The Bible is Alternate Facts

Author: Harikrish


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Bible is 'Alternate Facts'. .

The Jews are the only people who have been dislodged from their country twice in their history. The Jews were a tribal group surrounded by powerful neighbours like the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians. There never made any contributions to math or science and most of their past were overshadowed by their more advanced neighbours. The Bible began as a book of the larger than life Patriarchs and the invention of the Jewish people in an attempt to reconstruct Jewish history with literary embellishment slanted towards success by inventing prophets and heroes where God rewarded the people when they obeyed his commandments and punished them when they failed. But history is not written in isolation and when the Jews tried to treat the bible as a historical record, Contradictions began to expose their literary overreach. Circumcision can only take a people so far and covenants are no guarantee against reality nor can it compensate for the burden of memory carried by the Jews who wished they were better than their neighbours and invented a narrative that reflected their deepest desires.
Now that we know why the contradictions were necessary in the creation of the Jewish people we can try to piece together how these contradictions served their narrative.

"Archeology demolishes the bible.
Israel Finkelstein, Chairman of the Archaeology Department at Tel Aviv University, With archaeology historian Neil Asher Silberman, Has just published a book called "The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text. "

"The Israelites were never in Egypt, Did not wander in the desert, Did not conquer the land [of Canaan] in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united kingdom of David and Solomon, Described in the Bible as a regional power, Was at most a small tribal kingdom. "

Jerusalem was essentially a cow town, Not the glorious capital of an empire. These findings have been accepted by the majority of biblical scholars and archaeologists for years and even decades.

The tales of the patriarchs -- Abraham, Isaac and Joseph among others -- were the first to go when biblical scholars found those passages rife with anachronisms and other inconsistencies. The story of Exodus, One of the most powerful epics of enslavement, Courage and liberation in human history, Also slipped from history to legend when archaeologists could no longer ignore the lack of corroborating contemporary Egyptian accounts and the absence of evidence of large encampments in the Sinai Peninsula ("the wilderness" where Moses brought the Israelites after leading them through the parted Red Sea).

Finkelstein is an iconoclast. He established his reputation in part by developing a theory about the settlement patterns of the nomadic shepherd tribes who would eventually become the Israelites, Bolstering the growing consensus that they were originally indistinguishable from the rest of their neighbors, The Canaanites. This overturns a key element in the Bible: The Old Testament depicts the Israelites as superior outsiders -- descended from Abraham, A Mesopotamian immigrant -- entitled by divine order to invade Canaan and exterminate its unworthy, Idolatrous inhabitants.

The famous battle of Jericho, With which the Israelites supposedly launched this campaign of conquest after wandering for decades in the desert, Has been likewise debunked: The city of Jericho didn't exist at that time and had no walls to come tumbling down. These assertions are all pretty much accepted by mainstream archaeologists.

So why has the Bible a book of Alternat Facts fascinated the Western World and kept alive by 2 billion Christians when it was written to preserve the Jewish memory of their history reconstructed on Alternate Facts, Especially when the Bible did not serve the Jews well? The bible concluded in the demise of the Jewish people, Their messiah was crucified by the Romans, Jerusalem destroyed along with their temple followed by 2000 years of persecution and expulsions. It also left a sliver of hope that God would someday restore the Jewish nation to its everlasting glory. But how does that comport with the Christians who see their own salvation and future buried in the same Jewish narrative? . . . . . . . . Harikrish.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Talk about "Alternative Facts," where the king of this scenario is the Satanic bible rewriter TRADESECRET, where I had him turning into a pretzel in him trying in vain to rewrite the Bible to his way of thinking to make Jesus a nicer God, but when fully reading the Bible in a literal manner without any of TRADESECRETS insidious crystal balls or decoder rings of subjective interpretation, Jesus is a real SOB!  What did we expect from a Presbyterian like TRADESECRET?

Don't forget about the strong evidence, and the lack thereof, of Nazareth not even existing at the time of Jesus the Christ, where the term "Jesus of Nazareth" falls flat upon its face. Nonetheless,  I still have to believe in Christianity because of its afterlife of a 1400 square mile Heaven and 65 foot walls, that we hope will keep the Presbyterians out, praise!


Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar

Talk about "Alternative Facts," where the king of this scenario is the Satanic bible rewriter TRADESECRET, where I had him turning into a pretzel in him trying in vain to rewrite the Bible to his way of thinking to make Jesus a nicer God, but when fully reading the Bible in a literal manner without any of TRADESECRETS insidious crystal balls or decoder rings of subjective interpretation, Jesus is a real SOB!  What did we expect from a Presbyterian like TRADESECRET?

Don't forget about the strong evidence, and the lack thereof, of Nazareth not even existing at the time of Jesus the Christ, where the term "Jesus of Nazareth" falls flat upon its face. Nonetheless,  I still have to believe in Christianity because of its afterlife of a 1400 square mile Heaven and 65 foot walls, that we hope will keep the Presbyterians out, praise!
I have Tradesecret's confession he is a sex deviant. Tradesecret also said:  and I can say I am Indian because I lived there for a while - have a serious problem with sex. 
Post #6 Title Hindu temple Rape Case.
https://www. Debate. Org/forums/religion/topic/4341728/

Tradesecret said: Us Indians - and I can say I am Indian because I lived there for a while - have a serious problem with sex. 

You confessed you are not the only sex deviant, you had with you a group of sex deviants accompanying you. Note: you said: We are sex deviants. Implying the group you were with were also sex deviants. You were passing through India on your way to Nepal, so you didn't know any Indian then.

You are a pastor visiting a country which views your religion suspiciously. Your mommy is a bible smuggler. You now confirm you are a sex deviant in a public confession " that is not a funny matter to humour about. It is public now you are a sexually perverted Pastor Tradesecret </em>

TS wrote: I never visited your country as a pastor. In fact when I was there I was an atheist looking for truth. I was on my way to Nepal. </strong>
LOL! - you can't even read.

You are lying again.
You start with"I can say I am Indian because I lived there for a while - have a serious problem with sex. "

Now you say you are on your way to Nepal. So you were actually just passing through India with destination Nepal. But you lied when you claimed you lived in India for a while. It is also clear you had a problem with sex before you left for India. It's in your confession.

But that did not stop you from pursuing your sexual deviant perversions and then confessing you have a problem with sex.

You are our first sex deviant pastor going public on DDO.

Tradesecret finally confessed he is a a sex deviant. Wow!
To all Christians Tradesecret confessed he is a sex deviant.

Tradesecret wrote: When I was released from slavery to sin and bondage to Satan, My eyes were opened. Although I willingly am a slave of Jesus, He does not treat me like a slave - but like a son. In fact he has promised me his inheritance. Slaves - such as you - will not receive an inheritance from your master - just death and destruction.

You further confessed you were a slave to sin. So you were aware of your sexual perversions and even went pursuing your sexual perversions in other countries.
Now you are expecting an inheritance from your master for confessing you are a liar and a sexual pervert.
Wow!! See how warped and perverted your mind is and the God that would give you an inheritance for confessing you are a liar and pervert. That's Christianity in a nutshell!!!

We are glad to hear you have overcome some of your sexual perversions. I guess you can call us lucky for having been spared your type of afflictions.
I lived in India and been to Nepal and never looked for or saw any sexual deviants. I was a Hindu then unlike you who was in search of God and deviant sexual partners.
it is possible because you are a sex deviant you became as pastor. That's like the pedophiles who become Catholic priest to prey on children. You just got busted!

TS said: Hari is the Indian - not TS.
So you lied when you said you are Indian. You said: Us Indians - <strong><ins>and I can say I am Indian because I lived there for a while -</strong></ins> have a serious problem with sex.
When pressed you confessed you lied.
You said: Not really. I am not really an Indian. I am too white. I also don't individually have a problem with sex. I think sex is a good thing. It is the Indians who really had a problem with sex.
There are 1.3 billion Indians. Sex is the least of their problems. Come get your head slapped at the Harikrish Clinic.
So you lied you are Indian. You lied Indians have a sex problem because you did not know Indians or live in India for a while, you were on your way to Nepal. But you confessed you have a problem with sex and the group you were with were sexual deviants. Note you said: <strong><ins>we are deviants.

