How the fuck am I stalking?
How the fuck am I stalking?
I must have deleted the notification for this when I got responses in mafia games, I didn't realize you had responded.
People reporting a thread when they weren't even there, doesn't encourage discussion. It's tattle-telling to the 4th degree lol.
the "public shaming" of responding to every report. Responding to a report should be done in a private message with the reporter I think.
Stalking from Merriam-Webster "broadly : a crime of engaging in a course of conduct directed at a person that serves no legitimate purpose and seriously alarms, annoys, or intimidates that person"While online differs a little, I believe the word still fairly applies. A user should be able to start a thread on Topic C, without some obsessed [pick your stalker synonym] barging in to harass them about in Topic A weeks or months ago, they were impolite to the [pick your stalker synonym], and in short order begin accusing them of stealing money.Stalking mostly has real word application in context to that definition. The stakes aren't as high on a debate website, with two people sitting at a computer desk miles away from each other.
In this case, multiple people who were directly involved made reports. However, yes, in other cases certain people have crossed the line seeming to abuse the report function to attempt to get moderators to harass someone they dislike at their behest while they keep their distance. I still look in at what's going on, but I've learned to take it less serious if some third party is making the reports (not to say ignoring any and all wrongdoing).
I will not say this is a flawless solution. I experiment to try to find things which work better within this volunteer position.
What preferred synonym or term for stalker would you like used when it's online?
Hello deluded mods and Supadudz
I am a little confused on exactly what Ragnar believes are the justification for, beyond a reasonable doubt, that RM has indeed definitively broken DART rules of conduct, enough for a 40 day ban. BOP is on pro, I will ask questions and clarify the reasons as the Forum discussion was really messy.
Pro: RM should have been banned for breaking DART ROC, beyond reasonable doubt
Con: RM is not guilty in breaking DART ROC
RM: Rational_Madman
Pro side to "RM ban was justified" is impossible to win.