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Total topics: 51

My family in Tampa has evacuated which I think is fine. If they choose to live in fear of wind and rain, that's their prerogative. However I'm outraged that Florida politicians have issued evacuation ORDERS. Police officers are now going door to door in Pinellas County to make sure that people have left the area. This is the gestapo 2.0 and everyone should be terrified. Since when is the government allowed to tell people what to do like this? This is a brand new phenomenon that just started in the year 2020. 

First the police state mandated that everyone stay at home. Now they're demanding that everyone leave! Florida Senator Rick Scott said, "If you're told to evacuate, evacuate now. Not tomorrow. Evacuate right now." Excuse me Mr. Scott but I'm pretty sure Florida values people's freedom so he can kindly shut the fuck up and mind his own business.

The fear mongering by politicians and the media has been a joke.  All week long Hurricane Ian has been dominating the national news - proof the media is just trying to scare as many people as possible even if they're not in any alleged danger. They'll literally say anything for views.

Not to mention stores across Florida have been completely wiped out. There are shortages and price gouging. Profits are soaring. I mean if you can't see this so called "hurricane" is completely made up  to enrich business owners then I don't know what to tell you. 

I heard another Florida politician on the news tell people to keep checking for updates from scientists and government officials. He actually said that! He really believes people are going to follow the instructions of the biggest groups of liars on the planet. 

Scientists can't be trusted and least of all meteorologists. The entire field is bought by the climate change industry looking to profit off the alleged global warming. It's well documented that meteorologists get it wrong a good amount of the time, so why is anyone listening to them? 

This tyranny with forced closures is not only hurting small businesses, but KIDS ARE BEING KEPT OUT OF SCHOOL. We all know that US schools are top notch beacons of education, but my cousin has to have class on Zoom today. This is an absolute travesty.  Is this what Florida voters cast their ballot for in the last election? Kids being kept home?    

All of this follows a playbook as old as time and Ron DeSantis is complicit. Mark my words if the "hurricane" comes he will be going to the feds with his hands out looking for relief money.  Joe Biden who is singlehandedly responsible for inflation better not cozy up to Ron and expect anyone to give Florida a penny for this little sun shower that's being blown way out of proportion. I know that some people in FL might be at risk, but honestly if people are so worried about hurricanes they should learn how to swim, buy a boat or leave the area; not close schools, keep people away from their homes and jobs or add to our national debt. What a disgrace. 
85 16
Liberals "denying reality" is a really popular talking point of the right. The left supposedly can't define what a woman is, can't define what a recession is, etc. Now of course those are unintelligibly exaggerated strawmen; acknowledging that trans women exist or that high wages coupled with low unemployment should be factored into analyzing the economic state as a whole is not denying reality so much as taking more variables into consideration when pressed to answer something for political gotcha soundbites. 

But I think we can all agree that declaring elections to be fraudulent and rigged with no evidence whatsoever is an example of denying reality in a pretty blatant way. However this is something people on the right are apparently comfortable with as a political strategy. For instance, AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake cried foul at the election results in her state. Then she started winning. Once she took the lead and it became clear she would win the race, the insanely pathetic response from her camp was “We out-voted the fraud, we didn’t listen to what the fake news had to say.” When asked to substantiate those claims of fraud, Lake told the press that she didn’t “expect to turn you guys around,” and called them a “lost cause.” 

Obviously this position is completely and utterly illogical: the idea that there was clear  and massive fraud while at the same time having legitimate results in her favor makes no sense, but Republican voters just don't seem to care. They simply do not give a shit that politicians on their team are so brazenly and pathologically desperate for power that they will go as far as denying reality and straight up spit in the face of voters - just straight up mock their intelligence with bald-faced lies and explanations like this but it's like "haha, whatevs, Dems are just trying to distract from inflation." Hmm. 

I bring this up because what happens if this starts becoming a really popular and widespread tactic used not just by Trump and his cult of minions, but all over the world such as we've seen with Jair Bolsonaro recently in Brazil? What if Democrats started doing it? (Pointing out disinformation campaigns to influence elections doesn't count.) I mean I know denying election results is nothing new; it happens in third world countries all the time. What I'm asking is what if U.S. voters continue to legitimize or simply ignore and disregard the nonexistent claims of fraud though? Are we watering down the accusation to the point where it means nothing, and if so couldn't that be dangerous? 

With all of the Alex Jones stuff in the news again recently I've been thinking about how this man and others make massive profits in the conspiracy theory business. During the middle of Jones' trial with Sandy Hook parents recently, he couldn't help but go on his show and mock the trial's legitimacy, mock the jury's intelligence and suggest the judge + outcome were all predetermined plants, etc. I thought to myself is this guy friggin insane? Why the hell would he do that knowing it would play so horribly in court? And then I realized DUH, because it's more profitable for him to keep his conspiracy customers brainwashed. Who cares if he has to pay ~50 million in damages? (Hopefully more with additional lawsuits.) He's  worth upward of 200 million, and perpetuating these lies without backing down ensures his conspiracy cash cow keeps producing. So there's no incentive for Alex Jones to give any relief to the grieving families he's tortured and lied about; there's no reason for him to back down, admit the truth and stop manipulating people.

This brings me to what I feel like is a really scary state of the world. There has always been government secrecy, there has always been bias in the press, but we seem to be in unprecedented territory as far as the widespread popularity of conspiracies, at least post Information Age. It's not just about fringe topics anymore or things we can't easily substantiate such as the moon landing or some dumb ass story about Bill Gates committing genocide in third world countries. People don't accept anything these days. A school could be shot up with a bunch of kids dying, it could be filmed, there could be witnesses, there could be a physical location where you go and see the damage right in front of your eyes - yet tens of millions of people are simply like "NOPE! FAKE!" because charismatic people like Trump and Alex Jones say so. 

Isn't this a bit more problematic than Democrats mincing words about what a "recession" is? Isn't this a bit more consequential than someone insisting they are male when they were born with a vagina? How would it affect anybody else's day or anyone else's life if I were to decide that I want to go by the name Daniel and cut off my tits? Who would I be hurting? Alex Jones is actually hurting people. Election deniers are actively brainwashing people solely and specifically to bolster their own popularity and power.

I wonder if/when this will ever be considered a big deal by conservatives, and if not, why not? If they don't mind lack of evidence for election fraud then why demand more proof of climate change? I feel like having faith in institutions such as the FBI or New York Times, which is biased AF but includes redactions and corrections vs. people in the media like Alex Jones that straight up disregard the facts and with whom there is zero expectation of substantial evidence or accountability is a bit different. 

What if heavily armed minority groups or militias refuse to accept the results of the next election? Theoretically everyone who believes the election was actually stolen from Trump should be shooting members of Congress and killing them (like they wanted to do on January 6) since the whole point of the 2A is to fight against that kind of tyranny. I think the fact nobody is really doing that and the Oath Keepers et. al. have backed down says quite a bit. But what does it say about the U.S. generally if citizens become comfortable accepting lies about how elections are rigged before they even occur and regardless of what the outcomes are?

I feel like the fact that candidates are still beholden to the rich, still spend billions on campaigns, still try their hardest to gerrymander in their favor and Republicans go out of their way to make it more difficult for minorities to vote  proves that voting is still pretty important. But who cares about facts like that when we can just say "it's rigged!" and move on like rigged elections are NBD and to be expected? Who cares about facts when they can just be ignored and denied? I feel like everyone should just deny anything they don't like for funsies. The next time someone tells me gas is expensive I'm just going to call them names and swear to god they're lying because I only pay $2 a gallon. How can they prove me wrong? With a receipt? Yeah okay, as if hackers can't manipulate receipts. Open your eyes...

32 10
The title of this thread is based off some polling I read about that I will link in the next post. 

In another thread I giggled about Pie lamenting "Elitists looking down on middle America. What’s new?" literally right after he said "[those same people's] cities are absolutely fucked." In other words it's snobby and unwarranted to snub your nose at another group's culture in this country, but only if you're liberal. For some reason conservatives get a pass for their snobby ass elitism because they make $40,000 a year. But the definition of elitism doesn't have anything to do with wealth; it's about a general superiority complex and conservatives are as guilty as anyone else. The same way liberals virtue signal with their wokeism (to an extent... I don't agree with all the whining about society's shift in being more inclusive or considerate)  conservatives obviously virtue signal with their hypocritical bible thumping and "save our children" bullshit.

Yesterday I heard one of the dumbest country songs ever called Country On by Luke Bryan. Essentially he rattles off a bunch of occupations and tells them to "country on" over and over again throughout the song, those occupations being farm boys, truck drivers, soldiers, cops, firefighters, barkeeps (lol) and cowboys. He shout outs musicians and "hometowns" too although admittedly I don't know what a hometown is.

