am unsure of that. Child soldiers is also another thing humans wouldn't do
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Hamas uses civilians as shields, you don't exactly let them get away with being terrorists just because they are hiding in civilian areas.
All militaries hide in civilian areas. You cannot protect an area without being there.

However most those people support Hamas and their pedophilia and terrorism so it's not really a big loss. Only the children are innocent though with the use of child soldiers I am unsure of that.
So you say you start with empathy and then you end up with conclusion that every Palestinian deserves to be killed. I guess empathy means something different in your country.
Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
This is the mind of inhuman terrorists but humans feel empathy.
- I don't care for the emotional nonsense. These are matters of power struggle. Words mean very little. Israel & its backers lost, plain & simple. Even Israelis admit that. No party who holds the upper hand seeks truce under the conditions for the adversary. Israel exerted its entire might with the full backing of the Western empire using a +500k men force with the sole stated goal of destroying a +20k men resistance force for 470 days, just to end up with the same initial conditions of day 1 –if not worse– abiding by the demands of said resistance of day 1, i.e. the prisoner exchange. Destroying a bunch of buildings, children, women & unarmed men =/= destroying the resistance. Scorched land tactics don't work anymore.

They literally could nuke Gaza and nothing would be done in response. 
- Idk, they kinda did drop 7x Little Boy yield over the strip. It's still an interesting scenario to think about. Yes, they could use nukes. However, things will certainly be done in response. One, Israel will be nuked back at least by one country: Pakistan as part of its doctrine, along with Iranian retaliation. Two, all regional powers will rush to obtain nuclear weapons, especially those with domestic nuclear capabilities (Turkey, Iran & Saudi). This outcome alone is worse than nuking Gaza. Three, normalization future of Israel in the region will end in favor of wide scale mutiny across the region. Four, Israel would have to evacuate the entire Gaza belt & millions of Israelis will bear the aftermath of the blast. It's a small country, Tel Aviv is as far from Gaza as one end of Gaza is from another. Lastly, & most importantly, even nuking every inch of Gaza albeit might end the lives of half the population therein, would still not critically affect the resistance; since they operate from deep underground fallout bunkers built for this exact scenario. 

They don't glass Gaza because they are humans with empathy. 
- Just how hopelessly feeble you need to be to have to use nukes to win against a couple dozen thousands freedom fighters... & still not win... I get you share the same conquest by annihilation affinity with Israel, since that's how your nation was established. What I don't get is how you reconcile this with the rest of your Jewish concerns... are you schizophrenic? Are you a Zionist? A fed? –I say you're a fed.

The same reason civilized nations would never fly planes into civilian buildings, kidnap and rape little boys who are civilians and throw faggots off of a roof. We disagree with their lifestyle as well, we don't murder them because we are humans with empathy not soulless monster
- And fly millions of rockets into civilian buildings, hence why uncivilized Israel & backers do all that. Scorched land method has been the favorite war tactic of not just Israel –it's how they got to kill & displace 850k Palestinians in the 1948 Nakba–, but also of European/Western/Christian invaders since the Crusades. It essentially consists of mass killing of civilian population by burning (bombing today) or infecting (chemical warfare today) towns & villages for the purposes of: minimizing losses by avoiding direct confrontation with armed resistance, settlement by annihilation, mass civilian displacement from sheer horror, mass starvation, pressuring civilians to turn against resistance, forcing militants to return to their villages & abandon fighting...etc. During the Crusades, this translated into mass slaughter & cannibalism (the majority of the population was killed). In the Colonial period, scorched land leading to mass deaths & displacement like in Algeria (1/3rd of the population was killed) or Russia (1/5th was killed). Today, it's massive bombing campaigns & chemical warfare, like in Vietnam or Iraq (1 million killed) & recently Gaza...

Hamas uses civilians as shields, you don't exactly let them get away with being terrorists just because they are hiding in civilian areas. If you reward that behavior than in the long term more civilians are at risk.
- Virtually all of the fighting happens in evacuated areas Israel occupied. Resistance is most concentrated where Israelis are, i.e. Hamas is using Israelis as "shields". Is Israel bombing Israeli soldiers? The fact is, Israelis are absolute cowards only able to mass kill unarmed innocents from miles away, & utterly helpless in overpowering 20 to 1 men armed with basic artillery.

