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Guided by the Holy Spirit the first church which is the Roman Catholic Church was built. Today we have 30, 000 denominations of Christians. Most of them are in opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church which was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Christians say Jesus was without sin and therefore the perfect human sacrifice. But scriptures paint a very different story.
Scriptures show Jesus broke all the 10 commandments. These ironies exist in the Bible.

The 10 commandments say.

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, To keep it holy.
5. Honour your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.

Jesus broke many of the commandments, If not all!

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
Jesus tried to claim he was God.
John 10:33 "We are not stoning You for any good work, " said the Jews, "but for blasphemy, Because You, Who are a man, Declare Yourself to be God. "

2. You shall not make idols.
Jesus made a covenant with a cup.
Luke 22:20 In the same way, After supper He took the cup, Saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, Which is poured out for you.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Jesus said every word he spoke came from God. Unless God too was as incoherent as Jesus. God in the OT never spoke in parables. His orders were clear and direct.
Luke 18:34 But the disciples did not understand any of these things. The meaning was hidden from them, And they did not comprehend what He was saying.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, To keep it holy.
Jesus broke the sabbath.
Pharisees accused Him of breaking the Sabbath (Matthew 12:10; Mark 3:2, John 9:14-16).

5. Honour your father and your mother.
Jesus tried to destroy the traditional family.
Matthew 10:35 For I have come to turn ""a man against his father, A daughter against her mother, A daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

6. You shall not murder.
Jesus murdered the truth.
Matthew 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. "
Yet he spent his entire ministry condemning the very people he was sent to save.

7. You shall not commit adultery.
Jesus was unfaithful to God and his disciples. He left them to die even though he was given all authority over heaven and earth.
Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

8. You shall not steal.
Jesus stole the words of the prophets before him and claimed they pointed to him.
Luke 24:27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was written in all the Scriptures about Himself.
Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, Explaining from all the Scriptures. . . And Jesus explained to them what was said about himself in all the Scriptures, Beginning with the books of Moses and the writings of all the prophets".

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Jesus accused God of betraying and forsaking him on the cross.
Matthew 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, Lema sabachthani? " which means, "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken Me? "

10. You shall not covet.
Jesus suffered from a messiah complex and coveted the title messiah/Christ/Anointed one.
John 17:1 After Jesus said this, He looked toward heaven and prayed:
"Father, The hour has come. Glorify your Son, That your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, The only true God, And Jesus Christ, Whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, Glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

Scriptures tell us Jesus was tried, Convicted and crucified for his blasphemous lies and lunacy. . . . By the Romans. But the confusion continues.

Christians have waited for 2000 years for Jesus's return as he had promised without any success.
Preterists claims Christisns got it wrong, That Jesus returned in 70 AD.
Jehovah's Witnesses claim Jesus returned in 1874 or maybe 1914.
Others say Jesus could be the next thief who robs your house.
Revelation 16:15, Matthew 24:43, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:4, 2 Peter 3:10 ESV - ("Behold, I am coming like a thief in the night! )

Harikrish biblical scholar and spiritual leader.

17 5

Ethang5's profile. ethang5 (slum dweller) 57-year old in Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana.
Ethang has been calling India a dirty country when he is living in Accra Ghana which is nothing but a dirty slum and Ghana ranked the 7th dirtiest country in the world.
In Accra New Town, In the heart of Ghana's capital, Most houses are built without toilet facilities.

265 slums identified in Accra alone.
https://www. Ghanaweb. Com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/265-slums-identified-in-Accra-alone-626538

About 265 slums at different stages of development have been identified in Accra, A senior lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Dr. Prince K. Anokye has discloses .

Citing a recent research conducted by People"s Dialogue on Human Settlements (PD) Ghana, A non-governmental organisation (NGO), He said: "As many as about 116 are still in their infantile stage, With some already fully developed slums. "

Dr. Anokye was presenting findings on a literature review and research methodology used in a study of three informal settlements in Accra yesterday [Wednesday].