Anyway he's clearly pandering to a certain group of people and those people seem to think that they are the "true America," that they are REAL Americans. But people born and bred in New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC et. al. are also REAL Americans, Jimbo. Doctors are true Americans. Lawyers are true Americans. Stock brokers are true Americans. These cities that rural folks hate account for where the vast majority of Americans live, where the majority of American wealth is generated and where the top 10 tourist destinations for international travelers are because they're exciting and interesting places. But middle America HATES these places and HATES the majority of their fellow Americans, constantly putting them down the same way they accuse liberal elites of snubbing their nose down on them.  

Pie said in another thread (sorry to call him out btw lol it's not about him) something along the lines of how city-folk have no business mocking the intelligence of farmers because urbanites don't know how to grow crops. Um, okay? And people visiting New York City from Oklahoma spend 13 hours trying to navigate the subway system and streets of NY which go in alphabetical and numerical order. People adapt to the demands of their environment. Obviously most New Yorkers don't know how to grow potatoes; their livelihood doesn't depend on it. An Idahoan doctor may not know how to grow potatoes either but that doesn't mean the doctor is less intelligent, less American, less patriotic or less valuable. And neither are country bumpkins... although I'm tempted to throw in that if those bumpkins are homophobic then they indeed are less valuable lol. 

The increased disdain and hatred between liberals and conservatives is really thought provoking. It's not just that they disagree - they think the other side is straight up EVIL  which is really interesting to me. And the fact that America's greatest cities are being portrayed by Fox News as third world hell holes despite being the most sought after places to live, work and visit is really wild. Can't we all just get along??? I hope everyone but Trump supporters has a nice weekend! 

102 11
Does anyone deny that we have a constitutional right to bodily autonomy, or does anyone feel that we shouldn't have this right?
329 23
Nativist: It's fine for people to immigrate, but it must be done legally! 

Me: It is legal to seek asylum. 

--5 seconds of awkward silence--

Nativist: Well they're  not really in danger; they just want a better life. We need to change the asylum law.

It's important to note that people making these "just do it legally" arguments are not doing so in good faith. If you insist immigrants come here legally, but also endorse a system that makes legal immigration impossible for the vast majority of would-be migrants, then it's obviously not the law they're concerned about. 

For the vast majority of humans on earth, there is no viable pathway to immigrate to the U.S. There is no "process," there is no "line," there is no "legal way." They are simply excluded by the very nature of their birth.  Any immigration restrictionist who doesn't understand or account for this doesn't know enough about our system to have a credible opinion.

That said, I would be interested in exploring the arguments against increased immigration a bit more. I already know the basics: that diversity is bad (disagree); that immigration drives down wages (disagree, and if there is an impact on wages, it's negligible); increased crime (wrong); immigrants send money home (don't care - they still pay taxes here and participate in our economy - plus a lot of rich people keep their money overseas and nobody says boo); terrorism concerns (which are mitigated through background checks, and I don't see why immigrants would be immune to the surveillance state). Etc. Are there any other major points you can think of for restricting immigration? I might not necessarily argue them here but just want to look into them and research them out of personal curiosity. 


Consider the current unemployment rate is at 3.9%, just .3% shy of record lows from 2019. We currently have rising wages and a ton of job openings, especially in low-wage jobs. Some have even called it a "labor shortage" though it's unclear if that's accurate or not because I haven't looked into the numbers myself, and I never accept those kinds of reports at face value. If unemployment is not an issue and people are pissed that many places are understaffed, do you think there will be more acceptance of low-skill  immigration? (Many high-skill immigrants are often designated to low-skill jobs here to boot.) 

Another question: if lockdowns and mask mandates = tyranny, why aren't laws that prevent the free movement of people or trade considered tyrannical? It seems weird to me that the idea of harming small businesses is unforgivable when it comes to something like social distance policies or capacity restrictions, but forcing a small business owner to hire more expensive workers is somehow okay even if that hurts their business.

How does it make sense to say we don't have an obligation to do things in consideration of others (i.e. vaccinations or lockdowns to protect the elderly or immunocompromised) but we somehow have an obligation to prioritize Americans over foreign workers? Why is authoritarianism "for the good of the country" okay when it comes to restricting immigration, but not other kinds of restrictions? I can think of like one or two reasonable arguments at best and they're not very strong. Perhaps I'm missing something. 

73 15
I agree that some people are making too big a deal about Covid, though I'm happy to see city leadership pushing back. For instance Lori Lightfoot in Chicago and Eric Adams in NYC have been fighting teacher's unions (fuck them) trying to make schools go remote again, and we haven't had lockdowns of any kind even in Los Angeles despite Covid cases and hospitalizations increasing.  The second you leave city limits there are no mask mandates, social distance requirements, etc. and life has largely gone back to normal for almost everyone. So it seems like governments have been continuously loosening the reigns - the exact opposite of what was supposed to be the end result of this Bill Gates induced scamdemic. 

Now what I don't get about the vaccine skeptics is why they think politicians and doctors all over the world are conspiring to poison or needlessly jab their citizens just for the hell of it. There are other ways to keep Big Pharma profitable. Why would every single country, including our enemies,  be espousing the same lies -- and how did they convince the overwhelming majority of the science community across the globe to go along with it? (I get that Sweden was one very unique country, as in small and homogenous, that avoided lockdowns; however, they are nearly 90% vaccinated against Covid now.) 

North Korea and  Eritrea are the only two countries without Covid vaccine campaigns. Instead North Korea has dealt with the pandemic through years of lockdowns that are still ongoing. So to be clear, what is the alleged logic behind all of the countries around the globe including North Korea taking strong action against Covid? Are we all on the same side now? I assume the theory is that it's some sort of GLOBAL conspiracy to take over the world. Can someone explain to me how it works? Does Dr. Fauci control Kim Jung Un? Did our Deep State force Russia to develop their own vaccine? Did China really want to help the richest U.S. companies grow even richer which threatens their economic prowess... is that the argument?  I don't get it. 
99 13
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act Section 230 states that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider" (47 U.S.C. § 230). In other words, online intermediaries that host or republish speech are protected against a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legally responsible for what others say and do. It is the law that says that if I post something defamatory on Twitter, the victim can sue me, but not Twitter.

A lot of people including Donald Trump and Joe Biden among other lawmakers have called to repeal Section 230. I'm firmly opposed. What say you?  
35 9
Qualified immunity refers to a series of legal precedents that protect government officials (including police officers) accused of violating constitutional rights. The rationale for qualified immunity is that officials should be free from vacuous lawsuits and thus deserve to be put "on notice" as to what is and is not constitutional behavior. It is a standard that has seen government officials get off for assaulting and arresting a man for standing outside of his own home, for shooting and killing a man who had been sleeping in his car, for beating a man after pulling him over for broken lights, for leaving an innocent man's home in ruins after conducting a SWAT raid on the wrong house, and for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Without a prior ruling with identical facts, the victims in the above scenarios were not allowed to state their claims before a jury.

Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas — among the court's most liberal and most conservative members, respectively — have previously criticized qualified immunity. Congressional Democrats have made multiple attempts in recent years to limit qualified immunity, though none have been successful. 

Do you support qualified immunity?
10 5
Republicans are upset that Twitter banned the belligerent psychopath Marjorie Taylor Greene from their platform. Wah. 

This is your friendly reminder that it is NOT a first amendment violation for a private website to remove or refuse to publish content that they don't want to host. It IS a first amendment violation to force private companies to host content they do not want to. The first amendment protects you from the government, not from Twitter. And it protects Twitter from being forced to platform the speech of politicians. 

Side bar: I saw an article written by Rand Paul earlier with with the headline Today I take my first step toward denying my content to Big Tech. He says he's boycotting YouTube in favor of Rumble. Now the irony here is him choosing to post this on the website of the Washington Examiner - a platform which regularly refuses to publish things that people submit, and does not allow comments on its articles. Lol.  But this announcement also proves that Big Tech social sites are not actually  monopolies and you really can just go somewhere else. Beep beep, Randall. 

There are so many copycat social sites where conservatives can circle jerk each other if they really wanted to. Gab, Parler, Gettr and others are basically just twitter where right wingers can congregate to commiserate over conspiracies. But those sites  fail because 1) they're very unoriginal ideas and 2) half the fun of social media is triggering strangers. It doesn't work when the user base already agrees with you, but I digress.

A social media site that can't police content  would be something like 8chan. That is not a world that most people, least of all conservatives, want to live in. There's  a reason that certain types of people frequent those sectors of the internet, and there's a reason the rest of us do not. If you want to spend your days jerking off to Japanese furry porn or rotting your brain with the likes of whatever the fuck nonsense Marjorie Taylor Greene spouts off, there's a place for you out there for sure. It's just not twitter. 
54 12

Speedrace - town Lawyer
Bringerofrain - mafia Goon
iLikePie (1) - town Elite Bodyguard
whiteflame - town Vanilla

Constance Baker Motley (Crocodile/ilikePie-2) was an American lawyer and jurist; an effective legal advocate in the civil rights movement. She obtained a role with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund before entering law school as a staff attorney, and continued her work with the organization for more than twenty years. Baker Motley argued 12 landmark civil rights cases in front of the Supreme Court, winning nine of them. She was a law clerk to Thurgood Marshall, aiding him in the case Brown v. Board of Education. Baker Motley was also the first African American woman appointed to the federal judiciary. In this game, she was a town Justice. During the night phase she could submit the name of two players, and learn if they had the same alignment. 


