What is "ego" and why do some folks believe it is something bad?
The Ego
Lexico defines Ego as the following:
NOUN egos1 A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.‘he needed a boost to his ego’1.1 Psychoanalysis The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.‘Jung also found that in practice both anima and animus act in dreams and in the imagination as mediators of the unconscious to the ego, so providing a means for inner as well as outer adaptation.’1.2 Philosophy (in metaphysics) a conscious thinking subject.‘In this being the empirical ego has its origin, and through ethical conduct it returns to its source.’
If your asking why some people believe colloquial ego-ism is bad, I presume your asking why arrogance or pride is bad. I don't think pride is necessarily bad, though religious interference may have been a reason for people believing it to be bad. Arrogance often leads to faulty reasoning, uncalled for disregard for people and their arguments, etc, etc..
Of course thats just a short thought from me, what do you think?
It's always talked about by self-important people that think they've gone past their egos so they are out of the system therefore it's better... i think that's all crap.
Because it's usually associated with an overaccentuated self, too much of anything ain't good lol. Ever known anyone with a "big" ego? possibly self-absorbed?
There's difference in references too, as the ego associated with spirituality which often refers to a persons identity or personality, and too much of that ain't good either. In spirituality it's also good practice to "let go" more and more of the self to allow for a more sacrificial attitude/nature, a more wholistic understanding and perception of things. Basically, the "ego" can get in the way, get in the way of what depends on what we are referring to.
The ego is needed obviously, but it's when it becomes an obstacle or over pronounced is when it's frowned upon.
The ego is good. Reality depends on it.
Generally i think there are pros and cons to a colloquial ego, and a philosophical ego is needed ya know for logic in general.
38 days later
i { ego } is Metaphyisical-1 { spirit-1 }, mind/intellect/conceptual abstraction
ego = i .....self identity listens and feeds back to self and others with neutral fixation on self or others first or 2nd.......
Ego = I......I comes first, and feedback others is always 2ndary....
EGO = I...narccistist....I is above all others and feedback to self defines reality that reduces all others to lesser significance always......
>>>>>Past>>>Arrow-of-time>>>>>In( * ) i ( * )Out>>>Arrow-of-time>>>>>>Future>>>>>>
................................................Space( * ) i ( * )Space.....................................................
<<<<<Flow-of-Time.<<<<S.....Out..( * ) i ( * )<<<In<<<<<<<<Flow-of-Time<<<<<Future<<<<
They're jealous of their confidence.
The ego is just a part of our consciousness. It is only a problem when it takes over one's personality and is used to make one seem more than they are. A balanced ego isn't called ego, but in psychology that is still what it is, ego.