- Check OP title... Trump just said today he intends to wipe out Gaza, echoing Israelis' class of the past 70 years: "the main thing is to strike them so painfully that the price they pay is unbearable, a large scale attack causing them to fear that everything is about to collapse." Netanyahu. Good ol' scorched land tactics. You gotta keep up with the narrative. The "civilian shields" is a pre-Trump era speak, when Biden was denying Israel's intent to get rid of Gaza. It's all out in the open now. Regardless, this is the stupidest shit ever. Resistance don't even operate on the ground. They are deep underground. 

However most those people support Hamas and their pedophilia and terrorism so it's not really a big loss. Only the children are innocent though with the use of child soldiers I am unsure of that. Child soldiers is also another thing humans wouldn't do
- Just say, "I don't care". It's ok. All this moral gymnastics of Western inferiority complex of always having to justify yourself to feel better about being an arrogant scum is cringe. It's normal to not care for the life of who you deem enemy... Ukrainians & allies don't care for Russian lives, & vis-versa.

- I understand the stake of the empire in this warfare & oppression around the world. How does that benefit the average American? Unless you're blind, Western military, economic & technological superiority has effectively ended. Just the fact that dozens (rsp. hundreds) of billions of dollars worth of weapons & half a million troops is not enough to overpower a 20k force with basic artillery for 15 months (rsp. 20 years) in Gaza (rsp. Afghanistan) is sufficient tell. Power is replaced by Prestige, the remnant of a legacy built over a 100 years of domination & oppression, as is the case of all empires. It is sufficient for the USD to be dropped as a reserve currency to wipe out 80% of the US economy. The coming generations will just bear the backlash of the arrogance of their ancestors.

Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
That was a good read. Right now Israel has high birth rates, but they are declining over time. The plan of Israel was always to claim more and more territory. They bombed over 60% of Palestine in less than a year to make its population move out.
- Scorched land tactics. Never gunna succeed. People forgot that the Palestinians of Gaza are those who stayed. All possible means have been used to annihilate & displace Palestinians since 1947. Many indeed moved or migrate abroad. Many gave up their homes & surrendered. Those who haven't are the one populating Gaza today. Israelis are indeed desperate to get their Temple built this year, ideally before 2028, fearing the 8th decade curse. But it's all downhill from now. 30 years ago Hamas owned a handful of pistols. 20 years ago they developed single digit range rockets to barely poke out of Gaza. Today, they have domestically manufactured rockets reaching 250km in range, anti-tank RPGs, sniper rifles, drones...etc. Very few countries in the world today have such domestic capabilities. Desperate times call for desperate measures. In 10 years, it's not farfetched to imagine Hamas having the full capabilities of a modern army, especially with the access they have today to all Israeli tech recently captured, from tanks to drone to helicopters to all sorts of rockets & missiles.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Israel & its backers lost, plain & simple. Even Israelis admit that. No party who holds the upper hand seeks truce under the conditions for the adversary.
So good to know that Hamas literally owned Israel in this and is not actually a pile of rubble. 

Bro this is literally what ethical people do. It is so obvious who is winning by looking at which country is a pile of dust. 

It was honestly retarded to just randomly attack random civilians on October 7th. I don't even think they had a strategy. I think they were honestly just stupid enough to fall for Irans promises to help them when Irans real goals were to just be annoying even at the expense of Palestinian and Israeli lives. 

The whole October 7th thing kind of proves that these people are in a satanic death cult. You would never see good religions like Christianity command their people to go rape random civilians. The American military literally just established military dominance not target civilians at random. To rape especially the pedophile stuff. 

Now you can say individual soldiers may have done some fucked up shit but not as a matter of policy. 

Did you know that Gaza could be as rich as western nations if they didn't take their aid money to buy weapons and make tunnels? They could have spent it on schools or developing industries. 

Instead they are like. "Let's randomly attack civilians and rape them, I am sure that if we hold hostages it will mean that we are rewarded for this behavior and not punished" 

Bro it's dumb . In the Muslim mind you think not genociding your people is an admission of defeat, which I think is an admission that you guys would literally genocide your enemies if you ever established military dominance. 

