What is your favorite argument for the existence of God?

Author: OntologicalSpider


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Oh this is so much fun!!!

Why are you throwing in the Nicene Creed that contradicts the Trinity Doctrine?!  The Creed states with specificity that Jesus is ONLY THE SON of our serial killer Hebrew God Yahweh! "We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father," like the following passage agrees with when Jesus stated: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). Get it?  Obviously Jesus isn't talking to Himself as the Hebrew God Yahweh in the this passage, so therefore the Nicene Creed and the Matthew 27:46 shows Jesus to be only the Son of Yahweh!  
Is that a serious question? LOL! The creed is a statement of the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity. If you do not understand this - then there is NO point in discussing anything. 

This now turns our understanding of Jesus being Yahweh God upside down!  Another passage precluding that Jesus is only the Son of Yahweh: “The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son does also.” (John 5:19) In this passage Jesus declares that he is following a pattern laid down by Yahweh the Father. He is expressing obedience to Yahweh the Father. If Jesus was Yahweh the Father, he wouldn’t be stating this verse in the first place to Himself!
Again, wow! Jesus is not the Father. I have said that on numerous occasions.  This verse confirms what I have been saying.  Yes, it contradicts you - because you wanted Jesus to be the Trinity and the same as the Father. Jesus is not the Father. Thanks for confirming it. 

Yet in another passage showing Jesus is ONLY the Son of our Hebrew God Yahweh: “By myself, I can do nothing: I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who has sent me.” (John 5:30) Jesus says, "by myself", I can do nothing. This blatantly indicates that Jesus is relying upon his own relationship separately with Yahweh where He is not trying to “please himself” but rather is seeking to “please the one who sent Him” which is the separate Father!  Therefore, Jesus is not Yahweh the Father in this passage!!!!
Oh dear, is the truth dawning on you or are you setting me up for the sake of your own agenda? LOL!

Now, as if the above passages aren't damaging enough in showing Jesus is NOT God, then we have this one to add: “The Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28) This is another strong statement by Jesus showing that makes a distinction between Himself and Yahweh God, whereas Jesus is now NOT Yahweh in a Triune Doctrine in this passage, but only the son!
Sorry. Don't go further than the text. They demonstrate that Jesus is not the Father. They don't demonstrate that Jesus is not God. Remember the Triune God is not just the Father, but the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  One God - three persons. The Father is God. But so is the Son.  To make a distinction between the two is legitimate because the bible does - but to jump in logic and say therefore Jesus is not God, not true. 

Again, how can Jesus be God when He states this: “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the Son, but the Father only. “ (Matthew 24:36)  Here Jesus makes a distinction between what he knows and what the Father knows, of which if Jesus was the Father God of the Trinity, he would already know!
Because Jesus was stating this in his capacity as human.  As fully man, he had emptied himself of his divine attributes as it were. He became a man fully so that he was able to represent man as a man and not as God.  Hence his earlier statements relying on the Father.   Each of the miracles we see Jesus do - is not because he is God. But rather that as a man he relied upon the Spirit of God.  When Christians attempt to use any of Jesus' miracles as proof of his divinity, they are incorrect and not understanding the doctrine of Jesus, fully human.  This is why the apostles were able to do miracles as well - not because they were divine - but because God the Holy Spirit worked in them. It is why Jesus said, I of myself can do nothing.  Jesus was fully GOD, no question about that. But his walk on earth was as fully human - and this really is the amazing part of the story. 

There is always someone that ruins the party, and in this case, YOU TRADESECRET ruin our faith in Jesus being Yahweh God incarnate by bringing forth the Nicene Creed!  The hard part now is the fact that if you still want to believe Jesus is our God, then these passages herein CONTRADICT this alleged fact, therefore, how can we base our Christian faith upon CONTRADICTIONS?! Remember this adage? Where there are contradictions, there're falsehoods, where there're falsehoods, there are LIES!
I am sorry your party has been ruined - but I am pleased that you will stop with the lies about Jesus being Trinity. Jesus is God and nothing you have quoted has changed that and none of your comments argued the point - so nothing has changed from my perspective. From your perspective - hopefully you can move on from saying Jesus is a murderous psychopath and are able to distinguish between the Father and the Son and will inform your discussions from now on. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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When you can explain to me why it is important for you to know what division of Christianity, perhaps I might answer. Presently, however for your attention - I am a Christian and I follow the traditional position of the church. 

Yes, and I will also disclose that I do not belong to a cult as such like the JWs or the LDS.  But surely that is obvious since they are not Christian denominations nor do they follow the traditional position of the church. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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YOUR MORE THAN BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE: "As for the Old Covenant and covenant people Jesus came to in the 1st-century, those people no longer live in covenant relationship, and the Old Covenant is obsolete, no longer applicable to the Christian."
Again, you attack me, not what I have written. That shows the weakness of your argument. It reminds me of an immature bully in a playground. Show how what I have said is not true by proving what I have said is not biblical. Until you do that I will no longer respond after this post.  

Listen up you minion of Satan,
Again, another ad home attack. 

Ad hominem:
  • (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining
  • 1.in a way that is directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining
  • 2.in a way that relates to or is associated with a particular person

1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

where did I mention the Old Testament in my post #242 where Jesus CONDONES the murdering of ANYONE that curses their parents, whether the foundation of Jesus stating this biblical axiom is in Matthew 15: 1-4 which is the New Testament, or the Old Testament that He refers too does not matter!  Like your equally Bible dumbfounded Tradesecret, are you now calling Jesus a LIAR in Matthew 15:1-4?!
Jesus continually referenced the OT. Matthew makes this point obvious when he frequently wrote:

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”

Jesus said to him, “On the other hand, it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”

And He *said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a robbers’ den.”