You also pimp your mother and brag about her smuggling Bbles in China putting her in grave danger. The penalty is death for smuggling in China.

Tradesecret wrote: BTW my mother smuggled bibles in her suitcase into China. China at the time did not permit its Christians to have unedited bibles. China, As we all know, Likes to control and determine what its people can think and do. They don't like the Bible because it expects God's people to have a higher loyalty to God than to the State. My mother of whom I am proud, Put her life on the line and her freedom, In order to ensure that people in China could have an uncensored version of the bible in their own language. 

You should be embarassed for pimping your mommy smuggler, Showing your scriptural ignorance and calling people names and even lying about Harikrish's sex.
You are the typical Christian PPP. Pimp, Pervert and Preacher.

I now have your confession you are a sex deviant. We have known the other two for a while. Pimp and Preacher.

Harikrish biblical scholar and spiritual leader.

Alec's avatar
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 I can say I am Indian because I lived there for a while
Where were you originally from?  What country?

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Well, why am I not surprised about the minion of Satan, TRADESECRET, being an ungodly sexual deviant?  Add to this the fact that TRADESECRET is a Presbie, and you have one of the most ungodly combinations known in the religious world!

Unfortunately for TRADESECRET, Jesus and I will now Bible Slap him silly once again because of the aforementioned facts shown above, to the point where he will once again find an excuse to leave DebateArt for another timely vacation to save further embarrassment. Then, if TRADESECRET comes back subsequent to another Brother D. bible correction beating in the name of Jesus, then he will be Bible Slapped again in even further godly embarrassment!

A QUICK PRAYER:  "Jesus, I know you are reading this post (Hebrews 4:13), therefore, get ready to give TRADESECRET another round of your TRUE words showing TRADESECRET the outcome to never even think about passing your Pearly Gates upon his earthly demise, but instead, you will pull the lever to the trap door of Hell when he arrives before you upon Judgment Day.  Praise your murdering revenge upon the sinners like TRADESECRET that keeps sinning, when he knows it is wrong to do so!


Harikrish's avatar
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Where were you originally from?  What country?
From the name Harikrish it should be easy to guess I am from India. 
I am  a Brahmin and Brahmins belong to the priestly caste in India. 
I am a Vedantist raised in the Vedantic tradition and trained in esoteric scriptures, Christian Theology and Islamic Fundaméntalism. I moved to Canada and work in America in the IT field.

i am a biblical scholar and spiritual leader.
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Well, why am I not surprised about the minion of Satan, TRADESECRET, being an ungodly sexual deviant?  Add to this the fact that TRADESECRET is a Presbie, and you have one of the most ungodly combinations known in the religious world!

Unfortunately for TRADESECRET, Jesus and I will now Bible Slap him silly once again because of the aforementioned facts shown above, to the point where he will once again find an excuse to leave DebateArt for another timely vacation to save further embarrassment. Then, if TRADESECRET comes back subsequent to another Brother D. bible correction beating in the name of Jesus, then he will be Bible Slapped again in even further godly embarrassment!

A QUICK PRAYER:  "Jesus, I know you are reading this post (Hebrews 4:13), therefore, get ready to give TRADESECRET another round of your TRUE words showing TRADESECRET the outcome to never even think about passing your Pearly Gates upon his earthly demise, but instead, you will pull the lever to the trap door of Hell when he arrives before you upon Judgment Day.  Praise your murdering revenge upon the sinners like TRADESECRET that keeps sinning, when he knows it is wrong to do so!

Harikrish spiritual shaming detox centre is for those Christians and Muslims who have been disproportionately shamed into submission to their faith and are in need of a spiritual detoxification program that is both free and effective

Good intentions sometimes have unintended consequences and a familiar problem is shaming, specifically the shaming of people, both Christian and otherwise.

Shaming them into becoming better Christians (or at the very least, a Christian). Shaming them for their sins. Shaming them for their choices. Shaming them for not living up to a certain standard. Shaming them for not upholding expectations. Shaming people for reasons even I can't conjure up. Shaming in the name of faith and religion. Shaming for the sake of shaming. Friends, shaming people into making choices or following up on decisions or acting on their conscience or into living for Jesus is no way for the church to conduct its mandate.

