Lunatic: Very Lean Town- Hasn't had like any scum slips, has been pretty active, and has been making some very pro town decisions, dunno what that oro is kenny thing was though.
PressF: Null: Hasn't been that active, but played pretty pro-town and has had big boi brain plays
Drafterman: Lean town- Pushing singularity coming clean thing a lot and that was some weird 1v1 thing with bullish in dp1.
SpeedRace: Lean town: Has been pretty active and pro town but is pushing singularity coming clean thing a lot, like drafter. Pushing singularity doesn't necessarily mean scum though so...
Irontoaster: Lean Scum- Hasn't been active at all
Bullish: Lean Town- No scumslips and really active
iLikePie5: Lean Scum- Like iron, really inactive
Oromagi: Lean Town- Has been pretty active and no scumslips
Greyparrot: Lean Town- While cartman seems like a scummy character, the correlation doesn't seem to be that huge between character and town/scum affiliation, he's been fairly active with no scum slips
Singularity: Null- Singularity's out of nowhere joat claim was weird but I think it was from a misunderstanding of the popcorn claim thing, he's not a new player and him not telling us who he is is a bit sus, but people are entitled to their privacy. He has been fairly active though, so nice.