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A member since


Total topics: 33

Is it Racist? Is it Systemic or Widespread? Hopefully this will provide a general gauge. For the first premise, that it is racist, I will let the source speak for itself. The following is an excerpt from the first nationwide and systematic study on the role of race in police shootings done by Michigan State University and University of Maryland:

"We found that the race of the officer doesn"t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said. "If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are."

The data show that it"s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that"s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens.

Beyond officer race, the team drew other conclusions about details related to racial disparities in fatal officer shootings.

"Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. We found that violent crime rates are the driving force behind fatal shootings," Cesario said. "Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings."

By connecting the findings of police officer race, victim race and crime rates, the research suggests that the best way to understand police shootings isn"t racial bias of the police officer; rather, by the exposure to police officers through crime.

The vast majority " between 90% and 95% " of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said."


As for whether it is widespread or systemic. The notion that police brutality is widespread and systematic is simply unsupported by data. Out of a study on large(100 or more officers) local and state law enforcement agencies the following was found:

- There were 26,000 complaints regarding excessive use of force filed
- Of these 8% were found to be sustained, or in other words, there was sufficient evidence to merit disciplinary action of an officer. Or 2,080.
- 34% were unsustained, or in otherwords there was insufficient evidence present.
- 25% were unfounded, or in other words, determined to not be factual, or to have not happened at all.
- 23% were exonerated, or in other words, the incident was deemed to have occurred, but the officers actions were lawful.
- 9% were other dispositons, such as withdrawing of the complaint.

Even if we take it that 100% of exonerations should have been sustainments, for purposes of illustration, that still leaves us at just 31%, or a mere 8,060 valid complaints.

80% of agencies supplied data, so if you extrapolate that out to 100%, you get 9,672 'valid' complaints.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report; Law Enforcement Management and Administration Statistics; Citizen Complaints about Police Use of Force; 2006)

To put that into perspective, there were roughly 65 million people who had public-police interactions in 2015 with state and local law enforcement agencies, or in other words, .00014% of people who had an interaction with a police officer, experienced excessive use of force.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics; Contacts between Police and Public; 2015)

I'm failing to think of a realm where .00014% of something is a significant percentage point, particularly in realms like these, let alone widespread and systematic.

Now let's look at citizens killed by police:

- It is estimated that in 2015 roughly 1,900 individuals died in arrest related deaths.
- Of these 64% were homicides. As in, insufficient or no evidence to conclude it was suicide(by cop), and the death was not accidental(ex: innocent bystanders)
- 18% were suicide(by-cop)
- 11% were accidental

It is also important, this number does not hold bearing on whether these deaths were justified v non-justified. Take just the homicides and you end up with 1,216 deaths.

Now refer back to that roughly 65 million interactions from previous. That's .0000018% of people involved in police interactions in any given year.

Does any of this at all seem widespread and systemic yet?

(Bureau of Justice Statistics; Arrest-Related Deaths Program Redesign Study; 2015-2016)

The Number of arrests is also crucial to understanding the scope. In any given year, there are roughly 10,360, 960 arrests for all offenses.

So deaths result .00013% of the time during an arrest.

Of those arrests, a sustained or exonerated complaint of excessive force occurs .0009% of the time.

It is important to note, that arrests only includes arrests. It does not include interactions where a criminal offense occurred, but no arrest was made. Such as typical traffic stops, many misdemeanor offenses, etc.

(FBI Crime Statistics; fbi.gov)

Is police brutality and killing something we should try to reduce as humanly possible? Yes, absolutely. Wrongful deaths are tragic, especially preventable ones. Is it widespread, no. Unless you would want to claim 1, 416 rotten oranges in a grove of 65 million+ oranges is a sign of a widespread rotting of the entire grove. Which would itself be farcically absurd to claim.

People need to relearn how to gain perspective on issues, because the notions surrounding many issues entirely lack perspective. Perspective being crucial to understanding the magnitude by which we should respond to something.

Protest? Absolutely, Floyd deserves justice and it appears that is being done. There ought be little issue getting a conviction of Murder 3 on Chauvin.

