Total debates: 11
Life is sometimes not worth living.
Life is always worth living.
Similar to moral realism vs moral antirealism.
Theists often claim that without God, objective morality could not possibly exist. As an atheist, I technically agree with them, though for a particular reason -- my stance is that morality is subjective EVEN IF God exists. Socrates_had_a_baby has agreed to debate me on this topic. Let's discuss!
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Veganism: a practice where you do not eat any food that was made from or by an animal. For instance, meat and dairy products are not allowed.
I am personally against abortion to an extent, but I believe this is a more interesting topic.
Were Light Yagami's killings in Death Note justified?
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In this debate "YouFound_Lxam" will be arguing that morality is objective, while "Critical-Tim" will argue against it. If "Critical-Tim" succeeds in proving morality is not objectively defined, he will then attempt to define morality with an alternative.