Instigator / Pro

I am more Pro Israel, looking to debate a Pro-Palestine/Anti-Israel/Anti-Zionist


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Lay it all out on the table for me. Say why you support one side, I’ll say why I support the other. I don’t mind if you get nasty or even call me names, just understand that I will regardless. Looking foward!

Round 1
Palestinians have been kicked out of every country they’ve been a part of. Ever. 
Here’s a brief overview:

-1970 & 1971: expelled from Jordan for threatening Jordnaians’ freedoms and trying to lead a revolt against Jordan
-1991: expelled from Kuwait for supporting Sadam Hussein’s terrorsim
-1970’s & 1980’s: expelled from Lebanon for taking terrorists’ side in the lebanese civil war
-2011-present: expelled from Syria for also taking terrorists’ side in the syrian civil war
-2003-present: expelled from Iraq for being linked to Hussein’s regime
-PRESENT: Egypt refuses to absorb palestinians to this day, for they have been a social and economic burden on all the countries they were expelled from.

Now, let’s jump to 2005, when Israel literally evacuated Israelis from their homes in Gaza, gave it over to the Palestinians after absorbing them post egyptian war, and offered them civil liberties and hundreds of billions in funding.

With their new freedom and money, you might ask, what did they do? 

They elected Hamas, (which we can get into the horrors if Hamas, but I doubt that you are pro-hamas) and turned the once-thriving Gaza into an absolute wasteland.


Let’s talk about 10/7.

A brutal terrorist orginization, Hamas, launched a disgusting attack on the sovereignty of Israel. 

In response, Israel defended itself by eradicating Hamas, which they are still in the proccess of. I won’t get into the intricacies of the war, like how Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, or Iran is as well a factor at play, but what is important is this:

I fully condemn the death of Palestinians based on this war. When you look at the reasons of death and the numbers at play, however, you will see how you were sold a bad bill of goods.

First, let’s get the facts straight.
-around 40k palestinians have died

Every Palestinian that has died is a direct effect of Hamas’ initiation of this war (which Palestinians support) and is because of Hamas’ human shield policies. Hamas uses the Palestinians as human shields while they hide smugly in their terror tunnels which Iran built for them: 
"During the Israel–Hamas war of 2023–2024, EU nations accused Hamas of using hospitals as human shields, while the UN Secretary General said "Hamas and other militants use civilians as human shields".[12][13] In 2023, HRW said that "Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups need to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians under their control from the effects of attacks and not use civilians as 'human shields.'"[14] In 2024, HRW reported at least two incidents where Palestinian fighters appear to have used Israeli hostages as human shields during the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel.[15] According to the New York Times, some Gazans showed opposition to their usage as human shields by Hamas and some have refused the entry of militants to some shelters.[16](

Second, the population of Palestinians (which, if you do your research, you’ll find that Palestine is not actually a real place, and was a play on “the Philistines,” a group that genocided the Jews but that’s besides the point,) you’ll find that there are about 14 million Palestinians alive today. 40 thousand have died in this war. That is 0.35% of their population. In what world is killing 0.35% of a population a genocide? Even if it was intentional by the IDF (which I have proven that it isn’t,) it is not a genocide!

A real genocide is when 6 out of 17 million jews, roughly 35% were killed, as happened in the holocaust! 


I can go further, as Israel stands as the ONLY ally to America, the ONLY democracy in the Middle East. Were it to fall, that region of the world. would become even more volatile, a threat to all of western civilization. De facto, Israel is doing the world a favor by combatting their opposing militant forces in Hamas and Hezbollah.