Looting, rioting, beating and killing random people or people trying to defend their property, declaring the whole system is corrupt(and racist)? No, that is many orders of magnitude well above the magnitude of the issue itself.

Understanding the magnitude of an issue is key to being able to identify the proper response, seek and isolate causal factors, and rectify them. If we act like the whole system is rotten as many are, then we are learning little of value because what changes should that system make if it is entirely corrupt? How should the next system be structured so as to mitigate the issue as much as possible? These are not truly answered and we are left with blindly guessing.
65 8
It has come to my attention that recently a moderator made sexual comments towards a minor. In this kerfuffle these comments were equated to "PC Culture." 

Simple Question needs to be asked then:

Do you think sexual advances from an adult to a teenger, a minor, are appropriate and should be allowed?

This is a simple Yes or No question. Full stop. There is no nuance. Either you think its acceptable or its not. Nuance applied is in this case merely a tool to divert and obfuscate from the core innapropriateness/appropriateness of it. 

Justify actions however you wish, in the end the actions stand alone and it begs the singular question:

Do you think sexual advances from an adult to a teenger, a minor, are appropriate and should be allowed?

If no, good. 

If yes... you sick, perverted, and harmful individuals. A 16 year old is still an ignorant individual who does not understand the gravity of their interactions, ye who forgets what they themselves were at that age.

Like wtf. Some of y'all are twisting PC culture into that which is against some perverted ish that is not the realm of Political Correctness, but that which is revolting to those with a remote semblence of human understanding, and that's some olympic level mental gymnastics.

I'm as anti PC and SJW as they come, and this kind of behavior ain't the realm of that, full stop.  
22 12
Hi 😏
12 7
"Nationalism is the opposite of Patriotism"

Homeboys never picked up a thesaurus cause Patriotism is a listed synonym of Nationalism 😂. 

"We gotta defend ourselves against China, Russia, and the US."

He might as well have spit on the graves of American veterans that were crucial in saving Frances ass twice. As per usual, the French have lost their god-damn minds 😂. 
11 4
This is starting to stink to high heaven. First they try blocking oversight from GoP. Then they try blocking the effing local press from monitoring? 

I'll tell you what, if there is nothing shady going on, they're doing everything to make it seem that way. 

2 2

Pot calling the kettle black on Trump calling Acosta rude, but lord that was a looooong time comin. About time he came out and said it. 

I think Trump was emboldened after every one of his endorsements won tbh. Acosta had to go and put his hands on the intern to stop her from getting the mic too apparently, preceding Acosta being chastised, so now he's gone from the WH(for now?o). Free to try and talk at CNN all day about how persecuted he is 😂. 

This was one of those situations that would have been so worth it if i were in Trumps shoes. Dude has family that is Jewish, and CNN has people on trying to attribute the recent synagogue shooting to him. Saying he's radicalized more people than ISIS, appealing to white nationalists, etc. I'd be ready to throw down tbh 😂

The worlds different reaction from Trump between MSNBC and CNN was funny. 

"Well you know how it(MSNBC) is, and i can't change that" 

"You wanna talk about voter suppression? Take a look at CNN's polling, that's voter suppression.(it was abysmally bad?)" 

🔥So Spicy🔥
51 13
"Name a better duo than Batman and Robin they said"... "It doesn't get any better than that they said"

OH YEAH, well prepare to have your minds blown by Ben Shapiro hosting "Bonus Meme" on PewdiePie's Meme Review

Do your part, subscribe and get Pewds, the greatest youtuber of them all, to 69 million subs before T-Series! 
9 7
I find it mind-bogglingly puzzling that one could even interpret the 14th amendment as granting birthright citizenship to those born here from parents who are here illegally. 

The 14th Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state where they reside.”

Paul Ryan came out and said he adhered to a plain text reading, but "plain-text" reading does not mean you abandon grammatical sensibility and historical records...

The notion that the 14th amendment affords universal birthright citizenship, is itself debunked as asinine in the amendment itself. Why? If the purpose was to grant that, "subject to the jursisdiction thereof" would be superfluous/ asininely redundant. One need not even look at the Congressional Globe, transcripts of Congressional floor proceedings between 1833-73 to see reading birthright citizenship into the 14th amendment is wishful thinking at best, asinine at worst. 

