I am not sure if I'm breaking a rule by making a new thread about the election but...

Author: RationalMadman


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RationalMadman's avatar
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I drop out, officially.

I endorse Airmax1227, semi-regrettably and want to say the full reasoning why you (my solid support base) and even you (my extended support base who are bit 'maybe, maybe not') should vote Airmax1227 this election.

The President role really is useful for 2 things:

  1. Stopping mod abuse
  2. Officially holding site events
At first, I was really skeptical about his return, why did he come back now right? Just to win? 

And yeah, if you ask me he kind of did, he has a 'thing' for being in power on an Internet Fiefdom perhaps.

Then, I ask myself what happens if he gets into the President's seat? Honestly, it doesn't matter to me that he's there, the President has only 2 functions and I feel he'd do function 2 with events quite well given his latest promises in the thread he just made.

So, I am left wondering now, what good would happen if I won? The DDO guys will get upset, leave and say 'fuck you RM'. How does that benefit the website? The whole reason I ran was to make it alive. The reason I think it's dead is that so many threads and posts are so toxic and undermoderated that it becomes a horrible wasteland appearing unpleasant for others to join but if Airmax can counteract that by spreading awareness of this website far and wide, then I'm all for it.

The only thing I don't get is why he never did that for the past 3.5 years, why did he ditch us until power came his way like blood to a shark's nose? 

If you ask me, there is a blatant power thing for him, even an ego thing and if you properly read the fine-print in the Presidency even though it says 'more than 1 successful term' it's actually 2-term limit, not a 1-term limit because that's a criteria stopping you running for site president, not a criteria overall (so 1+1 = 2 duh) and we're looking at 2-year President here.

I need to accept the reality that my supporters do like me, I chatted with a few of them privately about me dropping out and they were disheartened. It wasn't campaigning, I didn't break a rule, it was a genuine question. I will like to say that 3RU7AL doesn't deserve to win a Presidency election against either myself or Airmax1227, it's not a position for someone as socially uninvolved as them (profile doesn't specify gender, so using 'them' pronoun). 3RU7AL is a fine user of the website but wouldn't properly do either function, especially not function 2.

To my supporters, I want you to know that I have remembered all of you, by username. I know you would have stuck by me through to my defeat or victory and I owe you even though I dropped out. 

To name the ones that I mean:

Oromagi, Zedvictor4, Intelligence_06, Outplayz, Polytheist-Witch, Lunar108, FLRW and I kind of presume Reece101 was a supporter as well.

If I left your name out, I totally get if you're offended and am truly sorry!

I also appreciate EtrnlVw and Lemming for implied support though it was just asking me about what I'd do or certain things about me, allowing me to further advocate for myself.

I also want to thank IlikePie5 for being an honest opponent who ended up screwed over by several events during this, I'm not going to name names as honestly Airmax himself is to blame for Wylted dropping out, despite Pie having himself dropped out due to Wylted running.

Do not vote Hammer (I frankly think it's a joke campaign) and do not vote 3RU7AL.

Please listen to me, my supporters and vote for Airmax1227. It will be a genuine benefit to the website even if he is a little power-hungry.

Thank you all, this was a wonderful event that made me thrilled and perhaps a little anxious but certainly stimulated throughout.

Yours faithfully

~ex-candidate RM~

Vote Airmax1227
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
I'm sure this was a very tough decision given your history with airmax and how many people wanted you to win. Thanks For leading  leading in this capacity.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Still think you do a good job of bringing people in. But if you think someone will do it better that's understandable.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Interesting turn of events.

Much respect garnered to you for this move. I know you still don't like airmax, but I would ask that you keep an open mind about him. I think you will like him better. You are older now and both you and he are different people. Don't let your past get in the way of a potential friendship with the guy. Even if not a friendship, a mutual understanding to where you can help each other grow the site. You obviously care a lot about the community and I would love to see you work with airmax to help make the site better, in whatever way your specialty is. Food for thought.
Vader's avatar
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If you believe that Airmax is a better fit for the site over you and stepping down is the only way of doing so, that is your choice and I commend you for that decision.

