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I don't know if you guys have noticed but time is relative. We experience it slower as children because one year at 10 is 10% of our lives so it feels so long. When you are 20 it feels shorter but still long at 5% of your life. 

Every year you are alive is a year that goes faster. Now at 40 a year feels like a month and 80 it will likely feel like a week. Assuming I live until 80 and with the years feeling progressively faster, it means I might have 10 years going by my childhood perception left to live. 

However many years you feel like you have left is mot likely a going to feel like a lot less than they actually are.
10 7
Question for theists who believe in an afterlife, and some may also be relevant to atheists who believe in an afterlife.

1. Does God want you to become a cult leader and commit mass suicide?

2. Does God want you to murder your entire family when things get tough to spare them the pain of this life?

3 does God want you to live a life that sucks by avoiding fun things like orgies or tattoos or pork all because the next life will make the shitty life you have all worth it? 
24 9
  • "Euthanasia became a legal option for Canadians 18 years and older in 2016, who had to prove suffering from severe pain and have a reasonably foreseeable death, as well as two doctors signing off on the decision."
  • "“[The law is] probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s,” Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, told the AP."
  • "Canada has allowed terminally ill patients to end their lives with medical assistance since 2016. And eventually, even as early as next March, Canadians living with severe mental illness could also be eligible under the law known as medical assistance in dying, or MAID. But as you might imagine, that has raised many difficult ethical and moral questions, both about the motivations of health care workers who might offer the option and also about the competence of patients who might request it."
  • "We suspect that this is the kind of dilemma that might resonate across borders."
  • "A Canadian military veteran seeking counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder was offered a rather disturbing answer by an employee of Canada’s Veterans Affairs administration — medically assisted suicide."
  • "Trauma and suicide are real issues facing not only the American military, but Canada’s as well, which makes the suggestion of a medically assisted death as a solution to post-traumatic stress disorder all the disturbing."
  • "The VAC released a statement last week admitting to an incident "where medical assistance in dying was discussed inappropriately" with the veteran. The department pledged that "appropriate administrative action will be taken" after the veteran expressed outrage at the suggestion, according to a report in Global News."
  • "Canadian Army veteran Kelsi Sheren was 19 years old when her life changed forever on a mission in Afghanistan in 2009. Today she's fighting Canada's push to expand euthanasia access to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."

As the old military saying goes...this situation is FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION!!!! (FUBAR)

Current events
10 5
What do you think comes after death? Any replies welcome. Bonus question: If someone told you that you had 3 days to live, would you be ready to die?
82 17
Unlike lions, wolves, tigers or really any creature similar to them in the food chain other than some very aggressive snakes, leopards are pure psychopaths especially in scenarios of disputed territory.

With almost all other predators after either a stare down (with lions and tigers) or combined stare down with some tactical hits (with wolves) you can fundamentally make the creature respect you and consider you a worthy adversary who isn't erratic such that it will leave you in peace even when your back is turned and you're stroking it etc.

The thing with leopards is there's never an 'okay we're buddies' stage. They will wait for hours playing nice and hunt you the moment you sleep or let your guard down with back turned etc.

It's much worse than lions even in the way they attack, leopards like to keep their prey alive and bleeding out slow so it keeps a good taste throughout the eating session if they happen to get full before they finish it.

Leopards are truly cruel creatures.
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