note that the 2 going after drafterman are both uncc'd likely-to-be-town characters; Sally more so than Jane.
Selective application. Nolan is an uncc'd likely to be town character. Jane would be more likely town than Sally. Jane is a character that has far less skeletons in her closet and far less complicity in how fucked up the Rayburn family is. Sally is directly complicit, but ultimately acknowledged and tried to make amends for her part in it.
in the people going after hammer, one is an unconfirmed innocent child and the other is a not at all outed individual who has beeen shady and opportunistic all game from bwing me to bwing hammer.
Except if Dudz is credible because he is uncc'd likely to be town character and therefore town, I automatically am credible as well because not only does the same apply to my character but the previously established as credible dudz, said his PM directly mentions my claimed characrer.
Then pointing out bw'ing as itself shady and opportunistic, ignores that townies bw all the time. Bw'ing is not itself scummy, it's bw'img inconsistently, irrationally and/or without reason. That's what makes it shady and opportunistic.
Pot meet kettle. Lord I would be scum reading him so hard if this wasn't par for the course with rational regardless of affiliation.