You led an effective campaign that managed to get lots of traction. Hats off to you RM. While I may disagree with you on some issues, you are an essential part to the community and hope you continue on this site
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
The weirdest part of it all is that had Supadudz not been busy (so that the election process extended much further), had I not been so much of a threat to make Lunatic afraid of me winning and had you not simultaneously been taking the place of Pie, so as to drive you to bring the DDO guys back to the election, Airmax wouldn't have been notified or wanted the website to grow.

It's sad that he only bothers now, after all this time when he didn't give a damn about the site thriving. We have been using the website even funding it on your and Lunatic's part more than me, from the start.

I am hoping the popularity will lead to people contributing the Patreon.

I'm also curious when either Coal or Airmax reveals that they were Mike (the admin account debateart.com) all along but that may never happen.
Lunatic's avatar
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 had I not been so much of a threat to make Lunatic afraid of me winning 
lmao okay buddy, whatever you say

I'm also curious when either Coal or Airmax reveals that they were Mike (the admin account debateart.com) all along but that may never happen.
I know for a fact Mike is niether of these people. Interesting theory though. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
When precisely did you contact Airmax1227 and why?

For instance, had everything run accordingly, I was likely to run uncontested by the election time. It got extended an entire month and I am curious when it is that you contact Airmax.

I predict that you only contacted him when you felt worried about the election's outcome and wanted somebody everybody from DDO could rally behind, to secure a win. Otherwise, why did you wait and only contact him later into the campaigning stage?
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
When precisely did you contact Airmax1227 and why?

For instance, had everything run accordingly, I was likely to run uncontested by the election time. It got extended an entire month and I am curious when it is that you contact Airmax.

I predict that you only contacted him when you felt worried about the election's outcome and wanted somebody everybody from DDO could rally behind, to secure a win. Otherwise, why did you wait and only contact him later into the campaigning stage?
I didn't contact airmax, Mikal did. Airmax's announcement was just as much as a surprise to me as it was to you.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Then I stand by my statements but I replace 'Lunatic' with 'Mikal'.
Lunatic's avatar
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A couple of those were questions not statements. 

I guess you are referring to this:

"I predict that you only contacted him when you felt worried about the election's outcome and wanted somebody everybody from DDO could rally behind, to secure a win. Otherwise, why did you wait and only contact him later into the campaigning stage?"

I don't think Mike fully expected Airmax to want to do this, seemed like a hopeful troll to get Max on board, and we were all pleasantly surprised that he actually was. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar

I stand by these statements but replace Lunatic with Mikal
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Are you saying that Mikal is the owner of this website?
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Are you saying that Mikal is the owner of this website?
What? No... ??

I stand by these statements but replace Lunatic with Mikal
Your conspiracy is false. It was a hopeful trolling attempt to get max to run. He wanted Max to run, but I don't think seriously expected Max to be on board. We were pleasantly surprised that Max actually decided to run.
RationalMadman's avatar
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It is not a conspiracy theory at all. It's appreciating how big a role I myself played, and also that Wylted himself played in saving this website by a happy chain of unexpected events.

Sheer fate/god/luck
Lunatic's avatar
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I detect salt here, your OP seems like you are trying to pretend that your motives in conceding are noble, but your post 6 makes you look more salty, and giving yourself praise lol. I am guessing your true intentions for conceding are that you couldn't handle the pressure of all this. Which is understandable, running for president shouldn't be easy. Wasn't for anyone else in any of the past elections either. I had a mudslinging fest with coal for the entire duration of my run for presidency. I was better for it, and despite your apparent lack of humility shown, I think you will be better for what happened here as well. Running for president should be a humbling experience. 

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Yes and you think Pie is a backstabber for not voting for a guy who has made no posts on the website for years and endorsing me after Wylted dropped out.

