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A member since


Total topics: 8

To help the site grow, I will vote on any debates requested of me in this thread if it's interesting. Just tag me here with the link and I'll let you know if I will put it on the queue of debates to be judged.
6 5
The tournament has begun! To start, let's take a look at our challengers for this tournament!


These brave souls will face off against one another in this awesome tournament! For a reminder of the overall rules, refer to my profile to see the other thread related to debate sign ups. This thread will be used for debaters to coordinate their matches. Alternatively, feel free to join the unofficial DART server started by Sir.Lancelot below!

Rules for each debate challenge:

- Topics for the debates will be given with each round of the tourney. Topics will include social, political, and religious issues. Each round will have a theme that the potential topics will be written around. If the two people paired against one another cannot agree on a topic, arbitration will be carried out by me. 
- Debates can be 3-4 rounds, with a 10,000 maximum character limit. You are free to use a link-shortening service and provide sources from a Google doc to meet come under the threshold. 
- There will be 4 judges per debate, 2 nominated from each person. You can nominate me to judge. However, it is not required. Argument times will be three days to allow for adequate research. Voting period will be set to one week. 
- Not accepting a debate challenge from your opponent after you agree on a topic and judges, or a failure to communicate with your opponent in a timely manner will lead to an automatic loss. This can be voided with adequate reasoning. 
- You are allowed to concede the debate at any time for an automatic loss. 
- You can nominate judges from other people in the tourney. However, any proven collusion or alleged collusion with probable cause will result in being kicked from the tournament. 
- Additional rules can be provided at my discretion when needed.

An amendment was made to the character limit as per the request of PREZ-HILTON.

Brackets for the tourney will be found here: https://challonge.com/3kwkgwdr

Remember, this is a round robin format! This is not an elimination tourney! After the round robin matches (of which there are three), the top two debaters will clash in the final!

For round 1, we have:
AustinL0926 vs. Sir.Lancelot
PREZ-HILTON vs. YouFound_Lxam

Now, for the topic theme and the ten potential topics for this round.

This first round will focus on politics, particularly politics concerning governance and economics.

Your ten potential topics for the debate in round 1 are:

  • On balance, communism works better than capitalism
  • On balance, fascism works better than capitalism
  • Laissez-Faire capitalism is more efficient than social democracy
  • On balance, authoritarianism works better than libertarianism
  • On balance, importing labor is preferred for a developed economy
  • The government should own the central bank
  • On balance, government bail-outs do more harm than good
  • On balance, command economies are superior to market economies
  • On balance, feudalism would be a preferential alternative to capitalism
  • Wealthy businesses in key industries should be nationalized

When creating the debate, please put [WDT] in the title to confirm that the debate is part of the tourney, either at the beginning or the end. If none of the topics are preferable to the debaters, new topics can be suggested with the approval of the creator of the tournament. 

All debaters have 72 hours from the time this forum post is sent to begin the debate. If they cannot begin in the allotted time, they must inform the tournament creator that extra time will be needed. If they fail to do that, both will suffer an automatic loss. 

Feel free to mention me here or message me if any issues pop up. Ping me here with the link of your debate when it is created.

Good luck! Have fun, and debate well!

80 8
Under the advice of @Sir.Lancelot I have decided to start up the tournament now since I did not know that the other would take so long. Here are the guidelines for the tournament:

- Topics for the debates will be given with each round of the tourney. Topics will include social, political, and religious issues. Each round will have a theme that the potential topics will be written around. If the two people paired against one another cannot agree on a topic, arbitration will be carried out by me. 
- Debates can be 3-4 rounds, with a 20,000 maximum character limit. You are free to use a link-shortening service and provide sources from a Google doc to meet come under the threshold. 
- There will be 4 judges per debate, 2 nominated from each person. You can nominate me to judge. However, it is not required. Argument times will be three days to allow for adequate research. Voting period will be set to one week. 
- Not accepting a debate challenge from your opponent after you agree on a topic and judges, or a failure to communicate with your opponent in a timely manner will lead to an automatic loss. This can be voided with adequate reasoning. 
- You are allowed to concede the debate at any time for an automatic loss. 
- You can nominate judges from other people in the tourney. However, any proven collusion or alleged collusion with probable cause will result in being kicked from the tournament. 
- Additional rules can be provided at my discretion when needed.

Tournament Format:
- There will be a total of 4 debaters in this tournament. If you cannot make it through the totality of the tourney, you are free to nominate a substitute to take your place. If you cannot nominate a sub in an appropriate amount of time, you will automatically lose the debate. You cannot nominate a sub in the knock-out round phase of the tournament. 
- The tournament will begin as a round-robin. This means that everyone will debate against each opponent once. After that, the top 2 debaters will the best record will proceed to a knock-out round. The winner of the knockout round wins the tournament.
- Brackets will be randomly determined and seeded. 
- If this goes well, I will start a bigger tournament in the future.

Cheers! Good luck to every debater!

1. Sir.Lancelot
41 11
Thinking of starting a tournament after this one concludes, organized by me. It would be an initial round robin with the best going for a knock-out style tourney. Topics would be created in a pool by me, with each debater giving their stance on an issue before the tourney begins. Afterwards, debates would happen based on a random draw. I would love to put time into it. Posting this to see how much interest people would have. 
5 5
I will be featured on a live debate channel (likely) in two weeks. The topic is creationism vs Marco evolution. Can any theists give me studies, points, or books for creation so I can integrate them into my argument? Can any atheists give me points and studies that may be used against me?
43 13
Can someone help me figure out how to get my privileges back? I have no idea why I do not have them after 2 debates are labeled finished and over 100 forum posts after the update.
17 6
Using this to get to the limit needed to vote without spam, hope you guys like the videos.
90 3
I figured that this would be the best way to reach the 100 forum posts necessary to vote. I will post videos that I find interesting and good for research, or are simply entertaining. Feel free to watch whatever you'd like. I will post the title and link.
17 4