Harikrish applies therapeutic spiritual shaming that not only corrects the harmful effects of past shaming, but reinforces self esteem, a can do spirit and recharged vigour to rejoin the human race.

All sessions will be interactive where the public can participate. This promotes real life solutions and develops practical adaptation skills that can be measured in real time.

To safeguard against members becoming addicted to Harikrish's therapeutic spiritual shaming, sessions will be designed to suit the persons threshold levels for pain, emotional detachment and mental development.

A namaste to all.


It is a thankless job but somebody has to do it. I had to withdraw from seeking the moderator position because there is little point in moderating functioning idiots and Shitholes. Therapeutic spiritual shaming is a replacement therapy for those with past shaming experiences that resulted in severe trauma.

The Harikrish Spiritual Shaming Detox Centre is generating unusually high traffic and interest. Come get your head slapped for free.

Come and get your head slaped for free at the Harikrish Spiritual Shaming Detox Centre.
I noticed we have many new members joining DDO searching for answers.

At the Harikrish's spiritual shaming detox centre we have double bound Bible's we use on those who come to get their heads slapped for free. The close contact with the Bible and the hard impact of getting slapped on the head with a bible works wonders when done with a repeated conviction that scriptures can penetrate even the thickest skulls.

After a few of the head slapping techniques unique to Harikrish's detox centre members find it easier to just open the bible and read it. Those are the desired outcome and objectives of the head slapping program. Others may find other benefits like reorientation of priorities or moments of painful lucidity. Come and get your head slapped for free.

35 days later

Harikrish's avatar
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The Bible is rife with alternative facts which the liberals would call contradictions. The Book of Genesis alone has quite a few alternative facts and here are a few.

GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.
GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.
GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.
GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.
GE 1:26 Man is to have dominion over fish, birds, cattle, and all wild animals, yet--
GE 2:15-17 It is wrong to be able to tell good from evil, right from wrong.
GE 1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time.
GE 2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later.
GE 1:28 God encourages reproduction.
LE 12:1-8 God requires purification rites following childbirth which, in effect, makes childbirth a sin. (Note: The period for purification following the birth of a daughter is twice that for a son.)
GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.
GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.
The Bible is also full of fuzzy math.
GE 11:26 Terah was 70 years old when his son Abram was born.
GE 11:32 Terah was 205 years old when he died (making Abram 135 at the time).

Why did the Jews trust Moses to write the Torah when it was know Moses was slow in speech and tongue.

Exodus 4:10 "Moses said to the LORD, "Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue."

It took Moses 40 years to find the promise land. The journey to Canaan from Egypt is only a months journey on foot. Moses managed to put together 10 sentences/Commandments during his 40 years wandering in the desert and had to commit it to a stone tablet for fear he might forget them. He was not permitted to enter the promise land because he struck the rock instead of speaking to it as God had commanded him to do. Moses was not very good following instructions. If Moses was not the sharpest pencil in the bunch, what does it say about the Jews who followed him for 40 years wandering aimlessly in the hot desert sun?

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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more spam
Mopac's avatar
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Are you suggesting that all the Jews, Christians, and Muslims abandon their traditions and baptize themselves in the sewer Ganges?
zedvictor4's avatar
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Just abandon stupid traditions and have done with it.

Baptizing in the Ganges would just be the start of another stupid ritualistic tradition.
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Processed meat.

Mopac's avatar
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I dunno man, I think there is a big difference between sharing the same spoon and bathing in the nastiest corpse filled sewer on the planet. 


Harikrish's avatar
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Are you suggesting that all the Jews, Christians, and Muslims abandon their traditions and baptize themselves in the sewer Ganges?
That would be a true test of faith. It would test your resistance to other sinners and their infections/diseases.
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I can easily accept that swimming in the Ganges is a true test of resistence to infections and diseases. 

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I can easily accept that swimming in the Ganges is a true test of resistence to infections and diseases.

Jesus failed the water test. He chose to walk on water instead of swimming in it to prove his faith.

Even on the cross he blamed God for his failures.