But what about Historical Records of Congressional floor proceedings regarding the 14th amendment? What did the drafters of the 14th amendment say regarding the meaning of the amendment itself? 

This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.” - Senator Jacob Howard (R)

As one can see this definitively excludes foreign ambassadors and ministers along with their families. But is that all it excludes? 

Of course not

"Indians born within the limits of the United States and who maintain their tribal relations, are not, in the sense of this amendment, born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States" - Senator Jacob Howard

This not only establishes a further exclusion, but this was explicitly to maintain the sovereignty of Indian Tribes. To grant citizenship to Native Tribe members born on US soil would itself be an insult that undermines that sovereignty, as the US would be forcing jurisdiction, forcing allegiance to the US onto native tribes which still maintain their own sovereignty. 

The provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens. That means, “subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.”(emphasis added in transcripts)-  Senator Lyman Trumbull (R)
“What do we mean by subject to the jurisdiction of the United States? Not owing allegiance to anybody else.” - Senator Lyman Trumbull

Here we clearly see that the 14th amendment actually established a 2 prong litmus test for being granted birthright citizenship. One being that you were born in the US, the other being that you not be subject to the jurisdiction, owe allegiance to, anybody else but the U.S.

It is perfectly clear that the mere fact that a man is born in the country has not heretofore entitled him to the right to exercise political power.” - Senator Edgar Cowan 

Just in case one needs it plainly and explicitly stated that being born in the US does not in itself entitle oneself to the right to excercise political power(be a citizen) in the U.S.

Now, all that this amendment provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us, shall be considered as citizens of the United States.” - Senator Reverdy Johnson

Again, more reinforcement of this point, regarding the "subject to the jurisdiction thereof clause".


History of the 14th Amendment and the "Reconstruction Amendments

Clearly, as illustrared, the 14th amendment does not afford universal birthright citizenship. It clearly extends beyond just the scope of foreign ambassadors and ministers. But why was the amendment made? 

Consider the time it was ratified, 1868. Post Civil-War. This amendment to the Constitution was made in the face of Southern Democrats("Dixiecrats", that gave the US such stellar presidents like Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk /s) refusing to grant citizenship to newly freed slaves and their children in the states they governed. 

This was the middle amendment of three amendments that were focally about ending slavery and universally prohibiting it in the US(amendment 13) and addressing pardon my language, total dick moves made by the Dixiecrat South post Civil-War to totally disenfranchise freed slaves(Amendment 14 and 15). 

Amendment 14 was in response to the refusal to grant citizenship 

Amendment 15 was in response to the freed and minted citizens being denied the ability to vote in elections. 

These three amendments are known as the "Reconstruction Amendments".

37 10
When you see this meme, what comes to mind/what are your thoughts on it? What do you think it's trying to communicate? Who are the two spidermen representative of? 
37 9
😂 Trigger Warning 😂

11 6
Within the first minute, and broke California State Law at the same time. 😂😂

After thanking members of the committee on Thursday, and while under oath, Ford opened her testimony saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

The issue lies with the word “psychologist,” and Ford potentially misrepresenting herself and her credentials, an infraction that is taken very seriously in the psychology field as well as under California law.

Under California law, as with almost every other state, in order for a person to identify publicly as a psychologist they must be licensed by the California Board of Psychology, a process that includes 3,000 hours of post-doctoral professional experience and passing two rigorous exams. To call oneself a psychologist without being licensed by a state board is the equivalent of a law school graduate calling herself a lawyer without ever taking the bar exam.
According to records, Ford is not licensed in the state of California. A recent search through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Bureau, which provides a state-run database of all licensed psychologists in California, produced no results for any variation of spelling on Ford’s name. If Ford at one time had a license but it is now inactive, she would legally still be allowed to call herself a “psychologist” but forbidden from practicing psychology on patients until it was renewed. However, the database would have shown any past licenses granted to Ford, even if they were inactive.
Ford also does not appear to have been licensed in any other states outside California. Since graduating with a PhD in educational psychology from the University of Southern California in 1996 it does not appear Ford has spent any significant amount of time outside the state. She married her husband in California in 2002, and completed a master’s degree in California in 2009. She reportedly completed an internship in Hawaii, but a search of Hawaii’s Board of Psychology licensing database also did not turn up any results for Ford.
14 6
For the series intro please read the following link:

This series will be 9 players and potentially hosted by someone other than myself, that being Virtuoso. In that event, I will actually be a participating player 🔥💯. The series will be a 9 player series, and initial sign-ups and priority are given to beginners and/or inexperienced players.