Now tell me, Sir, why do you oppose Israel and/or support Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/Palestine (which isn’t even a real place!)
Round 2
I can’t make another argument until he responds.
The worst thing is the sense of being a stranger in your own land and feeling that not a single part of it is yours

there's a difference between  kind  and brutal , 
In  Gaza (sub-occupied  by Israel and   remains of   Palestine) :
Oceans   of     tears    .......      from eyes  of     kids       dominated  the  smile     of  life  today
lips    of  kids    that   were      wet     and  smile      before  today  .....      r        dry  and  cry    today
eyes   of  kids    that   were   happy   and    shining    before  today  ..........  r       sad      and   dark  today

love for mankind is the thing what make us     ,    ambition   to  destroy   humans   is not that   reveal    peace  or  prosperity  for  mankind   
but some think  they can  do everything    against    the  humans for  their  ambition  .......
for that   purpose ,  they kill   humans  and    when  humans try to defend    , they killed by them  even they    r the attackers  and lords   to make   horrible things 
they kill humans and killed by them  but   in both  conditions   humans r   bad   according to them ,
even sometimes   they    consider humans  as sub-humans .  
but the thing is that their ideology   is the disaster  for    not only   themselves but for   whole mankind.....
they  divide mankind  into two  categories     tools and enemies  ....... 
they  do what they like to do  against  humans  ......  and they call this   a great  thing to do  

 how i refer  this  dark night  to dawn  

Israel is  a foreign    project of   Europe  and  USA     , to invade  the peaceful holy  land   of  Palestine  and  make  a  great  James Town  there  , and for that   ambition they cross   every line and break  every law .  
we see  that  how   colonial   powers  invade     the   humanity  for their  personal  ambitions   and for the sack  of  power . leaders of Israel  don't   see the  reality and   r  drunk   becoz  of   unlimited foreign   contribution in invading  of Palestine   and their   slogans r  to   destroy  the reamings of   Palestine
For half a century, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there. 

I'm  just  a human and belive in humanity  without   influenced by any   religion or ideology   , i    want   This Terrible War Must End    for the welfare of mankind and we  need to resolve  that problem without    any violence  or use of    harmful weapons   , we need to understand  that  negotiation is the best   weapon for defense  of mankind and to resolve any problem  ,  we  all  must need to understand it.

Round 3
"The worst thing is the sense of being a stranger in your own land and feeling that not a single part of it is yours"
You do not know what you are talking about bud. . . let’s take a history lesson together. And I will provide sources unlike you for the skeptics reading this.

There is no “country” called Palestine. It is a fallacy that was "used widely as a self-identification by Palestinians from the start of the 20th century onwards.[28]” (SOURCE:

In fact, the name “Palestine” is wordplay on the Philistines, a group who: 
• oppressed and dominated the Israelites for extended periods (Judges 13:1).
• frequently raided Israelite towns, destroying crops, stealing livestock, and wreaking havoc unprovoked (Judges 6:4).
• killed many Israelites and took captives in battles (1 Samuel 4:10–11).
• The Ark of the Covenant was captured and kept as a trophy (1 Samuel 4:11).
• The Ark of the Covenant was placed in the temple of Dagon (1 Samuel 5:2).
• King Saul's body was desecrated and his armor sent as a trophy (1 Samuel 31:9–10).
• The Philistines banned blacksmiths, disarming the Israelites (1 Samuel 13:19–22).

If this is who the Palestinians seek to emulate, why do they deserve their own country? Especially when they’ve been offered the option to have their own country at least 7 times between 1947-2008? Not only have they declined numerous times a two-state solution, but they have launched relentless and unprovoked attacks on Israeli soil! Even further, they have turned Gaza into an absolute terrorist shithole despite being granted and subsidized in the billions by the Israeli government! 

"In Gaza (sub-occupied  by Israel and remains of  Palestine)"
You are half-correct but missing one key element. A good analogy is sort of like how Puerto Rico is an American territory yet not part of the Union; Gaza is an Israeli territory yet not actually occupied by Israel. If we go back to our Israeli history lesson, we will see that “in 2005, 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and four Israeli settlements in the West Bank were unilaterally dismantled.”
Israel actually evacuated Israeli citizens in Gaza from their own homes, in order to give over the region to the Palestinians!

