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The God described in the Bible does not and cannot exist.
Debate on Abortion Rights. We will be covering the reasons to have a complete ban on abortion or have it legal for all stages of pregnancy, nothing in the middle. Pro = Pro Choice, Con = Pro life
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Should a college give immunity to a rape/sexual assault victim, even when the victim has engaged in illegal activities? Let's talk about it!
Wylted needs to be put in place. I give him an argument. He hears what he hears then runs with it (see discord). The least I can do is show people the very same thing because I don't think someone who goes out of their way to misrepresent me clearly is open minded to actually look at what they say and realize. It does not debunk my argument.
This debate will address whether personhood begins at conception.
Going outside my comfort zone.
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"STOP the STEAL" is just a BIG LIE
CON must prove black people are inferior to white people
I remember wearing uniforms in school
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