the only conclusion that can be drawn, is that you think people with low approval ratings should sometimes be nominated or elected president. i think that should never happen. you care too much about process even when the process is retarded and makes no sense, and subverts the will of the people. you are stupid for thinking such a system has any value at all, and you are way out of line and immoral for subverting the will of the people.
No, I’m saying they should have a fair shot at winning. It’s not your job nor the party’s job of saying so and so is unelectable, therefore we’re gonna interfere to help someone. That’s inherently undemocratic.
bernie didn't get shafted in the process. in a head to head, bernie lost solidly. the guys that were asked to leave the race may have got shafted from the process to make their fight, but they weighed their options themselves. the only reason that even happened is because stupid people like the above posters think people with low approval ratings should become president, and they wont support changing the system.
The people that were asked to leave were on the behest of the Democratic Party establishment. It’s a corrupt bargain. Drop out so we can let Joe win and we’ll give you a cabinet position. That’s the definition of a corrupt bargain. If electability mattered to people they wouldn’t have been choosing other moderates over Joe, but they did. People care about the person, not some bogus metric created by the party that isn’t even right.
so you think it's a smart process, when a third party challenges the two leading candidates, and the most popular candidate loses, because the third party skimmed votes off their top but was an unpopular person? how much sense does that make? wow, you guys are stupid. trump supporters, who would have thought otherwise.
Yes. Third parties are essential to democracy. Even if they shave off votes, it brings attention to their cause. It shows that Hillary Clinton was unliked and she was nominated anyways. By not allowing third parties, you’re inherently advocating for a two party system which is undemocratic in itself. Strom Thurmond and Lisa Murkowski both won write in campaigns and George Wallace actually got electoral votes. Why tf should you decide who can or cannot run. You’re setting arbitrary methods that’s are clearly unconstitutional.
you think people like hillary should have won the nomination. that is never acceptable. she had low approval ratings, but she fulfilled meeting the expectations of your stupid process that was involved, plurality voting.
Approval ratings don’t mean shit. And there’s nothing about them in the Constitution. Preventing third parties from running is inherently undemocratic.