You read too much into things.

Do you want to know what's egotistical? Airmax needing some authority and title to finally give a shit about this website's success. I find that is really pathetic and egotistical but I also know he may be the last hope we need.

So if you're going to go around insulting me and insinuating things, I can do it too.
Lunatic's avatar
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Yes and you think Pie is a backstabber for not voting for a guy who has made no posts on the website for years and endorsing me after Wylted dropped out.
Airmax has made plenty of posts on DDO, and this site is an extension of DDO. You keep repeating this argument as if it means anything. The fact that you just dropped your campaign to support airmax, while still insulting him though, shows that this is a move you made out of frustration. This is all a petty move for you. Again you can't handle the pressure. It's okay. Just admit it. 

You read too much into things.

Do you want to know what's egotistical? Airmax needing some authority and title to finally give a shit about this website's success. I find that is really pathetic and egotistical but I also know he may be the last hope we need.
To even begin to make this site succesful, you have to fix the fundamental problem the site has with over-moderation. It's the reason I never tried to advertise and make this site active in the past. Why would I tell and encourage people to join a website when I don't think it's ran responsibly myself? Mods have made horrible decisions and in my opinion, have indirectly inhibited site growth. With Max as president, working with people who know, like and respect him, he has the unique oppterunity to fix the fundamental issues caused from modding. With those out of the way, there is a lot more incentive to bring activity to the site. In fact I have already promised to help him in these endeavors. 

This isn't about power. Max can't accomplish what he needs to accomplish as effectively without this positions unique ability to have a say in moderation decisions.

So if you're going to go around insulting me and insinuating things, I can do it too.
You started it up again in post 6 by being a whiner. If you are going to give up gracefully, do it. At least then I could grant you some respect. I have withdrawn that, seeing as this whole thread was actually an attempt to garner pity and be a cry baby. Otherwise you would have left it at the OP. But you wanna keep dishing it, prepare to keep recieving it. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Airmax has made plenty of posts on DDO, and this site is an extension of DDO. 
Get your head out of the sand and realise this is its own website and if somebody had ignored DDO for 3.5 years while it dwindled to this level of activity, I'd say the same shit about them too.

He ditched this website until he got wind of some power to attain. I find it petty and ridiculous, I don't see why I can't be 'salty' over that because that is what I'm 'salty' about.

I think it's absolutely asinine the reason he came back here. You want freedom of speech, right? I think he is an egotistical, manipulative guy who happens to also have respect from you DDO guys and will make this website flourish with activity all because we hand him a President title. I find it amusing, silly and cute. Am I salty about losing to him? A little, yes I am.

You can 'rub it in' all you want, I don't have shame in the saltiness nor does it in any way reduce what I did.

3RU7AL was running and is gaining support as people who supported Wylted are skeptical of Airmax. I could have spitefully talked my voters into voting for 3RU7AL and made this really 50/50. I even got good reasons to vote against Airmax but why the fuck would I do that when I value this website's success above my ego and 'saltiness'?

You have preconceptions about me based, very ironically, on depictions Airmax, Bench and others gave you. I'm actually a genuinely good person and I'm so sick and tired of not being able to say 'I am a good person' without being called a victim player or this and that to justify other shit I did to handle a villain or two.

I am nasty at times, everybody is and I tend to save my nastiness for people who make me feel really bad or make others feel really bad. Airmax was nasty and manipulative to me in the past and I forgive him. You seem to think I have forgotten what he did or feel less bad about losing to somebody like him or that we magically 'changed oh so much' over X or Y amount of years.

I don't think he's changed that much, I don't see it. I think I have though and I get why he found me toxic, even though he was so lenient on other toxic members who said way worse shit than I did.

What is it you want? I dropped out and endorsed him instead of 3RU7AL, just let go of your petty stuff with me and in the future don't dox someone's discord chats without their consent.

