Snerp is up before the group is. Softly playing his lute, a wistful and slow tune, while sitting in front of the bodies of the small child and Ismarck and Ireenas father and singing,
🎶Oh. death, someone would pray
Couldn’t you call some other day
God's children prayed. the preacher's preached
The time of mercy is out of your reach
I'll fix your feet so you can't walk
I'll lock your jaws so you can't talk, Close your eyes so you can 't see
This very hour come go with me
Death, I come to take the soul
Leave the body and leave it cold, To drop the flesh oft of the frame
The earth and worms both have a claim
Oh. death, oh, death, can 't you spare me over till another year?
Oh, death, oh, death, please spare me over till another year🎶