They are Madina Zongo, Agbogloshie and Chorkor.

Meet some Africans.
https://youtu. Be/1X2NRNVujhA
https://youtu. Be/2TPFBI2sYik
https://youtu. Be/_KytZItUQQk

Meet African doctors.
https://youtu. Be/xk2v6WyoHUY
https://youtu. Be/ecATcD9ng3Y

Africans like Ethang love to lick cows backsides.
https://youtu. Be/n8PYozPB-8I

Africans defecating outdoors.
https://youtu. Be/Lqg8I4w0ItM

Trump calls all African countries shitholes.
https://youtu. Be/HcMFmoTCdcU
https://youtu. Be/e-Odk4n_KeY

Ghana ranked 2nd only after Sudan in Africa on open defecation list.
https://youtu. Be/dznnlcG-bKI

Open defecation in Chorkor Accra Ghana.
https://youtu. Be/JsYKarjP3js

Slums in Accra Ghana.

"There are currently 23 slums in Ghana and 11 slums in Accra " this includes Tema and other major towns in the Greater Accra Region. 6 Major Slums have suffered from forced Evictions; our current focus is Old Fadama. Approximately 100 000 people are currently living in Old Fadama. In 2010 the number was 79 000. The slum is located in the heart of Accra, to the northwest of the city"s central business district. It comprises a mix of residential and commercial self-built structures and 56% of the residents earn their living from informal business activities. 72% of the population of Old Fadama"s current residents originate from one of Ghana"s three northern regions."

<ins>In Accra New Town, In the heart of Ghana's capital, Most houses are built without toilet facilities. </ins>
"In reality, Every house is supposed to have a toilet. But you know our people and how they build their houses " they don't locate any toilets. When nature calls, There is no place, " Bernice Ofei, A resident, Told DW.
"The only option for many is to go to the bush to defecate. Some had to use the neighbors' toilets, " said Nana Abena. The plastic bags of human excrement in communities bother Abena.

Ghana world"s 7th dirtiest country in the world behind 6 other African countries.
Ghana, which currently has a sanitation coverage of 15 per cent, is ranked after South Sudan which has a seven per cent coverage, Niger, 11 per cent; Chad, Madagascar and Togo, 12 per cent each and Sierra Leone which has a 13 per cent access to household toilets, the measurement used for the ranking.

5 4
Bible is 'Alternate Facts'. .

The Jews are the only people who have been dislodged from their country twice in their history. The Jews were a tribal group surrounded by powerful neighbours like the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians. There never made any contributions to math or science and most of their past were overshadowed by their more advanced neighbours. The Bible began as a book of the larger than life Patriarchs and the invention of the Jewish people in an attempt to reconstruct Jewish history with literary embellishment slanted towards success by inventing prophets and heroes where God rewarded the people when they obeyed his commandments and punished them when they failed. But history is not written in isolation and when the Jews tried to treat the bible as a historical record, Contradictions began to expose their literary overreach. Circumcision can only take a people so far and covenants are no guarantee against reality nor can it compensate for the burden of memory carried by the Jews who wished they were better than their neighbours and invented a narrative that reflected their deepest desires.
Now that we know why the contradictions were necessary in the creation of the Jewish people we can try to piece together how these contradictions served their narrative.

"Archeology demolishes the bible.
Israel Finkelstein, Chairman of the Archaeology Department at Tel Aviv University, With archaeology historian Neil Asher Silberman, Has just published a book called "The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text. "

"The Israelites were never in Egypt, Did not wander in the desert, Did not conquer the land [of Canaan] in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united kingdom of David and Solomon, Described in the Bible as a regional power, Was at most a small tribal kingdom. "

Jerusalem was essentially a cow town, Not the glorious capital of an empire. These findings have been accepted by the majority of biblical scholars and archaeologists for years and even decades.