Sign-ups will be exclusive to beginner and/or inexperienced players until 9/23 @12pm. At that time sign-ups will open to all players wishing to participate! 

Forum games
31 13
Welcome to Buddas Beginner Series 1.3! This game will be a themed game intended to introduce players to the concept of themes as typically used in forum mafia games. The theme for this game will be Sports! As outlined in the Beginner Series intro/sign-ups, thematic analysis offers a fun and interesting element to mafia games, and provides much more content for players to analyze and parse through. But, be careful how much you rely on thematic analysis, as that analysis can, like others, easily backfire if not thought out prudently and with caution. 

With that being said, let the game begin! 

Living Players

1) 1Harder
2) Rational
3) Virtuoso
4) Earth
6) Greyparrot
7) Smithereens

With 7 players alive it takes 4 votes to lynch! 

Day Phase 1 will end on 9/6 @ 9:30 pm CST. 

Go get em typey bois and gurls! 
Forum games
94 7
Mafia and Survivor Win!

Town Roles

Greyparrot- Bodyguard
Rational- Cop(naive)
XLAV- Cop(insane)
Earth- Cop(paranoid)
1Harder- Watcher


Smithereens- Goon

Third Party

Virtuoso- Survivor


Mafia MVP

The town

Town MVP



Scum did everything they could to lose the game, and somehow, town still lost 😂. Imho it should have been obvious Virt was not a jester, and GP actually pointed out that he started off the game trying to appear town, so it didnt make much sense that he was Jester, especially since he jumped right onto RM's inno and tried to ride that hardcore AF as making him confirmed town, and then blundered into multiple slips in quick succession. 

Idk how Smithers wasnt called out for showing too much knowledge. His whole, "it makes the most sense to balance a 7 player game as 1 mafia 1 TP. It absolutely doesn't, which is why i had to alter TP win con to begin with, to maintain a semblence of balance.

Flavors, they're totally bastard modding, that is, if you want to blindly trust results, which I specifically warned against 😏. 

Either way, this game was towns to win, and town still lost, as Trump would say, just SAD! 😂

Forum games
69 9
Earth was killed in the night!

Dead Players

1) Earth- Cop(paranoid flavoring)

Living Players

1) 1Harder
2) Virtuoso
3) RM
5) Greyparrot
6) Smithereens

With 6 players alive it takes 4 votes to lynch! 

Day Phase 2 will end on 9/4 @ 1pm CST

Go get em typey bois! 👏👏

Forum games
268 7
Welcome to Buddas Beginner Series 1.2! This game will be Role Madness! This will be a closed set-up game, with the roles present in the game taken from a umbrella list of roles. It is important to note that flavors and third party inclusion is potential in this game, but not necessarily guaranteed. The potential flavornings present for specific roles will be supplied as well. 

Potential Role List

  • Cop- May investigate one player a night and determine their affiliation. 

Potential Flavorings:

Naive- All investigations will produce innocent results
Paranoid- All investigations will produce guilty results
Insane- All investigations will produce an opposite result to actual affiliation(ex. the guilty will appear innocent and vice versa). 

  • Doctor- May protect one person a night from death
  • Bodyguard- May protect one person a night from death, except unlike the doctor, the bodyguard dies in place of the targeted for death player. 
  • Watcher- May watch over one person a night and determine any players who visited that targeted player, but not what actions were taken. 

Potential Flavoring:

Naive- will always produce the result of no person visiting the player

  • Tracker- Can target one person a night and determine what player was visited by that target, if any player was visited at all. 