01 MisterChris
02 SupaDudz
03 oromagi 

The day phase will end on 12 pm noon  (EST) tomorrow. 
Forum games
30 8

Speedrace - town Lawyer
Bringerofrain - mafia Goon
iLikePie (1) - town Elite Bodyguard

Most people know about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott that began in 1955, but few know that there were a number of women who refused to give up their seats on the same bus system before Ms. Parks' famous story. One of those women was  Claudette Colvin (whiteflame). When she was 15, she refused to move to the back of the bus and give up her seat to a white person — nine months before Rosa Parks did the very same thing. Rosa Parks was a bit older and had the right "image" to use as a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement, but it was often young people that made a lot of headway on the front lines. Claudette Colvin was one of four women plaintiffs in Browder v. Gayle, the court case that successfully overturned bus segregation laws in Montgomery and Alabama. In this game, she was a vanilla townsperson but could influence the game with her voice and her vote. 


01 iLikePie (2)
02 MisterChris
03 SupaDudz
04 oromagi 

Forum games
195 5

While celebrating black achievements and helping to forge new ones are very important, Louis Farrakhan (Bringerofrain) is a revolutionary black nationalist that seeks to do this at the expense of others. RBNs believe in the inherent superiority of black people. They routinely preach hate, and share a lot in common with their white supremacist counterparts. Both white supremacists and RBNs embrace paranoid conspiracy theories. RBNs also promote bigotry, intolerance, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, pseudo-science, irrationality, dogmatic historical revisionism and violence. To forge new alliances with his group, the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan has  even resorted to embracing Dianetics - the harmful practice of Scientology. So at this point it's unclear if he is more committed to his own status and the status of his group, then he is to ensuring the best opportunities for black people. In this game, Louis Farrakhan is indeed a mafia Goon. He had no special abilities, but could influence the game with his voice and his vote.


In February of 1956, Charles Gittens (iLikePie5) was sworn in as a special agent, becoming the first African American to serve in the Secret Service agency. His remarkable career included a number of undercover investigations that later became high profile victories. As a special agent, Mr. Gittens protected Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, as well as Vice President Humphrey, Mrs. Kennedy, and President Johnson’s daughter. In this game, Mr. Gittens was a town aligned Elite Bodyguard. During the night phase he could submit the name of a player to protect. If they were targeted for a night kill, there was a 50% chance of dying in their place, and a 50% chance of killing the attacker instead. 


01 Crocodile
02 whiteflame
03 MisterChris
04 SupaDudz
05 oromagi 

It takes 3 votes to lynch. Day Phase 3  will end on Friday 2/26 @ 3:00 pm EST. 
Forum games
58 6

Known as "The Man Who Killed Jim Crow," Charles Hamilton Houston (Speedrace) was a black lawyer who helped play a role in dismantling the Jim Crow laws and helped train future Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall. Houston played a role in nearly every civil rights case before the Supreme Court between 1930 and Brown v. Board of Education (1954). His brilliant plan to attack and defeat Jim Crow segregation by using the inequality of the “separate but equal” doctrine (from the Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision) as it pertained to public education in the United States was the master stroke that brought about the landmark Brown decision. In this game, Charles Hamilton Houston was a town Lawyer that could defend other people's rights. During the night phase he could submit the name of a player he wished to protect from being lynched the following day phase. 


01 Bringerofrain 
02 Crocodile
03 iLikePie5
04 whiteflame 
05 MisterChris
06 SupaDudz 
07 oromagi

It takes 4 votes to lynch. Day Phase 2  will end on Thursday 2/25 @ 3:00 pm EST. 

Forum games
12 5
Today the Equality Act was reintroduced to Congress. The Equality Act would provide consistent and explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people across key areas of life, including employment, housing, credit, education, federally funded programs and jury service. As it stands, LGBT people can be fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, or denied service from businesses in the majority of states simply for being who they are (or who their parents are). 

The Equality Act is expected to pass easily in the House, but struggle in the Senate.  Ten Republicans would be needed to reach the 60 votes to end a filibuster on the legislation, and right now it doesn't look like they have the votes.  

I don't understand why Republicans have a problem with this bill. Isn't firing someone for being gay CANCEL CULTURE? I assumed they would be eager to mitigate Cancel Culture and make sure people aren't discriminated against simply because you don't like them or the way they live, but surprise!  It turns out conservatives feel very strongly about their right to discriminate and ban or cancel people at their discretion 🤪

The Civil Rights Act bans discrimination on the basis of sex, race,  religion, etc. and I don't think anyone but libertarians (i.e. very few people) would say they believe you should be allowed to legally discriminate against someone's race --  so why is sexuality different? Sexual orientation is not a choice; it is an inherent part of one's identity. So unless you believe ALL discrimination should be legal, I don't understand the right-wing argument for excluding sexuality as a protected class. 

At best there is the ridiculously bad argument about "not wanting kids to learn what sexuality is."  Why would you have to talk about sex explicitly when acknowledging one's identity? "This is Danielle's wife" is not any more risqué or sexual than saying "this is Danielle's husband."   Drawing pictures of families in kindergarten and one student drawing two moms is not any more risqué or sexual than drawing a kid with a mother and father. You don't need to talk about sex when it comes to families or relationships. 

Since sexuality is an immutable characteristic which has been verified by psychologists for decades, why do Republicans cling to the idea that you can discriminate against gay people with impunity? If they think you should be able to fire someone for being gay, why is it wrong to fire them for being black or being Christian? Religion actually ISN'T inherent to one's identity (unless you're Jewish lol) so why is it wrong to fire someone for being Catholic? Why don't Republicans push to get rid of the Civil Rights Act entirely? 
59 12

I'm sorry, but Supa has had enough players to start his game for 2 weeks now. Apparently he does not want to start the game unless he gets more people, so I created a small game to host in the interim. I added Supa and removed Elminster. I don't think he will mind. If he does, I'm sure someone will back out or need to be replaced so he can join then. 

If you don't want to play in this game... okay! If it completely falls apart... fine! Either way there is no game going on lol. And if Supa decides to get his shit together and post his game, I don't mind if ya'll abandon this one. I just think people are sick of waiting and he might very well hold out and wait until he gets like 3 more players. Who knows when that will be. 

Forum games
172 10
What is the latest Republican proposal on healthcare? 

And does anyone else find it funny that conservatives are having an epic meltdown about their lack of access to twitter (which is completely fake because they're all over twitter) but not their lack of access to life saving treatments or medicines they can't afford? Like, if they believe the government ought to step in to protect their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to post on twitter, why don't they feel as strongly about lack of access to medical care?

Rand Paul acknowledges that likening a right to healthcare is slavery cuz if you have a right to something that requires other people, it means you have a right to other people's services and labor whether they want to serve you or not. Yet he has a problem with "political bias" dictating access to people's alleged right to speak to an audience online. That also requires other people's labor (software engineers, IT people, etc.) so who cares? It's their choice if they want to serve people, Rand.

Anyway this isn't the best analogy/explanation cuz it's early and I'm tired, but in general conservatives really seem to think their ability to post online is more significant than their ability to get insulin or other medications without going bankrupt.  Very strange what they want the government to regulate and ensure access to and what they think the market should deal with by itself. Libertarians are obviously a bit more consistent. Conservatives are just... like...the most bizarre people to me. They'd happily eat shit if I told them doing so would pwn the libs. 

Anyway this post is neither advocating for or against government healthcare.

I'm just curious what the latest, most comprehensive Republican advocacy is. 
31 10

It’s time to stand up against the muzzling of America.” — Senator Josh Hawley in a tweet and  op-ed for the New York Post

"Hi there, thanks for reading this. I’m being censored. That’s why I’m writing a piece in a major publication that you are consuming easily and for free. Because I am being absolutely and completely muzzled.

Also, I just went on a massively-watched TV show to let you know that my voice is being down-right suffocated. I basically can’t talk to anyone. Which is why I’m talking to all of you.

And now I’m here, in this widely-read media outlet, to say that there is a giant piece of tape over my mouth and, more importantly, the mouth of America. I have the eyes and ears of the world on me, and I am just totally and entirely gagged.

There’s no avoiding it: I am being silenced. We’re all being silenced. And it’s all any of us can talk about.

The truth is, you can’t say anything anymore without someone else saying something about what you just said. And that’s censorship. There’s no two ways about it.

I weep for this country, where the media completely cancels anyone with a different point of view, like the one I’m expressing in this highly popular newspaper.

So, what can we do about it? How do we make our voices heard when all we can do is write opinion pieces in major magazines, do interviews on popular TV shows and speak on the floor of the US Senate? Well, as you can see, we’re in a tight, quiet spot.

