Well, communicable and non-communicable diseases are generally preventable and account for a vast majority of deaths. But humanity as a whole is doing alot to combat that as is, and our reaponse times to (N)CD's has gotten lightning quick. For example, Ebola. The area it hit was not capable of coping with the outbreak, but within a short time, that area was blanketed with disease control and medical professionals.
Its hard to say much substantial can be done that already isnt in terms of that. And people have to feel like they are in support of a rightcheous cause, hence the focus on guns.
I mean, the article itself states
FOR more than 500 years guns have been responsible for meting out violence
Right away which is a specious view of history that ignores that the advent of guns, and the industrial revolution that allowed the relatively cheap manufacturing of them, wholly tipped the scales to the advantage of the people, and not the state. This advent played a crucial role in accelerating colonization into the realm of total infeasibility(its too expensive and too much effort to control nations as colonies).
These are the same kinds of people who will tout Marxist principles all the while ignoring even Marx saw an armed populace as necessary to achieving his principles being adopted universally 🤔