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Are we naturally tribalistic?

Does tribalism give strength to budding "racism"?

Is there value in maintaining separation of racially classified communities?

Should segregation be a forgotten concept in the next 100 years?

There are individuals today still pushing for nationalist ideologies based on the history of "race" relations. 

Someone that disapproves of a certain sexuality, is that one prejudice, making prejudgment akin to those doing so in regard to skin color or is there an actual valid basis possibly such as something physiologically related?
Current events
53 10
Is gender a social construct like "race"?

Is abortion worse than slavery?
7 5
Racial hatred of White people has been called into question recently after poll showed alarming results.

Black Americans were asked to agree or disagree with (1) It's okay to be White, and (2) Black people can be racist, too.


"It's okay to be white."53% agree, 26% disagree, 21% not sure

"Black people can be racist, too"76% of agree, 27% disagree, 8% not sure.

This shocked and upset people like cartoonist Scott Adams, who wasn't expecting to encounter such racial hatred of White people (you can see his shocked reaction here) Episode 2027 Scott Adams: AI Goes Woke, I Accidentally Joined A Hate Group, Trump, Policing Schools - YouTube . This inspired him to write a Dilbert comic that got him kind of cancelled Dilbert comic strip dropped after a racist rant by creator Scott Adams : NPR .

What do you think?

Is it okay to be White?
189 25
This case is just another bullshit politically charged race-based witch hunt to convict yet another white man for the death of a black criminal thug that NYC failed to take care of.

Perry was assisted by another black male, and another female POC stayed until police to arrive to give her statement that Perry was a hero. He was a white guy defending black & brown people on the train. 

Neely threatened to kill people and jumped to protect everyone on the train.

Neely died because of his health, his mentality and his threats. 

Neely's death is a tragedy, but he reaped what he sowed.  

End of story.
20 4
Myth, or not?

Written in 2009, there is a book titled “The Myth of the Missing Black Father” which challenges the claim that black communities in the US suffer from a lack of a strong father figure in the family. This book doesn’t exist as an isolated one off, either. Here are just a few other places where this counterclaim is made:

In summary, the claim is that while many black parents do not cohabitate, black fathers are still much more involved in their children’s lives than is generally thought. The claim is that this allegedly pernicious myth arose out of racist inclinations to scapegoat black fathers for shortcomings in black communities. But we have also heard President Obama talk about absent black fathers. The BLM website *used to* advocate for the abolition of the western nuclear family— they have since erased that claim, curiously.

So, which is it? Black communities suffer from absentee fathers, or not? Or somewhere in between? Will the real myth please stand up?
9 5
I'm curious what are everyone's favorite ways to determine if someone is (or is not) a racist?

This keeps coming up in so many discussions; and while I doubt we'll ever have true consensus, I am interested in seeing the variety of answers.

While it suffers scope limitations, I deeply enjoy a modified Ryan Reynolds quote:
Four or five moments! That’s all it takes to be a [racist].
People think you wake up a [racist]… brush your teeth a [racist]… ejaculate into a soap dispenser a [racist].
But, no, being a [racist] takes only a few moments!
A few moments… doing the ugly stuff no one else will do.
84 16
A lot of this is just personal observations, but it appears that race is becoming more and more of a social construct. Rachel Dolezal is just one obvious example of somebody choosing what race they belong to, and I have no problem with her identifying as non white, and in fact prefer she continues to do so.  It seems though that people are identifying as white when they feel they are intelligent. Be around a group of black adolescents much and you will see them rag their smart friend with being white, because he like to stay on top of his school work. Eventually this kid starts adhering to white culture. At first it may just start with him eating mayonnaise, but then he starts watching comic book movies or playing Pokemon card games, maybe he marries a white woman, goes to a white church and eventually obtains a good credit score.

On the other hand, if you are around enough white youth, you will see people like Rachel Dolezal are pretty common. A white young man may start to wear his pants in a way that exposes his rear end. Perhaps he will listen to rap, and involve his self in hoodlum behavior. He will consider himself black. He may grow up to marry a black woman, have black kids and engage in other activities his shallow view of blackness decides is appropriate such as playing dice games or whatever black persons do. 

As this self selecting continues, with the dumb whites identifying as black and the smart black continuing to identify as white, the differences between the races will grow. It's not just smart blacks identifying as whites. A lot of Asians are doing it as well. Many hispanics who view themselves as too smart for their race identify as white now, such as Ted Cruz. Anyone who is following smart Jewish people on Twitter, like I am will see many of them start to claim to be white because they are ashamed of their race. (true some of them claim to be white as an excuse to bash white people while having a white pass, but it is not universally true).

This is obviously good for the white race. The white race is made stronger through poaching the best of every other race. It prevents a problem though. How does the world respond to the fact that after this divide is so big enough it will be undeniable that the white race is superior to all other races. (superior in terms of adaptation to "the machine of industrial society" not actual superiority).

How should the world respond to a race living side by side to other races clearly inferior, and no longer close enough to even be deniable?
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