Inluterally answered everything whiteflame has asked me. Maybe he was smarmy as a tactic for getting me to be more forth coming. However I haven't ducked anything he has asked me.
I have tried to avoid commenting on behaviors he sees thag he thinks are scum behaviors. It's pointless for me to say i disagree they are scum behaviors. It's a philosophical argument over the likelihood something is a scum tell and it's pointless for me to interject.
When he says "wylted choosing lunatic to vanillaize to avoid a lynch seems scummy because cerulean makes more sense here"
A statement like that isn't a question, even if he tags me in the post. All I can do is explain my reasoning to the best of my ability. Which I did.
Now people can either accept my reasoning or not. If they decide my reasoning sounds like bullshit than fair enough but somebody mentioning that behavior and thinking it's scummy, or any other behavior is none of my business.
I will answer it fully here now that I brought it up, but only to reiterate what I have said before and maybe add to it.
A lot of people had lunatic in their scum pool. My philosophy as cop is not to target who I think the scummiest player is, but essentially who is in a lot of scum pools or town pools and maybe shouldn't be.
I thought lunatic would be more of an issue to clear going into a mylo or lylo situation. I may have also remembered that lunatic said I needed to know what the role I was targeting was and felt a need to target a role that hasn't been outted to also put that speculation to rest.
You are also wrong that everyone should have a strong opinion on me. Me being the entire focus of this DP is silly. Find other players to move to your town and scum pools. The game has 8 players in it and you have a strong opinion on 1? Move to the other 6 and get some more strong opinions.