The Son of Man is to go, just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.”

Then Jesus *said to them, “You will all fall away because of Me this night, for it is written, ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered.’

for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.

Jesus *said to them, “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone which the builders rejected, This became the chief corner stone; This came about from the Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes’?

But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?”

But all this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures of the prophets.” Then all the disciples left Him and fled.

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?”

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,

Witness of the Scripture ] You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;

Just like these first century Jews you continually prove that you do not know the Scriptures or who it is that the Scriptures reference and constantly point to.

John 1:11-12 (NASB)
11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,

His "own" were the Jews, the people spoken of by the prophets. That is the primary audience of address and He teachings constantly refer to the OT Scriptures. That is all they had during Jesus earthly ministry. His teachings were an expansion of those words. He spoke of one having authority in all matters of God, not like the Scribes and Pharisees who taught on the traditions of men, like you do. 

Your complete Bible ignorance has no bounds!  
Again, more ad homs.

What part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount don't you understand relative to the Old Testament writings are to be followed now and forever as stated by none other than, Jesus???!

Jesus H. Christ, it is to bad that DEBATEART can't give an impromptu live test relative to the Bible before one can become a member, which would quickly eliminate the PGA2.0's,  and most importantly, the equally dumbfounded of the Bible, the Tradesecrets from being able to join! LOL

Again, you poke fun of and mock the Lord Jesus Christ with such cavalier and smug insults to His holy name, as underlined. Then you supply more ad homs without any biblical support. 

 Address my biblical proofs, not me personally or I will ignore all your comments again. I have shown that Jesus taught from the Scriptures, and the Scriptures were the OT.  

Matthew 15:4 & Mark 7:10 –> Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, 

“He who strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.

“He who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.

‘If there is anyone who curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother, his bloodguiltiness is upon him.

‘Cursed is he who dishonors his father or mother.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

Stephen's avatar
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. You forgot that Christians teach not only that Jesus is God, but also man.

Have I?  So simply explain to me, is Timothy speaking here of Jesus the man or Jesus as god?

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus1 Timothy 2:5

And tell me how Timothy et al knew which was the "mediator" and which was the god?
Tradesecret's avatar
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Have I?  So simply explain to me, is Timothy speaking here of Jesus the man or Jesus as god? For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus1 Timothy 2:5   And tell me how Timothy et al knew which was the "mediator" and which was the god?
Well thanks for getting back to me.  And yes, I think you did forget that Christians teach that Jesus is man as well as God, which explains why you used this verse. In this verse Paul, not Timothy (Paul wrote to Timothy) is specifically talking about the "man Christ Jesus" as the mediator between God and Man.  Here, he is speaking  of Jesus as man - the mediator.  He is also talking about God but he is not referring to Jesus, specifically.  I would take it, as Christians do, that God here refers to the Trinity. The breach caused by sin was between the Godhead - the Trinity and humanity. It was not specifically between Jesus and humanity.  Your last question is intriguing.  How could Timothy or Paul, know which was the mediator and which was God? Only the Son became human. The Father did not and the Spirit did not.  Neither the Father or the Spirit could be the mediator. It was only because the Son was prepared to become human - that this gave him the right to be able to represent humanity. Paul as he was writing this is totally aware of the twin nature of Jesus and so was Timothy.  I suggest it is simple deduction.  The Trinity is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is God. He is the Lord of the universe. There is only ONE GOD. 

Yet, Jesus is the Son, who became a servant, even a human, to be both fully GOD and fully MAN.  As God he could not be a mediator because he could not properly represent humanity. As Man he can do this. The question I think is self-explanatory. 

Stephen's avatar
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 Christians teach that Jesus is man as well as God, which explains why you used this verse. In this verse Paul, not Timothy Paul wrote to Timothy) is specifically talking about the "man Christ Jesus" 

Yes I thought you would come up with some sort of convoluted bullshit.

So tell me how was Jesus the man able to for instance "walk on water".  Does the man flip between being a god and a human at will or just when it suits you.

And Christians may well teach that the very human Jesus was a "ALSO" a god but never ever provide the evidence to support that stupid and ridiculous claim. Jesus was a very human Jew, that taught and preached to Jews not Christians.  He was king of the JEWS not king of the Christians. There were no Christians at the time of Jesus King of  the Jews.  Get over it princess.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Yes I thought you would come up with some sort of convoluted bullshit.
Of course you would think that. You despise anyone who thinks differently to you. 

So tell me how was Jesus the man able to for instance "walk on water".  Does the man flip between being a god and a human at will or just when it suits you.
Well Stephen, I don't suppose you read my response to the Brother, but I don't actually think that any of the miracle stories that Jesus does is evidence of his deity. That is a common position - unfortunately it is incorrect.  Jesus' walk on the water had nothing to do with his divinity but everything to do with humanity. Just like his raising people from the dead or healing the sick is not a sign of divinity. Peter and the other disciples also did these things. Yet not because they were divine - because they were not. Yet the same power which worked in them also worked in Jesus. That is the point. If on the other hand you say they are supposed to point to his divinity, then that contradicts your position that the gospels attempt to prove he was divine.   

For the record he could flip between the two at will if he wanted too. That is the prerogative of divinity.  Yet that is not what he does.  And I never said that he does. I have said - that Jesus is God.  I take the view that he is the second member of the Triune God.  Yet he laid aside his rights as God and humbled himself to become a servant, even a man. He did not rely upon his divine power or presence or authority whilst he was on earth in the form of a man.  Hence he does not flip from one to the next.  