No the Germans did not win WW2 just because they weren't wiped from existence LOL.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
. It's normal to not care for the life of who you deem enemy... Ukrainians & allies don't care for Russian lives, & vis-versa.
It's not even true. Every western country tries to spare lives. It isn't from some sense of inferiority either. There is a reason why Muslim morals have them living in literal shitholes  if they adopted western morality they could literally just live in peace and prosperity instead of fucking donkeys and living in slums. At least build up your societies before starting a war. Anyone who is not retarded against military superiority before attacking other countries but I think Muslims as a whole just aren't smart. Perhaps it's the inbreeding. 

Seriously a lot of sex with cousins guy and kids LoL
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Israelis are indeed desperate to get their Temple built this year, ideally before 2028, fearing the 8th decade curse.
WTF kind of superstitious cope is this?

Do Jews also murder black cats because they are bad luck? You guys will believe anything
Yassine's avatar
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Yassine's avatar
So good to know that Hamas literally owned Israel in this and is not actually a pile of rubble. Bro this is literally what ethical people do. It is so obvious who is winning by looking at which country is a pile of dust. 
- Hamas owned Israel, & Israel owned the rubble with those living in it, yes. Israel & Western/Christian invaders generally kill their way to conquest rather than fight their way to conquest, like everyone else. Usually this works, if you kill enough unarmed civilians, the sheer horror itself induces surrender. But not always. Just like the US bombed the hell out of Iraq (& before it many other countries like Vietnam), killing 1–1.5 million people & destroying much of the infrastructure, Israel carpet bombed 90% of Gaza into rubble. Doesn't change the fact that they lost the actual fighting side of the warfare.

It was honestly retarded to just randomly attack random civilians on October 7th. I don't even think they had a strategy. I think they were honestly just stupid enough to fall for Irans promises to help them when Irans real goals were to just be annoying even at the expense of Palestinian and Israeli lives. 
- Idk, Israel is, in fact, releasing the kidnapped Palestinians as intended by Oct 7... Hamas stated goals in Oct 7 were clear: 
• Releasw kidnapped Palestinians in exchange for Israeli prisoners.
• Shatter Israel's invincibility image, from back when they had to fight kids with rocks.
• Establish a precedent of reciprocity, every action Israel takes against Palestinians will be met accordingly. 
• Sabotage the Abraham Accords aimed at muting the Palestinian state claim to bring it back to light.

The whole October 7th thing kind of proves that these people are in a satanic death cult.
- The beautiful thing about this is that no matter how many names & accusations you throw at the resistance, it does not win you the war. It doesn't matter what you call the Taliban now & how much you vilify them, there is nothing you can do about it. Propaganda is a tool to obfuscate your crimes when you actually win, it's nothing when you don't. & that's another folly of the Western empire. They got too complicit & confused their dehumanising propaganda as real power. It isn't.

You would never see good religions like Christianity command their people to go rape random civilians.
- Tell that to your drinking buddies. It doesn't work here. No people have mass raped other peoples as Christians have in History. It's in the Bible. Also, not that I care to point this out, no rapes occurred in Oct 7 or all the other lies, & the majority of Israelis were killed by their own in Hannibal directive.

The American military literally just established military dominance not target civilians at random. To rape especially the pedophile stuff.
- Yet, they killed 29 million of them & displaced 60 million since WWII. US Law specifically grants no rights to non-nationals especially POWs. Unless you're living under a rock, rape is exactly what you do.

Now you can say individual soldiers may have done some fucked up shit but not as a matter of policy. 
- Drop the defensive nonsense. If you truly don't like it, just dissociate yourself from it. Are you loyal to Jesus Christ or USA & Israel?

Did you know that Gaza could be as rich as western nations if they didn't take their aid money to buy weapons and make tunnels? They could have spent it on schools or developing industries. 
- Man, the amount of propaganda your head is filled with is honestly exhausting. Gaza did build schools & universities with little means they had. In fact, they have one of the highest higher education & literacy rates in the world. Israel bombed all that to rubble though.

