Everyone originated in Africa.
Harikrish presents his research on Out of Africa Theory and explains how the African migration began. It began with the African slave trade.
The out of Africa theory was popular when some of the oldest fossils were found in Africa. But Africa was the only place they were looking for fossils. But now they are finding older fossils in China, The Middle East and Asia that challenge the old out of Africa Theory.
The only out of Africa theory that has support is the flow of African slaves out of Africa to Arab countries for 1, 300 years and then to the Americas and Europe for another 4 centuries. The migration of slaves were coerced and not voluntary.
The fossil that rewrites human history: 260, 000-year-old Chinese skull suggests we descend from ASIAN as well as African ancestors
Now we are finally able to separate the dumb ones that stayed in Africa from the smart ones that left Asia.
Try accounting for the dark skin and negroid appearance only found among Africans. Then there is the genetically discovered low IQ among Africans. Now top that with the subhuman species Homo Naledi that is traced to negroid ancestors. Africans have no record of sea faring skills, No written script, No navigational concepts. They were simply hunters living in a jungle culture. Africa was lush with wild life and vegetation. The only reason there was any out of Africa migration was the Arab slave trade and later the European slave trade.
Europeans came up with the Neanderthals to explain their lineage. Asians have their own parallel evolution. Asians even ate the brain of monkeys which was later proven to be European and African common ancestors according to Darwin in his The descent of Man.
We are not related brother.
No one is buying the out of Africa theory today. Africans living in Africa haven't changed much. And those living out of Africa have the highest school drop out rates, 30% of Africans are in prison, 30% of Africans are inemployed. The rest are either drug dealers or pimps with some exceptions. All this proves Africans are genetically different with lower IQ than non Africans and their dark skin and negroid appearance can be traced back to subhuman species now established as African ancestors.
Even interracial marriages cannot wean out the negroid because negroid genes are dominant genes. It puts back the jungle instincts in every negroid generation.
I just proved to you the African race has not evolved. They are basically where they were when they started out. Low IQ, Jungle culture. Whereas all other races evolved and show little resemblance to dark skinned negroid appearance of subhuman species.
These links were artificially established to explain the evolution of race. But it was an over simplistic view.
We don't see a similar pattern of migration with animals and many are region specific.
There is even an out of Australia theory and an out of Israel theory. The fact the rest of the world didn't turn out like Africans makes it obvious we did not all start out as Africans.
If you take the Genesis account. The garden of Eden was not in Africa. The Jews being the diect descendants of Adam and Eve were not Africans. In fact Christians trace the lineage of Africans to Ham.
The First Race: Out-of-*Australia, Not Africa!
Take it from the experts. The only Africans out of Africa were slaves. Their negroid appearance and dark skin was unknown to the free world.
After scientists discovered Africans had lower IQ than non Africans. The out of Africa theory lost credibility because dumb people are only found in Africa. Ancient civilizations were far more advanced than even modern Africa today. Nothing good ever came out of Africa.