The tales of the patriarchs -- Abraham, Isaac and Joseph among others -- were the first to go when biblical scholars found those passages rife with anachronisms and other inconsistencies. The story of Exodus, One of the most powerful epics of enslavement, Courage and liberation in human history, Also slipped from history to legend when archaeologists could no longer ignore the lack of corroborating contemporary Egyptian accounts and the absence of evidence of large encampments in the Sinai Peninsula ("the wilderness" where Moses brought the Israelites after leading them through the parted Red Sea).

Finkelstein is an iconoclast. He established his reputation in part by developing a theory about the settlement patterns of the nomadic shepherd tribes who would eventually become the Israelites, Bolstering the growing consensus that they were originally indistinguishable from the rest of their neighbors, The Canaanites. This overturns a key element in the Bible: The Old Testament depicts the Israelites as superior outsiders -- descended from Abraham, A Mesopotamian immigrant -- entitled by divine order to invade Canaan and exterminate its unworthy, Idolatrous inhabitants.

The famous battle of Jericho, With which the Israelites supposedly launched this campaign of conquest after wandering for decades in the desert, Has been likewise debunked: The city of Jericho didn't exist at that time and had no walls to come tumbling down. These assertions are all pretty much accepted by mainstream archaeologists.

So why has the Bible a book of Alternat Facts fascinated the Western World and kept alive by 2 billion Christians when it was written to preserve the Jewish memory of their history reconstructed on Alternate Facts, Especially when the Bible did not serve the Jews well? The bible concluded in the demise of the Jewish people, Their messiah was crucified by the Romans, Jerusalem destroyed along with their temple followed by 2000 years of persecution and expulsions. It also left a sliver of hope that God would someday restore the Jewish nation to its everlasting glory. But how does that comport with the Christians who see their own salvation and future buried in the same Jewish narrative? . . . . . . . . Harikrish.

68 7
Rosends wrote: In Jewish thinking, there are what we call 613 commandments (the "Taryag mitzvot"). However, it is important to note that even in biblical/temple times, there was no expectation that every person observed every commandment. If you take even a cursory look at the list

you will see that some are observed by the average person passively, some are easily done during the course of daily life, and some are for specialized times, places and/or people so they are simply not incumbent upon the average person.

It is also essential to understand that each of these 613 serves as a foundation for other "rules" which govern daily life. There are codes of law which are just as binding, and provide the detail about how to live, but which are not explicitly listed as divine commandment. So while the list of textual mitzvot says simply to sanctify the sabbath, we have an entire corpus of law about exactly HOW one does that. The oral law clarifies and explains the process and method by which one can follow the written law. The one without the other is useless.

So if someone says that the expectation was that every person "keep" all 613, that is inevitably in error.

There are a lot of dos and don'ts in the 613 commandments. But I could not find any commandment that tells Jews to be 'likeable'. With 3000 years of persecution, expulsion and antisemitism, one would think a commandment to be 'likeable' might have help Jews overcome the burden of 613 commandments that still left them undeserving of proper recognition throughout their history.

I don't mean to be disparaging. But would adding one more commandment to be likeable to the existing 613 be so difficult?

Would adding that same commandment to be likeable have saved Jesus who was a Jew and stopped at the 613 commandments? Why didn't Jesus add the commandment to be likeable himself?

jesus was bound to the laws. He declared:

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 

Christians are no more likeable than Jews because they too stop short of being likeable. In fact they follow even less laws than Jews having dropped circumcision and dietary restrictions. 

Harikrish biblical scholar and spiritual leader.

68 4
Harikrish presents his research on Out of Africa Theory and explains how the African migration began. It began with the African slave trade.

The out of Africa theory was popular when some of the oldest fossils were found in Africa. But Africa was the only place they were looking for fossils. But now they are finding older fossils in China, The Middle East and Asia that challenge the old out of Africa Theory.
The only out of Africa theory that has support is the flow of African slaves out of Africa to Arab countries for 1, 300 years and then to the Americas and Europe for another 4 centuries. The migration of slaves were coerced and not voluntary.