And Christians may well teach that the very human Jesus was a "ALSO" a god but never ever provide the evidence to support that stupid and ridiculous claim. Jesus was a very human Jew, that taught and preached to Jews not Christians.  He was king of the JEWS not king of the Christians. There were no Christians at the time of Jesus King of  the Jews.  Get over it princess.
You talk so much nonsense.  Paul gave much evidence for it.  The Gospels provided evidence for it. Jesus' own words evidenced it. From the prophecies, from his supernatural conception, to his ascension his life evidenced it every step of the way. He did not attempt to prove his divinity. He did not rely upon his divinity. He did not stand on the rights of his as divine. He even commented at one stage to Peter while he was being arrested that he could if he so desired call thousands of angels to his defense if he wanted to. No ordinary man could do that. 

Jesus still lives. He rose from the dead. He reigns from his throne right now.  He is king over the world - and Christians are in this world. Jesus  was a very human Jew. Totally agree - and confirm it.  God became a man - this is the beauty of the gospel.  

Stephen's avatar
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Yes I thought you would come up with some sort of convoluted bullshit.
Of course you would think that. You despise anyone who thinks differently to you. 

No . I simply disagree with you. I don't "despise" you, you silly little small minded man. It is jut that you seem to choose when Jesus is a god and when Jesus isn't a god but simply a very human man. . You are full of it tradesecret. 

Paul gave much evidence for it

Paul knew no more about Jesus the man or god than you or I do., you fool. Paul, by his own admission was a nineteen faced bastard who would say anything to make himself feel important and authoritative. . A bit like yourself. I have always thought that you fancy yourself as a (st) Paul. 

Pauldoesn’t even mention the "miraculous" ascending into heaven event either, no empty tombs, no disappearance from the grave of the physical body,no physical resurrection, no physical appearances of a Christ whowould eat, or that the Jesus was elevated physically into heavenafter a given time. To Paul the body of Jesus who died wasdegradable, weak, and physical. IE Jesus was a man. Except to those who , like you want to believe those that made him a god.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Yes I thought you would come up with some sort of convoluted bullshit.
Of course you would think that. You despise anyone who thinks differently to you. 

No . I simply disagree with you. I don't "despise" you, you silly little small minded man. It is jut that you seem to choose when Jesus is a god and when Jesus isn't a god but simply a very human man. . You are full of it tradesecret. 
Please read my words. I said Jesus while he was here on earth was both FULLY GOD and FULLY MAN.  I am not picking or choosing any specifics about it at all. Jesus is eternally the Second Person of the Trinity. That means he is Fully God always. Yet he chose - to not rely upon any of his divine powers or rights while he was MAN on earth. None at all. 

I don't see how that can be simpler.  God, the SON, not the Trinity,  became MAN - choosing to leave behind all rights and privileges of divinity - yet not divesting himself of divinity - God can't stop being God. Yet God can choose to not rely upon his rights as God. So from the time he was conceived until the time he ascended - not once did he rely upon his rights as God.  As a man he was a man. He lived, he grew, he mourned, he ate, he drank, and he died. Christ did not rise from the dead to prove he was God - he rose to demonstrate that he was sinless, providing justification for us that when we trust in the messiah - as our human representative, that the curse which was invoked because of our first human representative has been reversed.  God never stopped being God. Jesus was fully man. 

Paul gave much evidence for it

Paul knew no more about Jesus the man or god than you or I do., you fool. Paul, by his own admission was a nineteen faced bastard who would say anything to make himself feel important and authoritative. . A bit like yourself. I have always thought that you fancy yourself as a (st) Paul. 

Pauldoesn’t even mention the "miraculous" ascending into heaven event either, no empty tombs, no disappearance from the grave of the physical body,no physical resurrection, no physical appearances of a Christ whowould eat, or that the Jesus was elevated physically into heavenafter a given time. To Paul the body of Jesus who died wasdegradable, weak, and physical. IE Jesus was a man. Except to those who , like you want to believe those that made him a god.
Well, I will choose to listen to Paul rather than you. Paul admitted that he was the chief of sinners - primarily because he was killing Christians, hence rebelling against the desires and wishes of God. He also indicated that he was a Hebrew of Hebrews - pharisee of the pharisees - yet none of this mattered because the best of humanity - was as filthy rags before God.  Paul witnessed the resurrected Christ. This is what changed his worldview. He did believe in the resurrected Christ - and this really is not in dispute.  Paul in no place talks about Christ in a degradable place - he talks of our bodies - as weak vessels.  Paul believed with all of his heart that Jesus Christ was and is GOD. 

This is the Christian tradition which has been practiced for over 2000 years. Again I note you omit anyone who agrees with you. And again you cite no sources. You stand alone - I stand with the faithful in the church over thousands of years.  I know whom I would rather trust. 
Stephen's avatar
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Well, I will choose to listen to Paul rather than you.

Then read Paul ffs!  Your  a fan of injecting what the bible doesn't mention into your arguments so try this:   Paul doesn’t even mention the "miraculous" ascending into heaven event , no empty tombs, no disappearance from the grave of the physical body, no physical resurrection, no physical appearances of a Christ who would eat, or that  Jesus was elevated physically into heaven after a given time. To Paul the body of Jesus who died was degradable, weak, and physical. IE Jesus was a man. Except to those who , like you want to believe those that made him a god.

 And try reading  what Mark doesn't say too. 

