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Total debates: 3,803
DISCLAIMER: This is not a debate about Islam,Christianity and or Judaism. The debate particularly is focused on whether a Transcendent Reality,Higher Power and or First Cause Creator exists. Nothing more nothing less. Atheism or Theism/Deism.
Just a fun little history debate to give me an excuse to talk about nerdy history stuff Disclaimer: Please note the use of the word "biggest" in the title. I've learned my lesson, and I will not be using ambiguous terms like "main".
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A classic debate about religion.
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The onus scripturally is on the affirmative side.
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Prove that real girls are superior. I bet you cant!
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1. I am pro Islam and want to debate with any other religion or atheism. 2. I have not decided topic yet so if my opponent agrees to my rules then we can discuss resolution in private messages. 3 No moderators are allowed to vote on this debate especially named Barney, if Barney voted on this debate then it's automatic loose for my opponent. 3 Islam is not presumed to be false and the Quran as well unless we are talking about these topics. 4 Burden of proof is always shared.
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Before the 1964 Civil Rights Act it was perfectly legal and constitutional for a state to make a preferential established religion and enforce it down into its municipalites and state jurisdiction. The idea of separation of church and state is so the government doesn't influence the church (ie History of Catholic Church) but instead church influences the state. The Federal Law would leave religious matters up to the state and stay out of religious affairs altogether.
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