Instead they are like. "Let's randomly attack civilians and rape them, I am sure that if we hold hostages it will mean that we are rewarded for this behavior and not punished" 
- There are two perspective to this. One being of the Palestinian in the open air prison under siege who was driven out of his home by some random Jews from Europe who just showed-up one day & took their lands, homes, villages, ports...etc. Looking behind the prison wall at the aggressors living in his parents & grandparents home, who come to kidnap his people at will, kill them at will, bomb them at will, & punish them for attempting to resist at will. The other being of the Israeli Zionist who believes the land belongs to him & the Arab Palestinian is an animal undeserving of it. Looking at these savage Arabs who refuse to yield & know their place as the slaves they are, they must be punished for daring to oppose their masters. – Idk, let's wait & see who wins at the end. I'll bet on the Palestinian. There is no world in which this colonial pocket will survive in a region of 100x its population of a people hostile to its colonial existence.

Bro it's dumb . In the Muslim mind you think not genociding your people is an admission of defeat, which I think is an admission that you guys would literally genocide your enemies if you ever established military dominance. 
- Bro, cool off the propaganda. It's rotten. You're projecting. I get that. Hard to deal with your genocidal History. It's you who killed half a billion people to get where you are as an empire. The tables are turning. Maybe you should start repenting soon. The Western empire is collapsing as we speak.

It's not even true. Every western country tries to spare lives.
- By killing only half a billion, including half the African continent & 1/4rd of China.

It isn't from some sense of inferiority either.
- Just look at your entire tone & mindset. It reeks of inferiority. The whole western identity is built on self-justification & glorification over others. We have a 5000 years old History, we don't have that complex in our tradition. We are not constantly incessantly comparing ourselves to others. You had the same arrogance when you sold women in markets, treated slaves as cattle, massacred entire nations. Is there anything about your identity that isn't "we are special & others aren't"? Though, it is sad that many Muslims are so beholden to the West they experience the reverse.

There is a reason why Muslim morals have them living in literal shitholes  if they adopted western morality they could literally just live in peace and prosperity instead of fucking donkeys and living in slums.
- You poor chap. You're exactly like how they want you. If only you knew how utterly f*cked you are. If you really want a White or Christian nation as the impression you give off, you seriously need to drop all the stupid Western "morality" & save yourself before it's too late.

At least build up your societies before starting a war. Anyone who is not retarded against military superiority before attacking other countries but I think
- Maybe you should take your own advice.... The air superiority the US had over other nations is fading away. These "threat" countries actually have defense systems & missiles that could sink an aircraft carrier in seconds.

Muslims as a whole just aren't smart. Perhaps it's the inbreeding. 
- Idk, you sound pretty dumb to me. Your IQ ranges from 50 to 100 as you talk. It's really strange. Some here are pretty smart some are not so much. You, you have smart days & dumb days... Do you do drugs...?

WTF kind of superstitious cope is this?
- Just say "I don't know". You don't know anything about anything. Quit yapping then.

Do Jews also murder black cats because they are bad luck? You guys will believe anything
- They actually do, & much more.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
You poor chap. You're exactly like how they want you. If only you knew how utterly f*cked you are. If you really want a White or Christian nation as the impression you give off, you seriously need to drop all the stupid Western "morality" & save yourself before it's too late.
Yeah the only way to secure myself against you guys is border security and deportations at home and bombings abroad. Lets be honest it's only a matter of time before the religion of peace starts doing more serious terror attacks in America. 

They actually do, & much more
You guys are so off balance. I don't even like Jews but am tempted to defend them due to how retarded your views are. Have you ever tried to disprove your own arguments to see how dumb they are or is your only focus on defending things like

"See that pile of rubble? See that modern developed country? The pile of rubble won"

I don't see how you can simultaneously declare victory while also crying to Christian countries for aid due to how you are being genocided.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
You make very good points. The original plan of Israel was to completely destroy Hamas, but now Israel finds itself unable to do even that, which is why Israel agreed to a ceasefire and now will be forced to release all Palestinians it kept in prisons for years.
Swagnarok's avatar
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Swagnarok's avatar
All that is sensational nonsense. He is not going to take Canada, nor Panama, nor Gaza. Never going to happen; ESPECIALLY Gaza.

