not puppets
not puppets
Eloquently stated.However, perhaps you might consider the following example.You eat a lot of delicious food (because you desire delicious food because you've developed a habit of eating things in order to live and they might as well be delicious things) and some time after you've eaten your delicious food, you feel an almost irresistible impulse to rush to the bathroom.What is the CAUSE of your impulse in this case?
What is the CAUSE of your impulse in this case?Food-poisoning, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea♫
Do these CAUSES also have CAUSES ?
Do these CAUSES also have CAUSES ?
3RU, your still trying to talk rational, logical common sense to the irrational, illogical lack of common sense religous brain dead.Religon can serve a community purpose but when espouses repeatedly the same irrational, illogical lack of common sense concepts it is time forsome of those types to get surgery. ;--) wink wink!
...i'm neither irrational nor religious....
In my belief, god himself his perfect. That's my belief because of my religion.
Do these CAUSES also have CAUSES ?Yes.
How can a PERFECT GOD create anything less-than-PERFECT ??
..we have GRANTED THE PREMISE (for the sake of argument, GOD = PERFECT).