Everyone knows they are unreliable. It's just meant to make a quick judgement in the absence of other information.
This is exactly the problem. Know it is unreliable but choose to use it to make a judgment before gathering facts.
You know that most famous sci-fi authors are Mormon? It's interesting isn't it? Wouldn't knowing that help you get in their brain and help you to realize what attributes help them become science fiction writers, particularly if you yourself want to be one?
That would assume causation and not just correlation and I don't want to do that. I know that a bunch were Jewish but there is nothing in Judaism that would impact biology or genetics or sociology so much as to bring about sci fi.
Are you denying that people like Karl Marx have a Jewish background or are you just strawmanning the position by pretending itnis a claim about a sort of cabal or some other nonsense?
Are you assuming that a variable of religuon was at all a causitive factor? He was Jewish by birth. He was also right handed. Which is relevant to his politics and how? What about his love of poetry and Shakespeare? Why are those groups not associated with his philosophy? Then, any assumption about what "the Jews" do or will do depends on believe that we have some collective group think. Call it a cabal or not, but it depends on believing in a monolithic religious bloc.
obviously being crooked by pursuing him in court.
What? Are you a lawyer? Have you investigated this more than they? Or is it just that because you disagree with their ends, you judge them to be automatically wrong in their means?