Total debates: 392
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I will debate for free markets while my opponent will debate against.
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Explain your opinion and provide reasoning why.
Okay, so this is almost like Communism except I am not using the word Communism but something else.
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A debate topic the likes of which DART has never seen before. Though I can't guarantee it'll be any good.
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May the best debater win :)
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In this debate I will argue that the rise of artificial intelligence is positive for humanity.
O título deixa axiomático: defendo que o nazismo foi de esquerda, e pretendo debater com quem acredita no contrário
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Troll debate, but I didnt do this one in a long time
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Dont accept if your not Best.Korea
Most people should choose veganism in order to reduce animal suffering and deaths.
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I use North Korean poetry. You use USA poetry.
Most people should choose veganism in order to reduce animal suffering and deaths.
Young Earth Creationism is the view that God specifically created everything in 6 24-hour days less then 10,000 years ago. I will instead be arguing from a Christian perspective that the world is much older then that, and had a different mode of creation, mainly the accepted forms of evolution.
Debate over whether not homosexuality is a sin according to what the Bible says
The activity of aborting a pregnancy is inherently ending a human life.
Please send a message to me on the topic so I can start the first round with a full introduction.
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Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit fame is the best rapper to ever live.
Logic is absolute all over the world and morality is considered to be it's antithesis, but I argue that they originate from the same point and end at the same point.
Most people should choose veganism in order to reduce animal suffering and deaths.
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I'm the prosecutor, you are the defendants lawyer, The case is in the full desription.
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I am a Christian that believes Christianity should not have been removed from schools.
I have made this post based on the man who recently won the Woman's Bicycle Championship.