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A member since


Total posts: 3,465

Posted in:
What would you like to see in a site guide?
So the standalone piece that I feel users are most in need of is complete, a simple style guide.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Posted in:
Who do you think will be 1st by June 1, RM or me(or anyone else)
Ramshutu was the winner for this month. I suspect he will maintain it for awhile.

I'm not far behind, but I am not planning to accept any more debates for the time being.
Posted in:
Platform development
Thought on voting...

If mechanically controlling who can vote (right not moderators take care of it), a visible medal for authorized voters would be nice. Possibly a gold medal, that way we can assume anyone with at least 1 gold can vote.
Posted in:
Ya'll better thank me.
Posted in:
Please increase the time for debating
5 and 7 day options would be ideal, but the default should probably be 36 hours.

Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
Single round debate on racism:
Posted in:
**Bsh1's DART Race: An All Star Competition**
While I'd happily help, I don't do rap battles.
Posted in:
All Hail King Ramshutu- first of his name
I said it with humor in mind, rather than anything practical.

But now that I think of it, Top Dog is risky, but Lord of the Hill would be a safe term.
Posted in:
All Hail King Ramshutu- first of his name
All hail our new king Ramshutu the 93.33%!

May he decree a better sovereign title than "king."
Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
First one is a concession and forfeit:

Second contains Game of Throne spoilers, so only read if you've watched the finale (or don't intend to):
Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
So on the final day of voting, all votes from Fetuses as a replacement for the USD were removed. Presumably the instigator complained to admin that he or she really did intend it as a serious debate (contrary to their own comments), because pro-lifers absolutely believe in the proposal.

So with 15 hours left, please cast some serious votes at:
Posted in:
Who do you think will be 1st by June 1, RM or me(or anyone else)
I don't know why, but I cared about getting ahead of MagicAintReal. Beyond that, I seems even more frivolous.
Posted in:
How do I structure this debate
I wholly agree with what Ram' said. I also advise putting any definitions (such as "evil") in the description.

Depending on who accepts, you may need to launch the debate a couple times to get it onto the part of the topic you really desire.
Posted in:
Are type1 and sparrow run by the same person?
Yeah... Seems to be evolved a little, like he spammed those shit debates and then switched accounts (if so, only a matter of time until he does it again).
Posted in:
Voting Discussion: Should people be allowed to "block" people from voting on their debates?
When it's in response to harassment, the specific rule against so and so, ends up empowering the harasser.

Stalking behavior should count towards loss of voting privileges, to include the removal of otherwise sufficient votes.
Posted in:
Platform development
The above reply was intended for you...

If that list is being amended, Hedonism would be another valid entry.
Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
Easy vote!
Also a second vote on my other debate would be appreciated...

Posted in:
Thoughts on the "Resources for New Members" Thread?
Reminds me of my old DDO guide...

  1. The index should probably have links.
  2. I'd also probably make one post per numbered item (on that, some might be combined, like Site and Debate Jargon being two sub-points under a singular Jargon heading).
  3. If possible, get rid of the 236 days later, it might somehow be confusing to new members (this could require remaking the thread, and doing like ten placeholder posts in case they become needed...).
  4. I'd personally rather not see any links to DDO forums.

Posted in:
Platform development
Additional debate category:

Right now people are using misc or philosophy, neither of which seem to be a good fit.
Posted in:
Funniest Debates Ever
I'm proud enough of a couple of mine to link them in my profile...

However for best, there was an amazing one on Australasia. Anyone have a link to that? Or was the damned thing deleted for being hate speech?
Posted in:
Should DART have ads?
I fully support the presence of ads. They just have to be reasonable ones (as in not the ones that hijack our browsers).

A small revenue stream keeps a site up. Even with the low cost of running this site, it is currently an optional expense to be done away with during hard times (removing all content from the net). If it began to say have a $0.25 net profit, it's something to at worst ignore.
Posted in:
Iconic Quotes by DARTers
"My opponent is trying to hold me to an arbitrary standard that I did not agree to at any point in this debate." -Wrick-It-Ralph, on the expectation he take part in debates he's accepted.
Posted in:
Auto-loss for forfeits.
I managed to have a debate on part of this. Sadly the intended contender turned out to be unwilling to debate, and the stand-in denied agreeing to debate:
Posted in:
Moderation and Tied Votes
Voters need not meet the standard of sufficiency for awarding argument points, but they must clearly explain why, based on what transpired in the debate, they chose not to award points.
I wholly agree with this change. Doubly so because spammers (intentionally or accidentally) are making debates in need of votes harder to find. Heck on my most recent debate the evidence I used was debates with zero votes.

Bare in mind, I'm someone who has long defended null votes (any vote which cancels itself out), but people going debate to debate to spam profanity... Intellectual dead weight.
Posted in:
What would you like to see in a site guide?
I've been asked about the guide I built for a previous site, and think it might be time to make one here.

So without merely looking to my previous work, what would you each like most from it?

Posted in:
Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
Short debate with an average of 2,109 characters per round, including one forfeiture. Also with some decent accidental comedy (one side denied agreeing to the debate).
    Posted in:
    Source Lists in Debates
    What's the formatting bug?
    Posted in:
    Source Lists in Debates
    Given that we can easily create links on any text, I am curious why people engage in pointing elsewhere to a list of URLs?
    Posted in:
    Where DDO People At..?
    Great to see you man!

    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    Well said. And it was not to disagree your original idea. The amount of new code needed depends on what functions already exist within the code, so I offered an alternative which might take less.