The fossil that rewrites human history: 260, 000-year-old Chinese skull suggests we descend from ASIAN as well as African ancestors
Now we are finally able to separate the dumb ones that stayed in Africa from the smart ones that left Asia.

Try accounting for the dark skin and negroid appearance only found among Africans. Then there is the genetically discovered low IQ among Africans. Now top that with the subhuman species Homo Naledi that is traced to negroid ancestors. Africans have no record of sea faring skills, No written script, No navigational concepts. They were simply hunters living in a jungle culture. Africa was lush with wild life and vegetation. The only reason there was any out of Africa migration was the Arab slave trade and later the European slave trade.
Europeans came up with the Neanderthals to explain their lineage. Asians have their own parallel evolution. Asians even ate the brain of monkeys which was later proven to be European and African common ancestors according to Darwin in his The descent of Man.
We are not related brother.

No one is buying the out of Africa theory today. Africans living in Africa haven't changed much. And those living out of Africa have the highest school drop out rates, 30% of Africans are in prison, 30% of Africans are inemployed. The rest are either drug dealers or pimps with some exceptions. All this proves Africans are genetically different with lower IQ than non Africans and their dark skin and negroid appearance can be traced back to subhuman species now established as African ancestors.
Even interracial marriages cannot wean out the negroid because negroid genes are dominant genes. It puts back the jungle instincts in every negroid generation.

I just proved to you the African race has not evolved. They are basically where they were when they started out. Low IQ, Jungle culture. Whereas all other races evolved and show little resemblance to dark skinned negroid appearance of subhuman species.
These links were artificially established to explain the evolution of race. But it was an over simplistic view.

We don't see a similar pattern of migration with animals and many are region specific.
There is even an out of Australia theory and an out of Israel theory. The fact the rest of the world didn't turn out like Africans makes it obvious we did not all start out as Africans.

If you take the Genesis account. The garden of Eden was not in Africa. The Jews being the diect descendants of Adam and Eve were not Africans. In fact Christians trace the lineage of Africans to Ham.

The First Race: Out-of-*Australia, Not Africa!
http://nationalunitygovernment. Org/content/first-race-out-australia-not-africa-0

Take it from the experts. The only Africans out of Africa were slaves. Their negroid appearance and dark skin was unknown to the free world.
After scientists discovered Africans had lower IQ than non Africans. The out of Africa theory lost credibility because dumb people are only found in Africa. Ancient civilizations were far more advanced than even modern Africa today. Nothing good ever came out of Africa.

Science and Nature
25 10
Name a white country of significance that did not promote a sense of Nationalist White Supremacy.
European countries that sought to colonize the world.
1. Rome (Roman Empire)
2. France. (French colonization)
3. Britain. (British Empire)
4. Spain and Portugal. (Colonization )
5. Hitlers Germany. (Aryan race dominance)
6. American exceptionalism (American superpower)
7. Australian penal colony
8. Russia Stalin
9. World war 1 & 2. World dominance.
10. White Christian crusades.

Whites are genetically nationalistic and white supremacists obsessed.

45 9
From the Scriptures and the actions and words of Jesus we can conclude Jesus was an Atheist.

Atheist definition: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Jesus mocked the religious leaders of his time. He called them vipers and scums just like Atheist mocked the believers today.
Matthew 23:33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

Jesus called his body a temple and drove people out of the real temple of worship.
John 2:19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

Matthew 21:12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Jesus claimed he had all authority over his alien Kingdom and earth. Yet he stood idly by as the Romans destroyed the holy city and sanctuary.

He believed anybody who ate his flesh and drank his blood would have eternal life. Who needs a God if Jewish meat is kosher and gets you eternal life in the hereafter.

John 6:54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.

Jesus said he was from an alien world.
John 8:23 I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.

John 18:36 Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Jesus was despised like most atheists were during his time. He comforted them.

Isaiah 53:3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Luke 6:22 Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.

Jesus on the cross mocked the God of the Bible.

Matthew 27:46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

Were those last words of Jesus that motivated the Pope to declare Jesus was a failure of the cross?