Matthew 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"

Mopac's avatar
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You woulld probably be a lot more effective if you didn't pretend to be an expert. You can't fool me, all I ever read is scripture and writings of the Church, in particular the church fathers and saints. I didn't stop resding because I feltbI had read enough to "get it". I am renewed by these wriyings daily, and can tell very easily that you have a very superficial understanding of Christianity.

If you want to learn, I would be glad to assist. If not, that is fine too.

I would rather hear what you have to say about your faith than what you  have to say about mine. 

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--> @Harikrish

You woulld probably be a lot more effective if you didn't pretend to be an expert. You can't fool me, all I ever read is scripture and writings of the Church, in particular the church fathers and saints. I didn't stop resding because I feltbI had read enough to "get it". I am renewed by these wriyings daily, and can tell very easily that you have a very superficial understanding of Christianity.

If you want to learn, I would be glad to assist. If not, that is fine too.

I would rather hear what you have to say about your faith than what you  have to say about mine.

i am a biblical scholar and spiritual leader. I don't see any scholarship in your discussions.

Scriptures to support my position Jesus walked on water. He didn't like getting wet.
Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-24) | 

Jesus made wine from water. No one cared to learn how he did it because wine tastes better when made from grapes.

None of the miracles he performed are even relevant today.
Mopac's avatar
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That is all really fine, but given our prior discussions, I don't believe you are receptive to having you misconceptions about the faith corrected.

As you are outside the church, I can not really respect yiur interpretatikns of scripture as valid. It really matters not how clever you can get.

Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar
That is all really fine, but given our prior discussions, I don't believe you are receptive to having you misconceptions about the faith corrected.As you are outside the church, I can not really respect yiur interpretatikns of scripture as valid. It really matters not how clever you can get.

I am a pastoral counsellor. I treat pastors who struggle with their faith. They were drawn to Christ to help them overcome their insecurities and perverted obsessions. 

But when I point them to the actual words that Jesus spoke and away from what was said about Jesus. The picture becomes clearer.

Pastors who were secretly gay now speak openly about being gay. Because according to Secret Mark Jesus was gay.

Luke openly proves Jesus was a SOB.

Harikrish biblical scholar and spiritual leader.
Mopac's avatar
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No Orthodox would goo to you for advise, you are obviously not a Christian.
Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar
No Orthodox would goo to you for advise, you are obviously not a Christian.
From our exchanges You are not treatable.
Mopac's avatar
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It would be more edifying to find common understanding than attempt to "treat" eachother.
Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar
It would be more edifying to find common understanding than attempt to "treat" eachother.
Why? You just said no orthodox  would go to Harikrish for advice because he is not a Christian.

Even though Harikrish is a biblical scholar and a trained Pastoral Psychologist/Counsellor.
Mopac's avatar
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I don't honor your credentials as anything other than self declaration.
Harikrish's avatar
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Harikrish's avatar
I don't honor your credentials as anything other than self declaration.
So I was right you are not treatable.
Mopac's avatar
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I would rather say that you are not going to deceive me on matters concerning my faith. I can see very clearly that you don't really understand it.

That being the case, I would rather hear about your faith. I am more interested in finding a common understanding than polemics.

Harikrish's avatar
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I can with the highest degree of confidence say Hinduism is the only true religion which satisfies both the intellectual and spiritual needs of human societies. It has withstood the test of time and taught us passive resistance and dialogue can change the course of history without resorting to violence or reaching out for the sword. It has given us leaders like Mahatma Ghandi who liberated a nation without firing a single shot and Martin Luther King who took a shot but won the civil rights for African Americans. Both pursued passive and peaceful resistance, an approach that is the hallmark of Hinduism.

Christianity is a stolen religion from the Jews and remains fractured at the core with over 30,000 different denomintions of Christians. Was Jesus God or a deluded Jewish carpenter's son, was he an incarnate of arch angel Michael or simply an unemployed homeless wino who made wine from water to feed his addiction and convinced others to drink it too? Jesus proved that being filled with the spirited beverage can sometimes reveal what is often hidden in the subconscious. It brought out the liar in Peter and something more sinister in Judas who betrayed the wine maker by drawing attention to his messianic aspirations. The spirit that filled Jesus affected him differently. It turned into a death wish.

