I am currently on day 2 of Delta Covid and I took 2 Moderna shots.
Orange-Parrot-Bad, welcome to the real world aka planet Earth where all people get CoVid2. Are you really a lame brain or just pretending to be dumb?
Glad to see you've been brought out of your spaced-out, Trumpet fantasy land of spouting repeated false narratives, as an absolute truth.
Sick (@ . . @) in head is understatement for most of te 74 million USA trumpeteers who seek to wreak havoc and chaos on humanity, starting with USA.
When you actually want to learn how vaccines work, please ask any of the many intelligent people on DArt who have been attempting to lead your out of you Trumpet stupor for a few years now.
Lets see now, how many of the 74 million USA trumpeteers still believe Trumpet won the election and some body{s] stole the election?
If that is the question of this thread, then we may have to wait till the next presidential election to get a better read on trumpeteers thoughts.
Oh wait I just remmbered the question is to get a read on DArt members thoughts. Well,not only do I think Biden won, he actually appears to be acting as if is the president of USA. If he didnt win, shouldnt somebody{s] tell him so?
Oh righ, that is what we have the Orange-Parrot-Bad for. So what was Bidens reply when you sent him the message, OGB? Oh, hes not talking to you. Well maybe you need to get in touch with your Trumpet, by tooting the the trumpeteers golden shower trumpet. Yeah thats the ticket. Maybe if you all toot on the same day, you can take back the presidency from Biden. Yeah. toot! toot! toot!
End-date-for-humanity 2232{ approx. }. So lets see, when did humanity crest the hill of no return? Anyone? What year, decade or century was it?