Pope declared:"And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross."

Jesus called God his father throughout his life. By doing this he reduced God to a rapist and the cause of his illegitimate bastard status.

He even blamed God for his alcoholism like God willed him to drink the water he turned into alcohol.
Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

He was not directing people to God, he was forcing believers to chose between family or him.

Matthew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 For I have come to turn ""a man against his father, a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"
36 a man"s enemies will be the members of his own household."[c]
37 "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

But if Jesus was an atheist as scriptures suggests who went against the religious leaders of his time by denouncing their beliefs. Then why do Christians worship an atheist Jesus?
By worshipping the atheist Jesus they believe they are turning him into God by their exhaltation.

If the Pope did not remind Christians that Jesus was a failure of the cross we would be swamped by Christians on DDO. But we find DDO is full of happy atheists who take delight in the fact that Jesus was an atheist......Harikrish.

66 6
Why Christianity is a failure and Christians in denial?

Jesus never claimed he was God. He said he was sent by God to save the Jews. But we know that failed. Jesus said he would return 2000 years ago. But that never happened.
During his life on earth Jesus was called a liar and a lunatic.
1. Liar.
John 10:33 "We are not stoning You for any good work," said the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God."

2. Lunatic.0
Mark 3:21 When His family heard about this, they went out to take custody of Him, saying, "He is out of His mind."

John 10:20 Many of them said, "He is demon-possessed and insane. Why would you listen to Him?"

3. They demanded Jesus be crucified.
Luke 23:21 but they kept shouting, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

4. The Romans crucified Jesus.
John 19:23 When they crucified him, the Roman soldiers took his clothes and divided them up four ways, to each soldier a fourth. But his robe was seamless, a single piece of weaving ...

5. Even Jesus blamed God for forsaking him on the cross.
Matthew 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"

6. Jesus's call to his disciples failed too. No one followed Jesus or joined him in his crucifixion. Therefore no one was saved or worthy of Jesus.
Matthew 10:38 and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.

7. His discipiles all tried to save their own lives and did not want to lose it for Jesus.
Luke 17:33 Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.

8. The one time offer for salvation ended with Jesus. Jesus has not returned to make a similar offer to future generations. But God has sent another prophet Mohammad in his place.

9. Jesus spoke to his generation. Repeating his words does not carry the same promise. His promise ended on the cross.
Matthew 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"

10. Even the Pope declared the cross was a failure of God.

Pope Francis said during his whirlwind U.S. tour. "And if at times <ins><strong>OUR EFFORTS AND WORKS SEEM TO FAIL AND PRODUCE NO FRUIT, we need to REMEMBERthat <ins><strong>WE ARE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS ... and <ins><strong>His LIFE</strong></ins>, humanly speaking, ENDED IN FAILURE, THE FAILURE OF THE CROSS"

When you don"t understand something, when desperation hits you then look at the <ins><strong>CROSS. THAT IS THE GREAT FAILURE OF GOD, THAT IS THE DESTRUCTION OF GOD, AND IT'S A CHALLENGE TO OUR FAITH

If there is no resurrection of Jesus then Jesus did not die for anyone's sins on the cross. Dattaswami said Jesus was saved by his disciples and smuggled to India where he lived to 85 years in Kashmir.
Dattaswami believes Jesus's resurrection never happened.
Reply: Bhavishya purana"

Dattaswami wrote: When Jesus was crucified based on simple emotional slogans. His death was not justified and therefore He rose and walked out. When the soldier was leaving finally, He pierced the stomach of Jesus with his weapon. Then blood came out. Blood will not come out from dead body. Jesus was alive and He was brought down by His disciples. Then He was kept in the cave. He knew the protection of His life. He walked into India and met the king Salivahana and talked with him. His conversation was recorded in "Bhavishaya Purana" of Vyasa. This scripture speaks about the future. Vyasa wrote this long back.

