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Total debates: 3,682
The topic should be self explanatory.
CO2 doesn't cause climate change.
Resolved: Donald Trump ought to be removed from office
The Kalaam Cosmological Argument is a sound argument for the existence of God
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I'm trying to prove that the behave from a person depends on his learning through life. And, the response from a person depends on their growing context, admitting that one person never stops growing in knowledge. A response from a person is what a person does in a given situation. If somebody does something, in their way, it doesn't mean that is right or wrong. But, it means, that person doesn't know how to do "better".
Pro will be arguing in favor of abolishing the veto power of the permanent members of the UNSC on UN Resolutions Con will be arguing for upholding the status quo, maintaining the veto power of the UNSC permanent members on UN Resolutions
This debate is only for Wisdom of Ages. Do not accept unless you are him. It is also for Virtuoso's Tournament.
This is to see whether or not abortion should be legal beyond 3 weeks.
It's pretty obvious that god intended for humans to sin, right?
This debate is about if Viruses are alive. Three rounds, one for making positions, one for refuting opponents, and one for recapping.
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I am arguing for the fact that the death penalty should be abolished
In this debate, I try to prove that time is discrete, like little grains of sand in a clepsydra.
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