Granted, but the bagel is moldy and has raisins instead of chocolate chips
I wish for the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl so that the Eagles fans stfu
I wish for an apology from everyone who voted against me in the presidential election
I wish for Tom Brady to stay retired, for his own sake.
I wish I had more money.
I wish for free shipping for everything I order.
I wish to never lose in anything gambling related
12 days later
24 days later
I wish that the only words Putin could say were "In these unprecedented times."
I wish for this wish to be corrupted.
Granted. You get a billion dollars in pennies. They cover the streets of your city, and you are arrested for creating a traffic hazard.
7 days later
I wish that I get 2nd place in the upcoming test at school. Not 1st, not 3rd, just 2nd.
I wish that as I walked around outside barefoot, my feet would magically be clean as I re-enter the house.
My wish: I wish that I will get a girlfriend (of unspecified identity, preferably human) and she will slap me in the face.
To be the best Tricker in the world.
I wish Trump was in jail