The current power dynamics dictate that the colonial pocket of Israel is a political reality
You wouldn't speak of Egypt, Turkey, or Saudi Arabia only existing because of "current power dynamics". These are countries in their own right, they have every right to exist, and this right has no expiration date. Israel is the exact same way - a permanent majority-Jewish state, in the same way that there are dozens of permanent majority-Arab states.

for it was successfully inserted in the region by relevant Colonial powers after the fall of the Ottoman Empire & the subsequent occupation of the region
The Jews resettled Palestine in large numbers during the late 19th and early 20th century. So what? The Arabs themselves conquered and colonized Palestine, and that's the only reason you consider it an Arab land today. From my point of view, both acts of colonization are ancient history; that one piece of ancient history just happens to be more recent than the other (and the expulsion of the Jews from Israel is the most ancient piece of history of all) is irrelevant to the discussion.

What's relevant is that both Jews and Arabs are in the Middle East today. The question is how to make sure that both groups have a self-governing space large enough to accommodate their basic needs. At present, that question has been answered satisfactorily, with the exception of the Palestinian question. And the Palestinians are, of course, just Arabs.

Gazans under siege for decades came to two realizations early: that the supremacy of US/Israel military is air power, & that the political solution (to achieve a Palestinian state) is a lie
How do they know when they haven't seriously tried a political solution? Actually, scratch that, they did -- there were two successful Oslo Accords, then they went to the Camp David Accords demanding the moon and the stars, and when that one summit broke down they immediately went on a Jew-killing frenzy, extinguishing all prospects of further diplomatic breakthroughs for a generation. Meanwhile, of course, the people behind the violence of the Second Intifada are either still running the West Bank or at the very least have been afforded safe haven inside of it, and the Palestinian Authority is still paying people to indiscriminately murder Jews.

As for Gaza, in 2005 Israel expelled all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip (whereas millions of Arab Muslims are allowed to live in Israel proper), and the Gazans immediately proceeded to elect Hamas. At literally any point in the last 20 years the Gazans could've tried removing Hamas and then seeing if the Israelis would sustain the blockade in the face of moderate Gazan leadership, but the Gazans never did.

If the West Bankers and Gazans actually put moderates in charge and stop letting their territory be used as a launchpad for terrorism, they could try negotiating for reasonable terms. Not some mythical, non-existent right-of-return (Israeli Jews who parents/grandparents were expelled from Arab countries have no such right of return), nor any concessions of land in Israel proper, but Israeli non-interference in the affairs of these two countries and the removal of settlers from the West Bank. Then they could negotiate with other Arab states for right of travel.

2 million Palestinians who just lost their land on top of suffering & losing everything else, who successfully fought Israel with the full backing of the West, might just be as successful in taking over the country they were moved into, say Egypt or Jordan.
The PLO tried to take over Jordan in 1970. They failed.

Unlike in Israel, a resistance force launching a coup against the Egyptian regime, for instance, will not face much resistance from the people, if not the opposite.
Which is it? Are neighboring Arabs scared of Palestinian refugees, or would they cheer them on as they seized power in said countries? If the latter, then what do democratically run Arab countries have to lose from accepting millions of Palestinian refugees?

This might lead to the infamous Samson option. But if the Israelis use nuclear, it is certain that all regional powers will rush to acquire their own as fast as possible. 
If a vast horde of crazy genocidal Palestinians were to succeed in overrunning Israel, this outcome would be little different from being glassed with nuclear weapons, in which case the Israelis might as well take their enemies down with them.

It is not farfetched to believe that the resistance factions might 10x their forces after this. Which means 10x the fighting force, 10x the weapons & 10x the tunnels. The resistance is growing stronger not weaker. 
I agree with you so far as concerns the manpower, if only because a large number of Gazans are too dumb to stop and consider that Hamas might be principally responsible for their suffering. But not for the weapons or smuggling. If Hamas can ill afford to furnish its new recruits with anything more than a basic sidearm, then this army won't be of much use.
Shila's avatar
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I agree with you so far as concerns the manpower, if only because a large number of Gazans are too dumb to stop and consider that Hamas might be principally responsible for their suffering. But not for the weapons or smuggling. If Hamas can ill afford to furnish its new recruits with anything more than a basic sidearm, then this army won't be of much use.
With Iran militarily weakened and economically devastated, they are unable to fund the Hamas giving Israel the opportunity to further weaken and destroy them.
Yassine's avatar
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Yeah the only way to secure myself against you guys is border security and deportations at home and bombings abroad. Lets be honest it's only a matter of time before the religion of peace starts doing more serious terror attacks in America. 
- You are a pebble. A mere subject of the empire. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop whatever they want to do with you. Don't worry about Muslims, they are gunna pump your country full of Indians. The kind who will actually take your high paying jobs, unlike Mexicans who do menial work & make your life more affordable. They realized importing Muslims & spreading Wokeness creates "anti-semites", & realized Whites are increasingly becoming anti-Zionist. Two birds with one stone, HB1 Indians will easily replace anti-Zionist Whites. Trump already repealed DEI, Affirmative Action & Anti-discrimination acts, in favor of Blind Meritocracy. Now, with highly skilled Indian immigrants, companies will be able to hire cheap Indians based on skills & fire White they don't like (i.e. "anti-semites") with no legal repercussion. Congrats!