The verse in scripture is "Esa Putram Cha Mam Viddhi, Kumari Garbha Sambhavam, Mlechcha Dharmasya Vaktaram"', Which means "I am the son of the father of heaven. I was born to unmarried girl. I preached spirituality to Muslims. ' Thus spoke Jesus to Salivahana. He stayed in India till He attained the age of eighty-five years and died in Kashmir. You can find the buried tomb of Jesus there even today. On the tomb it is written "Jesus" in Hebrew language.

Jesus disappeared from home at the age of 16 years. He returned at the age of 30 years. He was crucified in 32nd year. From 16th year He was in Himalayas in the association of several sages. He was a good Sanskrit scholar. He studied all the Hindu philosophy and this is the reason why the Christian and Hindu philosophies are almost similar in concepts.

Harikrish biblical scholar and spiritual leader.

82 13
Blacks are considered a net liability to the world. They receive the highest global aid yet Africa is a basket case leading in rape, AIDS, Crime, Corruption, Starvation, Diseases and failed states.
Wouldn't it be productive to deal with this global crisis and find a solution that deals with high unemployment among Blacks and improve the other statistics that Blacks are negatively famous for?

I had proposed everyone should own a bible and a negro slave. The bible provides the justification for owning a slave under the biblical curse of Ham which condemned all Africans to slavery and, Slavery reduced the unemployment rates among Blacks as well as takes away the responsibility from them of managing a family or country. Both areas where Blacks have failed miserably.

We have a niggar on DDO who has been delivering free bibles for over 15 years. His name is Ethang and he lives in Ghana Africa. But most Africans are illiterate so much as his bibles are free they are unable to read it. Being free the bibles are cheaper than toilet paper. So the people who receive these free bibles use it as toilet paper. You can see how putting bibles in the wrong hands ends up in the wrong places.

My suggestion that every one should own a bible and a negro slave promotes a Christian ideology that made many Christian countries rich and Blacks were fully employed during slavery. But that ended when people stopped reading the bible and lost the justification for slavery. Slavery was abolished and that created the current negroid problem which led Trump to called all African countries shitholes.

For those who want a topic that doesn't suck. That choice would be left to you and your slave in this case. But do we have your vote on making Black Slavery trend again?

101 14
Scriptural  verses that declared Jesus a demon possessed lunatic.

John 10:20 Many of them said, "He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?"

Mark 3:21 when his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind."

Jesus was deluded and believed God spoke through him.
John 12:49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.

But when the people listened to the words he spoke they did not understand him, even his disciples struggled to understand him. Jesus had to explain to them in secret what he was saying in his parables. But he explained with more parables which suggests God was also incoherent and inarticulate and failed to communicate through Jesus. But we know God turned Moses who was slow in speech and mind into a leader and messenger. The problem was Jesus not God.

Mark 4:34 He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

Jesus was a notorious liar. Even John the Baptist expressed his doubts to Jesus and asked Jesus if he was really the promised one.
Jesus lied when he said John the Baptist was Elijah. John denied he was Elijah.

Here are the scriptures to back my claims. Jesus said John was Elijah, John denies he is Elijah.

Matthew 11:14
And if you are willing to accept what I say, he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come.

In John 1:6"8 and John 1:19"28, John the Baptist denies he is Elijah. Yet in Matthew 17:9"13, Jesus implies that he was. Isn't this a contradiction?

John 1:21"They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?"
He said, "I am not."
"Are you the Prophet?"
He answered, "No."

John expresses doubts Jesus is the promised one.
Matthew 11:2"When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples 3"to ask him, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?"

Jesus expresses his own doubts on the cross.

Matthew 27:46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

We know Jesus was crucified for his blasphemous lies.
Jesus did not fulfill any prophesies. By his own account he did not come to change the laws of the prophets. He proved he was subjected to the laws even in his life and thereby validating the Mosaic law given to the Jews by God.
According to the Jewish law:
Deuteronomy 18:20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death."

It is clear Jesus did not fulfill the prophesies. Instead, He was subjected to the law and put to death as demanded of false prophets according to Mosaic law.