But I’m not ready to give up — not yet! The media elite can do their best to silence me by letting me write and speak anywhere I want, but I won’t stop saying exactly what I believe to everyone, everywhere, through every means of communication that exists.

And what I believe (the thing nobody will let me tell you) is this: I’m being censored, and you can read, hear, and see me talk more about it in the news, on the radio, and on TV."

33 10
Dominion Voting Systems, the election equipment manufacturer that became the target of wild conspiracy theories pushed by former President Donald Trump and his allies, sued Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani for defamation Monday.

Dominion said in a 107-page complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Washington that "as a result of the defamatory falsehoods peddled by Giuliani" in conjunction with other Trump allies and pro-Trump media outlets, "Dominion's founder and employees have been harassed and received death threats, and Dominion has suffered unprecedented and irreparable harm."

According to the complaint, that disinformation campaign forced the company to spend more than $565,000 on private security for the protection of its people, plus more than $1,170,000  to mitigate the harm to its reputation and business.

Dominion says the reputational damage inflicted by Giuliani's conspiracy mongering has cost the company about $200 million in lost profits and destroyed its resale value, which it says was between $450 million and $500 million before the viral disinformation campaign. The company is seeking $651,735,000 in compensatory damages and the same amount in punitive damages.

"Dominion brings this action to set the record straight, to vindicate the company's rights under civil law, to recover compensatory and punitive damages, and to stand up for itself, its employees, and the electoral process," the lawsuit says.
18 6
What exactly has Trump done to drain the swamp? 

From early in his presidential campaign, Donald Trump swore he’d do away with the so-called carried-interest loophole: the notorious tax break that allows highly compensated private-equity managers, real estate investors and venture capitalists to be taxed at a much lower rate than other professionals. “They’re paying nothing, and it’s ridiculous,” Trump said in August 2016. “These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky.” He concluded, “they're getting away with murder.”

Yet the sweeping tax legislation enacted by Republicans during Trump's tenure left the treatment of carried interest untouched

This begs the question: why has Trump been such a devastatingly profound failure at draining the swamp? Is it because he is utterly incompetent and routinely lies to his brainwashed supporters, OR is it because he is corrupt and personally benefits from the status quo? 🤔

28 7

"Already in response to the attack on the Capitol, President Biden and some members of Congress are joining calls for new domestic terrorism legislation that would give even greater power to law enforcement. It's a predictably misguided part of a decades long pattern. When white supremacist violence escalates, politicians often look to give law enforcement agencies more authority — whether it was President Bill Clinton in response to the Oklahoma City bombing or Biden today.

But this is the wrong takeaway, as giving law enforcement agencies more power and resources is not the solution to white supremacy. What leaders virtually never acknowledge is that federal law enforcement already has the tools necessary to investigate and prosecute white supremacist violence. Law enforcement agencies choose not to use them — just as they chose to let white supremacists storm the Capitol as the nation watched in horror." 

Source: NBC News

Tulsi Gabbard agrees and Yahoo News highlights her points about how a domestic terrorism bill is "a targeting of almost half the country." I find it amusing how #1 the people who insist the mainstream news will never contradict Joe Biden have been proven wrong right off the bat, but more importantly how libertarians and progressives have been coming together  lately as far as advocating for civil liberties. Tulsi is not a politician I like but one I find interesting. Several other leftists are speaking out against this as well. 

3 2
After campaigning on a pledge to "drain the swamp," when Trump took office he signed an executive order that included a 5-year lobbying ban which prevents officials from lobbying the agency they worked for 5 years after leaving office. Of course there were provisions and loopholes, but for the most part, this was a good move. 

Then hours before Trump left office, he revoked his own executive order thereby allowing government officials to become lobbyists. 

Granted Trump's executive order was largely ineffective in the first place, with at least 33 former administration officials sidestepping the lobbying restrictions according to ProPublica. But by rescinding his ethics order and letting his staffers immediately become lobbyists, the man who pledged to drain the swamp took a giant step to fill it. We know that Trump believes having administration officials turned lobbyists = swampy because he said so when he signed the order. 

The White House has been outwardly cavalier about its ethical behavior (having been accused of illegally violating the Hatch Act dozens of times). In an interview with Politico, Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows argued that “nobody outside of the Beltway really cares” about ethics violations. It looks like he's right! 

The fact that Trump can have the diehard allegiance of millions despite routinely mocking their intelligence is something I have come to admire, or rather, revere. These low-information sheep don't even realize they should be trying to reconcile this pro swamp move with Mr. Drain the Swamp. They're too deeply invested in this cult of personality to accept how comically absurd it is that they fell for some aristocrat whose lived in a New York City penthouse his whole life being the savior and mouthpiece for the everyday working class American who struggles to put food on the table. These folks actually believe Mr. Silver Spoon whose obsessed with celebrity and riches somehow wouldn't prioritize his crony friends over righteousness. They just can't grasp that Donald Trump is ever a politician (phony, self-aggrandizing and perpetually lying) as there ever was. I'm impressed. There won't be another master manipulator like Trump for a very long time. 
41 7
I fully and 100% support banning Parler and Trump's twitter account. First, it is important to note that despite the false claims by Trump Jr. et. al,  there is absolutely no first amendment violation at play. Nobody has a right to utilize platforms like Twitter or Google. Business discrimination is permissible so long as it is not predicated on a legally protected class. But of course just because something is legal does not mean it is justified. However, it is easy to argue that banning Trump and Parler from big tech platforms is perfectly justified. 

Not only have Trump and Parler repeatedly violated the terms of service of the platforms that have hosted them, they have arguably used these platforms to facilitate breaking the law. It is entirely possible that Trump could be charged with the crime of inciting violence, in which case these platforms may not feel it is ethical or legal to potentially help him do so. For instance is reported that the tweet which prompted twitter to remove Trump's account is the one where he clarified he would not be attending Joe Biden's inauguration; it was a not so subtle way of telling his violently agitated supporters that they are welcome to attack the event without Trump being in danger.

This is far from being unlikely and it could easily be seen as the intent of his tweet. Just minutes after Giuliani told a crowd of Trump supporters that we should have a "trial by combat," which they celebrated and cheered, Trump told his cult followers to storm the capitol and said he would join them (he didn't) where they proceeded to chant "hang Mike Pence" while frothing at the mouth before scaling the wall + busting open windows at the Capitol building after being let in by some police.

We have seen the president attempt to stage a failed coup which he was reportedly happy about according to sources from inside the White House. We have seen the president utilize social media platforms to peddle false conspiracy theories which threaten the republic and have people calling for civil war, despite the alleged justification proven to have been demonstrably false after investigations. We have routinely seen the president disparage these very platforms he relies on and uses for free, attempting to regulate them into submission despite allegedly being "pro freedom" and "anti authoritarian" which his supporters are obviously too dull to notice is contradictory.  And we have seen the president show no culpability or remorse for any of the damage he continues to cause, including getting some incredibly misguided follower(s) of his shot over his massive lie. 

Despite this, and despite twitter warning him about potentially losing his posting privileges if he continued to fan the flames of a bloodthirsty mob, the insanely narcissistic Mr. Trump simply could not help himself. He ignored twitter's warnings -- just like Parler ignored Apple and Google's repeat warnings of TOS violations -- and as a result he was FINALLY removed. 

Now keep in mind when libertarians and conservatives insist we don't need government regulation, it's because they say the market will regulate itself. The market will weed out the bad apples, right? That's why they are perfectly okay with a Christian baker not baking a gay wedding cake. They insist it is the baker's right to discriminate based on their beliefs, and they say that the market will punish them through boycotts and slander. Well here it is, folks! LIBERTARIANS, REJOICE. We can see the market at work just like you said it would. These private platforms have acted in defense of their deeply held beliefs (among other things I just mentioned above) without the government being able to force them to host these potential criminals.

Or... do "anti authoritarian" conservatives and libertarians suddenly have concerns about private businesses discriminating? o_O HMM. Interesting that the Law and Order enthusiasts would get up in arms (literally, no pun intended) over a private company silencing criminals but will defend to the death the right for bigots to discriminate against people who love someone of the same sex. 

Anyway fuck Trump, fuck Parler, and god help the poor people that have been manipulated into supporting them. 

The most amusing posts are the ones insisting CONSERVATIVE VOICES ARE BEING SILENCED from right-wing pundits and accounts with huge platforms like Fox News, Breitbart, and a bunch of other demented "pro patriot" sources. It's too much. 
57 9
As you all know, on Saturday our dear leader President Trump had a telephone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Now because  Lindsay Graham had previously asked Raffensperger to throw out legally cast ballots, Raffensperger decided to record the telephone call with Trump as a way to protect himself from the president's inevitable lies and allegations. On this call Donald Trump was secretly recorded trying to pressure Raffensperger to throw out votes for an opponent and “find” votes for himself. This conduct is impeachable, illegal, and some suggest indicative of a coup. 

