Helps me a bit, to see how you define it.
Though I'd imagine that exists in 'any modern day society.
If I go to China, I should complain about Asian privilege, or I go the the Congo, I ought complain about Black privilege?
Race 'does have a 'bit of realism, 'I think, though I refer to it as a bit hazy myself.
It just becomes fuzzier, the wider a net one throws.
Culture, roots, tradition, territory, blood, matter to some people.
Though if you go with the out of Africa theory, we've all roots together there.
The Irish, Celts, Scots, Brits, seemed to find enough difference among themselves, to consider each other different races.
And they 'were in a fashion, the different tribes being more connected with their 'own villages, genetically, culturally, than the 'other nearby villages.
Other than breed out race to the point it's seen the same as hair or eye color, what's the solution?
Though people are 'still going to be effected in society by what they are.
Tall people becoming CEOs, redheads being considered fiery.
. . .
Or if we discover a greater enemy humanity might unite against genetically, culturally, like space aliens.
Personally, I prefer the view, that if a society is intentioned not to prejudice on race.
All it 'can do, is be colorblind, and focus on merit.
Though I suppose, having Judges for example, have training/classes on the existence of unconscious bias, 'might help to alleviate
drlebronskis concerns, about unequal sentencing of individuals, due to their skin or sex.
'Without it being seen as favoring one group above another, as some people complain about colleges or businesses hiring people for the group they belong to, rather than merit.
What do school lessons (If Any) on CRT, 'literally say?
And I mean quotes, or textbooks?
Or what do some advocates of CRT, 'want schools to say?
Or in college, what does the class literally say?
And really, there's going to be some groups that are 'always expected to be unpopular, or have difficulty, on account of 'what they are.
But the 'idea of CRT, seems to be, to push equal treatment, for a 'different group, never mind that they are different.
The logic 'behind the idea, the 'push behind it, can/could logically be applied to other groups.