“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing (Mark 16:6-8)

Mark gives no accounts of anyone seeing Jesus . He has no account of the virgin birth of Jesus–or for that matter, any birth of Jesus at all. In fact, Joseph, husband of Mary, is never named in Mark’s Gospel at all–and Jesus is called a “son of Mary,” 

This is not to mention the fact that Marks accounts were added to or should that be the church forged a new ending to Marks gospel.

And this is the stuff that you base your faith on?  Don't make me laugh.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Then read Paul ffs!  Your  a fan of injecting what the bible doesn't mention into your arguments so try this:   Paul doesn’t even mention the "miraculous" ascending into heaven event , no empty tombs, no disappearance from the grave of the physical body, no physical resurrection, no physical appearances of a Christ who would eat, or that  Jesus was elevated physically into heaven after a given time. To Paul the body of Jesus who died was degradable, weak, and physical. IE Jesus was a man. Except to those who , like you want to believe those that made him a god.
No one says that Paul was one of the original apostles.  He was not there when Jesus ascended into heaven.  He was not there when Jesus left the tomb. He was not there when Jesus was eating with the disciples.  Paul never attempts to be an eyewitness of those events. Yet he did see Jesus (1 Cor 9:1)  Ephesians 1:20-22 Paul expressly says Jesus was raised from the dead and was seated in the heavenly places. 1 Cor 15:1-11 Paul expresses Jesus was raised physically and provides eye-witnesses for people at that time to go and check the facts.  This is hardly something he would do it they were not around. 

 And try reading  what Mark doesn't say too. 
“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.” And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing (Mark 16:6-8)

Mark is one gospel out of four. It is a Gospel written with a purpose which was different to the other gospels - using much of the same material. Whether he used their material or whether he added new material or whether he omitted what they wrote - does not change anything about the truth of either his or the other gospels.  Each gospel has a different purpose. Mark's version ends suddenly and  I agree it ends at verse 8. Others of course could refer to the longer ending which incidentally does refer to those other events as well. Yet, I take the view that the longer version is not necessary because it was not in accord with the purpose of the book and was probably added by some well meaning Christians because they thought if Mark did not mention those things that he was not finishing the book properly. I take the view that the book of Mark from beginning to end was rushing us through it - and it ended as abruptly as it started. And this actually cements in my mind its truth and veracity. The other gospels unpack what happened after Christ's death. Mark has no need to - for it has accomplished its purpose. What the book of MArk does not say is that JEsus is not GOd. 

Mark gives no accounts of anyone seeing Jesus . He has no account of the virgin birth of Jesus–or for that matter, any birth of Jesus at all. In fact, Joseph, husband of Mary, is never named in Mark’s Gospel at all–and Jesus is called a “son of Mary,” 
Already answered. 

This is not to mention the fact that Marks accounts were added to or should that be the church forged a new ending to Marks gospel.

And this is the stuff that you base your faith on?  Don't make me laugh.

I fully agree that humanity is flawed and that Christians fall within the realm of humanity. Many Christians have attempted to encourage others in their faith by adding stuff they did not need to add. Others like to remove unlovely stuff. Again just because these things have happened and will continue to happen does not mean that the truth is not available for us.  I base my faith in Christ and in the power of God. Now as you read that - don't make the error (as you do in other places) that I am suggesting that the Christ is not God.  For it would be an incorrect assumption by you. 

The NT and the OT reveal the Trinity. Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, became a human. And while he was on earth - he never assumed the rights nor the privileges of God. However upon his ascension - he has now rightly assumed these things and he rules the universe. Paul affirmed this and the NT overwhelmingly affirms this - and as I said above - I would prefer Paul over you any day. 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, The Debate Runaway,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, and now the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows,

I leave on a trip for 9 days to address my Greyhound Bus Depot Ministries, and I come back to this forum, and you are still as dumbfounded of Christianity than when I left!

YOUR CONTINUED RUNAWAY QUOTE: “When you can explain to me why it is important for you to know what division of Christianity, perhaps I might answer. Presently, however for your attention - I am a Christian and I follow the traditional position of the church.”

“Perhaps you might answer?”  Since when it is considered at all to tell others of the division of your faith? Barring that your biography is totally ZERO in content, absolutely ZERO, which only shows that you are ashamed by Christianity, you are obviously to embarrassed to tell the membership in what division of Christianity you follow! LOL!!!  Can you slap Jesus in the face any harder?!  We can only wonder in what Jesus thinks of you being so embarrassed about His faith, that you have to run and hide once again in not telling us the division of the faith that you follow!  I ask you a very simple question, WWJD?

Once again, you are guilty of the following passages!

For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9:26)

For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:38)

Tradesecret, you are NOT a Christian, but a pseudo-christian at best, where I have easily made you the continued Bible fool!



BrotherDThomas's avatar
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YOUR MOST REVEALING THAT ALLOWS YOU TO RUN AWAY FROM YOUR BIBLE IGNORANCE: "Until you do that I will no longer respond after this post. "

A great RUNAWAY quote, where you should let your equally dumbfounded of the Bible Tradesecret use it too!  You have said many times that you were not going to respond to me before, and then when you do once again, then I can only surmise that you needed another Bible Slapping®️ to show your Bible ignorance once again in front of the membership!

Seriously, you DO NOT have the acumen or the knowledge to defend Christianity, of which I have easily shown ad infinitum, understood? Therefore, save yourself any further embarrassment and actually follow your, and my advice, and remain silent to my posts, and to my posts to you. Get it? Huh? Maybe?  

YOUR TOTALLY BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE: "As for the Old Covenant and covenant people Jesus came to in the 1st-century, those people no longer live in covenant relationship, and the Old Covenant is obsolete, no longer applicable to the Christian."

