1. His targeting of me last night is one of the prime reasons I’ve amped up my suspicion on him. It was incredibly a reckless move and one that he had not indicated in the slightest. He never once mentioned scum reading me in the last day phase. Now he’s saying he was trying to clear me for town confirmation which makes it even sussier. Who cops someone to town clear them? Doesn’t that indicate inside knowledge that he already knew I was town? Also I think the motivation for targeting makes more sense for him to do as scum because he knew I was onto him last day phase and if I was an investigation role it would make sense to get rid of me as an issue. I had kind of expected to be roleblocked or night killed if was right about Wylted being suspicious and so when it turned out he vanillized me it really only made my scum read of him harder. Before the day phase though I was actually strongly trying to consider a world where Wylted was town. I primed him yes, but I wasn’t fully planning on igniting if my read on him ended up changing later on.2. The way he claimed. He was resistant to claiming when I asked and it made no sense to me since the role aspect was already revealed. At that point there is literally no reason not to claim. When I asked him why he claimed he said it was to help catch someone via CC. Who in their right mind would claim to be Galbatorix THE MAIN VILLAIN, did he think he was going to catch claiming that?2A. Why didn’t he claim this immediately? He came out the gate saying his role was scummy but why not his character? You can say lack of theme knowledge but that’s not true is it? Based on his own description of his role it should be pretty clear his character is a villain so why didn’t he also say my “my role and character might come across as scummy”?2B. Why did he randomly decide that it his previous logic of CCing someone didn’t apply once I had guessed at his character (to another person btw, wasn’t even talking to him)? The way he claimed immediately after I called out his character seemed like an “oh fuck he guessed my character” move. I feel like he panicked in that moment and decided to rely on WIFOM to spin him claiming the antagonist being a good thing for him. The fact that it’s worked so well for him is a large indication of why this was probably a smart move on his part but the fact that so many people bought into it at first is also what raises red flags for me.
I think 1 is the strongest point here - the problem is that if Wylted has basically been forced to claim his true role if he's scum, then using his role in a pro-town way just wildly swings off the balance of the setup, given that a vanillaizer is a powerful role as both alignments - so it's hard to see what he would do other than using it on a town player.
I especially don't buy the whole cop aspect of it - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if overnight, Wylted asked Pie if there's a cop in the game - DON'T FORGET that there's that ability in the game, so Wylted wouldn't actually be risking a CC. Given that Cerulean claimed Oracle and that there are still some people unclaimed, wouldn't be surprised if Pie just messed around with some untraditional roles this game - I know for sure that mine isn't, and a Prideful Townie is a new one for me as well.
Regarding 2A and 2B, I kinda feel Wylted wouldn't care about that regardless of his alignment, but it's definitely not towny.