even sometimes   they    consider humans  as sub-humans .  but the thing is that their ideology   is the disaster  for    not only   themselves but for   whole mankind.....
First off, I’ll address the notion that Israelis treat Palestinians as 'less-than’ or ’sub-human.’
  • In Israel, healthcare for Palestinian patients receiving medical treatment exists. In Gaza, it does not.
  • In Israel, job opportunities for Palestinian workers exist. In Gaza, it does not
  • Israeli universities offer educational opportunities for Palestinian students. In Gaza, they do not.
  • Humanitarian aid is provided by Israeli soldiers and the IDF during emergencies or a crisis. But Palestinian soldiers never give aid to Israeli citizens, they only bomb them intentionally and then cry victim when Israel retaliates...
Secondly, I’ll address the notion that Israeli ideology is a disaster for themselves and for mankind.
    • Wix, Mobileye, Checkpoint, CyberArk, PillCam, the Israeli cancer vaccine, Netafim, the first drip irrigation system, Fiverr, El Al airlines, and the other top Israeli companies
    • Israel is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East.
    • Were Israel to fall, G-d forbid, the next target would be America. (Houthi’s literal slogan is “Death to Israel, death to America.”)
    • Other Muslim counties have been more of a strain in the world than Israel has. Muslims tend to invade Western countries and impose or attempt to impose the Sharia law which they have just fled, whereas Israelis tend to assimilate into the culture more or at the very least, they don’t force others to be Jewish or like them. 

     leaders of Israel  don't   see the  reality and   r  drunk   becoz  of   unlimited foreign   contribution in invading  of Palestine   and their   slogans r  to   destroy  the reamings of   Palestine
    I honestly can't comprehend what you’re trying to say here; however, this is certainly a deduction from your legibility. You don’t need to have perfect grammar, but “r drunk becoz” will not cut it for this debate. 

    Either way though, it’s irrelevent. That is to say, I don’t even need to beat you on legibility, since you’re also losing on substance.

    Ur name is pretty  beautiful, i like  it and its mean 
    and the more  beautiful  thing  is  that i like   to learn  lessons  of history from  U as u say
    but the thing is that   my  pretty  teacher u  still teach  me like    my  f**  teachers of   school   , those who  just   say   a pie of truth  and   a bundle  of lies..... 

    ,    my   dear let me know!  if   someone kill ur/our  father  in front of  u  and  beat  ur/our  mother   and    humiliate ur/our  sister   in front of    u   and harasse   u  ..............  what i expect   from u , when u get old  ,  what   u  do  with   that person     (what i do , what u do  , what everyone do )  ,  ..........        revenge , blood  , hate  , violence   (  everyone is not Jesus , so don't expect another thing  like love, peace.......   )  ,        who is     cause/criminal/father  of  hate , violence ,bad     .........         someone who do that   shit   with ur/our    family

    Wix, CyberArk ,  Israeli cancer vaccine ,  Fiverr .....   other top Israeli companies  ....... Israel is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East...... 

    do u think   its means   Israel  have right to kill   humans      .........   SocraticGregarian   awake up , what's  going to   ,  
    u  seems   right  , in wronge  way   according to  these  wronge   things 

     That's the slogans of   Islamophobic /  Anti-Islam      
    Muslims tend to invade Western countries and impose or attempt to impose the Sharia law ,   .......
    That's the slogans of  Antisemitism  / Anti-Judaism 
    Jews  r bad  , fu**  ppl   ugly  ,   low level  humans   ,they r evil  , Due  to jews  we  Europe suffers alot  ....  

    both  r    f****   wronge    , but the difference  is  that  one  is  made   by    my beloved     SocraticGregarian      and   the other is made by      f****   racist    monsters , that's not true

    An  Unjust  law  is not  law at all

    For Ur  Information

    Israel   Helping Create Hamas  and now   Bombing It  ,  its same like     American strategy  against  Soviet Union  , from  helping    Islamic  militants    to invading    them  , in result destroy  the  natives  and their   motherland   

    fathers of   Islamic-militants     r   killing them today

    " Hamas to my  Great  Regret  , Is  Israel's  Creation  "    

    " Islamic-militants      r    wronge    and    by wronge      (  i know u know who is that  wronge   )   , these  militants  r    much bad for   Islam and  for  Muslims   and then to  others   
    but only if u    know the ground  reality 

    Extra thing just for  SocraticGregarian 
    U need to   think  Y      there's    attack from  Gaza  not  from  West Bank  ?

     SocraticGregarian     u see   i don't  try to    make lies but   try  to reveal  the truth  to u  ,  its  not  beautiful  but yeah  its   true  ,    i know u know   what  i say