I can say this now because I got no agenda to win that you can say it's based on. What you did was morally wrong. Consent is the basis of all moral acts except ones that save the person or expose some significant evil they did. I don't show screenshots of you elsewhere or wouldn't if I could. I don't care what you did though as that chat is important as I believe people need to learn about Sacha Baron Cohen and what he did to that Romanian village, it's so disgustingly morally wrong. I got no shame in the level of offense I take to what he did.

I am not salty I lost, I'm salty that a guy can do as little as him for this website to last this long activity-wise and stroll in an win an election. I'm salty he can do that, admit he needs that ego rush to win and still people will vote for him.

I am salty that people like 3RU7AL can't drop out for a blatanty more adept member to negotiate on their behalf, whether it be myself, Wylted or now Airmax and realise their own strengths and weaknesses but I don't feel salty about the fact that I played a significant role in somehow chain-reacting Airmax's return.

I don't like Airmax, I think he's a manipulative guy with traits/values that clash very much with mine (he's very tactful where I'm very blunt, he's very dispassionate where I burn with emotions so on and so forth). He likes who he thinks I am, he forgot that the real me and real him met in PMs on DDO, we've had proper hangout chats and been amicable despite him not respecting me enough to ever unban me, knowing full well I'd earned it. I don't resent him, I know that he and I clash so much because we work so differently as people. I know that I can't be his friend and he should learn that he can't be mine, we just don't gel (I don't gel well with many people anyway but him, I really just don't).

I respect Airmax, I don't like him. There is a difference and the latter doesn't change the former being absolutely genuine.
Wylted's avatar
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I think it's perfectly reasonable to support a person for president and have legitimate concerns about the person. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Get your head out of the sand and realise this is its own website and if somebody had ignored DDO for 3.5 years while it dwindled to this level of activity, I'd say the same shit about them too.
"Dwindled to this level of activity" implies that it had a huge amount of activity in the first place. This site was always dead. There were a few more refugees of DDO around in the beginning, but not much.

He ditched this website until he got wind of some power to attain. I find it petty and ridiculous, I don't see why I can't be 'salty' over that because that is what I'm 'salty' about.
The "power" you are accusing him of really just amounts to more responsibility. Especially with the complex layout of plans he had. Your platform could be spun for power, because you didn't have even half of what airmax's campaign has. You were gonna do one debate tourney and then whisper in the mods ear like Wormtongue did to King Theodon in LOTR lol. You can be salty all you want though, I am just saying don't pretend you are doing something noble when this was really about you not being able to handle the pressure the whole time.

I think it's absolutely asinine the reason he came back here. You want freedom of speech, right? I think he is an egotistical, manipulative guy who happens to also have respect from you DDO guys and will make this website flourish with activity all because we hand him a President title. I find it amusing, silly and cute. Am I salty about losing to him? A little, yes I am.
There is a reason airmax has the support he does. If he was as villainous and evil as you suppose he is, kind of weird he would be able to pull support like this despite all this inactivity you keep bringing up. Also you led with "you want freedom of speech, right" but then preceeded not to follow up with that point. Please explain how airmax won't accomplish that.

You can 'rub it in' all you want, I don't have shame in the saltiness nor does it in any way reduce what I did.
Stop playing victim is all I am saying. You conceded because you couldn't handle the pressure. Stop making it sound like you were bullied into submission because someone made a better campaign than you did. Just makes you look like a poor loser.

3RU7AL was running and is gaining support as people who supported Wylted are skeptical of Airmax. I could have spitefully talked my voters into voting for 3RU7AL and made this really 50/50. I even got good reasons to vote against Airmax but why the fuck would I do that when I value this website's success above my ego and 'saltiness'?
You realize that despite how much you try to make him out to be the bad guy here, airmax actually will be a good president. I can understand why you would nominate him over 3RU7AL who doesn't even have a campaign or plan to elaborate significantly on what he actually plans to do. But offering your support to airmax, while constantly shading him kind of underminds your move here tbh. 