PGA2.0, you have shown EVERYONE on this forum in actually how dumbfounded you are in saying that the TRUE Christian does not have to follow the Old Testament. This alone should get you banned from this forum!  Any pseudo-christian like you that can make themselves the continued biblical fool upon this topic, DOES NOT deserve to be upon any religion forum pertaining to Christianity, period!  

For Jesus' sake, LEAVE THIS FORUM!


PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

YOUR MOST REVEALING THAT ALLOWS YOU TO RUN AWAY FROM YOUR BIBLE IGNORANCE: "Until you do that I will no longer respond after this post. "

A great RUNAWAY quote, where you should let your equally dumbfounded of the Bible Tradesecret use it too!  You have said many times that you were not going to respond to me before, and then when you do once again, then I can only surmise that you needed another Bible Slapping®️ to show your Bible ignorance once again in front of the membership!

Seriously, you DO NOT have the acumen or the knowledge to defend Christianity, of which I have easily shown ad infinitum, understood? Therefore, save yourself any further embarrassment and actually follow your, and my advice, and remain silent to my posts, and to my posts to you. Get it? Huh? Maybe?  

YOUR TOTALLY BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE: "As for the Old Covenant and covenant people Jesus came to in the 1st-century, those people no longer live in covenant relationship, and the Old Covenant is obsolete, no longer applicable to the Christian."

PGA2.0, you have shown EVERYONE on this forum in actually how dumbfounded you are in saying that the TRUE Christian does not have to follow the Old Testament. This alone should get you banned from this forum!  Any pseudo-christian like you that can make themselves the continued biblical fool upon this topic, DOES NOT deserve to be upon any religion forum pertaining to Christianity, period!  

For Jesus' sake, LEAVE THIS FORUM!

You're trolling. My opinion is that you have nothing worthwhile to respond to. If you want to debate I am willing to formally debate you, otherwise I will continue to ignore you. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR EQUAL QUOTE TO THE RUNAWAY TRADESECRET:  "You're trolling. My opinion is that you have nothing worthwhile to respond to. If you want to debate I am willing to formally debate you, otherwise I will continue to ignore you."

Do you and Tradesecret "trade" statements in how to RUN AWAY from biblical axioms?  Do you two have a class in this arena of how to run away from Jesus' true words? Obviously you do, therefore, why not tell us where this class is on the internet? Okay?  

How can me showing the membership that you are one of the most BIBLE IGNORANT pseudo-christians upon this forum be "trolling?"   Jesus is surely laughing and taking notes at your expense in calling Him a LIAR in His Sermon of the Mount that explicitly states that the Old Testament is to be followed to this day, whereas you Satanically says it is not!!!!  BLASPHEME!

Run along "kid," I have bigger fish to fry!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I leave on a trip for 9 days to address my Greyhound Bus Depot Ministries, and I come back to this forum, and you are still as dumbfounded of Christianity than when I left!
Says you.  If it is the case, you must have been relieved. Yet, we all know that the internet is everywhere - even on so called breaks. 

“Perhaps you might answer?”  Since when it is considered at all to tell others of the division of your faith? Barring that your biography is totally ZERO in content, absolutely ZERO, which only shows that you are ashamed by Christianity, you are obviously to embarrassed to tell the membership in what division of Christianity you follow! LOL!!!  Can you slap Jesus in the face any harder?!  We can only wonder in what Jesus thinks of you being so embarrassed about His faith, that you have to run and hide once again in not telling us the division of the faith that you follow!  I ask you a very simple question, WWJD?
I looked at your biography and it is totally zero of any truth. It contains nothing of any value. As I said before anyone who is a real christian can tell what my denomination is just from the things I write.  It is not hard. Quite simple really. Yet for you it is frustrating because you cannot pick it.  Why don't you ask the other real Christians on this site if they know what my denomination is? Show your ignorance. LOL! Jesus knows my religion and my denomination. In fact one of his congregations has called me to be their minister.  Surely if Jesus is worried about me - he could have discussed this with one of the elders.  But lo - Jesus did not do this. Why? Because there is no issue.  LOL!

Tradesecret, you are NOT a Christian, but a pseudo-christian at best, where I have easily made you the continued Bible fool!


LOL! @ you.  Say what you like, I don't care.  If it makes you sleep at night - go for it.  It really is no skin of my nose. It simply confirms my views of Atheists. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

Tradesecret, The Debate Runaway,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, and now the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows,


Do any of you know why TRADESECRET has to RUN AWAY from a debate with me relative to Jesus' TRUE modus operandi? He calls himself a Christian, but he is no more a TRUE Christian than Osama Bin Laden!  Jesus' inspired words state with specificity that TRADESECRET is to defend the faith, but instead, he RUNS AWAY from it! LOL!

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:5) 

"He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." (Titus 1:9) 

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, (1 Peter 3:15)

I can only assume that TRADESECRET cannot debate me because there're too many "chicken feathers" piled to high around his computer screen and keyboard, therefore this is the excuse to RUN AWAY from me because he can't see! Yes, I have seen MANY pseudo-christians like ol' TRADESECRET that what they thought they knew regarding our faith, when challenged, they  were just little sophomoric  little kids that hid under their beds until TRUE Christians like me left the forum. 

TRADESECRET actually has the audacity to say that Jesus is NOT the Trinity in the Old Testament! I know, QUIT LAUGHING! LOL.  At the embarrassment for TRADESECRET again, and again, and again, He does not read his JUDEO-Christian Bible, where Jesus' inspired words state that Jesus, as the brutal serial killer HEBREW God Yahweh that I have had to accept, does not change.  Therefore, when Jesus is the Triune Doctrine in the NewTestament, He was the Triune in the Old Testament as well. 2+2=4. 