Potential Flavorings

Naive- will always produce a result of the player not visiting any other
Paranoid- will always produce a result of the target player visiting the NK target. 

  • JOAT(Jack-of-all-trades)- A role that is afforded a variety of 1x use roles. Ex: 1x cop, 1x doc, 1x tracker. Any potential flavorings of roles apply to the 1x uses. 
  • Commuter- Any actions that target the commuter fail. 
  • Roleblocker- May target one player a night and prevent them from taking any action if any actions are able to be taken.(players will not be specifically notified their actions were blocked, a message of "your action has failed!" will be provided instead. 
  • Vigilante- May target one player a night to be killed. 
  • Bomb- If lynched, will kill the final player to vote in lynching them, if targeted for death at night, the person who kills them also dies. 
  • Vengeful Martyr- If lynched, may select one person to die in addition to their own death. 
  • Role Cop- May visit one player a determine their role, but not their affiliation. 
  • Bulletproof- Immune to death at night.
  • Popular- Takes one extra vote to lynch
  • Hated- Takes one less vote to lynch
  • Backup- Inherits the role, but not affiliation, of the first player to die, even if vanilla(powerless). 
  • Innocent Child- Player with this role is mod confirmed as town from start of game.
Potential Flavoring

Confirmation can occur at any other time and is not exclusive to beginning of the game. 

  • Jailer- May target one person a night and put them in "jail". This targeted player is both protected from death, and cannot take any night action if there are any to be potentially taken. 
  • Miller- Always appears as guilty, even if the cop investigating is otherwise flavored to produce another result. 
  • Godfather- A typical mafia role that always appears innocent to affiliation investigation. 
  • Ninja- A typical mafia role that cannot be tracked or watched.
  • Bus Driver- Switches the targets of two selected players. For example, Player A targets Player X and Player B targets Player Y. Z bus driver targets X and Y, so now X visits B, and Y visits A.(neither targeted player is notified of this switch)
  • Lawyer- May target one player a night and make them appear innocent to all affiliation investigations. 
  • Framer- May target one player a night and make them appear guilty to all affiliation investigations. 
  • Vanilla/Goon- Both roles with no powers or actions. Vanilla is town sided, goon is mafia sided.
  • Mason Recruiter- May recruit one player a night into a private PM. This PM stays active throughout the game and any players added stay added unless killed. If town, attempting to recruit a non-town player results in the death of the recruiter. 
  • Baker- May give a piece of bread to one player a night. This may or may not result in death of all breadless players after a certain point in the game. 
  • Gunsmith- May give a gun to one player per night. This gun can be used at any time during the DP or NP to kill another player chosen by the possessor of the gun. 
  • Armorsmith- May give one player a night a bulletproof vest. This vest is a 1x protection from death if targeted to be killed at night. 
  • Strongman- A typical mafia role that, if carrying out the nightkill, is unaffected by bulletproof vests or other forms of protection such as doctor, bodyguard, or commuter. 
  • Traitor- A player that counts as town until they are killed, at which point they are resurrected(unannounced) and become a part of mafia(also unannounced). 
  • Role Stealer- Can target one player and steal their role, but not affiliation, permanently. This can only be done once, at that point the role of the stealer becomes the role they have stolen, and will always appear as such to any role investigation. 
Third Party Exclusive Roles

  • Serial Killer- may target one person a night to kill. The Serial killer can potentially win either by achieving a set number of kills, or surving to endgame. This variety in won conditions is generally up to mod discretion. 
  • Survivor- Wins by surviving to endgame.
  • Lyncher- Wins upon a pre-game specified player being lynched. 
  • Jester- Wins by getting themselves lynched. 

Forum games
55 8
Town wins!

I'm pleasantly surprised that despite the Cop being killed N0, town was still able to pull out the win. well done. 

Biggest Town Tell

Virtuoso's reaction to a N0 start was a pretty big town tell. It came across as super genuine, and XLAV was correct to point that out, but it's not wholly indicative of affiliation, which leads us into... 

Biggest Scum Tell

XLAV would have come across town AF in observing Virt's reaction was town. However he did two things that were scum-tells in at leaast this game, even if not necessarily being universal tells. 