Cue the “everyone does it - he just does it for the right causes” brigade.

The audio of this phone call is like telling the Nixon tapes to "hold my beer." 

Trump brought up many outrageous things, such as believing he won the election because his rallies were bigger and making up random numbers and accusations that are not backed by  a shred of evidence. Virtually everything he said on this call can be fact-checked as brazenly false and/or completely unsubstantiated. For instance he said 139% of the population of Detroit voted; only 51% did. You can go through line by line and it's actually painfully funny but also tremendously sad to see the POTUS saying these things in all seriousness. 

What's even more sad: despite overwhelming evidence that President Trump is nothing but a lying, selfish egomaniac who doesn't care about the harm he does to America, its institutions, people or any of its political processes, Republicans still have their own egos too wrapped up in mindlessly championing anything he says and does to hold him accountable for a single thing.  It is both scary and pathetic. Nearly 70% of Republicans still believe there was election fraud despite NO evidence, and now even with yet another call catching the president engaging in illegal activity for his own self-aggrandizement, they still won't accept he has done anything wrong or admit he lacks the competence and character for the office he holds. 

If I were the GA Secretary of State, I would have asked the President flat out to just be clear "What are you threatening me with, and how much of a bribe can I expect if I cooperate?" Even then I don't think Trumpkins have the brains or balls to call out their lord and savior for criminal conduct. Ask yourself just how many of these shakedowns Trump has committed that weren't recorded and leaked. Although I guess if you can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters, then what's a little shakedown here and there on occasion?

The whole party (I'm exaggerating just a little) is beholden to this man's fabrications. It is sick. Previously some thought Trump would be the "chemotherapy" to fix the sickness within the GOP, but it's become clear that has backfired tremendously. The party is getting sicker. What could be the remedy to salvage the few remaining sane people within? 
51 10
Trump says Americans need more than $600. Republicans say no, we can't afford it. Looks like the GOP did not become a populist party after all. Now what?
146 13
After having enough of holiday cheer, the Grinch wanted to put an end to Christmas this year. He gave it some thought and knew just what to do -- he'd need to get himself some great partners, but who? Some people quite clever to help deceive and to trick: what about Mister Scrooge and St. Nick? The Grinch realized Chris Kringle would not help to ruin people's fun; he's a jolly old soul though has one evil son. This guy's creepy, mean, and hurts people just because. He's an anti-Semite known as Damien Clause. Damien loves Christmas but wants to take Hanukkah down, so he decided to help Grinch & Scrooge rip apart the town. These next few days will be ones to remember. Down with the major holidays in December! 

*** MAFIA WINS!!! *** 

whiteflame - You are the GRINCH. You once thought stealing gifts would stop Christmas. Now let's see how stealing votes works out. You are the VOTE THIEF. During the night phase you may steal a player's vote and cast it on another player for the following day phase. 

iLikePie - You are EBINEEZER SCROOGE. You hate Christmas so much you don't let people leave work to celebrate. During the night phase you may ROLE BLOCK a player and prevent them from carrying out any night actions.

drafterman - You are DAMIEN CLAUSE. Because you're a direct descendent of St. Nick himself, nobody thinks to pay you any mind. You also have more power than you should. During the night you can either choose to be a NINJA and bypass any Watcher or Tracker reports, or you can utilize STRONGMAN powers and bypass any protective abilities that would otherwise stop a night kill. 

Fake character claim options: Mrs. Clause, Ghost of Christmas Past/ Present/ Future, Frosty the Snowman 
Fake role claim options: Bride, Oracle, Vanilla 


SupaDudz - cult JOAT 
Speedrace - town Vigilante 
WaterPhoenix - town Watcher
Bullish - town Vanilla

LikeMagic: You are ALVIN the CHIPMUNK. You consistently try to do the right thing, but wind up always making a mess of things. Your adopted father confuses your generosity for greed in the Christmas movie as one example. Not to mention your inability to chime in on time during the chipmunk Christmas song. Clumsy and full of bad luck, you are the misunderstood  HATED TOWNIE. It will require one less vote to lynch you. You win with the town.


Town Losers...

Lunatic: You are JACK SKELLINGTON. It's true that you're the patron saint of Halloween, therefore spending most of your time with ghosts and spooky spirits. But you've grown to *love* Christmas and wish to help save it. You are the GHOUL. During the night phase you may choose another player. If you would be targeted by a killing action, that action is instead redirected to your target. You may only successfully redirect a kill once per game. You win with the town.

oromagi: You are CINDY LOU WHO. You are full of joy and have a very kind heart. You're determined to show everyone what Christmas is really all about: being a good person. You are the INNOCENT CHILD and start the game as a town aligned player, which will be revealed at the start of the game. You win with the town.

that1user: You are BOB CRATCHIT. You don't have much to give but you try to give what you can. You bring joy to the town as a Christmas CAROLER. During the game you may visit another player. That player will receive a 'carol' that contains a list of players, at least one of which is scum (you do not know how many players will be on the list). You win with the town.

MisterChris: You are YUKON CORNELIUS. In the Rudolph movie, you can be seen trekking through the snow with your handy pick axe. Everyone thinks you are prospecting through the arctic mining for silver and gold, when really it's peppermint you're looking for. A kind fellow you do not mind using your skills to help others navigate to save Christmas. You are the TRACKER and win with the town.



Guys... before you yell at me for making such a swingy game, I really don't think it was lol. I put a lot of thought into it and I'm confident that had like one of many things gone differently the outcome would have been a much more interesting game that went down to the wire. So many things were just so bizarre! Too many WTF moments. Thank god I wasn't playing. The only thing I would take responsibility for as a "mod mistake" is having a hated townie in the game with a vote thief. But so many things could have gone differently there (i.e. whiteflame being lynched on DP1 or 2, Supa not being shot NP1, etc.,) that I don't know how much responsibility I should take, though I'm sure you will all tell me otherwise and yeah I admit that was like the one thing I would do differently :P 

I'm sure people won't like that I also gave scum a bunch of fake claims. Supa had the option of SANTA CLAUSE or RUDOLPH (that's why Rudolph wasn't the hated townie though he would have been a better fit) and he could have fake claimed Doc, Bulletproof, Mason Recruiter, JOAT or Vanilla.

I know some people might think that's insane but I cannot reiterate how much I hate how games are broken based on themes. I love modding themed games as much as the next guy but in reality they just take away so much from the actual skill set of Mafia IMO. Also I like the dynamic of closed set ups where you know exactly which roles are included, however I also like room for leeway and fake claims and options. So giving fake claims was my way to kind of balance that. And honestly LikeMagic nailed her behavioral assessment lol that was CRAZY. She's gonna rage at yall so I'ma sign off before that happens. Hopefully she turns her fury onto you so town doesn't turn their fury onto me lol.

I really do think the game was balanced aside from the Hated. Ah well. Good job to the scum team and THANK YOU ALL FOR THE ACTIVITY. 

Forum games
192 14

SupaDudz - cult JOAT 
Speedrace - town Vigilante 

WaterPhoenix: You are the ELF on the SHELF. You have an extremely important job, and that's to watch over people and report on who's been naughty or nice. During the night you can move to a location and watch a player of your choice to see if anyone visits them. You win with the town.

Bullish: You are BUDDY the ELF. You really don't have much to offer other than spreading a ton of Christmas cheer. You are VANILLA and win with the town.


01 whiteflame
02 Lunatic
03 oromagi 
04 drafterman 
05 that1user 
06 iLikePie5
07 LikeMagic 
08 MisterChris 


With 10 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch. Day Phase 3  will end tentatively on December 26th at 9 am EST. 

LikeMagic (LikeMagic, drafterman, iLikePie5, whiteflame) -- 4/5 votes 

The day phase has ended - Magic has been lynched! 

Forum games
3 3

SupaDudz: You are MORDECHAI, the HEBREW HAMMER. During your youth you were tormented by your fellow students for being the only Jew in a school predominantly attended by Christians, and for celebrating Hanukkah while everyone else celebrated Christmas. This torture allowed you to develop very thick skin, and you grew up spending your life defending Jews. While you don't care about Christmas necessarily, you do wish to preserve the peace and perhaps even recruit others to celebrate Hanukkah with you. Thus you are a JOAT CULT RECRUITER. During the night phase you may carry out one of the following actions: recruit another player to the Jews, protect yourself, or protect another player. If you recruit a mafia player, the entire cult will die. You win if the cult is the dominant party at the end of the game. 

Fake character claim options: XX, XX
Fake role claim options: XX, XX, XX, XX or XX 

Speedrace: You are RALPHIE PARKER. Sure you're excited about Christmas, but for you it's just a means to an end. What you're really concerned about is getting your hands on an official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred-shot range model air rifle. Then you can take out the bad guys yourself one by one, and everybody will love you if you get it right. You are the VIGILANTE and can shoot at a player during the night phase. You win with the town.