Jesus lied that he was to be sacrificed.

Human sacrifice was forbidden by God. So Jesus was not sacrificed.

Many argue Jesus's death was prophesied. But even Jesus's prophesies were not fulfilled.

1. Matthew 10:23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Jesus never fulfilled that promise.

2. Matthew 24:34
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

2000 years have passed and many generation have gone by yet his promise remains unfulfilled.

Jesus was a liar and a lunatic before and after his death. Unfortunately he could only be crucified once.

So why are Christians turning God into a liar and lunatic or turning a liar and lunatic into a God?

As a Vedantist raised in the Vedantuc tradition and trained in the reading of esoteric scriptures, Christian Theology and Islamic fundamentalist, I am not at liberty to speculate outside of scriptures. And the scriptures are clear that Jesus was tried, convicted and put to death for his blasphemous lies and lunacy.

So why are Christians perpetrating the delusions of a Jewish rabbi who was put to death for his delusional blasphemous lies?

We have to turn to our experts in tbe field of human behaviour. As a student of the behavioural sciences (CBT) I have also explored a diagnostic approach.

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness - Huffington Post

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The religious forum is the right place to discuss the religious exploitation of humanity. The role of Christianity in African slavery is rather unique. Most religions allowed slavery based on economic and monetary reasons. But slaves were never targeted because of their skin colour alone. This all changed when Christians justified their targeting of Africans based on scriptures and skin colour. The continued discrimination of Africans are purely on skin colour.

There is a UNESCO study on the impact of slavery on the dark continent. What would be edifying to members on DDO is to hear Christians express their opinions on this subject and also those who feel indignation by this unjustifiable act of inhumanity against a people of negroid ancestry.

What role did Christianity play in African Slavery?

Historical records show that Islam and Christianity played an important role in enslavement in Africa. The Arab-controlled Trans-Saharan slave trade helped to institutionalise slave trading on the continent. And during the 'age of expedition', European Christians witnessed caravans loaded with Africans en-route to the Middle East. Others arriving much later in West Africa observed slavery in African societies, leading them to assume that African enslavement was intrinsic to the continent.

For many of these early European explorers, the Bible was not only regarded as infallible, it was also their primary reference tool and those looking for answers to explain differences in ethnicity, culture, and slavery, found them in Genesis 9: 24-27, which appeared to suggest that it was all a result of 'sin'.

In the Genesis passage, Africans were said to be the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah, who was cursed by his father after looking at his naked form. Moreover, in Genesis 10, the 'Table of Nations' describes the origins of the different 'races' and reveals that one of the descendants of Ham is 'Cush' - Cush and the 'Cushites' were people associated with the Nile region of North Africa.

In time, the connection Europeans made between sin, slavery, skin colour and beliefs would condemn Africans. In the Bible, physical or spiritual slavery is often a consequence of sinful actions, while darkness is associated with evil. Moreover, the Africans were subsequently considered 'heathens' bereft of Christianity, although scholars now suggest that Christianity reached Africa as early as the early 2nd century AD and that the Christian communities in North Africa were among the first in the world. However, Europeans doubtlessly refused to acknowledge the relevance of African Christianity as it appeared irreconcilable with the continent's cultural surroundings.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave a Trade.

"In fact, for almost 150 years, Ghana, on Africa"s west coast, was the center of the British slave trade. Western traders arrived in ships loaded with manufactured goods to barter or trade for slaves. Those who were sold had often been captured in tribal warfare; some had simply been kidnapped to sell to European slave traders.

it is estimated from as many as 20 million West Africans were captured between the end of 15th century until 1870 (when the slave trade was abolished). Only half of them survived the harsh conditions on the voyages " and 10 million of them actually made it to the Americas.