You have preconceptions about me based, very ironically, on depictions Airmax, Bench and others gave you. I'm actually a really good person and I'm so sick and tired of not being able to say 'I am a good person' without being called a victim player or this and that to justify other shit I did to handle a villain or two.
My conceptions of you are my own, not based on airmax's or benchs or anyone else. I've been interacting with you for years on both websites. I don't think you are a horrible person or anything like that. I think you may be a bit immature, have some horrible takes on the world, and can be very manipulative when you argue, but I don't think any of that makes you a bad person. That's just who you are and who you are is shaped by the environment you are surrounded with. I think you see the world through a very black and white lens with no grey area, which makes talking reason to you almost impossible.

I am nasty at times, everybody is and I tend to save my nastiness for people who make me feel really bad or make others feel really bad. Airmax was nasty and manipulative to me in the past and I forgive him. You seem to think I have forgotten what he did or feel less bad about losing to somebody like him or that we magically 'changed oh so much' over X or Y amount of years.
I don't think you can actually substantiate or prove how airmax was "nasty" or "manipulative". You were a kid when you were banned, and maybe you over-inflated his authority as being more than it actually was. But to say you forgive him is just an outright lie based on everything you keep saying about it. You hold a nasty grudge against him and I doubt you will ever let it go. 

I don't think he's changed that much, I don't see it. I think I have though and I get why he found me toxic, even though he was so lenient on other toxic members who said way worse shit than I did.
Max's model of moderation wasn't the same in the first year or two of his moderationship as it was in the later years. Max admits this freely. He had a lot of time to see what works and what doesn't work. He became increasingly more laissez-faire through years of experience in the role. You weren't around for a lot of the later years of DDO (just towards the end of it) so you are pretty unfamiliar with who he really is. Notice you weren't banned though at the end. Max's philosophy on moderation is much different than it was in the beginning. 

What is it you want?
I want you to stop thinking you can be manipulative without being held accountable for the things you say. I will continue to call you out on your bullsh1t if you continue to put it out. 
I dropped out and endorsed him instead of 3RU7AL, just let go of your petty stuff with me and in the future don't dox someone's discord chats without their consent.
That is hardly doxxing lol. No one can message you or contact you without knowing the #4 digit number at the end of your name, and no one knows that from those screenshots. Also YOU insinuated I was lying with what happened, so you can call me out but don't want me to back it up? Yeah fvck that. You don't know what doxxing is kid. I've had bench threaten to call my Mom's phone number (yes he actually had it). I have had bench text my personal phone the apple terms of service so that I was consistently getting messages for the better part of an hour until I figured out how to block him from doing that. Yeah I did some sh1t back to him and got even. But that's what doxxing is. Zmikecuber freaking found Max's personal number and sent him trolly, and threatening messages. Stop throwing out doxxing accusations when you don't actually know what doxxing is. 

I can say this now because I got no agenda to win that you can say it's based on. What you did was morally wrong. Consent is the basis of all moral acts except ones that save the person. I don't show screenshots of you elsewhere or wouldn't if I could. I don't care what you did though as that chat is important as I believe people need to learn about Sacha Baron Cohen and what he did to that Romanian village, it's so disgustingly morally wrong. I got no shame in the level of offense I take to what he did.
If you are not insecure about your stance then stop calling it doxxing. If you have nothing to hide from people there is no reason to feel insecure about this.

I am not salty I lost, I'm salty that a guy can do as little as him for this website to last this long activity-wise and stroll in an win an election. I'm salty he can do that, admit he needs that ego rush to win and still people will vote for him.
The fact that Max can make both major candidates drop from the election speaks volumes to the fact that he actually has a campaign people believe in and can see work. Stop being salty, and just be proud that he was able to accomplish what you couldn't. Maybe you will learn a thing or two from him.

I am salty that people like 3RU7AL can't drop out for a blatanty more adept member to negotiate on their behalf, whether it be myself, Wylted or now Airmax and realise their own strengths and weaknesses but I don't feel salty about the fact that I played a significant role in somehow chain-reacting Airmax's return.