01 whiteflame
02 Lunatic
03 oromagi 
04 drafterman 
05 that1user 
06 iLikePie5
07 LikeMagic 
08 Bullish 
09 WaterPhoenix
10 MisterChris 


With 10 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. Day Phase 2  will end tentatively on December 26th at 9 am EST. 

Forum games
147 10
A mandated reporter is a person who is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. Teachers and psychologists are some examples of people that are required to report any known abuse. The laws are in place to prevent children from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

Historically, American law has protected a clergy-penitent privilege for a religious confessional that is similar to attorney-client privilege. In other words, clergy are not required to tell anyone about any abuse or rape they know about. Only seven states have laws requiring priests to report this information.

Catholic priests are not the only people who hear people's confession in religious contexts. Scientology uses a process known as auditing which allegedly helps people "rid themselves of their spiritual disabilities." Like priests they are exempt from having to report any abuse they've learned about in a confession or similar process, and do not have to provide testimony in a court of law. 

A lot of people have come forward to report their experience of sexual abuse within all kinds of religious institutions. Many times people in the church know what is going on, but do nothing to stop it. A bill that started making its way through the California legislature last year would have made CA the first since 1999 to require priests to choose between violating the law or violating the seal of the confessional.

As predicted, virtually every religious institution fought back and the law was withdrawn. One bishop argued, "If any legislature can force believers to reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings shared with God in confession, then truly there is no area of human life that is free or safe from government. Another added, "Surely murder, theft, spousal abuse, child neglect and rape are terrible crimes. Would the state determine that priests are obligated to report these offenses to the authorities, should they hear of them in the confessional?"

Um... sure, why not? 

The argument is that forcing individuals to choose between the most sacrosanct part of their religious beliefs and imprisonment is what the Bill of Rights was entirely meant to avoid. Do you agree, and if so do you agree to the point where that applies to clergy and confessionals from ALL religious denominations? For instance, if I said I shouldn't have to report child molestation that I know is occurring because of my devout Pastafarianism and belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would that be acceptable? And if you don't agree, explain why you think the 1st amendment does not apply to rape or child abuse.

(Posting in the Religion forum to see if perspectives differ from the Politics forum.) 

81 14
A mandated reporter is a person who is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. Teachers and psychologists are some examples of people that are required to report any known abuse. The laws are in place to prevent children from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

Historically, American law has protected a clergy-penitent privilege for a religious confessional that is similar to attorney-client privilege. In other words, clergy are not required to tell anyone about any abuse or rape they know about. Only seven states have laws requiring priests to report this information.

Catholic priests are not the only people who hear people's confession in religious contexts. Scientology uses a process known as auditing which allegedly helps people "rid themselves of their spiritual disabilities." Like priests they are exempt from having to report any abuse they've learned about in a confession or similar process, and do not have to provide testimony in a court of law. 

A lot of people have come forward to report their experience of sexual abuse within all kinds of religious institutions. Many times people in the church know what is going on, but do nothing to stop it. A bill that started making its way through the California legislature last year would have made CA the first since 1999 to require priests to choose between violating the law or violating the seal of the confessional.

As predicted, virtually every religious institution fought back and the law was withdrawn. One bishop argued, "If any legislature can force believers to reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings shared with God in confession, then truly there is no area of human life that is free or safe from government. Another added, "Surely murder, theft, spousal abuse, child neglect and rape are terrible crimes. Would the state determine that priests are obligated to report these offenses to the authorities, should they hear of them in the confessional?"

Um... sure, why not? 

The argument is that forcing individuals to choose between the most sacrosanct part of their religious beliefs and imprisonment is what the Bill of Rights was entirely meant to avoid. Do you agree, and if so do you agree to the point where that applies to clergy and confessionals from ALL religious denominations? For instance, if I said I shouldn't have to report child molestation that I know is occurring because of my devout Pastafarianism and belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would that be acceptable? And if you don't agree, explain why you think the 1st amendment does not apply to rape or child abuse.

(Man I wish I could pose this question to Q-Anon.) 

5 2
Rules and some mod notes: 
Standard rules apply. No editing or deleting posts, no copy and pasting roles, and no outside communication from non mod created messages with other players in the game. Flips will occur the following day phase, but I will acknowledge there is NO TAILOR in this game. 

Please ask me any questions in your private role PMs. I will not answer most questions publicly in the day phase. This is to avoid giving any potential game breaking information. I generally won’t answer questions about how the roles work mechanically, unless that role is already flipped and in the graveyard. I do this just to play on the safe side as a mod -- believe it or not sometimes even answering small questions can really screw over a scum team and it’s not fair to them. I will try to be consistent and as fair as possible while using my discretion about how to answer. 

As far as roles go, your understanding of how a role works might not be the same as mine. I utilize role descriptions from all different sites, and sometimes I just take inspiration from the role and add my own tweaks to it. Sometimes I completely make roles up as an experiment as well. Sometimes my modding mechanics are not the same from game to game, i.e.  if X-shot roles keep their abilities on being role blocked or not. 

I will also not explicitly say if a player has been role blocked; I may utilize different phrasing if a night action does not go through. It all depends on the game. Everything is on the table, and I mod each game separately according to the specific vision I have for it. In this game I'm choosing to be pretty vague. If there are any questions on how a role role works that isn’t in the graveyard, I will refer you to this OP to make things simple. 

All roles in this game were randomly assigned. Please do not try to analyze role PM structure or the timing of when you think someone is online or on Discord. I will not ban these kind of frivolous discussions, but I'm warning you that I may try to play games so consider this at your own risk :)  I also gave scum options of fake character + role claims in this game, but you are welcome to focus on theme analysis if you wish. Good luck everyone! 


01 Speedrace 
02 whiteflame
03 Supa
04 Lunatic
05 oromagi 
06 drafterman 
07 that1user 
08 Pie 
09 LikeMagic 
10 Bullish 
11 WaterPhoenix
12 MisterChris 


As we begin the game oromagi is the Innocent Child. With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to lynch.

Day Phase 1  will end on Tuesday, 12/22/2020 at 4:30 pm EST unless otherwise noted in advance. 

Forum games
524 13
I had a Christmas themed game but I dunno when Supa's game is gonna end. Let's shoot for 12 players and see :) 

Forum games
29 16
Has anyone seen Trial 4 on Netflix? There are so many documentaries just like this, but I'm glad they are made. 
Show business
2 2
What is "ego" and why do some folks believe it is something bad?
10 8
Trump inherited a growing economy. 

If you look at the Federal Reserve Family Finance Report which details American earnings between 2016 and 2019, you will notice the income gap between the richest and poorest has declined for the first time in ages. From other sources you can see that median household net worth and income have also increased. So it's undeniable that we have had a relatively strong economy these last few years pre coronavirus. However considering Trump took office in 2017, the gains detailed in this report were clearly underway prior to Trump taking office.  You can look back even a few years further and see how Trump's administration presided over the same upward trend the economy was already headed on during the Obama years.  

For virtually each measurement, the trend lines continued almost seamlessly from the second half of Obama’s presidency into the first three years of Trump’s tenure. Average real GDP growth was roughly the same (2.6 percent) for the first 11 quarters under President Trump (ending September 2019) and for the last 11 quarters of the Obama administration. During the last two years of the Obama administration, annual median household income increased $4,800. This is three times more than the $1,400 increase during the first two years of the Trump administration despite a tax cut for the middle class -- which I'll get to in a moment.  

So while most people acknowledge the president has little to nothing to do with the economy overall, we have data to back up the fact that Trump has not been some mastermind presidential businessman; he did not "turn the economy around" or do anything remarkable. He simply presided over a time of growth that would likely have continued heading in that direction anyway. I do think Trump sparked confidence with investors that led to some bullish gains, but a lot of those gains would have been erased at the first sign of trouble (in this case, Covid-19) as they always are with market ebbs and flows. 

I also think it's worth noting that Trump has ripped Fed Chairman Jerome Powell a new asshole at every single turn and has done nothing but heap criticism at him while simultaneously taking credit for the booming economy.  

It's dishonest for the GOP to credit tax cuts for gains during Trump's presidency. 

The tax cuts not take effect until 2018. By that time, unemployment had already dropped, household incomes had already increased, and millions of new jobs had already been created if you look at the data. There has also been no measured relationship between the size of the tax cut companies received and their subsequent investments as far as I can tell. 

Furthermore similar gains could have been made years earlier had it not been for an insanely obstructionist Republican Congress. Obama repeatedly tried to get Republicans to sign on to additional spending and tax cuts for the middle and lower class, but the GOP refused every single time. You had Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, et. al insist that higher deficits were philosophically unacceptable and financially ruinous. Even when the Obama admin proposed a moderate stimulus plan in 2016 that would have targeted infrastructure, Republicans would not budge. However under Trump the GOP has presided over the largest two-year deficit in U.S. history outside of a recession with no care in the world. They've exposed themselves (again) as deficit frauds.

