I don't know about prophets but profits have been shown to incentivize mistreatment humans and should definitely not be allowed to make these decisions.
No point in responding to greyparrot hes worse at making arguments than me.when he does its copied from an article.
I don't know about prophets.
No point in responding to greyparrot hes worse at making arguments than me.when he does its copied from an article.
This illustrates that corporations do not care about human welfare
but profits have been shown to incentivize mistreatment
all corperations must exploit their workers.
workers agree to take jobs in the first place instead of taking the risk of a personal small business loan.
No one wants to work at McDonalds or work as a janitor; they HAVE to.
They are coerced into working for for the greedy rich.
No one wants to work at McDonalds or work as a janitor; they HAVE to. Thats the big problem with capitalism.They are coerced into working for for the greedy rich.If someone goes to jail once for say, drugs your life is ruined.
Dude, McDonalds can't pay people enough to get them to come work for them right now.
There's no forcing going on at all.
all corperations must exploit their workers in order to turn a profit
that corporate profits robbed from the workers
there are other costs
Unless you have a reasonable counterpoint to BOTH the above statements then you have not done much for McDonald's case with your argument about their inability to compete with welfare.
JeFf BeZoS WaS PoOr
workers cannot get their fair share
YOU prove your worth.