You can't punish people for stuff they legally did even if it's immoral by today's standards.
Human traficing victims had illegal stuff done to them, so you reperate them not from tax dollars, but from the funds of the offender.
Reparations isn’t punishment any more than an infrastructure project in Kentucky is punishment to anyone not living in Kentucky. You really need to drop this argument.
Reparations is about trying to right the wrongs of the past, not because those actions were wrong morally but because the legacy of slavery still impacts the black community today.
Question; do you think it’s just coincidence that the same race who enslaved and thereby built their wealth on top of the free labor of black people, today have a median net worth that is 20 times that of the median black household?
If you do then let’s perform the following experiment; let’s spend, say, the next 400 years enslaving every White person and building the nations wealth on their free labor.
You can't punish people for stuff they legally did even if it's immoral by today's standards.I literally can
You realize that's not how society works right? you cant just "get ahead" after being a slave for 400 years and then segregated for 150.
You can get ahead despite that and this is why the per capita income of African Americans is today comparable to white Canadian
That's completely relevant just because there income is comparable to people in a completely different country this isn't an argument at all.
I've already debunked this in a debate. "most whites didn't own slaves" most black people WERE slaves.
already debunked this the study that showed this used unmarried as the definition of single. further proof black people don't have much money.
"they can invest more of their money and not grow up in single motherhood homes." That's just like the stop being poor argument. you clearly have 0 idea of what your talking about.
I think that every slave/human trafficking victim should be freed and compensated by confiscating assets from their captors/traffickers. - Discipulus_Didicit
If I don't benefit from an infrastructure project then a tax is essentially a punishment for being rich.
The legacy of slavery doesn't impact blacks today anymore than marital rape being legal in the past harms women today.
There are lurking variables... Whites are less likely to grow up in single motherhood homes, and more likely to invest in stock that gets 10% richer every year. When these things happen, of course whites are going to be richer than blacks.
Reperations would be incredibly expensive if paid to their logical conclusion
Just as you cherry picked one line from my previous post.
Question; do you think it’s just coincidence that the same race who enslaved and thereby built their wealth on top of the free labor of black people, today have a median net worth that is 20 times that of the median black household?
If you do then let’s perform the following experiment; let’s spend, say, the next 400 years enslaving every White person and building the nations wealth on their free labor.
Do you have evidence that the descendants of people who owned slaves 150 years ago are wealthier than the descendants of white people who didn’t own slaves, and if so, where that gap came from?
is a lot more controversial than some kind of targeted payment towards living people who were actually wronged in a tangible and quantifiable way
The nations wealth was not built on slavery, which was a net economic detriment to the benefit of the slave holding caste. The entire country would have been wealthier were it not for slavery, except the slave holding caste.
My country is the only country in the world with less of a population today than it had in 1850, as a result of the famine. That's less loosey-goosey, sure, but it's a little crazy to think there's not a knock-on effect. 150 years is not a long time.
For us 150 years is over half our history, for you that’s like a newer than average church.
Do you believe a child raised without a father is more or less likely to raise their own child?
Do you believe a child born into a family that is uneducated, is more or less likely to grow up educated?
Do you believe a child born into poverty is more or less likely to live in poverty as an adult?
You can't expect the child of a slave to learn anything about the society they are trying to navigate through.
I don't know why you're bothering since I already made clear in post #3 that I don't believe in reparations.