Trump "won big" in the electorate which is not predicated on any type of majority, so the phrase silent majority is stupid. There is no majority.
Well he won the individual states he competed in. So he won the majority there, didn't he. You're using the broad terminology of majority to refer to a national scale. When Illinois, California, and New York (all Democratic states) make up a reasonable sum of the population in America. You're going to decide the fate of the election based upon 3 states? That's ridiculous. The electoral college makes every state important but gives power to bigger states such as California, Illinois, and New York, but still making it a competitive race. The electoral college is fair in all aspects. If you don't win a state, you don't get a states electors
The excuse of people in blue states being too cowardly to admit who they support as president (or rather do not want to have to justify it because they know deep down it's wrong) obviously does not imply any type of majority either. I'm glad they're too embarrassed to admit it. They should be.
Or maybe it's because our society is teaching us that voting a certain ideology is wrong and you should shame someone base off that belief. That isn't true. Civil discourse is essential to having a society function in America. To be frowned upon and silenced for your ideology is fascism in the making. No one should feel embarrassed or scared for who they vote, but feel safe and not have the worry of losing their job or being attacked over it. That's ridiculous.
I also think the quip about Kamala's history of locking up blacks is incredibly ignorant. As a prosecutor she doesn't make the laws she prosecutes (I could expand on this later)
Ok. So California does. Cool. And you know who runs California? The radical left. Continue.
and more importantly what type of dumb ass says they are afraid of how a vice president will hurt black people (lolol how the fuck will Kamala affect policy or prosecutions in Chicago? Please ask your family lolol)
When your prosecutor fails to let 250k innocent people free because of policy, there's an issue. Just like Amy K, where she could've charged the cop that killed George Floyd for other misconducts on the job 11 times, but failed to do so. I see a pattern.
When Trump bragged at rallies about cops intentionally roughing people up; when Trump took out a full page ad asking to kill the Central Park 5 he falsely accused of rape, and then when DNA evidence exonerated them he *still wouldn't admit* he was wrong in wanting them killed and a plethora of other racist nonsense? He is the "law and order" president who champions Giuliani.
I never said Trump was right about anything and I've stated, I am not a Trumpite who believes he is justified for everything he does.
As for the law and order part, I made a point of talking about law and order when in a call with you on Discord. I said that police have an intent to do good and there needs to be people who enforce the law. However, there should be reform within the police to be more adapt to certain scenarios. Police should also be held accountable by their peers, which you responded to saying "preach." I've maintained the position that law and order is not a negative thing in society, but the execution of law and order is handled can be fixed to make it better for society
I have said in the past that I believe statements such as "ACAB" are pathetically stupid and idiotic. Because that is true. Let's look at the literal meaning of each words
All=the total amount in a group of people
Cops=person/law enforcer
Bastards= I think we know the definition
So they say cops are bastards by being complicit in a system in which they have no control over. You can site the various officers who have disowned and shamed the cop of George Floyd for the actions he did. Most cops are against those actions. The cops themselves are not bastard over a system that forces them to be complicit. You know who else forced people to be complicit? Dictators such as the Kim Jong's/Stalin's etc. Is it the people who are forced to live in that system's fault for the bad things that happen? No. You can say the system itself is bastard and needs to be fixed. I have no issues with that, but to take issue with the specific cops is regurgitating ANTIFA nonsense
Giuliani IS A HUGE ADVOCATE OF BROKEN WINDOWS POLICING a.k.a. policing minor and petty crimes to the fullest extent possible... so that anti Kamala sentiment from your family is just mind bogglingly stupid and nonsensical. I don't agree with what she chose to prosecute or brag about her history as a prosecutor by any mean
I'm not aware of what Giuliani did in his time or is doing, so I can't comment on that action. All I know about him was he was the mayor during 9/11, so my knowledge on him is little