The fact that beastiality is mentioned in the Bible and condemns it proves the Jews were guilty of beastiality.
Is that how it works, so the fact that murder is mentioned in American law and the law condemns it proves that Americans are guilty of murder.
Wow, you so smart.
The US constitution was written in 1787.
Drafted in secret by delegates to the Constitutional Convention during the summer of 1787, this four-page document, signed on September 17, 1787, established the government of the United States.
The Bible was written centuries before America came into existence.
Parts of the Hebrew Bible were written in perhaps the 10th century BCE. The final redaction and canonization of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) most likely took place during the Babylonian Exile (6th–5th century BCE). The entire Hebrew Bible was complete by about 100 CE.