Trump's trade war has been detrimental to the U.S. economy, especially in some states.

As most people know, protectionism is often bad economic practice but great for politics,  because it can rally enthusiasm from critical Rust Belt swing states that have large manufacturing sectors and have been hit hard by globalization. However a new St. Louis Fed study shows why this logic is misguided. The TLDR is that  the U.S. manufacturing industries that more heavily rely on imported products (and are therefore subjected to import tariffs themselves) include Rust Belt states that specialize in these trade‐exposed industries, such as Michigan and Ohio which import a lot of aluminum and steel for their manufacturing sector. Michigan in particular was affected negatively by Trump's trade war. Estimates say that it has cost several hundred thousand jobs in this key swing state. The Trump administration was also forced to provide billions of dollars in new federal subsidies to farmers. So if we look at the explicitly DIRECT impact the President had on the economy, it would arguably be negative in the short term. 

With that said - 

  • Everyone still says the economy is the #1 issue in America regarding presidential elections. Should it be?  
  • What should voters be considering when presidential candidates campaign re: economic policy proposals? 

55 7
T O W N . . . W I N S !!! 

I believe this is the first game I've modded where town has ever won. Congrats! 


Pie: mafia Judas
oromagi: town Supersaint
Hamburgler: town Adrenaline Junkie
Magic: town Mason Recruiter
Lunatic: town Vigilante 
SirAnonymous: mafia Watcher 

Intelligence:  You are the Godfather. You appear innocent to any role or alignment investigation of any kind. You win with the mafia. 


01 Speedrace
02 Supadudz
03 Greyparrot
04 Misterchris

[ Notes ]

I did not assign Greyparrot or Pie's role on purpose lol. I actually designed this game before the game where Luna was Judas. The reason I did not want to confirm whether or not I assigned roles randomly is because the clue about Luna being town spelled out in the riddle would prove they were not randomly assigned (or I didn't want to confuse anyone about it). I didn't give much thought to role assignments outside of Luna being town though.

MVP - Speedrace  

[ Riddles ] 

As I said some of the riddles or clues would be more obvious or useful than others. A few of the clues in this game were of no use as they hinted at the Watcher being scum, but the mafia Watcher didn't claim his real role anyway. Also the best clues I had were in relation to the Judas and Supersaint roles, but since they died right away I didn't get to use them. 

~ Day Phase 1 ~

Let's infer who to lynch through the mod's little riddles 
Unless you oddly prefer to remain noncommittal
Nostalgic for days with none clipped in the night 
All equipped with ways to try and put up a good fight 
It may not always work; some will wind up in a casket 
Seldom is every ability or possibility an asset 
Town consults with each other to hope scum gets busted
Only problem is that not everyone can be trusted 
Wise to wangle good favor from their solid disguise 
Nefarious scum will not waiver; their eyes' on the prize

1. Unless you oddly prefer to remain noncommittal is a hint that validates the vig claim, because his role is relevant to odd day phases with non committed lynches 
2. "All equipped with ways to try and help put up a fight" reveals there are no vanillas 
3. Seldom is every ability or possibility an asset hints there are some negative town utility roles 
4. Wise to wangle good favor with their solid disguise is a hint that even people with solid disguises, i.e. good role claims or with inno investigations (recruits) might not be town 
5. Nefarious scum do not waiver; they keep their EYES' on the prize is an obscure hint about the Watcher being mafia, as that possession of eyes' is singular and relevant to one person watching 
6. And of course LUNA IS TOWN is spelled out with the first letter of each line, validating his affiliation (I suspected some might consider him third party) 

~ Day Phase 2 ~

How many hints? You never be sure! I'll tell you there's six but technically more. 

This lets you know there were at least 6 hints given (this was the 7th hint, i.e. technically more)

In post # 80 I said "let's get back on track" which was a subtle nod to Speed in case he had to claim (he's the tracker). A few people's attention was toward him at the time I made that celebratory post about ByeDon's win. 

~ Day Phase 3 ~

Again this was a clue about the Watcher being scum. It wound up not being very helpful because the Watcher did not claim his real role. The link was a reference to a fight between a "two party system," i.e. no third parties being in the game. This was something both teams were worried about. 

~ Day Phase 4 ~

Fuck your day phase 4 clue - this picture of a Go Green sign was a nod to "saving the trees," i.e. a reference to Greyparrot being a tree stump which he just found out that night phase. I knew the game wouldn't go on much longer though hence the little quip about ya'll not really needing another clue. 

~ Mafia Riddles ~

On NP1 they got this picture saying "Welcome to CHAZ." This is a reference to the CHAZ/CHOP co-op which was an indication that there was not a cop in the game. However since there was a Godfather, I wanted to hint it would actually allow him to appear innocent to a mason recruit. (Get it? CHAZ - masons/vigilante/no cops?) Their night phase 2 was a picture of a piglet being crossed out, basically spelling out no cops being in the game at all in case that wasn't clear. This paved the way for a fake cop or role cop claim in case they needed it. On NP 3 I gave them this picture of some random ass character I googled named "Fasttrack." This was a hint that Speed was the tracker. I assumed they wouldn't know who that character is (who does?) but they could have searched the web for the image + the name was referenced in the link. 

Forum games
32 11

Pie: mafia Judas
oromagi: town Supersaint
Hamburgler: town Adrenaline Junkie
Magic: town Mason Recruiter
Lunatic: town Vigilante 

SirAnonymous:  You can watch a player at night and see if they are visited by another player. You win with the mafia. 


01 Speedrace
02 Supadudz
03 Intelligence
04 Greyparrot
05 Misterchris

Forum games
50 5
Day Phase 3 - Watch out! And  LET'S GET READY TO RUMBBBLEEE


Pie: mafia Judas
oromagi: town Supersaint

Magic: You are the Mason Recruiter. Each night you may attempt to recruit a player into the mason PM. If you attempt to recruit a scum aligned player, you will die. You win with the town.

Lunatic: You are the (semi-compulsive) Vigilante. On odd day phases that end in a NL, you must shoot at someone the following night phase. You win with the town.


01 Speedrace
02 Supadudz
03 SirAnonymous
04 Intelligence
05 Greyparrot
06 Misterchris

It takes 4 votes to lynch. The day phase will end at 4:30 pm EST on 11/11/20. 

Forum games
41 7
74 19

Pie: You are the Judas. You start the game as town-aligned. If you are lynched or targeted for a night kill by the mafia, it will not go through (the day phase will end in a NL). You will convert to the mafia team. You win with the town -- for now.

(Now wins with the mafia.)

oromagi: You are the Supersaint. If you are lynched during the day phase, you will kill the player who placed the final vote on your lynch wagon. You win with the town.


01 Lunatic
02 Speedrace
03 Supadudz
04 SirAnonymous
05 Intelligence
06 Greyparrot
07 Hamburgler 
08 MisterChris
09 Magic 

How many hints? You never be sure! I'll tell you there's six but technically more.

Forum games
214 10
It's one thing to be so narcissistic, so much of an ego-maniac that you refuse to denounce insane conspiracy theories like QAnon because believers claim you are saving the world, and that probably makes you feel good - so good that you will allow wackjob supporters to carry on their ridiculous antics and lies with zero regard so long as they continue to worship you. But for a President of the United States to perpetuate the narrative that there is cheating and widespread voter fraud without any evidence whatsoever is truly sick and very dangerous. This is the kind of shit you see in third world countries that creates civil unrest and division between civilians, government and the military. What are we, Bolivia now? Are we Ecuador? 

The U.S. election system is not perfect. There MAY be cheating. Our voting system is not as secure as we'd like. But until and unless there is hard evidence, this posturing by Donald Trump as some sort of "hero of the people" being denied by the political elites is a script straight out of a (wannabe) dictator's handbook. The fact is Donald Trump is NOT supported by the majority; he lost the popular vote both times. He knows he's hated by more than half the country and routinely trashed in the media, yet he somehow can't fathom a loss. Remember Trump claimed there would be fraud in the first presidential election but let it go because he won. If he really believed there was fraud, why not investigate then and see if he actually won? The polls were all off so wouldn't that "irregularity" warrant an investigation? Why not investigate the 2018 midterm election? Oh right, because he wasn't running and didn't need an excuse for losing. That's all this is. 

Donald Trump is the one who went on TV and asked his supporters to commit felonies by voting twice. Then he doubled down on it. Now he's complaining about "fraud," so you're going to have all of these braindead Trump supporters mindlessly parroting fake news stories and ready to take up arms. And he wants them marching in the streets with AR-15s. Do you think the President cares that he is going to create huge concern about our democracy and  distrust of the electoral process? Do you think he cares about sowing division and riling people up to want to go out and shoot people to "save our country?" No, of course not. That's exactly why he's unfit to be President. Not only because he's an utterly incompetent, self-obsessed  pathological liar who doesn't have a good grasp of policy and can't lead effectively -- but because he's a bad person and a bad man who truly doesn't care about the harm he causes if it's in his self-interest. That's true of most politicians, but Trump is particularly careless.
107 18

This is a classic mafia game with a twist. Each day phase will include at least one public riddle and/or clue by the mod. Some hints will be more obvious or helpful than others. The rules of this game are pretty standard. No talking about the game outside the game. No copy and pasting role PMs; however, I have manipulated the PMs  so as to avoid that type of analysis about how I structured them (ahem Mikal).

