What about the rights of the parents of children that do not wish their children (some as young as five) to be exposed this kind of stuff ?
I'd say don't bring your kids to a drag show and don't let them read books about trans people then. No one's forcing them to. And the young (5 year old) kids are going to story hours, don't conflate them with adult drag shows, that's done too often around here. Have you been to either a drag show or a drag story hour, in person?
I believe that they want the right to force me to believe something that simply isn't true. And they want the or A law to back them up.
No, they don't care really what you believe. I am not familiar with what law they're proposing to 'back them up,' can you explain it?
Isn't "misgendering" someone a "non crime hate crime/offence"?
Not in the states it isn't. It's just a sign of ignorance (as my own mistake in this regard has been pointed out to me). I don't think it is or should be a crime to be an asshole. I mean what if I decided that even though you told me your name is Stephen, I just referred to you as Stephanie, and told everyone else to do the same, wouldn't that just make me an asshole? If you want to be called Stephen, or Nighthawk, whatever, I don't care, calling you what you want to be called is just a sign of my respect for your right to self-expression, that's how I see it. It literally has zero effect on my life, so why should I make a big issue about it.