omg my fucking ribs hurt, that's fucking hilarious!!! High five man. I couldn't have done it better myself.
You know, just because it is news to you that this is always what the church has understood God to be doesn't mean that it is the arbitrary thing you are making it.
Needless to say, I feel pretty secure over here havong the dictionary on my side.
That is why they can only play semantic games and mock those who point out that none of their arguments stand when the light of truth is shed on them.
They condemn me and my people.
Considering atheistic governments have martyred over 20 million Orthodox Christians in the lasy [sic] century, I don't think that is weird.
First time you ever acknowledged the definition.
Oh I accept the definition. The definition simply does nothing to prove your claims.
Without a doubt, God is the supreme, final, and fundamental power in all reality.
A lightface colon following a definition and immediately preceding two or more subsenses indicates that the subsenses are subsumed by the preceding definitionThe word as may or may not follow the lightface colon. Its presence indicates that the following subsenses are typical or significant examples. Its absence indicates that the subsenses which follow are exhaustive.
Considering atheistic governments have martyred over 20 million Orthodox Christians in the lasy [sic] century, I don't think that is weird.You're right Mopac, the fact that I don't believe your God exists means I want you to be genocided and would totally never devote four years of my life to an organization sworn to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic peoples right to worship however they please.Flawless logic Mopac, truly nothing gets past you. Completely accurate and not offensive to me at all. *rolls eyes*
Humans are incapable of proving absolute truth, but are also incapable of disproving absolute truth. So, the best answer to that question is: I hold no belief of it either way.So you don't believe in absolute truth?
Are you a nihilist?
You're right Mopac, the fact that I don't believe your God exists means I want you to be genocided and would totally never devote four years of my life to an organization sworn to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic peoples right to worship however they please.Flawless logic Mopac, truly nothing gets past you. Completely accurate and not offensive to me at all. *rolls eyes*I take it you were being ironic.
We happily castigate Christians for the mythical genocides in the OT - we can't deny that very real genocides were carried out explicitly and openly in the name of atheism within living memory.
Of course you and I don't support killing theists - but then we have to say that, don't we?
FANATICAL ? hahahah..........FOOL...falling to the floor and begging some invisible GOD hoax.. for SALVATION ?