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In the US, under the 1st Amendment, we have protected free speech, being able to say anything except DIRECT incitement to violence. (e.g. you can’t say “fire” in a crowded theater) But offending someone is not a DIRECT incitement to violence. All this to say, I DON'T believe that you SHOULD say “Nigger” if it is offensive. You should not slur at all. But honestly, it’s all about how you use it. And why do Blacks get a special pass to say it but not other races?
Disclaimer: Please note the use of the word "biggest" in the title. I've learned my lesson, and I will not be using ambiguous terms like "main".
Millions of girls are forced into child marriage, losing their childhoods and futures. We must stop traditions, like the Sharia law, that allow this to happen.
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Christian god as described in the Bible cannot exist.
Half troll debate, half serious, so don’t read too much into it.
This debate is about whether we should live as if God exists, not about Agnosticism.
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Bitcoin banknotes allow hyperbitcoinization in the developing world.
This is a short debate. Just present as much points as you can think of.
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In American prisons, many inmates transform their lives by accepting Christianity through chaplain-led programs. These religious initiatives play a key role in rehabilitation, leading to significant behavioral changes, sparking a debate on whether these changes are due to a placebo effect or genuine transformation of the soul.
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