- Tunneling RM when Earth was fmpov equally scummy
-Adding a mod psych argument upon the already clear indication Virt was town. This is a good example of manufacturing a read. Mod Psych is especially unreliable as it assumes direct knowledge of how a specific mod will act in relation to reponses to player complaints or questions. 

For example, on DDO in "Under the Shade of the Sycamore Tree Mafia" Khaos_Mage was very vocal about the game being unbalanced against town. I disagreed and that was taken as confirmation of Khaos_Mage. The only problem, he was third party and "stole" the game from a town that lynched all mafia, even with all deaths being janitored. 

On Game Interaction

I can understand the complaints made regarding my involvement as a mod. I'll cut back on the amount of interaction with players, even if I disagree that any such actions indicate affiliation, it does still get used as such regardless. 

As a mod, i'll still publically announce requests of information regarding mechanics, as that is information pertinent to all involved players. Balance concerns can however, reasonably be held till Endgame. 


It's a hard choice, but im gonna go with a tie between Virt and Greyparrot. Virt because, balance complaint aside, came across as towny AF in most of his actions. Greyparrot because he joined the game and suddenly DP2 and DP3 were over in less than an hour each, which is very fast. Fmpov GP's entry created the accelerated DP's because he made it wholly clear his scum team was XLAV/Earth and he wasnt gonna change his mind. 

Big Mistake

Not cc'ing doc. This would have been a solid move from Earth. Being Doc would have given Earth the perfect cover for not really scumhunting and laying low despite still being active. 

Whether or not the games outcome would have changed is in the air, however in my humble opinion, it would have at least significantly increased the likelihood of pulling off the single mislynch needed to win 🤔

Forum games
49 7
The town awakens to find its most virtuous member missing. 

Virtuoso has died!

Dead Players

Smithers- Cop
1Harder- Vanilla
XLAV- Goon
Virtuoso- Vanilla

Living Players

1) Greyparrot
2) Earth
3) Rational

With 3 players alive it takes 2 votes to lynch!

DP will end on 8/31 @ 11am CST

Forum games
11 4
Gun violence has killed 6.5m people worldwide since 1990

Interesting, because not a damn thing about how many total deaths there were globally in that time span. Its ok, I looked it up. 

Starting in 1990 there were per the chart, 45 million deaths. In 2016 there were about 55 million. Average out the totals over that span and you arrive at about 50 million per year on average.

So 50m × 26(years) = about 1.3 billion deaths between 1990 and 2016. 

>6.5 million
>1.3 billion

Thats .05% of all death. 


Welp, in old news, people are stupid 😂😂

12 3
After a night of rest, the town awakens to find 1harder missing. 1harder was but an innocent vanilla towny, effectively powerless to stop his death in the night. 

Dead Players

1) Smithereens- Cop
2) 1harder- Vanilla

Living Players

Greyparrot has replaced Daytonanerd

1) Virtuoso
2) Earth
3) Rational
5) Greyparrot

With 5 alive it takes 3 votes to lynch. DP2 will end on 9/2/18 @ 1:30pm CST. 

Forum games
63 6

Yes, i understand that its Shapiro will be cringe to some, but this is absurd. I looked up the study, its here independent of Brown

and it's finding,

ROGD appears to represent an entity that is distinct from the gender dysphoria observed in individuals who have previously been described as transgender. The worsening of mental well-being and parent-child relationships and behaviors that isolate AYAs from their parents, families, non-transgender friends and mainstream sources of information are particularly concerning. More research is needed to better understand this phenomenon, its implications and scope.

is tame af and just seems obvious. But its gonna be taken down by Brown itself?

wew 😰 wew 

👏Gotta be more PC than that👏

15 4
Some BS out of Washington... an immigration reform bill was amended in congress last minute in a shorthand vote. It would expand refugee programs to the tune of 35 million new citizens by 2035.