    Without having seen the code, I estimate my suggestion calls for the writing of a single function called by the existing forfeited round function. This function itself hopefully just feeds the current vote function, but bypassing any error check functions users contend with.

    The major downside to my way of handling it, would be that it does not tie things up quickly. The voting period still passes normally, just with each debater docked a single point for each concession, causing user votes to be less needed with each concession.

    Examples in practice:
    Someone forfeits four out of five rounds. A single argument vote in their favor would not outweigh their forfeits. End state: 3 vs 4 points.
    Someone forfeits just one round. A single argument vote in their favor (even docking conduct), outweighs the admin votes. End state: 3 vs 2 points.
    Someone forfeits two rounds, but their opponent was a horrible racist about it (or other conduct worse than forfeits). A single vote in favor of the forfeiter, outweighs the admin votes. End state: 3 (or 4) vs 2.

    Posted in:
    Platform development
    Suggestion: Change the width of the Debate Preview to match the room given for debate descriptions as seen afterward. ... That or at least the description part of the preview, matching that.
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    I would not have believed baseless Ad Hominem attacks was your go to move when a discussion doesn't go your way, but now I know.

    I suggest next time you have nothing but insults, to not derail the conversation with them.
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    Please enlighten us on why you believe it is impossible ("lol. That means they can't mark worse conduct for the rudeness.") for people to award conduct if conduct only votes exist previously?

    I'll point to one of your votes as an example, since you gave the opposite conduct score than every other voter, but are now insisting that logically cannot have happened.
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    You may be having a comprehension problem. Nothing about the existence of prior votes, limits anyone's ability to cast future votes; to include assigning conduct in a different manner than the earlier votes.
    Posted in:
    MEEP: Voting Policies 2
    Also change my question 2 to A>C>B
    I get the feeling that the latter is a strategic vote.
    Gee, what gave it away? *lol*

    I'll admit I considered the same thing.
    Posted in:
    MEEP: Voting Policies 2
    1. Plan C.
    2. (3)Plan A, (2)Plan B, and (1) Plan C.
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes.

    Regarding 2: Repeating myself, but this seems to be asking which debate types should not be moderated. Calling something a troll debate (at least in English how it's been used regularly), refers to the debate intent being comedic. ... Also (ignore this, it's just nitpicking, not really complaining) unsure why we aren't just voting on which clauses (a,b,c,etc.) individually, as opposed to the three plans which include an increasing number of them.

    Regarding 3: As previously stated, "write 'troll debate' in the description, and it's already done."

    Posted in:
    Platform development
    Okay. I assumed it would be just adding an identical line of text to the list.
    Posted in:
    MEEP: Voting Policies 2
    1. Plan C.
    2. (3)Plan A... I have a preference against the other two standards, as a user (or their conduct) can be a debate subject, and the voting should not be allowed to be based on mere popularity of the users in question with no ability for vote bombs to be deleted. I also disagree with truisms necessarily being troll debates to not be moderated... Honestly, the term troll debate may be too wide of an umbrella term, when what we're talking about is subjects to not be moderated.
    3. Yes and No. Yes in general (write "troll debate" in the description, and it's already done), no to people "clearly and obviously opts out of moderation in the ... first round of the debate" that is after someone has accepted.
    4. Yes. Heck, I know I've already cast votes along those lines (arguments were plagiarized so I'm dismissing them, as a common example).
    Posted in:
    Platform development
    Please add more options to the debate category list. Specifically "Troll" or "Humor", likely with a bracketed note of "(non-moderated)"
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    That would just be the system working as intended. By forfeiting one side has set the default end state to be a loss.
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    Actual voters would still be able to override that through the length of the voting period.
    Posted in:
    Auto-loss for forfeits.
    An easier way to handle this, would just be automatically giving a conduct point to the other side for each forfeit (could be done as "Admin" placing votes, even during the debate).
    Posted in:
    Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
    This one should be easy, as we each employed tactics which make us win or lose by a mile (subjective to each voter). It's also medium length, with an approx. avg. of 6,500 characters for 3 rounds.
      Posted in:
      Comic strip debate lessons
      I am immune to this barometer "backfire" effect ... You can think I'm arrogant and delusional
      I don't think anything bad about anyone who says they do not suffer from something common. Knowledge of how most people respond to intellectual challenges, should still be useful to you.

      Posted in:
      Comic strip debate lessons
      Trust me, if you haven't read that last one, read it. I guarantee your mind will be blown.

      Posted in:
      Comic strip debate lessons
      Thought rather than PMing these, I'd share them in a thread for the enjoyment of all.

      Others are if course welcome to add their own favorites.

      Posted in:
      Anyone majoring in economics?
      Not majored, but I had a good amount of that while getting my masters of science in business.

      Posted in:
      Platform development
      Please change the auto generated words displayed in debates above the avatars. Currently it reads Instigator vs Contender, with the color switched out based on the instigator's preference. Pro vs Con (or Con Vs Pro, based on which role the instigator selected) would be far superior.

      The current standard risks confusing contenders (and voters for that matter), unless a debate description clearly informs the expectations.
      Posted in:
      MEEP: Voting Policies
      I would have done the other two, but ten o'clock at night and my phone kept going off...

      As for rankings:
      1. Plan E
      2. Plan B
      3. Plan C
      4. Plan D
      5. Plan A

      In terms of favored traits:
        1. competency review, OR
        2. completed debate

        Posted in:
        Where DDO People At..?
        Ragnar here and there. I am not ashamed of myself, so I don't repeatedly hide who I am nor the connection to who I was however many years ago.