Oromagi: In Post #8 he asks everyone their affiliation and PM format. Apparently from what I read this is normal from his to ask his format question because of his personal beliefs on answering the format question incorrectly being a scum tell, and also, I don't mind theme analysis on DP1. What bothers me, however, is that he doesn't answer his own question off the bat to start things off. He answers in Post #84 after MisterChris asks him to in Post #80 AND Speed has already proven Confederate is safe to claim by claiming it. To me this looks like he wanted to fish up information to use the analysis to make a safe claim. Moreover, in Post #23 he says "2 Union, 2 town", as if to suggest Confederates are scum, and that was the purpose of his question in Post #8. However, given how he is a Confederate in Post #84, there would be no reason to ask this question. For this reason I scumread him.
Supa: In Post #86 he says theme analysis is useless, yet in Post #133 and #137, he continues in theme analysis. While this seemed suspicious initially to me, I thought about it more. Consider this: If you're pushing to stop theme analysis as mafia, why would you drop that push when no one has pressured you do to so? Instead he is continuing to participate in theme analysis because everyone else is doing it, not necessarily because he wants to. For this reason I townread him. However, I do think he is tunneling a little bit on Crocodile after his role claim.
SirAnon: I see the same thing as Supa here. He continues to go along with theme analysis despite repeated complaints against it. For this reason I townread him.
MisterChris: He agrees with the theme analysis and helps Oromagi with it. However, unlike Oromagi, he is more open. In fact, he was the one who asked Oromagi to answer his own question, so I give him props for that. For this reason I townread him.
Speedrace: In post #64, he claims Confederate, breaking the idea of a typical "Good guys vs. Bad Guys" split. He was the first to claim Confederate at the start, and honestly, it would be way too risky if he were scum. For this reason, I townread him.
Greyparrot: As I said earlier, I have no problem with theme analysis DP1. In fact, I am going to use it here. Longstreet was a huge part of a blunder in Pickett's Charge, but he still was one of the war's most gifted commanders, or at least, Wikipedia says experts say so. If anything he was wrongfully hated, as Lee ordered the charge. So his role as hated makes sense. For this reason I townread him.
Crocodile: I can't see why John Magruder would be a vouyeur, but scum doesn't fake claim power roles. For this reason I townread him.
BearMan: He hasn't really done anything except saying claiming DP1 is stupid. He has beeen lurking all game. For this reason, I scumread him.
That1User: What strikes me about him is that he goes a little TOO far with the theme analysis. He out TNBinc'scharacter and asked Greyparrot if he was McClellan (post #109). To me, he isn't just doing theme analysis like to others including myself. He is pushing way harder thananyone else for precise information. For this reason, I scumread him.
TNBinc: Honestly not on my radar. I think it's pretty clear he is just noob town.
Lunatic: Contributing and convincing Supa to vote for Crocodile,butbacking off after he claims. He is at least being consistent in what he does, and he generally has been and integral part of moving the conversation all game. I see no signs of scum. For this reason, I townread him.