Total debates: 15
Making it again
There ain't no God
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I'm bored, and I saw this argument on another debate. The Omnipotence Paradox is often used by the non-believer to disprove God, or at the very least call into question God's Omnipotence. I believe this to be a flawed and illogical argument.
Bestiality - Sexual intercourse between a human and a non-human animal --Structure-- R1. Pro's case; Con's Case R2. Pro Rebuttal; Con Rebuttal R3. Pro Rebuttal & Summary ; Con Rebuttal & Summary
Bestiality - Sexual intercourse between a human and a non-human animal --Structure-- R1. Pro's case; Con's Case R2. Pro Rebuttal; Con Rebuttal R3. Pro Rebuttal & Summary ; Con Rebuttal & Summary
Preferrably message me before accepting outright
Should gay marriage be legalized across the globe?
Anyone but Sparrow may accept. I've already done this topic with him, so to repeat would be boring.
I would like to argue on the topic "Universities should platform even the most controversial views". I will be in the against position.
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No description has been provided
I've been gone for a few months, so my debate skills are out of shape. lol. I'm looking to get back in the saddle. Would like to debate someone on the Existence of God. I'm Pro. My opponent would be CON (arguing against God's existence).
My previous debate was a failure since my opponent didn't debate. This is a revival of that debate.
You know it. God exists and your life depends on god.