Ghana's role in the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Ghanaians, it seems, view the Trans-Atlantic slave trade as an unfortunate historical human calamity which must not be allowed to happen again.
But the question is how many Ghanaians are truly aware of the role people living within that part of the continent at the time played in the actual act of capturing and selling their own people in return for things such as gunpowder and kola? The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Ghana, an exhibition mounted as an attempt to educate the public on the historical occurrence of the slave trade, is currently on at the National Museum in Accra.

Not only is there evidence of some 35 slave markets dotted around the area in West Africa where Ghana is situated, there are also many routes, transit camps and objects available to establish that the trade took place under horrendous conditions. Several of these transit camps and markets have been identified within the area where Ghana is currently situated. And some of these inland sites are characterised by water cisterns, remnants of slave warehouses, rock boulders and trees with large or long exposed roots for chaining the enslaved. Burial grounds for slaves, and their ancestors as well as their masters are still visible at places like Salaga, Saakpuli and Kafaba in the Northern part of Ghana. Other places include Assin Manso and Effutu in the Central Region area, and Atorkor, Peki Dzake and Adafianu in Anloland.

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Noah had 3 sons Shem, Japheth and Ham. Noah only cursed Ham and his children and Ham's children were destined to be slaves to Shem and Japheth and their descendants. (Genesis 9)

Genesis 10 gives us the start of Nations.
Only Ham's children were the first Africans.
1. 4. Four Sons of Ham
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Land of Canaanites)

As you can see those are African countries. Both the curse and hot sun changed the genetics of Hams descendant. This gave rise to the African race and phenotypes.

Noah's sons Shem and Japheth started the other nations.

2. Five Sons of Shem (see map below):
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)
Note, This debunks the Out of Africa Theory. Shem or his descendants were never in Africa.

3. Seven Sons of Japheth:
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)
Note, This debunks the Out of Africa Theory. Japheth or his descendants were never in Africa.

Now you know why the curse of Ham only condemned Africans who were the descendants of Hams children who built the African nations.
Noah's curse and its fulfillment.


Canaan, As well as his descendants, Followed in the sinful way of their father. The punishment was placed upon the descendants of Canaan-the Canaanites. These are the people who were driven out of the Promised Land by the children of Israel. Consequently, They would be in servitude to the descendants of Shem and Japeth. Because the descendants of Canaan lived corrupt lives, Their judgment was righteous. When the children of Israel entered the land of Promise they saw the detestable things that the descendants of Canaan were doing. God blessed Israel and cursed the Canaanites because their practices were similar to their father Ham.

Historical Fulfillment

History records God's promises were fulfilled. The Canaanites were defeated and placed into slavery by the eastern kings Genesis 14. Later in the history of Israel, Other descendants of Canaan, Known as the Gibeonites, Were made wood choppers and water carriers under Joshua. Thus the predictions of Noah that Canaan's descendants would serve Shem's descendants were literally fulfilled and recorded in the Old Testament.
Indians are Indo European/Aryans the descendants of Japheth. Noah only cursed the Canaanites the descendants of Canaan the son of Ham. Read your bible you low IQ nigger.

Where are the Canaanites today? Not in India. Lol?
Canaan was the name of a large and prosperous ancient country (at times independent, At others a tributary to Egypt) located in the Levant region of present-day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, And Israel. It was also known as Phoenicia.

Why did Ham's son Canaan leave Africa when Ham and his other sons settled in African countries?
4. Four Sons of Ham
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Land of Canaanites)

And Ham divided amongst his sons, And the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east(Sudan, Ethiopia), And to the west of him for Mizraim(Egypt), And to the west of him for Put(Lybia), And to the west of him [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan.
Jubilees 9:1
And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt, That it was very good, And he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, And he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, Eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea. And Ham, His father, And Cush and Mizraim his brothers said unto him: 'Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, And which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, Thou and thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, And by sedition will thy children fall, And thou shalt be rooted out for ever. Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot. Cursed art thou, And cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, By the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, And in the presence of Noah our father. ' But he did not hearken unto them, And dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, He and his sons until this day. And for this reason that land is named Canaan. R32;"Jubilees 10:29-34.

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