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed." (Malachi 3:6)

One of the most embarrassing acts of TRADESECRET is the fact that he is too embarrassed to tell us his division of Christianity? As if his biography page wasn't embarrassing enough with absolutely NO CONTENT WHATSOEVER, have you ever met a pseudo-christian like TRADESECRET that didn't want to tell you his division of the faith?  NO! He keeps proffering that we should know what division of the faith he follows, like we're supposed to be in a "game show" setting, but that is no complete answer.

We can only assume that what ever division of Christianity that TRADESECRET follows must be outright disgusting, and therefore he is obviously ashamed about it, whereas Jesus states that we are NOT to be ashamed of our faith: "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26)

As is shown by TRADESECRETS embarrassing presence within this forum, he is easily made the "whipping post" as a runaway pseudo-chiristian, that from this time forward, any words from this poor example of a Christian are nothing but more excuses to RUN AWAY from Christianity.  Sad indeed. :(




Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Tradesecret, The Debate Runaway,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, and now the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows,

You know the reason I won't debate you formally. Yet I am very happy to debate you in the forums. The reason is you do not have the capacity to debate formally. You proved this by failing to acknowledge you were wrong. 

Do any of you know why TRADESECRET has to RUN AWAY from a debate with me relative to Jesus' TRUE modus operandi? He calls himself a Christian, but he is no more a TRUE Christian than Osama Bin Laden!  Jesus' inspired words state with specificity that TRADESECRET is to defend the faith, but instead, he RUNS AWAY from it! LOL!
I have not run away from you. Choosing not to debate you is dependent upon you owning your mistakes, admitting you were wrong and showing some intellectual honesty. All that is needed for a debate with me is for you to stop being a goose and start doing the right thing. 

I deleted texts that once again taken out of context by you and used by  poorly. 

I can only assume that TRADESECRET cannot debate me because there're too many "chicken feathers" piled to high around his computer screen and keyboard, therefore this is the excuse to RUN AWAY from me because he can't see! Yes, I have seen MANY pseudo-christians like ol' TRADESECRET that what they thought they knew regarding our faith, when challenged, they  were just little sophomoric  little kids that hid under their beds until TRUE Christians like me left the forum. 
Your assumptions are themselves the revealer of a cowardly heart.  Funny, it is me who is still here - while you run of and pretend you have no access to the internet or to a mobile phone.  And the fact that you have the audacity to pretend to be a Christian really is as poor as it gets.  

TRADESECRET actually has the audacity to say that Jesus is NOT the Trinity in the Old Testament! I know, QUIT LAUGHING! LOL.  At the embarrassment for TRADESECRET again, and again, and again, He does not read his JUDEO-Christian Bible, where Jesus' inspired words state that Jesus, as the brutal serial killer HEBREW God Yahweh that I have had to accept, does not change.  Therefore, when Jesus is the Triune Doctrine in the NewTestament, He was the Triune in the Old Testament as well. 2+2=4. 
Jesus is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. He is not the Trinity. And just because you don't understand this - which clearly you don't or otherwise are intentionally being provocative is your problem not mine.  Jesus is not a serial killer. As you will recall from your own failure - you could not find one example in the Gospels where Jesus killed anyone. Not even one.  

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed." (Malachi 3:6)

Jesus is the same - yesterday and today and forever. This does not make him the Trinity. In fact it confirms rather that he is not the Trinity.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Spirit. And the Father is not the Spirit. They are three separate persons. One God - yet three persons. I repeat myself even though I know you choose not to understand. 

One of the most embarrassing acts of TRADESECRET is the fact that he is too embarrassed to tell us his division of Christianity? As if his biography page wasn't embarrassing enough with absolutely NO CONTENT WHATSOEVER, have you ever met a pseudo-christian like TRADESECRET that didn't want to tell you his division of the faith?  NO! He keeps proffering that we should know what division of the faith he follows, like we're supposed to be in a "game show" setting, but that is no complete answer.
Not embarrassed - just not playing your game. You have not revealed what denomination you are. In fact you pretend to be Christian when you are not. Your entire page is a lie and a fabrication. There is no rule that I need to reveal all of this information or I would never have been permitted to remain on this forum.  Christians - that is real ones - would have no trouble knowing what denomination I am. I have pretty much given you most of the clues anyway. The problem for you - is that my views are so similar to almost every other Christian that you cannot actually determine what my particular flavor is. Again confirming that Christians generally do hold to the same views - despite your lies to the contrary.  This is not a game show. This is why I am not playing your game. You are the centre of attention here - all eyes are on you - why? Because we all love a good comedy - even in its tragic reality. 

We can only assume that what ever division of Christianity that TRADESECRET follows must be outright disgusting, and therefore he is obviously ashamed about it, whereas Jesus states that we are NOT to be ashamed of our faith: "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26)
Not telling you directly what my denomination is - has got nothing to do with being ashamed of Jesus. You are nuts. If you asked me directly if I was a " ... " I might tell you. But how is not disclosing to you - a fraud and a charlatan - the same as being ashamed of Jesus?  you just make things up - take things out of context - and demonstrate you are a fool.  

