There's even less of a history of violence from people on the right toward people on the left from 2008 on up. It's all fringe hyperventilation.
I understand this defense ("it's only the fringe!") but I would respond to that a few ways. One, a group like ANTIFA really is fringe left (weird to think anti-fascists could only be leftists but okay) whereas the "fringe" right has made it to the mainstream Republican party. I listened to a really good interview with Steve Bannon I'd be happy to link you to if you're interested. He talks about the 2016 Trump campaign strategy and it was very insightful into the hearts and minds of Trump's base. Bannon argued that Breitbart made Trump and I agree. You would agree that Breitbart is practically if not explicitly an an alt-right publication, correct?
I don't think there can be any question that Trump made certain discriminatory rhetoric or behavior more acceptable and mainstream. For instance I was just listening to a podcast about a first amendment lawsuit in CA where students got sent home for wearing an American flag shirt to school (I know, it outraged me too). School officials felt it was intentionally provocative and likely to start a fight on school grounds. The students wore the shirt on Cinco de Mayo to antagonize Mexican-American students. This kind of stuff was not the norm under Obama, and if racist things like this did occur, it was not because the president excused or dog whistled to provoke that type of behavior. We both know Obama was demure. Whatever we think of his politics, he was not a leader to provoke racial tension or other hostility. Meanwhile white supremacists genuinely believe Trump is on their side. It doesn't seem very "fringe" when the president gives you credibility. That's why we don't meet with North Korea.
Secondly as far as violence goes, I think you could be honest enough to acknowledge that all of the notable militia groups in this country are primarily right-wing. I mean the caricature of the left is them being spineless, gun-less, pink pussy hat wearing little weaklings people say would immediately crumble if the shit hit the fan. ANTIFA isn't even an organized group. Meanwhile there are militant people all over the country doing and plotting crazy shit. The people who kidnapped Michigan's governor is one example. The fact that the FBI has been warning
white supremacists infiltrated law enforcement for years now is another example. I just don't think you can rely on the narrative that racism or whatever is limited to ultra old school cuckoos. I think it has very much become more acceptable.
Do you think 2010 was a referendum based on the popular perception (justified or not) that Obama and Obama's Congress went too far with socialist policies?
Absolutely. I think it was mostly in response to the ACA, but there is no denying right-wingers emphatically portrayed Obama as some kind of left-wing nut job. I remember this very well. Ted Cruz, Sean Hannity et. al were saying Obama was a "radical socialist" which they repeated over and over. It was the loop sound bite on Fox News for like 8 years. I mean Obama was portrayed by the Breitbart crowd as the antichrist. Literally.
One in four Americans believed Obama was the antichrist. And I'm sorry but if you think race had nothing to do with that you're delusional. There are a lot of extremely ignorant and hateful people out there. I know it must not feel good that they're primarily on "your side" but we have to be honest about it. Just like I have to acknowledge BLM (whom I've marched with) is now an explicitly pro Marxist group which you know I don't like. But yes I do think there was a huge backlash to Obama in 2010 primarily due to fear mongering about socialism. He was not a hard leftist by any stretch. He didn't even (publicly) support gay marriage until his second term! Can you imagine that being "radical" today?
Obama inherited the lowest tax rate in a generation (the Bush Tax Cuts) and then repeatedly lowered them. He cut federal spending. He argued that government programs can create welfare dependency. I mean I guess if you're a Tea Party member or like our friend Athias here who thinks Ayn Rand was a socialist, then sure Obama may be classified as such to those people. I don't think the assessment stands for 95% of the people who insist he was though but then support a handful of other Big Government initiatives like the Space Force or saving the auto industry.