I don't like Airmax, I think he's a manipulative guy with traits/values that clash very much with mine (he's very tactful where I'm very blunt, he's very dispassionate where I burn with emotions so on and so forth). He likes who he thinks I am, he forgot that the real me and real him met in PMs on DDO, we've had proper hangout chats and been amicable despite him not respecting me enough to ever unban me, knowing full well I'd earned it. I don't resent him, I know that he and I clash so much because we work so differently as people. I know that I can't be his friend and he should learn that he can't be mine, we just don't gel well (I don't gel well with many people anyway but him, I really just don't).

I respect Airmax, I don't like him. There is a difference and the latter doesn't change the former being absolutely genuine.
You and him don't "Clash" because airmax doesn't hate you the way you hate him. This unbridled rage you carry stems from you only. This isn't some rivarly between the two of you. It's literally just you with a hate boner against him. I get it. I feel that way towards pie currently, I am not above it either. Carry that hate and rage against Max all you want. At least you gave him the chance to prove you wrong and show you that he will be a fantastic president and will do great things for the website. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I think it's perfectly reasonable to support a person for president and have legitimate concerns about the person. 
Yeah your giving RM too much credit. He is very good at manipulating people into thinking that his intentions are noble and grandious, but really he just wants sympathy. It's why he couldn't glorify those first few posts of people giving him respect for his actions an actual response, and skipped to conspiracy theories about people trying to undermine him and victimize him. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
You use this word gaslighting but this is genuine 100% gaslighting what a clash is from one's perspective by replying the following:
You and him don't "Clash" because airmax doesn't hate you the way you hate him. This unbridled rage you carry stems from you only. This isn't some rivarly between the two of you. It's literally just you with a hate boner against him. I get it. I feel that way towards pie currently, I am not above it either. Carry that hate and rage against Max all you want. At least you gave him the chance to prove you wrong and show you that he will be a fantastic president and will do great things for the website. 
You are an armchair psychologist and don't understand what a clash is. You don't even have to hate someone to clash with them. I don't hate max, I do feel something called dislike for him.

If I hated Max I wouldn't drop out here and endorse him.

I actually hate you though, I didn't before this election and genuinely was grateful to you for defending me back when I got banned but the way you've carried yourself here is a series of totally and utterly being a bitter-ass guy to me and even Pie too. You undermine people's emotions and ability to decide for themselves what they feel and how they think. You literally quote someone saying something and tell them they are wrong to feel that because they don't feel what they feel, that's as dumb-sounding as it is in reality when you carry it out and is a quintessential part of gaslighting, which you have no clue what it is.

Anyways, now I can happily block you, don't need you ever @ing me on any platform. You are a nasty person, I mean that sincerely and I hope you look at yourself in the mirror one day and question how you treat others.
badger's avatar
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badger's avatar
Do you hate me RM?
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
You use this word gaslighting but this is genuine 100% gaslighting what a clash is from one's perspective by replying the following:
You and him don't "Clash" because airmax doesn't hate you the way you hate him. This unbridled rage you carry stems from you only. This isn't some rivarly between the two of you. It's literally just you with a hate boner against him. I get it. I feel that way towards pie currently, I am not above it either. Carry that hate and rage against Max all you want. At least you gave him the chance to prove you wrong and show you that he will be a fantastic president and will do great things for the website. 
You are an armchair psychologist and don't understand what a clash is. You don't even have to hate someone to clash with them. I don't hate max, I do feel something called dislike for him
None of it is gaslighting, it's actually me giving you credit for supporting max despite the fact that you heavily dislike him. Pretty rich you call me an arm chair psychologist, after you psycho-analyzed me and accused me of being emotionless lol. https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/7129-why-you-should-not-vote-for-rationalmadman?page=4&post_number=77

If I hated Max I wouldn't drop out here and endorse him.
The way you constantly paint max as an evil genius, it's hard to believe you don't hold hate towards him, but hey you can prove me wrong through your actions over the next 6 months with him as president.