As is shown by TRADESECRETS embarrassing presence within this forum, he is easily made the "whipping post" as a runaway pseudo-chiristian, that from this time forward, any words from this poor example of a Christian are nothing but more excuses to RUN AWAY from Christianity.  Sad indeed. :(
If I am a whipping post for Jesus, then bring out the whips.  I would be gladly persecuted for him.  I fear that there is nothing in your life - except maybe yourself that you would risk anything for. You certainly do not value truth or honesty or integrity. Is it any wonder that most find you boorish. 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, and now the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark,

It is unbelievable in how many child-like LAME EXCUSES you can come with in having to RUN AWAY from debating me, and RUNNING AWAY from my other posts to you that are still SILENT within other threads at this time. LOL!

You could have saved so much time with your dissertation of attorney gobbledygook, mish-mash, and psychobabble by just stating the obvious, and that is, YOU ARE TOO CHICKEN AND SCARED TO DEBATE ME because you know I will own you outright in front of the membership like I easily do in the forum!   LOL!

In your blatant RUNNING AWAY from the Brother D, you continue to slap Jesus in the face by not defending the faith! Just who in the Hell do you think you are?

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:5) 

"He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." (Titus 1:9) 

TRADESECRET, YOU ARE GUILTY OF THE FOLLOWING INSPIRED BY JESUS WORDS: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.” (1 Thessalonians 3:6). The teachings that you are guilty of is simply not defending the faith as the passages above so state that you are to do!

You remain what is shown in this link at your continued embarrassing expense at this forum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7ni7zL8qU
Don't forget to clean up the "Chicken Feathers" around your computer so you can still see the screen, okay? LOL!!!



Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
It is unbelievable in how many child-like LAME EXCUSES you can come with in having to RUN AWAY from debating me, and RUNNING AWAY from my other posts to you that are still SILENT within other threads at this time. LOL!
Come on BDT - name one child like lame excuse.  Oh look I am here again. But don't let the FACTS get in the way of your lies.  

You could have saved so much time with your dissertation of attorney gobbledygook, mish-mash, and psychobabble by just stating the obvious, and that is, YOU ARE TOO CHICKEN AND SCARED TO DEBATE ME because you know I will own you outright in front of the membership like I easily do in the forum!   LOL!
As I said above - when you show some intellectual honesty, then I am happy to debate. It might be a while coming though. But we can pray. 

In your blatant RUNNING AWAY from the Brother D, you continue to slap Jesus in the face by not defending the faith! Just who in the Hell do you think you are?
Hmm - I am TradeSecret. I am the one who has demonstrated many times that you are a liar and a fake and had bad breath - my children would call it "Arse breathe" but I disagreed with them - I said that is his own sweet perfume.  
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


MY QUOTE TO YOU IN MY CONTINUOUS HEADING: "Tradesecret, The Debate Runaway,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, and now the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows,


GREAT! If they are lies, then tell us why?  The ONLY way you can do this is to DEBATE ME without any childish excuses, AND show explicitly where you have posed that Jesus is the Trinity in the Old Testament, AND, tell us the division of Christianity that you follow, GET IT?   In the meantime without doing said acts, MY OPENING HEADER ARE NOT LIES, DO YOU UNDERSTAND MR. ATTORNEY? HUH?  LOL

Yep, once again your cowardly MO is perfectly displayed within this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7ni7zL8qU



Tradesecret's avatar
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GREAT! If they are lies, then tell us why
Brother DT 

I am not the one with the burden of proof.  They were your lies. Your assertions - not proved. Simply asserted. Making a statement - then suggesting that random verses taken out of context have anything to do with what you are attaching to me - is nonsense. It is not an argument - nor proof of anything. 

Perhaps if you were to go back and explain what your assertions are - then try and provide a reason for why you think I fit in with your assertion and then engage with my own denials of the same, then we might be able to find some common ground. 

And honestly, you are boring. There is no originality in your statements. I actually cannot find a satisfactory reason to debate you.  You are not being honest in your facade. You are not being honest in your assertions. You are not being honest in your responses. You are not being honest in your desire to have a serious debate. And for my part - I don't particularly care what you say about me. I have nothing to prove to you.  

I like engaging in good and proper debates where the parties accept the intellectual honesty of the other party. I really just don't get that vibe from you. Even from the get go - you are an atheist who is bitter and twisted against God for whatever reason, and you come onto this site - to make a mockery out of Christianity and the God of the Bible, even taking on the pretense that you are the only real Christian.  You distort and mangle the bible. You haven't got the foggiest notion of real Christianity. You, i concede have a working knowledge of the bible, yet from a completely distorted position which only has the power to preach to the already converted (Atheists) you refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong, and then you continue you demented and distorted charade into wanting to debate others. Honestly, why would anyone waste their time? 

And to top this off: there are other atheists on this site who are embarrassed by you. Those who have asked you to stop engaging or responding with them. 

Stop with the bitterness and the twisted distortions - reveal who you really are - so everyone knows exactly who the debate is between - perhaps then I might consider a debate. But whilst you continue your ridiculous position that you are a True Christian, when everyone knows you are  a fraud - well I don't have anything to add - to your already ridiculous position

In other words, Brother DT, no one cares what words you say about me - because they all know you are a fake hiding behind a lie. I win because you start of losing. So why would I want to add to your misery? I would rather you repent of your sins - turn to Jesus and actually begin to be happy. Rather than living in the miserable existence you happen to live in now. 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, The Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO,  Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, and now the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark,

In addressing another one of your “make believe” posts #292:

Okay, I get it now!  You are still reeling and totally embarrassed from me making you the #1 Bible and Zoology fool AGAIN in the link below that you have yet to address: 

Therefore, you have to lash out in vain once again to “try” and hide this fact by taking the insidious position of; “look over here, and not at post #35 in the “In prayer with Jesus last night, He said Atheists are going to heaven! WTF?!” threadPriceless RUNAWAY tactics once again!  What's new, NOTHING!  LOL

I am truly sorry in you having to act in this RUNAWAY manner all the time, really, I am! But, as in this specific case, it comes with your biblical and zoology total ignorance as I have shown ad infinitum within your SNL comedy skits relating to the Noahs Ark thread where I easily Bible Slap you Silly®️.  I do have to admit, you do provide some of the greatest laughter ever seen on DEBATEART!  You should be proud, whereas, Satan certainly is in your behalf as you Satanically REWRITE the scriptures in said threads!