Islam is another world religion. It started with an illiterate Arab who claimed God singled him out to reveal his vision of the world. Unable to write the illiterate Arab recited to scribes what he heard which he had committed to memory. This formed the basis of the oral tradition followed by Muslims. It inspired generations of illiterates to follow the prophets example and listen to his revelations. There are 800 million illiterate Muslims out of 1.4 billion whose convictions are stronger than their understanding of their scriptures that they cannot and have not read. But that is equally matched by Christians whose faith substitute their own ignorance of their scriptures.

Hinduism is a religion that focuses on spirituality and personal development and is not dependent on a benevolent creator. The checks and balances are built into ones Karma (self accountability) and not dictated by some external force or being. The goal is enlightenment and the highest achievement is spiritual bliss which is the transcendental conquering of physical and material desires that are only distraction or insatiable illusions. One achieves Nirvana if successful and breaks away from the cycle of rebirths (Samsara). Or the process known as reincarnations is repeated according to ones Karma at each cycle

There is anecdotal evidence for this process of reincarnations from recollections of past lives experienced by many people. The scientific evidence is found in prodigies. People exhibiting incredible talents and abilities at very young ages that is only possible if they accumulated their skills in past lives and their current genius was the cumulative result.

Other scientific studies have measured the effects of spiritual activity in controlled groups such as Buddhist monks and Nuns and found not only how spirituality affects their brain activity with predictable patterns, but also how it affects the objects such as cancer patients. When these spiritualists concentrate on the wellbeing of the patients, studies have found a dramatic improvement in a high percentage of the controlled group.

I am a Vedantist and therefore a spiritualist. I have participated in scientific studies and have demonstrated many of the states such an unusual brain activity, control heartbeat and a enhanced sense of empathy. I can from a group of pictures empathize with the ones I identified as physically sick from some ailment, disturbed, low energy, poor aura, depressed, maleficent or mentally ill.

The only reason these studies cannot be applied in practice is because of the draconian malpractice laws that are instituted by very powerful groups who have a vested interest in keeping research from interfering with their bottom line.

Mopac's avatar
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Hinduism is a religion that focuses on spirituality and personal development and is not dependent on a benevolent creator. The checks and balances are built into ones Karma (self accountability) and not dictated by some external force or being. The goal is enlightenment and the highest achievement is spiritual bliss which is the transcendental conquering of physical and material desires that are only distraction or insatiable illusions. One achieves Nirvana if successful and breaks away from the cycle of rebirths (Samsara). Or the process known as reincarnations is repeated according to ones Karma at each cycle

The goal of Orthodox Christianity is theosis, which is how we understand salvation. That is, we become partakers of the divine nature and in cooperating and abiding with the divine uncreated energy of God that fills all things, we are united to divinity. This is complete after our time in this world. In this world we become co-workers with God as living icons of The Truth. Our God is The Truth. That being the case, a big part of our discipline has to do with freeing ourselves of prelest, or delusion. We recognize that the pure in heart see God, and so our discipline involves the cleansing of the nous of the influences and passions that lead us into delusion or obscure the Image of God in us. 

I am sure you can at least see here that we do have some in common. There is also much that is different.

Reincarnation simply does not fit into our eschatology, as there is no need for multiple lives. Everything is revealed as it is in eternity, and the very same light of Truth that is paradise to those who abided in The Truth is the fiery torment that afflicts those who have lived a life in defiance of The Truth.

We would also say that the idea that one can save themselves is prelest, because we understand that The Truth is what saves and liberates, not our own will. We see ourselves as having a personal relationship with The Truth, and so we say that The Truth is what cleanses us, not our own efforts. That said, we still play a part in this through what we call synergy. That is, cooperation with this divine energy. All Orthodox Christians are called to be ascetics. 

Though there are 30,000+ nominally Christian denominations, the oldest creeds of the church state a belief in "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church". That very Church is around today in the form of The Orthodox Catholic Church. What I am really saying here is that of these 30,000+ nominally Christian churches, there is only one Church that can legitimately be called Christian and Orthodox, and this is something that is easily confirmed in studying the history of the church.


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