I actually hate you though, I didn't before this election and genuinely was grateful to you for defending me back when I got banned but the way you've carried yourself here is a series of totally and utterly being a bitter-ass guy to me and even Pie too. You undermine people's emotions and ability to decide for themselves what they feel and how they think. You literally quote someone saying something and tell them they are wrong to feel that because they don't feel what they feel, that's as dumb-sounding as it is in reality when you carry it out and is a quintessential part of gaslighting, which you have no clue what it is.

Me and you were never friends. I don't care if you hate me. Me defending you was me defending the idea of free speech. The fact that I did that even though we were technically "enemies" shows that I take a stand for what I believe despite who it is for. You on the other hand claimed to be against moderations actions there and literally betrayed that cause by going after wylted when he was in the exact same predicament as you. You don't stand for anything, and are heavily influenced by your biases. Basically anyone who sucks you off in a conversation is your friend lol. If they say anything controversial to your beliefs, you villainize them and don't care about actually debating them. You are an actual narcissist. 

Anyways, now I can happily block you, don't need you ever @ing me on any platform. You are a nasty person, I mean that sincerely and I hope you look at yourself in the mirror one day and question how you treat others.
Blocking me won't make me go away. As long as you keep spouting bullsh1t, I will be here to call you out on it, unless I lose inerest. Just because I can't tag you doesn't mean I am gonna stop pointing out every manipulative thing you do to avoid actual debate. Can't run from all your problems RM. I guess you can try the "bully" move you always go for and see how that works. But change is a comin. 

Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
RM lives in imaginationland. He thinks if he pretends I don't exist hard enough, maybe I will just go away. Ah, if only life worked that way. 
Mikal's avatar
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Mikal's avatar
Why am I getting tagged. Duh fuk
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
To name the ones that I mean:

Oromagi, Zedvictor4, Intelligence_06, Outplayz, Polytheist-Witch, Lunar108, FLRW and I kind of presume Reece101 was a supporter as well.

If I left your name out, I totally get if you're offended and am truly sorry!

I also appreciate EtrnlVw and Lemming for implied support though it was just asking me about what I'd do or certain things about me, allowing me to further advocate for myself.

I also want to thank IlikePie5 for being an honest opponent who ended up screwed over by several events during this, I'm not going to name names as honestly Airmax himself is to blame for Wylted dropping out, despite Pie having himself dropped out due to Wylted running.

Do not vote Hammer (I frankly think it's a joke campaign) and do not vote 3RU7AL.

Please listen to me, my supporters and vote for Airmax1227. It will be a genuine benefit to the website even if he is a little power-hungry.
This presumes that these supporters of yours "supported you" as opposed to your platform, which may have been appealing because it didn't involve Wylted, who was your only opposition at the time. And frankly speaking, I'm quite disappointed that not only have you retracted your opposition to Airmax's bid, which had more than a grain of truth to it, but also ended your bid in favor of his--not to mention, your encouraging others to vote for what's essentially an unknown, at least as far as debateart is concerned.
Wylted's avatar
Debates: 34
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Wylted's avatar
your encouraging others to vote for what's essentially an unknown
It would be wise for you to take the effort to learn, because right now out of all 3 candidates. You are supporting the o ly one that would actually be ineffective at creating any positive change
Athias's avatar
Debates: 20
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Athias's avatar
It would be wise for you to take the effort to learn, because right now out of all 3 candidates. You are supporting the o ly one that would actually be ineffective at creating any positive change
I made the effort to learn that the candidate I've supported is the only one with the awareness and shrewdness to target concerns using reduction to their fundamental cause (e.g. exercise of authority based on ARBITRARY QUALIFICATIONS) as opposed to pandering to and patronizing the community not only do they know little of, but also would presume to preside.