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Total debates: 3,618
Not here to get super aggressive, just trying to have a productive conversation to figure out my stance on abortion through debate :)
Prove "Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm" is NOT very versatile in explaining numerous facets of reality without contradiction numerous facets of reality; in meaning, it explains many of our realities as in the way we see the world in the normal scale, without contradiction; for there to pose no opposition to the explanation of many of our realities as in the way see the world in the normal scale.
This debate doesnt deal with if God exists, but if belief in good God is likely beneficial even if God doesnt exist.
Let's open this up for anybody else available.
Theists often claim that without God, objective morality could not possibly exist. As an atheist, I technically agree with them, though for a particular reason -- my stance is that morality is subjective EVEN IF God exists. Socrates_had_a_baby has agreed to debate me on this topic. Let's discuss!
This debate has been proposed by Casey_Risk. I kindly ask that nobody else accepts this debate.
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Do you think in a battle, would every pokemon win or a billion lions? I say every pokemon.
RESOLVED: Relationships don't work.
A debate on the validity of a trans experience.
A debate on the validity of Christianity, and the scriptures that accompany the religion.
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Don’t think I need to do any description, but if I should, ping me in the comments.
Is Fast Fashion worth the Seemingly Cheap Price?
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