Fmpov this was a bullshit amendment to what was otherwise a good bill put in place to torpedo it. No country in their right mind adds that many new voters in that short a time period. This will either now get shot down in senate, or veto'd by the president as a political tool to turn around and go, "oh look, they shot down immigration reform, wUt HypOcRiTeS" 

2 1
Hello better trade deal 👏👏

So to take stock:

-EU has agreed in principle to a free and fair trade deal
-Mexico has fully agreed to a new deal. 

Biggest takeaways on this deal fmpov is that it ups the amount of parts made in US on auto parts for vehicles to be sold in the US from 50% to 75%. Also that the deal increases the amount of agricultural goods Mexico has to purchase. 

This upping of purchasing negates much of the harms by Mexico from its citizens, whom it encourages to do so, illegally migrating here to work farm labor positions and send $$ out of our economy. Either way now, Mexico pays for that encouraged practice 👏👏. 

This deal is a win for both sides, but its a major win for the US. Betting man would go with Trudeau ending his teenage antics, and coming running to the table so as to not be left out in the lurch👏💯😂. 

23 6
Welcome to DP1 of Buddas Beginner Series 1.0! This game will be the following set-up:

Mafia- 2 Goons

Town- 1 Doctor, 1 Cop, 3 Vanilla. 

Roles descriptions: 

Goon- A powerless mafioso
Doctor- Can protect one player a night from death.(Can protect self)
Cop- Can investigate one player a night and determine if they are "innocent" or "guilty". 

Player List

2. RationalMadman
3. 1Harder
4. Earth
5. Daytonanerd
6. Virtuoso

Day Phases will be 72 hours in length, and DP1 will end at 12pm August 28th CST whether or not a lynch has been reached. 

Night Phases will be 48 hours in length

Replacement Policy

If a player is inactive for 2 phases(DP+NP) they will be eligible for replacement. if a replacement is found before the player returns to activity, they will be summarily replaced. However, if no replacement is found, the current player retains the spot upon returning and is no longer eligible to be replaced. 

It is important to bear in mind that a NP only counts if proceeding a DP of inactivity. Basically, replacement eligibility counts only start upon a day phase in which a player in inactive. 

*If you are inactive in a DP, make sure to post in your PM during the NP that you are present. Lurking is permissible, just make sure to let me or Vaarka know thats whats going on so you are not mistakenly replaced. 

With that being said, let the games begin!


As the sun rises above the horizon, the townspeople gather in the square to find Smithereens is not present. They find him dead in his house, stabbed in the back, his house ransacked, and whatever was on his person except for clothes, gone. 


Smithereens- Cop

Living Players

2. Daytonanerd
3. 1Harder
4. Virtuoso
5. Earth
6. RationalMadman

With 6 players alive it takes 4/6 votes to lynch!

Forum games
320 9
Just bought it yesterday for Xbox One. Anyone else have it? So far it seems like a pretty good game, alot better than the shit show i read it was on release. I got unlucky AF to spawn on a planet where the temp was 67°C with storms that bumped it up to 115°C or so on occassion. Had to go thru the tutorial on a hellhole of a planet 😂

Gotta admit it's pretty cool to engage the hyperdrive and zoom through the cosmos 👌🔥
3 2
"A new Pentagon report has sounded the alarm over China’s expanding military reach and says the rival to American power is increasing its ability to send bombers further afield while “likely training for strikes” against the United States and its allies.
The warning is contained in an annual Pentagon report prepared for Congress called Military and Security Developments Involving The People’s Republic of China 2018, which further notes a defense spending estimate of $190 billion — a third that of the United States — which has in part gone toward the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) “undergoing the most comprehensive restructure in its history"[1]

The $716 billion defense budget for FY2019 is largely focused on getting U.S. forces ready again for a great power fight, with investments in new fighters, bombers and ships to keep the U.S. at pace with — and ahead of — the Chinese investments.[2]

6 5
Being in WI, I'm paying particularly close attention to the primaries for governor. 

D- 537,719 votes
R- 455,966 votes

Highest votes for Dems is(currently) Tony Evers at 41.8%(224,502)

Highest for GoP is(currently) Scot Walker👏 at 417,619. I like Walkers chances in November. 👌

Which particular Primaries are y'all paying attention to? What are the results looking like? 