You guys are so off balance. I don't even like Jews but am tempted to defend them due to how retarded your views are. Have you ever tried to disprove your own arguments to see how dumb they are or is your only focus on defending things like
- Make your masters happy...

"See that pile of rubble? See that modern developed country? The pile of rubble won"
- Rubble doesn't fight back... You can't win against rubble now can you!

I don't see how you can simultaneously declare victory while also crying to Christian countries for aid due to how you are being genocided.
- I know, & yet those "Christian" countries got swindled out of +$40B the past months from crying Israel.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Now you are just speaking a lot of truth  so there is nothing for me to add.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
- You are a pebble. A mere subject of the empire. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop whatever they want to do with you. Don't worry about Muslims, they are gunna pump your country full of Indians. The kind who will actually take your high paying jobs, unlike Mexicans who do menial work & make your life more affordable. They realized importing Muslims & spreading Wokeness creates "anti-semites", & realized Whites are increasingly becoming anti-Zionist. Two birds with one stone, HB1 Indians will easily replace anti-Zionist Whites. Trump already repealed DEI, Affirmative Action & Anti-discrimination acts, in favor of Blind Meritocracy. Now, with highly skilled Indian immigrants, companies will be able to hire cheap Indians based on skills & fire White they don't like (i.e. "anti-semites") with no legal repercussion. Congrats!
Muslims don’t control India. Muslims are a minority controlled by Indians. In fact highly skilled Indian immigrants are all over muslim countries developing their economies.
Swagnarok's avatar
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True. Also, if Israel holds onto the Philadelphi Corridor then it'll be difficult for Hamas to resupply itself through smuggling.
Greyparrot's avatar
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This is the way.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
True. Also, if Israel holds onto the Philadelphi Corridor then it'll be difficult for Hamas to resupply itself through smuggling.
Since Israel cannot occupy Gaza it should hand it over to Trump.
FLRW's avatar
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I guess he will be building the Gaza Trump Tower.
cristo71's avatar
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"See that pile of rubble? See that modern developed country? The pile of rubble won"
Since the 1940s, two state solutions have been offered. Every time, the Palestinian Arabs have refused them; the Arab League even boycotted meetings over the first offer of a two state solution. When Israel finally says, “That’s it. No more offers of a two state solution!” Hamas responds, “Well then, we will bake your babies and take hostages until you offer a two state solution!”

WyIted's avatar
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It's so odd. I honestly think we shouldn't treat them with kid gloves at all. 

They play the same game all sociopaths play and funny enough I learned it from Charles Manson.

They walk up and try to act bad ass and then when you hit them they play victim. 

Anyone who does the aggressive act followed by the victim act on repeat is sociopathic and should be dealt with accordingly. 

The same shit whether it is ghetto people, Hamas or gypsy's. 

Notice it's not every minority group either, you never see Mexicans or Africans or Asians pulling this shit, just the most subhuman sociopaths on the planet
RemyBrown's avatar
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This is the mind of inhuman terrorists but humans feel empathy.
- I don't care for the emotional nonsense
Greyparrot's avatar
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It's weird that Israel is more tolerant of radical Muslims than the neighboring Muslim tribes....
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
Israel is an interesting combination of two, often opposing directives:  that human life has value and “Never again.”

Greyparrot's avatar
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What I mean is, Israel is willing to live next to a reservation, but Jordon refuses to take in all the Muslim radicals... 

Carve out a ghetto in Jordan? Nimby.