Isn't it possible to do those things simply because they are good things to do?
But why are they good things to do? And that is where the moral nihilist, such as yourself, is going to reveal their blindness. Even though it is written on your heart, as well as God, to you what can it be but an aesthetic decision? What is good now for you may not be as appealing later.
You want to know something that is really hard? Helping the homeless. A lot of people go in to it with all these good heroic feelings, but most of them end up bitter and decide to give up on that. Yes, even so called Christians. Why is it good to help the homeless? Well, many who they end up very disillusioned. It is not what they thought it would be.
And I use this as an example because yes, it is a good thing. Why is it a good thing? Well, if you have wrong ideas, you might even believe the opposite after working with the homeless for an extended period of time!
If people don't do good works 'orphans and widows' will starve, while we wait for a god to do anything.
Of course, Christianity is not an inactive existing only in the mind type of faith.
It is written by the prophet Ezekiel..
"Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."
And it can be discerned from reading the Old Testament prophets that a people that does strengthen the hand of poor and take care of the helpless quickens its destruction.
Atheism has nothing to offer. Nothing to give the oppressed and poor. It won't help them. It is fundamentally wicked, as is materialism in general. Take a homeless man enslaved by their sin and give them a million dollars. Don't be surprised if they blow it all on scratch offs and liquor. Material things will not solve these problems. Atheism has nothing to offer but death.
And it is dumb, and even you know it is dumb because you say ourself that you believe The Ultimate Reality exists. That means you already believe in God.