Trump has more chances to win the elections after the shooting

Author: IlDiavolo


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This is bullshit and untrue. You keep repeating this but studies show leftists to be more sociopathic. They don't reduce unwanted pain for do they desire it. They are literally a suicidal death cult
Didn't you challange Roosevelt to an IQ test and the loser would have to commit suicide?

So many of your accusations are just confessions.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
What I'm arguing here is that Trump is better option than the decrepit old Biden, and he sure is without any doubt.
In order to make that case you'd have to explain why it is worse to have a candidate who is old than a candidate who fundamentally opposes the most basic principals the country he is leading was founded upon. You have offered nothing even close to that.

I considered very carefully all your points and all what I see is resentment and hatred against Trump. There might be some common ground but in general I only see unjustified outrage in your words.
Then you didn't actually read them. My posts offered a point by point breakdown of the differences between this Trump administration and 2017, all supported with facts and examples. If all you saw is outrage you are either lying and didn't read them at all, or when you call me a cultist that is pure projection. It couldn't have been better laid out in terms of just sticking to the facts and leaving emotion out of it.

Well, this is the very reason I gave up on you. You're a cultist. Haha.
Calling me a cultist while demonstrating that you are a cultist. How ironic.

So yet again, I present facts and examples and you don't even attempt to respond to a single thing I said. We both know why, because you don't have anything meaningful to say, just insults.

Yes, I engage in debates for that, to change people's mind. Don't you?
No, that's a waste of time. The main reason I engage here is to test my position. So I lay it out there and I see what those who disagree with me have to say, because I believe they are the best people to show me where I'm wrong. When they repeatedly fail to do so, it doesn't prove me right but it does indicate that there aren't any good arguments against it.

So far you're the second person I've engaged with on those long posts explaining the danger Trump poses to democracy with Schedule F being the prime example. The other didn't really have anything to say about it, and you just call me a cultist without offering a single criticism to demonstrate that you even read it. I find that very telling, which only strengthens my convictions that I have it right. Maybe someone will come along and actually want to have an intelligent conversation about it. Till then...
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
In order to make that case you'd have to explain why it is worse to have a candidate who is old than a candidate who fundamentally opposes the most basic principals the country he is leading was founded upon. You have offered nothing even close to that.
I think it's too late to do that because Joe has stepped aside. I think he finally proved himself being unfitted for the presidency.

Then you didn't actually read them. My posts offered a point by point breakdown of the differences between this Trump administration and 2017, all supported with facts and examples. If all you saw is outrage you are either lying and didn't read them at all, or when you call me a cultist that is pure projection. It couldn't have been better laid out in terms of just sticking to the facts and leaving emotion out of it.
I called you a cultist at the very moment you tried to defend the undefendable which is the Bidenomics. Any decent economist would agree that Biden administration has been awful for the american economy. Maybe you enjoy a wealthy position in american society so you don't have to complain, but most americans have been struggling to get by over the last 4 years.

So yet again, I present facts and examples and you don't even attempt to respond to a single thing I said. We both know why, because you don't have anything meaningful to say, just insults.
So, calling you a cultist is an insult? Haha, we're very sensitive today.

I call you a cultist because this is what you are since you were defending the Bidenomics. Check any inflation chart over the last 2 periods and you'll see Trump's inflation is flat, Biden's is a big mountain. I don't have to expand on it because it's a waste of time, so you can check it by yourserf in any economic newspaper. All of them says it clear, Biden's economy management has been poor and the debt Biden leaves is a ticking bomb.

I find that very telling, which only strengthens my convictions that I have it right. Maybe someone will come along and actually want to have an intelligent conversation about it. Till then...
Oh, what a modest chad!!

Look, if you think our conversation doesn't fullfill your expectations, that's fine. Maybe you can find another democrat cultist in this forum so you can be happy talking about how great the Biden's administration was.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
I called you a cultist at the very moment you tried to defend the undefendable which is the Bidenomics. 
I didn't defend Bidenomics, I pointed out the fact that every indicator we have used to measure economic strength for the past century says the economy is strong. The takeaway there is not that Bidenomics is wonderful, it's that your claim is nonsense.

Check any inflation chart over the last 2 periods and you'll see Trump's inflation is flat, Biden's is a big mountain.
Correlation/causation fallacy. Just because Biden was president while we had inflation doesn't mean Biden caused it. Inflation is a global phenomenon, do you think Biden caused inflation worldwide? If so, how?

Inflation is the result of a number of factors, but most notable is the aftermath of COVID with all of the supply chain disruptions which was later compounded by price gouging. There is absolutely nothing Trump could have or would have done to stop it.

It never ceases to amaze me how right wingers seem to think the entire world's affairs are entirely dictated by the person sitting in the oval office. As if being sworn in is some magical ceremony straight out of Harry Potter.

When Trump was sworn in he took over an economy Obama left him that had been growing for 7 straight years. All Trump did was continue the same trajectory it was already on. He didn't do or accomplish anything special, in fact there were more jobs created in the three years prior to Trump's arrival than the three years after he was sworn in. He didn't do anything.

Biden meanwhile inherited the mess Trump left him. It never ceases to amaze me how Trump supporters want to wipe out Trump's last year in office because we can't hold him responsible for thre destruction of COVID but then hold Biden responsible for the ashes COVID left behind. It's as if you think on January 19th 2021 COVID was present and detrimental, then on January 20th it just vanished. How convenient.