Are they favorable to your preferred candidate or the opposite? 🤔

Do you think there are any signifigant takeaways in the primaries thus far into the broader context of midterm elections and the potential changes to house and Senate proportions? 

1 1
21 3
Lets imagine for purposes of edification there is a married couple. Person 1 in the married couple is quite unhappy with Person 2. So much so that Person 1 hires(pays) Person 3 to kill Person 2. 

Person 3 kills person 2. This plot is uncovered by Law Enforcement and both are arrested. 

Should Person 1 or 3 be charged with homicide[1], or both? Why?

Should Person 1 or 3 receive the more severe punishment? Should their punishment be equal? Why? 

What critiques do you have, if any, with how homicide, and its variations, is classified and prosecuted?(in the US) Why?

If none, what aspects are particularly appealing? Why? 

86 22
In Citizens United v FEC[1] the Supreme Court in essence ruled that not only do individuals have rights to free speech/expression, but associations of individuals, and corporations being one of such association, also have rights to free speech and expression. 

Do you agree that associations of individuals have free speech rights, even if indirectly inherited? 

Are corporations an association of individuals, or should they be held in distinction? Why? 

Furthermore, an underlying, less talked about issue at play here fmpov is the question of spending and/or donating money as a form of speech. 

Do you hold the activities as a form of speech? If not? Why? 

What is the dividing line in between expression that counts as speech(such as artistic) and expression that does not? 

24 4
So I'm watching some PewdiePie 👏👏 and some Fox News stuff comes on and I see Geraldo Rivera? Cannot believe he is still around, and on Fox News? Oh how far he has come 😂😂

19 3
Well hi there! I assume you've probably read the Guide to Forum Mafia located here: 

If not you absolutely should because it imparts information that without, you will be lost reading this post 😂

But, if you are a beginner to mafia, this is your place! The Beginners Series will be a series of 3 games intended to impart crucial aspects of forum mafia, and ease new players into the game. The series will be divided between these three types of games:

Game One- Basic

The first game will be an open set-up game. It is intended to introduce players to the common roles one finds in mafia, and how they are best played in game. Players will have knowledge of how many mafia members there are, how many town players there are, and the different roles in the game. Third-Party roles will not be used. 

Game Two- Role Madness

The second game of the series will be a closed set-up game. No specific knowledge of roles will be known, nor the specific number of town or mafia. This game also is the first that incorporates the *possibility* of third parties. A list of *potential* roles will be given, but it will be large and many will not be used. 

Game Three- Themes!

The third game will introduce the concept of themes! Not only will each player have a role, but each player will have a *character* that matches with a general theme of the game. For example, in a "Lord of the Rings Mafia" game one would expect to see Frodo, Sauron, etc. but be careful, as this might not necessarily be the case. 

I myself am partial to creating custom themes from original writings I create on occasion. But one might easily see a "Philosophers Mafia" or a "Baseball Mafia" or a "Electronics Mafia" and so on and so forth. Themes add a layer of depth to games that is intriguing and adds much material for dicussion between players during the Day Phase. 

The factions will not necessarily be split along obvious lines in accordance with themes though, so be careful about the potential cases you build upon thematic analysis! 

So there you have it! I'll finish by saying that even though this is intended for beginners, i would have zero objections to even experienced players signing up for this series until the mafia community here hopefully begins to proliferate. If you are confused by this because there are games being played, well then that's great! Post about your interest here or message me directly for details about when the next series will start! 

I will add a sign up sheet below, and any interested takers may also c/p it and add themselves. 

*Beginner Sign Up Sheet*


The first series will be seven players. Depending on interest subsequent series may be increased in size. Thanks for joining the fun!
Forum games
103 15
*****Mafia Mod Sign-Up List*****


1. (blank)


In the Hopper

1. (Blank)



1. (Blank)


When singing up to mod a game, c/p the list itself into your post and add yourself/adjust the list as needed. Place yourself at the bottom of the list if not already on the list. 

If you have not modded a game before please contact someone with experience, such as myself, for advice on how to construct a game. It is however generally not a bright idea to try modding a game of mafia before actually playing in several games first. 
Forum games
708 44