I don't care if ya'll use profanity or insult each other, so long as it does not interfere with the general quality and participation in the game. Hopefully everyone is active and this provides a distraction in the wake of the shit show that is about to come post Election Night. 

A few notes for this game: 

- Flips will be revealed upon lynches (I don't always) 
- Role names may be made up, modified or unconventional 
- Roles with X-shots will lose those shots if prevented from use  
- I will not specify if I have given the mafia fake claims in this game 
- I will not specify if roles were randomly assigned in this game 
- If someone is killed at night, their night action will go through

That's all I can think of for now. 

The first day phase will end at 4:30 pm on 11/6/20. It takes 6 votes to lynch. Good luck! 

Player List

01 Lunatic
02 Speedrace
03 Supadudz
04 SirAnonymous
05 Intelligence
06 ILikePie5
07 Greyparrot
08 Mikal
09 Misterchris
10 Likemagic
11 Oromagi

Forum games
497 13
I lied. I don't think Discord forum mafia is happening 

01 Lunatic
02 Speedrace
03 Supadudz
04 SirAnonymous
05 Intelligence
06 ILikePie5
07 Greyparrot
08 Mikal
09 Misterchris
Forum games
15 8
~ Classic Mafia ~ 


Forum games
23 9
Another  falsehood touted by ignorant talking heads is that Obama was a socialist. Of course every Democratic presidential candidate in 2020 was to the left of Obama which is a little funny/sad. But what's interesting to me is what while the fear mongering behind He'S CoMinG tO tAkE yOuR gUnS eventually subsided once realized that was entirely untrue, people still refer to Obama as a socialist to this day. Does anyone here believe that or deny that Obama was relatively moderate according to pre Liberty Caucus standards? After all the Liberty Caucus died the second Ted Cruz and Rand Paul started calling Trump "daddy."  So I'm curious - by what metric is Obama a socialist? Unlike claims of him being a race baiter or cop hater, this one I'm seriously willing to entertain. I'm only 2% trolling here. I'd like to know why he is considered the antithesis of American values and capitalism by flag waving MAGA tools. I dunno if any of them can read or think very well but who knows maybe I'll get an interesting response from someone, anyone. 
98 11
Obama is responsible for a war on cops. This popular red herring from right-wingers to distract from any conversation about criminal justice reform is another one of my favorite idiotic talking points to dismantle. Of course it isn't  true and I love watching people squirm when you ask for any type of evidence or justification for this lie. At best they will defer to a quote from William Johnson, the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, who went on Fox News to facilitate this smear without any substantive reasoning whatsoever. He claimed Obama "appeased violent criminals" and "actively called for the death of police officers" via BLM. He also said that unlike previous presidents, Obama did not condemn violence against police. I shit you not. This turd literally said this with a straight face on the most popular cable news network (even though any fucking idiot can Google that is explicitly and emphatically false) but to the surprise of absolutely no one, a ton of Fox News loving knobs actually believe it. If you're one of them, please cite everything Obama said and did to perpetuate a war on cops. Be prepared to argue that calls for reform is the equivalent of war. You know like how calls to reform social security is a war on social security... right? Isn't that how it works? I'm not sure but you fine people are going to explain it to me. Thank you in advance! 
4 2
A favorite talking point from right-wing troglodytes is that Obama started a race war. That's right, despite the existence of slavery which dehumanized black people for centuries; despite Jim Crow laws and segregation being the law of the land for decades after that; despite well documented systemic racism that has persisted and the fact that people still glorify the Confederacy, Barack Hussein Obama started a race war in this country... so the theory goes.   

Here is your chance to educate me! Please show me all the evidence you can find proving that Obama incited racism. Please show me all the ways in which he instigated backlash that sowed the seeds of racial division in this country as Republicans claim. I am not looking for opinions here; I want to know exactly what Obama said and exactly what Obama did, specifically, that led to hostility among the races and caused white people to fear/hate blacks or vice versa. Thank you. 
5 3
How do I accept them lol
6 4
Jordan Peterson has emerged as a popular and controversial figure. He's popular because he resonates with people who a) prefer right-leaning [especially cultural] values; and b) hold moderate to right-leaning values, while appreciating or at least tolerating thoughtful discourse that does not shy away from "anti-PC" rhetoric in search of truth and societal righteousness.

Jordan Peterson is thusly very useful in 2018. He is able to both rationalize and more importantly articulate the values and perspective that compel people to shy away from the direction the left is going; to maintain a firm moderate stance - or on the other side - maybe even support Donald Trump. Indeed Jordan Peterson is perhaps the one thing Donald Trump fans and some Democrats still have in common. He is valued by people from different ideological camps. Peterson is praised by moderate Dems, conservatives, and especially libertarian minded folk. Moreover, he is touted by both atheists and religious (mostly Christian) folk alike as being a representative of some of their most deeply held values. That wide-range of appeal is both fascinating and incredibly rare in this day and age. 

This of course begs the question: what makes Jordan Peterson different? For starters, he is the antithesis of identity politics, which is more obviously becoming an ever growing crutch of the left. Just last week Joe Biden launched an LGBTQ family acceptance campaign called "As You Are." While of course the values espoused in that campaign have merit (tolerance and acceptance), people can't help but notice the increased Democratic reliance on playing to people's identities, as many are speculating this campaign was indicative of Biden's interest in another political run. Many within its own party have accused establishment Democrats of a desperate devotion to identity causes, rather than focus on and provide smart, reliable and useful solutions to the problems and issues concerning most Americans today.

Another cornerstone of Peterson's appeal is his commitment to a rational, not emotionally driven conversation. This quells the reliance on hate spewing: it deters name-calling and appeals to emotion in lieu of a thoughtful exchange of ideas. Despite us sometimes falling victim to these anti-intellectual and potentially hateful exchanges (or maybe I'm just speaking for myself here...), I think most people do not want to rely so heavily on such tribalism. I think most people, deep down - at least I hope - would prefer to be thoughtful instead of ignorant. Jordan Peterson compels people to be thoughtful. 

To be truly openminded, one has to let their ego subside entirely. When so much of your values rely on a reference to identity, it can be hard to let that go. Therefore many intellectually minded people on the left fall victim to the emotional appeal of progressive rhetoric. However, unwavering tolerance; irrationality in the name of morality; or a moral/cultural decline in society ought to be examined with legitimacy, even if they do fall under the "politically incorrect" category. Politically correct causes cannot be the justification for accepting any idea touted by people in society. That's where Jordan Peterson comes in. And that's what makes him both so beloved by many, and feared/loathed by just as many. He completely delegitimizes any argument that stems from one's personal struggles... regardless of how truthful or valid they may be. Instead he demands some other metric in support of one's cause. 

So here are my thoughts: We know Jordan Peterson is committed to rejecting identity politics, and we should understand why this makes perfect sense. In many cases the left wing of the ideological spectrum has completely gone off the rails - insofar as aggressively and unjustifiably promoting censorship among other infractions, all in the name of political correctness or "tolerance," progression, etc. Not only has this had some counterproductive effects in some cases, but it can and has stifled some discourse entirely. There are still some of us in society who value a productive conversation. We understand there is more than one side to the story; more than one perspective to keep in mind when promoting values or policy decisions. As such, we gravitate toward Peterson's approach to reason.

And yet, Jordan Peterson fans must be careful to not automatically value everything he says, just because we very much appreciate the way he evaluates and presents his argument. We have to maintain rationality and virtue above our allegiance to his rhetoric. In reality, one's personal struggles are absolutely variables to consider when looking at a cultural (moral or political) problem. Sometimes Peterson and his supporters too aggressively deny that fact, or are too busy fighting/defending themselves to consider this important factor in the debate.

Jordan Peterson does not have all the answers. He is not always right. He often presumes or speaks on things without full grasp of the subject, and sometimes gets hypocritical. But so what? None of us have all the answers; none of us are always right. We all presume, assume, confuse or misrepresent at different times. We can all be convicted of hypocritical or conflicting values. The important thing is that we we do our best to understand and to explain to and from one another, and that we keep trying to search for truth, justice and meaning in this ever-changing and infinitely complex world. I think overall, Jordan Peterson presents a net positive insofar as promoting these things, at least at face value. It's up to us to carry out these ideals, and collectively rise above Peterson's personal wrongs to find righteousness.

What do you think? Are you a fan of Jordan Peterson? Why or why not? Post your most loved/hated Jordan Peterson quips here.

59 9

If you are a fan of Bernie - do you agree and why? 

20 10
Who was she? 
35 28