Tradesecret, listen, in your blatant cowardliness,  you have failed to address the following posts of mine within in the last 5-6 days, where you have posted elsewhere within this time period.  I know, you are SCARED to even try subsequent to your embarrassing beat down in my “Atheists are going to heaven” thread with my post #35.  Completely understood, okay? BUT,  at least try and save further embarrassment to address the following posts that you CONTINUE TO RUN AWAY from, okay?

1.  You still need to address the other half of this runaway post, SCARED?!

2.  You haven’t addressed why you continue to slap Jesus in the face by not defending the faith to particular posts of mine that show you should! SCARED?!

3.  You are still RUNNING AWAY from this post showing you Jesus did sin, where your Bible ignorance says he didn’t, SCARED?

4.  Because of this post saving your sorry biblical ignorant ass, you have yet to thank me! SCARED?

5.  We could make millions off of your complete Bible ignorance and subsequent comedy of same! Therefore, address this post of when you can go on the road! SCARED?

6.  You have cowardly RUN AWAY from this post to you THREE TIMES, I REPEAT, THREE TIMES in your same thread, where you were wrong once again in your perceived knowledge of Jesus not interfering with the suffering of His creation, where in biblical FACT, Jesus did interfere.  SCARED?

7. AGAIN, it was blatantly shown in how utterly Bible and Zoology ignorant you truly are with no response to it, other than to RUNAWAY from it! SCARED?

8.  YOU have sheepishly RUN AWAY from this revealing post in showing exactly who you are in this forum, bar none!  SCARED?

Seemingly in your behalf, until proven otherwise with responses to the above links, you don't realize that the membership is watching you continually RUNNING AWAY from my godly biblical Jesus inspired posts!  Therefore, you are in complete denial of your outright Bible stupidity and ignorance!   One again, and what is truly correct, is that your TRUE modus operandi upon this forum is still represented within this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7ni7zL8qU

I will leave you alone so you can catch up with actually addressing all of the links above that you are still RUNNING WAY from in total embarrassment, okay? You can thank me later. Remember, Jesus is watching you (Hebrews 4:13) AND the membership is watching as well to see what you are going to do this time!  BEGIN:

Tradesecret in a trial setting: "Your honor, uh, I really can't address the prosecutor's material because if I did, it would make me the fool, therefore, can I just RUNAWAY from it instead in a number of times ? Okay, ....... please your honor?"



12 days later

secularmerlin's avatar
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1. All things that are perceived must exist (given that the nonexistent can't be perceived.)
2. God is perceived (believed in by his adherents.)
3. Therefore God exists.
Look at you smuggling existence in with perceiving and smuggling perceiving in with believing. Your such a good smuggler! Congratulations! Of course I think if we examine your definition of the three terms as used in this context we might not come away with as much as your argument promises.

13 days later

Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
Look at you smuggling existence in with perceiving and smuggling perceiving in with believing. Your such a good smuggler!
Is there a contradiction (or possibly a counterargument) in your claim that I'm a "smuggler"?

Your adulation is neither solicited nor necessary.

Of course I think if we examine your definition of the three terms as used in this context we might not come away with as much as your argument promises.
Then examine away. There's no need for "if's." Demonstrate that the argument is in dereliction of its promises.
secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
It is your argument and they are your words. Please give your preferred definition of believe percieve and exist as used in this context. 
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
It is your argument and they are your words.
Now that you've reached that understanding, how am I "smuggling" if it is "my argument" and "my words"?

Please give your preferred definition of believe percieve and exist as used in this context. 
1. Exist: to have actual being whether material or spiritual.
2. Perceive: to be aware, understand, identify and/or observe.
3. Believe: to accept as true.

And I noticed your continued use of the proviso, "as used in this context." Since as you mentioned above, it's "my argument" and "my words," the context is informed by premises and conclusion. Nonetheless, you are free to challenge.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Some might argue that spirituality is a state of mind rather than actual existence.
secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
What does it mean to exist spiritually? What even is spirit? Also the whole point is that we are examining your argument to see if I was correct or incorrect in my assessment of it so don't get to hung up on my assessment before we have thusly examined said argument. 
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
What does it mean to exist spiritually?
There's no need to modify the term exist with the adverb, "spiritually," especially since the description I've provided already includes for it. And by applying simple logic, it's rather simple to discern the meaning you seek. If to exist is as I described, i.e. to have actual being whether material or spiritual, then "spiritually" would denote that which is wholly or partly not material.

What even is spirit?

Also the whole point is that we are examining your argument to see if I was correct or incorrect in my assessment of it so don't get to hung up on my assessment before we have thusly examined said argument. 
No, the whole point is that you attempted to mock my argument by accusing me of using semantic gerrymandering (in spite of the fact that all arguments are semantic) with the use of inept metaphors. And I am by no means obliged to help you substantiate your contention. You are the only one obligated to substantiate your contention. If you believe that my argument meets the description of your assessment, then by all means, demonstrate this. If you're waiting for me to argue my way into disproving my own argument, then sit down, grab some food and drinks, because you're in it for the long haul. The logic is solid. So examine at your leisure.